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Topic: Analysis on actionable claim


 Introduction
 Significance
 Conditions
 Types of debts
 Transfer of actionable claim
 Essentials
 Examples of actionable claim
 Definition of assignment
 Mode of assignment
 Liability of transferee of actionable claim
 Rights under policy of insurance against fire
 In capacity connected with courts
 Conclusion
 Foot notes


This term actionable claim is that every kind of claim in a movable

property which would enforceable by courts for ex: under this
meaning all debts whether secured or unsecured were actionable
claims. Section 3 of T.P act 1882. Like this explaining about all these
headlines mentioned above planning to proceed with our blog.




 Introduction
 Preamble
 Purport of Labour Health
 Appropriations of Labour Health
 Provision Relating to Health under Factories Act,1948
 Preface of Labour Safety
 Provision of Labour Safety under Factories Act,1948
 Meaning of Labour Welfare
 Assessments of Labour Wealfare & Its Provision under
Factories Act,1948
 Case Laws
 Conclusion
 Foot Notes

This provision of Factories Act, 1948 protect the workers from unduly
long hours of manual and physical work. It provides rules for healthy, safety
and sanitary working conditions. The main object of this act is to protect the
workers who are employed in factories against industrial and occupational risks.
Therefore, it provides certain minimum requirement for health, safety and
welfare of workers. Sections 11 to 50 of the Factories Act, 1948 deals with the
health, safety and welfare of workers and above mentioned are the main topic
that we are going to explain in this blog with case laws and planning to proceed
with our blog post.
Muslim law blog:

Analysis of concept of will under muslim law

In Muslim law, the testamentary document called the will is
referred to as Wasiyat .Will or

Wasiyat is a document made by the legator in favour of legatee which

becomes effective after the

death of the legator. Under Muslim law no person is entitled to make

will of the whole property.

Limitations are imposed in making will.The reason being to pay the

respect to the word of

prophet in order to ensure the shares of the legal heirs. In case of will
of absolute property

nothing will remain for all sharers prescribed under Muslim Law.
Wills are declared lawful in the

Quran, though the Quran itself does not provide for the testamentary
restriction of one-third.

The permissibility of bequests up to one-third is traced to a Hadis of

the Propeht which ahs been

stated by Sa’d Ibn Abi Waqqas and reported by Bukhari.


1. Introduction
2. Concept of will
3. Nature of will
4. Object and significance
5. Essentials of a valid will
6. Testator and his competence.
7. Legatee and his competence
8. Formalities of will
9. Subject matter to will
10. Registration and revocation of will.
11. Conclusion
Company law blog:

Comparison between minority & majority shareholders rights


 Introduction
 Nature & kinds
 Share capital & kinds
 Majority & minority Share holder
 Share holder agreement
 Protection of minority & minority share holder
 Rights of share holders
 Duties & liabilities of share holders
 Difference between majority & minority share holders
 Conclusion
 Foot notes


The words ‘capital’ and ‘share capital’ are synonymous. Although requirement
of share capital is not compulsory for the purposes of incorporation but
companies prefer to get incorporated with share capital because of their
objectives of running business requiring capital. S. 13(4)(a) of the Companies
Act, 1956 (CA, 1956) provided that the last clause i.e the capital clause of the
memorandum of association must state the amount of nominal capital of the
company and the number and value of shares into which it is divided. S. 4 (e) of
the Companies Act, 2013 (CA, 2013) provides that in case of a company having
a share capital, the amount of share capital with which the company is being
registered should be stated. Division of the share capital into shares of a fixed
amount and the number of shares which each subscriber to memorandum has
agreed to subscribe should also be stated. In no case a subscriber should agree
to have less than one share. So by this way we are going to deal with our blog

Thanking you…

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