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Freie Scientologen

Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Grosz, Hauptstr. 3a, D 54608 Buchet

FS Bulletin of 12. September 2004R
revised 16. Dec 2007

What are the Indicators of Out-Int with your PC?

In red quotes of LRH, in black my comments.
# Indicator Reference
1 „Headaches“ – nearly all headaches or migraines stem from HCO B 11. April 1970
Out-Int, if the don’t have a physical cause: like tumors, AUDITING PAST EXTERIOR
contusions, concussions, poisonings, perception of rays or
electro-smog. As Out-Int is usually indicated with
headaches, out-int is easily overseen when without
2 Efforts. HCO B 11. April 1970
3 A High TA: HCO B 11. April 1970
„The main symptom of this was high TA at session start or AUDITING PAST EXTERIOR
TA up at Examiner after F/Ns, Cog, VGIs at session end.
Not all however suffered from high TA but all who had HCOB 12. April 1971
high TA after lots of auditing had been audited past
Exterior.“ HCO B 16. Dec. 1971RA
„Wherever you see a TA high and a pc in trouble“ INTERIORIZATION
„Reasons for high TA are averaging out close to 100% as ERRORS
an unrun or a flubbed and unrepaired Int RD.“
„If even years after an Int RD the pc has a high TA or a low
TA then Int trouble is at once suspected and the original Int
RD and any repair of it is suspect and must be handled.“
4 A Low TA: HCO B 16. Dec. 1971RA
„If even years after an Int RD the pc has a high TA or a low INTERIORIZATION
TA then Int trouble is at once suspected and the original Int ERRORS
RD and any repair of it is suspect and must be handled.“
5 A PC can have Out-Int without any high or low TA and HCO B 11. April 1970
then even professionals can overlook it easily. AUDITING PAST EXTERIOR
6 „When a pc Exteriorizes in session it is the End HCO B 16. Dec. 1971RA
Phenomena for that process or action. One gently ends off INTERIORIZATION
in any case. Then if after the fact of going exterior in ERRORS
auditing, a pc’s TA goes high, then you do the Int RD. You
test Int for a read“
7 Body aches and pains: Every kind of bodily or emotional HCO B 11. April 1970
trouble can be caused by auditing after exteriorization. AUDITING PAST EXTERIOR
HCO B 16. Dec. 1971RB
8 Illnesses – can stem from Out-Int, not from PTSness: HCO B 16. Dec. 1971
„When a pc is exteriorized by auditing and is then audited INTERIORIZATION
further without being given an Interiorization Rundown, his ERRORS
TA will go high or low and he may be very upset. Heavy
masses may come in and he may also get ill.“
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9 Firefights HCO B 16. Dec. 1971RB

10 Upsets: „When a pc is exteriorized by auditing and is then HCO B 16. Dec. 1971RB
audited further without being given an Interiorization INTERIORIZATION
Rundown, his TA will go high or low and he may be very ERRORS
upset. Heavy masses may come in and he may also get ill.“
11 „Pressures from environment.“ „heavy pressures or HCO B 11. April 1970
12 PC does not like to “move into things” (that includes HCO B 29. Oct. 1971RA
claustrophobia regarding tunnels, lifts, small rooms, but page 1
also in the figurative sense: into a relation, a group, a
company, in subjects, even study).
13 Blows, running away out of relations (2. or 3. Dyn) or study HCO B 6. Mai 1970
or spaces (suddenly one can not stand a room any more or a
house etc. and wants to leave)
14 PC in trouble in Auditing, he does not run as he should: HCO B 16. Dec. 1971R
“Wherever you see a TA high and a pc in trouble, …“ INTERIORIZATION
15 PC can’t get in his TR-0, can’t confront. ???
16 One is sometimes totally introverted. This is the opposite of My experience on many
No 12: he introverts into tunnels, lifts, small rooms, but also cases
in the figurative sense: into a relation, a group, a company,
in subjects, even study.
17 Often you will find the combination of Out-Int with a My experience on many
broken Havingness, PTSness and (Financial-) Problems. cases in many
18 Every dramatization of one or more of the Int-Buttons on List of Int-Buttons
one of the four flows.

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Probably the most therapeutic action which could occur to an individual would be, under
Scientology processing, the separation of the thetan from the mind so that the thetan, under no
duress and with total knowingness, could view himself and his mind and act accordingly.
However, there is a type of exteriorization which is the most aberrative of all traumatic
(mentally injurious) actions. This is the condition when an individual is brought, through
injury or surgery or shock, very close to death so that he exteriorizes from body and mind.
This exteriorization under duress is sudden, and to the patient inexplicable, and is in itself
very shocking. When this has occurred to an individual, it is certain that he will suffer
mentally from the experience afterwards.
It could be said that when the reactive mind contains these sudden shocks of exteriorization
under duress, attempts to exteriorize the individual later by Scientology are more difficult.
However, modern processing has overcome this. The phenomenon of exteriorization under
duress is accompanied at times by energy explosions in the various facsimiles of the mind,
and these cross-associate in the reactive mind. Therefore, people become afraid of
exteriorization, and at times people are made ill simply by discussing the phenomenon, due to
the fact that they have exteriorized under duress, during some operation, or during some
Exteriorization under duress is the characteristic of death itself. Therefore, exteriorization or
the departure of the soul is generally associated with death in the minds of most people. It is
not necessarily true that one is dead because he exteriorizes, and it is definitely not true that
exteriorization not accompanied by a shock, pain or duress is at all painful. Indeed, it is quite

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THE TRANSFER is the single most important phase of TECHNIQUE 88.

It is a circumstance rather than an incident. It is a specifc action of

the thetan with
regard to a MEST body. It is the swing of the thetan from out of the body
where he belongs
into the body where he is thereafter in trouble. THE TRANSFER is the
action of going into the MEST body.

Except in deaths or severe accidents or operations you won’t fnd a

transfer out. Your
task in auditing is to fnd and run all the transfers into bodies in order to
achieve a
self- determined, fully alive transfer out.

WHERE is the thetan? Contrary to any past practice, his second best
place is just
outside the MEST body monitoring it with direct contact on the MEST
body’s motor controls
on either side of the head. His very best place of course, is out of contact
with the MEST body
entirely and fully alive as “I.” His worst place is inside the MEST body.

The thetan, in most cases, is behind and above the MEST body. In
many cases he shifts
position rather often even in one incident. Now and then he is found to run
the body from in
front of it. This causes a direction reversal on the part of the person so
that he doesn’t know
right from left— people can teach him continually but he will still say his
right is his left and his left is his right, and so it is, for “I” in this person is
the thetan and the thetan is in front, facing the MEST body and right is the
thetan’s right, of course.

There are cases where the thetan is barely or hardly ever in contact
with the body. These
cases can be considered quite aberrated, the thetan seeing the body from
across the room or the street, convinced that he is the body but unable to
do anything about it. There are cases where the thetan is inside the body
continually but this is to say that he isn’t a thetan at all but
degenerated into an entity— and we fnd this is in those low- tone wide
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open cases, full on but

raving psychotics or nearly so.

A thetan is pretty bad of if he thinks all he can do is run a MEST

body. This alone is a
half- transfer. He hasn’t gone into the body yet forever thereafter,
perhaps, to be an entity, but
he has achieved the level of degradation where he thinks the MEST body is
more important
than he is and that he IS the MEST body; he has become propitiative
toward the body to a point where he is a servant, where it becomes him in
his eyes.

A full transfer occurs many times in the span of a thetan, but it is not
permanent until he
enters the body to stay in there from there on.

In doing a DED a thetan catches the sorrow waves of the body he is

wronging, feels
sorry for it and then, for one reason or another, merges into it. This is a
temporary transfer.
But after a few of these he will become obsessed with being the monitor of
a MEST body and
will devote all his time to it. Then he will suppose that his only method of
perceiving is through MEST perceptics, his only method of emoting is
through MEST emotions. And he comes way on down the scale, becomes a
servant, feels so degraded that he is himself nothing and the MEST body
everything and so tends it continually. Eventually he will merge with it in a
permanent transfer and that is probably the end of the thetan, the genetic
entity and company
thereafter perhaps running from within, perhaps in the next life being
picked up by a new
thetan. Thetans are continually being pumped into the MEST line. They do
not last very long.
The “I” of the individual is the thetan.

The foregoing paragraph contains steps which the auditor must

know. This is the cycle
he is trying to work out of the case.

You will fnd many conditions occurring in the TRANSFER. There is

another type of
transfer, the switch transfer wherein a thetan, to protect the body he has
assumed changes in
sudden moments his control to a person startling or attacking the thetan’s
property. This can
become very bad and very involved. It happens in families and amongst
friends and when they part or somebody dies, the thetan is suddenly
bereft of some of the property he was controlling and so carries on as if
MEST was important.

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The CONTROL TRANSFER is a specialized kind of transfer wherein the

having devoted himself to a MEST body now begins to control the
environment and other
people for his body much as he controls the body. Having forgotten his
skills and having many brands of aberration, whereby he will transfer
permanently, at least some of his control, he yet adventures to reach out
energy- wise and start to control other people than his own body and also
attempt to control MEST objects and motions. He is at frst very capable in
this but, having aberrations which cause him to stick on things, his control
of the environment becomes too extended. When he loses some of the
environment he conceives that he has lost some of his ability to control.
We get then a dwindling of control along all the dynamics MEST body but
only some small part of it. A thetan without aberration could safely enter
into and control the whole environment, lose widely and reassume control.
A thetan very aberrated will get restimulated when he loses some control
of the environment and won’t thereafter try to control that type of thing or
person again. These control transfers and their losses will be found widely
in any case and are almost as important as auditing control of the frst

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