Existing Cultural Practices of The City of Baguio Affecting Police Discretion

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Marvin Kylo Guzman

Elimar Jose
Graysmark Kilakil
Aljun Kimpa-oy
Fayser Lang-akhan
Rexzon Laoyan
Kent Wiltz Las-egan
Clarissa Laureano
Kenth Emmerson Leones

College of Criminal Justice Education

Bachelor of Science in Criminology
This case study focuses on the existing cultural practices in Baguio City that
affects police dicresition The study aims to determine whether such practices hinder or
help in the implementation of the law. It seeks to determine and strengthen positive
cultural practices that will help the law enforcers improve their job performance
This study used a qualitative type of research, specifically case study approach in
a local setting. Data have been collected through the distribution of questionnaires to the
selected participants, and the use of different researches related to the topic.
The results showed that the “Inayan” Culture helps the law enforcement while
chewing of momma pose as a hindrance in the law enforcement. The Inayan culture
affects police discretion positively since, it teaches people to become disciplined and be a
law-abiding, while chewing momma affects law enforcement negatively since, it affects
the cleanliness of the surrounding within the community, to the point that the City of
Baguio imposed an ordinance which prohibits the spitting of momma in public places.
Furthermore, it affects young law enforcers because they will be caught in a dilemma in
reprimanding elders due to the strong cultural practice in the City of Baguio of respecting
the elders.
The researchers recommend the following: 1. The principle of inayan should be
preserved and enriched for the younger generation through verbal and development of
instructional materials that would advocate the said objective. Conducting seminars and
youth camps in relation to said culture; 2 Police officers should strictly observe and
implement the city ordinance concerning spitting of momma and prevent people chewing
betel nut from doing such. Imposing heavier punishments and fines..; and 3. A further
study of other cultures and beliefs similar to inayan culture to determine other similarities
and significances of the culture useful in the enforcement of the law.

Cultural Practices, Police Officers, Inayan Culture, Baguio City, Cordillera, Law


Policing requires interaction and cooperation with the population one serves. This
means reckoning with the culture of the people within that population. The socialization
and cultural practices and beliefs of people can become a barrier to effective law
enforcement. The subject of cross-cultural communications and relations - the idea that
police/law enforcement will have to deal with differences in cultural beliefs in practices
other than their own. Beliefs, practices, traditions - all these, if unfamiliar, or indeed
deemed problematic to the eyes of the law and the culture and beliefs practiced by the
majority and seen as standard creates conflict and leads to issues in law (Brainmass,

Generally, from all angles, people are emerging from different parts of the world.
When people come from different backgrounds, they come with the different ways they
view things. Thus, the fact that culture affects how an individual behaves is an undeniable
factor. Culture influences every part of an individual’s life. It affects the way they dress,
eat, daily routine, food, interaction with others. All these contribute to how it influences
people’s behavior. People learn these behavior and acts on them (The freeman online,

According to a magazine by Inside Japan, Manners and customs are an important

part of many facets of Japanese life. Japanese people grow up picking up the subtleties of
this unique culture as they go through life, respecting the invisible and varied societal
rules. In the article Angloinfo japan (2021), it stated that Japanese youth are increasingly
westernized, however the older generation may still adhere to cultural traditions. Some
general cultural norms which are being practiced are the oldest person in a group is
always revered and honored and in a social situation, they are served first and their drinks
are poured for them. Non-verbal communication is also very important and complex so
be aware of your facial expression, tone of voice and posture when talking, and etc.

In an article published by Seeker, 2016, Studies suggest that several factors are
involved in Japan's low crime rate. Underpinning everything is a strong cultural affinity
for passivity and non-violence. Anger and aggression are considered shameful in
Japanese society, which puts a premium on personal honor and intricate social protocols.
Some experts contend these traditions were further strengthened in the aftermath of
World War II, when Japan turned away from violence after suffering the atomic
bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Furthermore, in the Philippines, Filipino culture is unique compared to other Asian

countries, and beliefs apply every day in the life of the Filipinos and reveal how rich and
blessed the culture the people have. First Filipino cultures on the list is Mano Po. When
children or young people greet or say goodbye to their elders they typically do so by
taking the right hand of the elder with their right hand and touch the back the elder's hand
lightly on their forehead. It is a way of giving respect to the elders and it is also a way of
receiving blessing to the elders. Next, superstitious beliefs have grown throughout the
country. These beliefs have come from the different sayings and beliefs of our ancestors
that aim to prevent danger from happening or to make a person refrain from doing
something in particular. These beliefs are part of our culture, for one derives their beliefs
from the influences of what their customs, traditions and culture have dictated to explain
certain phenomena or to scare people. Some are practiced primarily because Filipinos
believe that there is nothing to lose if they will comply with these beliefs (Abundo, 2015.

In the Cordilleras, the peace-loving Igorot people are influenced by their belief that
they are answerable to Kabunyan in whatever actions they do towards others. The strong
bond of the Igorots to Kabunyan inspired them to love what they are doing towards
others and their work for prosperity. They strongly believe that it is only when everyone
is in harmony with man and nature that Kabunyan will bring blessings to their life. For
these reasons, the Igorots practice the principle of inayan to enjoy a peaceful life. For
some they would say, “So lucky that I was indoctrinated with the inayan concept of the
Igorot culture” (Lagmay, 2012).;"Inayan is my favorite because it is a kind of discipline
from your parents that goes on from generation to generation” (Marjorie Lev). To them,
inayan embodies all virtues and morals of tribal members – humility, truthfulness,
fidelity, honesty, and commitment, among others (Lagmay, 2012).

Our research study is conducted to understand and to know whether the existing
cultural practices of the Cordilleras have effects on the law enforcement and their
maintenance of public peace and order in the community. Would it come to good fruition
or a negative impact to society. To understand the approaches of the law enforcement in
such practices and to be able to understand the significance of elders in relation to

News articles and media reports praises the Cordilleran cops for having the lowest
bad records in the country (Cawis, 2020). It is the driving force of the researchers for the
conduct of this study. As to the beneficiaries, it would be our public law enforcers. The
researchers aim to gather data for the study to also share among the other regions and
hope for the same effects as the Cordilleran law enforcement.

Theoretical /Conceptual Framework

This study is anchored from three theories which are the Social Learning theory,
Socio Cultural and Cultural deviance Theory. These theories that revolves around
behaviors are grounds for this study because it would give the necessary statements for
understanding and progress of the study.

In the Social learning theory, believes that the behaviors, attitudes, and
emotional reactions of others are acquiring through the environmental and cognitive
factors that interact to influence human learning and behavior. In connection to the
research social learning theory stating that social learning is inherited passing generation
to generation by preserving and giving importance to what their ancestors maintain on
how to settle disputes thus in order to maintain its reputation people learn how to use that
tradition to solve disputes that could help in their community. The relevance of the study
would be the imparting cultures and beliefs which is always practiced makes law
enforcers who grew up in cordillera be obedient to their elders and culture. The
Cordilleran society environment as observed by their children being encoded as they
grow up. In the existing culture of the Codilleras producing impact to the law
enforcement and maintenance of peace and order, this cultures being encoded to the
behaviors that also develops thoughts and feelings and what the study tends to appreciate.

In the Sociocultural Theory, it views human development as a socially mediated
process in which children acquire their cultural values, beliefs, and problem-solving
strategies through collaborative dialogues with more knowledgeable members of society.
In other words, sociocultural theory simply states that culture and standard norms of the
society is acquire and respected by the community and by using this as a method to settle
and help people for they have the so-called rituals as part of their culture which until
nowadays is being practiced and or other modes of settling depends on the instances or
the problem itself.

The theory upon the study is to help explain the relationship of cultural beliefs
and values and also to the human development. As the researchers aim to know the
effects of culture to law enforcement and peace and order, the theory is to supplement the
study in explaining effects of the teachings imparted to children. Children being
developed by this said cultural values and morals by knowledgeable members of society.

In the Cultural Deviance Theory, it suggests that conformity to the prevailing

cultural norms of lower-class society causes crime, the mix of cultures and values created
a smaller society with different ideas of deviance are transferred from one generation to
others. In connection to the research if a certain society with cultural norms of lower class
can have a tendency to commit crime because they believe that their act is aligned with
their customary belief the same with mix of cultures in a certain society if they have
different cultures they can have deviant that separate from the dominant population that
they believe if a crime committed in a society they think that is just their way of act and
does not contradict with their belief while in contrary with the laws nowadays.

The relevance of the theory in this study revolving in the idea that behavior being
acquired through conditioning. in this, where elders at some point conditions people
about cultures which is they are taught in this conditioning experiences. the study also
explains why people act in some conditions; thus, it will help us to understand even a

little about the actions of officers who grew up in the cordillera and its effect to peace and

According to Southern Culture of Violence Theory, it suggests that increased rates

of violent crime in the southern United States is a by-product of the Celtic cultural values
that these migrants brought with them, which has been passed down from generation to
generation for hundreds of years. These individuals socially fit into patriarchal systems,
which clearly outlined the roles men and women were supposed to follow. Some cultural
ideals included a dislike for government and authority, and lex talionis, which demands
what others may call an overly exaggerated sense of pride and willingness to defend
honor. In time, the Scots-Irish migrants and their descendants slowly began to favor
evangelical Protestantism (Padowitz, No Date).  Additionally, studies have demonstrated
an increased aggressive response to insults by individuals who were either raised in the
south, or those with parents and grandparents from the south (Doucet et. al, 2013). 

Paradigm of the Study

The research paradigm shows the organization of data and relationship of the
following: from planning through initial document analyzation and into action by
gathering data through questionnaires and end result from treatment of data in to



Maintenance of Public
Existing cultural practices
peace and order



Data Gathering:
Our research study is conducted to understand and to know whether the existing
cultural practices of the Cordilleras have effects on the discretion of law enforcers in their
functions of enforcing the law and maintaining public peace and order in the community.
Would it come to good fruition or a negative impact to society. To understand the
approaches of the law enforcement in such practices and to be able to understand the
significance of elders in relation to culture.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to understand and to know how cultural practices in the
City of Baguio affects the law enforcers in the performance of their functions. The
purpose of the study is to answer the following questions:
1. What are the cultures that are primarily being practiced in the Cordilleras that
affects police discretion in the City of Baguio?
2. Do the cultural practices hinder or help in the implementation of law and
maintenance of public peace and order?
Materials and Methods
This contains the research method used, description of the population and locale
of the study including the data gathering tool, data gathering procedure, and treatment of

Research Design
The researchers utilized qualitative research, specifically case study approach
along with the conduct of interviews and the distribution of questionnaires will be
included in gathering data.
According to McCombes (2019), A case study is a detailed study of a specific
subject, such as a person, group, place, event, organization, or phenomenon. Case studies
are commonly used in social, educational, clinical, and business research. Case studies
are good for describing, comparing, evaluating and understanding different aspects of a
research problem. A case study is an in-depth study of a particular research problem
rather than a sweeping statistical survey or comprehensive comparative inquiry. It is
often used to narrow down a very broad field of research into one or a few easily
researchable examples. The case study research design is also useful for testing whether a
specific theory and model actually applies to phenomena in the real world. It is a useful
design when not much is known about an issue or phenomenon.
This approach was used by the researchers because the study aims to know and
understand more about the underlying cordilleran cultures which affects the maintenance
of public peace and order along with the law enforcement in the Cordillera region.

Population and Locale of the Study

This study was conducted here in the Cordillera Administrative Region
specifically in the City of Baguio wherein it is rich in cultures that makes the
Cordilleran’s Proud of being an Igorot. Cultures that defines their uniqueness with other
regions. It is composed of six (6) Provinces including Baguio City and each Provinces
have similarities and differences in practicing their culture.

The population of this study includes 5 Law enforcers from the Baguio City
Police Office, Station 7, Abanao Street, AZKCO Baguio City who are experiencing the
effects of existing cultures in the region.

In selecting the participants of the study, purposive sampling was utilized for the
reason that a purposive sample is a non-probability sample that is selected based on
characteristics of a population and the objective of the study. In this method the
participants were selected under the subjective judgement of the researchers. Participants
are those who meet the purpose and objective of the study. The number of 5 participants
is due to the availability and compatibility of the participants to the criteria.

The criteria for the participants from the law enforcers would be the age which
ranges from 21-30 years old, born and grew up in the Cordillera. The criteria is subjected
to because prior knowledge upon the cultures in Baguio city is relevant to the gathering
of data.

Limitation of the Study

The following are the limitations of the study: First, it is hard to coordinate with
the respondents especially during these times of pandemic. Considering in following
proper protocols. Second, the availability of researchers wether of personal presence and
virtual and also the availability of participants considering the nature of their duty. Lastly,
the researchers might influence the results and interpretation since they are
knowledgeable of their topic and are culturally oriented.

.Data Gathering Tool

The following instruments were used in gathering primary data for the study:

INTERVIEW GUIDE. Interview is a method that the researcher will employ in

gathering data so the instrumentation to be used in enabling the conduct of the interview
is interview guide and it is following the semi-structured format. Interview guide will be
prepared, and it will be based on related literature and journals with regards to existing
cultural practices that affect the law enforcement and maintenance of peace and order in
our community. This interview guide will be pretested and for its content validity, the
adviser of this research will check its completeness and relevance.

QUESTIONNAIRES: Providing a relatively inexpensive, easy and reliable way

to obtain large quantities of data from a large sample of people.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers gathered data from other studies that are related to the topic to
have a better understanding of the same.

To obtain the information and the data needed, the researchers used the internet
resources and they indicated some articles that are related to the topic. Then the
researchers asked permission from the Dean of College of Criminal Justice Education,
Dr. Cherry Ann Cabarrubias to proceed with data gathering. Afterwards the researchers
conducted interviews and distribution of questionnaires to the selected participants. The
following are the limitations of the study: First, it is hard to coordinate with the
respondents especially during these times of pandemic. Second, the researchers might
influence the results and interpretation since they are knowledgeable of their topic and
are culturally oriented.
TRIANGULATION METHOD. Triangulation refers to the use of
multiple methods or data sources in qualitative research to develop a comprehensive
understanding of phenomena (Patton, 1999). The researchers compared their findings to
multiple sources of data from related literature, programs, and other sources, in order to
validate their findings.
The researchers started the process by doing the thematic analysis wherein the
researchers familiarized the collected data. The next step was coding, where the
researchers highlighted the phrases and words and came up with codes to derive themes
used in interpreting the data and in triangulation
Treatment of Data
The researchers documented and analysed the gathered data from the interviews
and presented a descriptive representation of these data.

The treatment of data that the researchers used are the following:
THEMATIC ANALYSIS. This kind of analysis allowed the researchers to
formulate themes or categories, which was derived from the interviews of the different
employers. The naming and defining themes, the process involved utilizing the labels
created for the theme and provided a comprehensive name that describes the relationship
or meaning conveyed in the theme (Statistics Solutions, 2020). This summarized the
answers of the employers during the interview, and allowed the researchers to easily
compare their findings to other related literature.

Ethical Considerations
The researchers are being guided on all ethical considerations and protocols
required in the conduct of the study to consist of the ethical considerations from the
University of the Cordilleras ethics committee, Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF)
Protocols, and higher laws in the treatment of the data as needed by the study.

All data gathered from the conduct of the study is confidential and it will only be
disclosed to certain individuals upon the permission of the source.

It is only the researcher’s, the researchers’ adviser, and the panel members had
access to the raw data. Hence, the researchers acknowledge full responsibility and
accountability of any inadvertent disclosure of the identity as well as the information
given by the participants. During the conduct of interview, audio recording device is
utilized to augment and validate further the questionnaires provided to each participant.
The researchers translated the interview questions from the questionnaires in a dialect
understood by the participants. The participants are given consent letters before
proceeding for the interview and they have the right to withdraw anytime during the


This represents an analysis and interpretation of the data obtained in the study and
presents an in-depth exploration of the research problem. Its findings were based on the
data gathered through the transcript of interview from the respondents. These data were
then analyzed and presented, discussed, interpreted and emerged as themes that serves as
an answer to the research problem.

The study mainly explored the existing cultural practices by the people in Baguio
City affecting police discretion by determining the perception of the police officers on
how the culture is affecting in the discretions of police officers as well as its effect to
their job performance.

From the number of police officers assigned in Baguio City Police Station 7, five
were chosen as participants. The participants were non-randomly selected depending on
their availability during the distribution of questionnaires.

The participants provided with their perception with regards to how the existing
cultures affects the enforcement of the law. Majority of the participants mentioned that
Inayan culture is mostly being practiced by the people which greatly affects the law
enforcement in a positive way. On the other hand, chewing momma is a minor problem
which affects law enforcement in a negative way. Also, the culture and policing system
are intertwined with each other or intricately connected.

The participants shared their experiences on how the culture affected their duty as
police officers. From the data gathered, mostly on the moral aspect. The culture becomes
a warning or a guiding beacon for the people to be a law-abiding citizen

Despite the mix of ethnicity and origin, the belief remains valued and instilled in
the morality of the people. It becomes instinctual in nature and a control and reminder.

The results of the study are presented and discussed in reference with the
objective of this study, which is to identify the effects of existing cultural practices in
Baguio City to law enforcement. After identifying the effects, the researchers used the
data to provide recommendations to law enforcers for the improvement of their job
The researchers interviewed five participants who are Police Officers of Baguio
City Statation 7. Based on the five interviews, a total of six themes were derived, namely:
A.) Inayan B.) Momma C.) Discipline D.) Moral Values E.) Police Community
Relations F.) Effectiveness
Cultures that are primarily being practiced in the Cordilleras that affects police
discretion in the city of Baguio

Under this is the discussion of the themes formulated upon the gathered data.
Explained further below, the themes which are the moral aspect, tribes and cultural


The majority of the people of Baguio City are Igorots who are very culture
oriented and they are practicing their cultures in order to preserve it for new generations
to come. However, in the law enforcement, what are those existing cultures of the people
of the City of Baguio which affects them in their job function to enforce the law.
Participants 1,2,3 and 4 mentioned about the “Inayan culture”, one tends to avoid taking
risk but on the other hand it also keeps one from engaging in some bad or unwanted
deeds (Lagmay, 2012)

In the Cordilleras, the peace loving Igorot people are influenced by their belief
that they are answerable to Kabunyan in whatever actions they do towards others. The
strong bond of the Igorots to Kabunyan inspired them to love what they are doing
towards others and their work for prosperity. They strongly believe that it is only when
everyone is in harmony with man and nature that Kabunyan will bring blessings to their
life. For these reasons, the Igorots practice the principle of inayan to enjoy a peaceful life.
For some they would say, “So lucky that I was indoctrinated with the inayan concept of
the Igorot culture” (Lagmay, 2012)

This affects the moral aspect of the police officers of Baguio City which makes
them to be disciplined causing the implementation of peace and order be in harmony with
the citizens. Accordingly, Inayan culture as observed by the law enforcers being practiced
in Baguio City by the residents has a good effect to peace and order in the city because
the people have the sense of right and wrong. They are afraid of committing an act which
is against the norm of the society because they know it will cause them danger and harm
by the Supreme Being namely “Kabunian”. It was reflected on the findings that Inayan
culture is a good culture which helps the law enforcers to maintain peace and order in the
city of Baguio. It is a control measure which makes the people disciplined because of
their fear of the consequences of committing bad acts


Participant 5 mentioned about “chewing of momma”. Betel nut chew also known
as “momma” in the Cordilleras, is a common thing to see in Baguio city. To the tourist
and new comers to the area might find it peculiar especially seeing pigmented red color
being spat. Betel Nut is a seed of the Areca catechu, which is a type of a Palm Tree. It is
usually sliced then combined with powdered lime known as “apog”, tobacco and other
spices and wrapped in betel leaves which is also known as “gawed”(Cosalan,2021).
Together, this ingredients are chewed and mixed within the mouth which would result to
the red pigment being spat. Some provinces in the Cordillera has old verses of songs
speaking of the said practice, such as ulalim with verses of the importance of chewing
momma in life. “Momma” is considered a tradition not just in the Cordillera but other
parts of the Philippines that it existed many generations back, though it is still not clear as
to where and when it originated in the Philippines. People chew betel nut from claims
that they get a sense of well-being and in addition their hunger is satisfied and their
breath is sweetened(Cosalan,2021).

The practice of chewing of momma, by the natives cannot be prevented because it

was already inherited to their ancestors so in order to minimize spitting of momma, the
law enforcers said “through giving them advices, warnings and through information
dissemination”. Ordinance has been implemented yet it still poses a problem in the
cleanliness of the city. Some law enforcers being familiar to the practice is affected in
confronting especially the elders. Them being caught in the dilemma into giving advice to
elderly people. One participant also stated about “respect to elders” affecting to the
discretion of a police officer into confronting them about the problem. Then again as
participant 5 stated that its implementation needs compassion and consideration.
Cultural practices being a hindrance or help in the implementation of law and
maintenance of peace and order

The themes below discussed the effect of cultural practices, either being a
hindrance or a help to the implementation of peace and order.


The participants provided answers based on their experience and observation

doing their job as a law enforcer. Respondent 1 said, “Preventing from doing
something”. While participant 4 said, “It prevents every individual from committing
unnecessary acts not in accordance with the law”

These two perspectives of the participant centers on the cultural practices cause
them to deters or prevent people to commit crime because they believe that violating the
law is a wrongful act in accordance with the law as well as to their culture. They are
perceived and dedicated to avoid committing unlawful acts because they are taught by
their culture to be abiding citizen. Everyone must be committed in the matter of peace, to
do everything that they can. Peace is the language we must speak.”(Pope Francis). They
are cultural centered that they believe and understand the consequences of violating the
law and respect much their culture that they grow up and respect the custom of their

Participant 2 stated that, “Implementation of peace and order to have peace and
loving approach” where in the implementation of peace and order by the police they also
include their own cultural practices to have a good community relations and to have
peace loving approach in conducting police activities such as peace and order, through
this, police officer will be approachable and respect by the citizen. While participant 3
stated, “Such cultural practices affects the implementation of peace and order by being
a disciplined person which abides with the law” that focus on the people who abides
with the law because they are teach or learn to be a good citizen because of the influence
of the culture that they practices.

Participant 5 answer, “Giving consideration to elders”. He is more on respecting
the elders that give consideration to them if it is acceptable or suits to them because he
believe in the presence of respecting elders not because of pity but because of culture
related that they practices respect and recognized them as elders. In Indigenous context,
someone is recognized as an elder by other community members based not necessarily on
age, but on wisdom, skills and knowledge (Wilson 2003).

Law Enforcement

The participants provided answers based on what they feel in which circumstance
would culture and practice is most applicable. Participants 2 and 4 said, “In Law
Enforcement”. While participant 3 said, “During enforcement of local ordinances such
as physical distancing wherein people abide with it”. Lastly, Participant 1 said, “In
maintaining peace and order”.

The perspective of the participants shows us that culture and practices are
applicable during enforcement of local ordinances and in maintaining peace and order in
short it is applicable in enforcing the law wherein the police officers will interact with the
community or the citizens applying their cultural practices. As people develop an
understanding of one another's culture and how it is manifested in behaviors and
attitudes, misunderstandings are reduced and communication is facilitated. In addition,
cultural practices are effective in law enforcement in order to build good relationship
between public officers and the community to avoid miscommunication while
implementing rules and regulations because it is needed that the community must
understand better the law’s that the police officers are enforcing in order to abide with it.

According to U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs, Police

officers can become more culturally aware by knowing their own culture; learning about
the various cultures found within the agency and in the community; understanding the
dynamics of cross-cultural communication, adjustment, and conflict; and developing
cross-cultural communicative, analytical, and interpretative skills. The criminal justice

community must include cross-cultural awareness in all aspects of law enforcement

Police community relations

Based from the data gathered about the actions that the law enforcement do to
encourage people into doing such good cultural practices, mostly the participant
answered in community engagement activities, participants 2 stated “Through
information dissemination in community engagement” in addition participant 3 also
said “By conducting seminars and basically by being a role model within the
community”. Doing this activity is important and can lead to improved outcomes for
communities when government organizations and public decision-making entities seek
out the aspirations, concerns and values of communities, who, in turn, share their
aspirations, concerns and values with governing entities.

Igorots use inayan functionally for discipline in an individual context to avoid

committing an unpleasant act. Also explained that the practice of inayan enables an
individual to reduce the risk of participating in unacceptable situations. Perhaps in order
to norms, culture and concept about crime of different societies, plus the overall lifestyle
of the people in the area. Since the ethical system is included, this impinges after the
conception of what is right in addition to the way that people in a provided society
perspective law, along with the commission of crimes. Considering the fact that culture
affects the overall way of life of individuals, it is unavoidable that offenses are also
affected by culture.
Police can better understand the people they serve and execute strategies to better
address peace and order issues. One of the prime objectives of police community
relations is to establish a collaborative partnership that can analyze problems, design and
implement solutions that are truly community-based.

As the community relies upon the police to serve and protect, the police relies on
the community for its support and cooperation in order to effectively carry out its
mandate. Communities must be actively involved in crime reduction, prevention and

problem solving. We all know that a strong relationship between the police and the
community is a key factor in attaining peace and security.

Moral value

Law enforcement agencies respond to, detect, and prevent crime. Within this
perspective, it is recognized that police officers play a significant role in adapting and
responding to unexpected or unknown situations, as well as recognized situations, such as
theft or domestic dispute.

There’s a lot of importance that we can say about cultural practices, one of the
main importance of cultural practices specially in improving the law enforcement as one
of the participants answered “Uplift the morale of the law enforcement” that can make
acts that lead to development or improving something that can help towards an outcome,
such as in reconciling a dispute. In addition participant 5 mentioned “Immediate
reconciliation”, this signifies that cultural practices with its principles impacts on how
law endorcement communicate to its subjects. Cultural practices are shared perceptions
of how people routinely behave in a culture. Furthermore, the law enforcement by the
data from participant 4 “Through these cultural practices, despite the mix of ethnicity
and origin of its personnel, the belief remains valued as they continue to deliver service
to the community” learn and grow based on their shared experience. Being aware of
cultural diversity an officer will be able to act properly.

Cultural practices are known to be the shared perceptions of how people behave
in a culture. These practices were routinely carried out by the people in a community and
the law enforcement in maintaining peace and order. Culture uplifts the moral of law
enforcement not for them to have its higher ground but rather be proud yet humble on
what they do. As one participant stated about culture, ‘it teaches people about love and


The participants provided answers based on their experience and observation.
Participant 1 said, “everyone will be a good law enforcer”. While participant 2 said,
“everyone will be disciplined as a law enforcer’

These two perspectives of the participants is centred on the good cultural practices
which still exist today. They believe that their culture would have a good impact if
integrated with law enforcement. Not only would it lessen violations among law
enforcers, but also it would greatly affect their job performance or effectiveness as law
enforcers. Former PNP Chief General Archie Gamboa once said, the Police Regional
Office-Cordillera’s (PRO-COR) discipline can be attributed to the culture.

Participant 3 stated that, “It will impact basic knowledge about self-discipline to
all individual within the community”. Basically if both law enforcers and citizens have
the same culture, well in fact they would have mutual understanding and would have the
same values such as being disciplined. While participant 4 stated that, “It will guide law
enforcers to respect the community and for enforcement of the law”. Respect is
essential in gaining the trust and confidence of the people. Which is why law enforcers
should respect the culture of the community since common knowledge dictates that
people would not trust someone who is disrespectful towards them or their culture.

According to the US Department of Justice Community Relations Service, the

strong relationships of mutual trust between police agencies and the communities they
serve are critical to maintaining public safety and effective policing. Police officials rely
on the cooperation of community members to provide information about crime in their
neighbourhoods, and to work with the police to devise solutions to crime and disorder
problems. Similarly, community members’ willingness to trust the police depends on
whether they believe that police actions reflect community values and incorporate the
principles of procedural justice and legitimacy.

Participant 5 answered, “low crime rate/peaceful”. This would be the general

outcome of integrating existing cultural practices into law enforcement. As mentioned
earlier, everyone would be disciplined thus the crime rate would be low. It would be
peaceful since everybody adheres to the law and there is mutual respect among citizens
and law enforcers, which we could interpret as effective policing and maintenance of
peace and order.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are derived:

The main cultural practices which are observed that affects police discretion in
Baguio City are the following:

The main positive cultural practice that was observed is inayan. This culture
police discretion positively since, it teaches police officers to become disciplined and be

The main negative cultural practice that was observed is chewing of momma.
This culture affects law enforcement negatively since, it affects the cleanliness of the
surrounding within the community, to the point that the City of Baguio imposed an
ordinance which prohibits the spitting of momma in public places. Furthermore, it affects
young law enforcers because they will be caught in a dilemma in reprimanding elders due
to the strong cultural practice in the City of Baguio of respecting the elders.


Based on the conclusions, the following recommendations are proposed:

1. The principle of inayan should be preserved and enriched for the younger generation
through verbal and development of instructional materials that would advocate the said
objective. Conducting seminars and youth camps in relation to said cultures.

2. Police officers should strictly observe and implement the city ordinance concerning
spitting of momma and prevent people chewing betel nut from doing such. Imposing
heavier punishments and fines.

3. A further study of other cultures and beliefs similar to inayan culture to determine
other similarities and significances of the culture useful in the enforcement of the law.


The completion of this undertaking could not have been possible without the

participation of respondents whose names may not all be enumerated. Their contributions

are sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledged. However, the group would like to

express their deep appreciation particularly to the following:

First of all, to the Great Almighty, the author of knowledge and wisdom, for his

countless love and protection all throughout the conduct of this research.

To Dr. Cherry Ann A. Cabarrubias, CCJE dean, for allowing us to conduct this

study by approving our communication letter to our participants.

To Ms. Djoana May P. Aoas, our instructor, for her commitment and passion to

help, guide, and nurture and at the same time able to inspire us throughout the time the

researchers conducted the research.

To Mr. Dario F. Guinayen, our adviser, for providing his comprehensive advice,

endless support and effort from the time this work came to existence.

To the personnel of Baguio City Police Station 7, who generously and willingly

share their time and experience for the purpose of this research.

To the beloved parents and family of the researchers, for their unconditional

support and advices during the course of this study. For their moral and financial support.

Thanks for the love, understanding, encouragement, and prayers which is a great help in

the success of this research.

We thank you.



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Interview Guide

1. What cultural practice/s is/are present in the City of Baguio which is/are affecting
the implementation of peace and order?

2. How is/are these cultural practices affects the peace and order in City of Baguio?

3. In what way does these cultural practices affect the implementation of peace and

4. What is/are the possible reason/s these people is/are practicing such culture?
5. In which Circumstance/s in your job, do you feel culture and practices is most


6. What actions are the law enforcement doing to encourage the people from practicing
such cultures in accordance with the law or to minimize such cultural practices which is
against the implementation of peace and order?


7. What specific group do you belong to?


8. What specific practice are you most accustomed of in your culture?


9. What is the importance of cultural practices on improving the law enforcement in



10. What would be the possible benefits if the law enforcement was cultural oriented?


II. Comments/ Suggestions:


June 21, 2021

PCOL Allen Rae F. Co

City Police Director
Philippine National Police
Baguio City


Police Station 7 Commander
Abanao Street, AZKCO Baguio City


Greetings from the College of Criminal Justice Education!

We, the undersigned are students of the University of the Cordilleras and are presently
preparing our thesis entitled “Existing Cultural Practices of the City of Baguio Affecting

the Enforcement of the Law”. This is in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Science in Criminology.

In this regard, may we request your good office to allow us to conduct an interview to the
police personnel assigned from your unit. Rest assured that the information gathered will
be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you very much for accommodating this request.

Respectfully yours,







Dario F. Guinayen
Approved by:



What cultural practice/s is/are P1 The “inayan” cultural
present in the city of Baguio practice
which is/are affecting the
P2 The inayan practice of
implementation of peace and
Police Cordillera
P3 One cultural practice that
affects the
implementation of peace
and order is the inayan
P4 The Inayan cultural
P5 Chewing momma
What specific group do you P1 Kankana-ey
belong to?
P2 Kankana-ey
P3 Kankana-ey tribe
P4 N/A
P5 Tuwali Tribe

What specific practice are you P1 The “inayan” culture
most accustomed of in your
P2 The “inayan” culture
P3 The “inayan” culture
P4 Respect of elders
P5 none


How is/are these cultural P1 With this culture, citizens
practices affects the peace of Baguio afraid to do bad
and order in the city of things or acts
P2 The inayan culture prevents
cops as well as civilians in
cordillera in doing evil acts
P3 It teaches the people of
Baguio to show love and
P4 This cultural practice
prevents an individual from
doing something unpleasant
towards others
P5 Its implementation because
it needs compassion and
In what way does these P1 Preventing from doing
cultural practices affects the something unpleasant
peace and order?
P2 Implementation of peace
and order have peace loving
P3 Such cultural practice
affects the implementation
of peace and order by being
a disciplined person which
abides with the law
P4 It prevents every individual
from committing
unnecessary acts not in
accordance with the law.
P5 Giving consideration
especially to elders
What is/are the possible P1 It is one of those cultures
reason/s these people are that be retained and
practicing such culture? nurtured.
P2 It is a discipline they
learned from their
P3 Inheritance among
ancestors which is instilled
to us to show love and
respect to everyone.
P4 Adherence in these cultural
practices will result in
living peacefully with their
neighbor and to other
P5 inheritance
In which Circumstance/s in P1 In maintaining peace and
your job, do you feel order.
culture and practices is
P2 In law enforcement.
most applicable?
P3 during enforcement of local
ordinances such as physical
distancing wherein people
abide with it.
P4 Law enforcement
P5 none
What actions are the law P1 Wildest dissemination.
enforcement doing to
P2 Through information
encourage the people from
dissemination in

practicing such cultures in community engagement.
accordance with the law or
P3 By conducting seminars
to minimize such cultural
and basically by being a
practices which is against
role model within the
the implementation of
peace and order?
P4 Community engagement.
P5 Information dissemination
What is the importance of P1 Uphold the morale of the
cultural practices on law enforcement.
improving the law
P2 Uplift the morale of the law
enforcement in Baguio?
P3 Uphold or uplift the morale
of the law enforcement that
will impact good
relationship between the
PNP of the community.
P4 Through these cultural
practices, despite the mix of
ethnicity and origin of its
personnel, the belief
remains valued as they
continue to deliver service
to the community.
P5 Immediate reconciliation.
What would be the possible P1 Everyone will be a good
benefits if the law law enforcer
enforcement was cultural
P2 Everyone will be
disciplined as a law
P3 It will impact basic
knowledge about self-
discipline to all individual
within the community.
P4 It will guide law enforcers
to respect the community

and for enforcement of the
P5 Low crime rate/peaceful


WHAT ARE THE What cultural ● Inayan ● Inayan
CULTURES THAT practice/s is/are
● Momma ● Momma
ARE PRIMARILY present in the
BEING PRACTICED city of Baguio
IN THE which is/are
CORDILLERAS affecting the
THAT AFFECTS implementation
POLICE of peace and
What specific ● Kankanaey
group do you
● Tuwali
belong to?

What specific ● Inayan

practice are Culture
you most
● Respect of
accustomed of
in your
DEOS THE How is/are ● Respect the
CULTURAL these cultural laws the same
● Discipline
PRACTICES practices with their
HINDER OR HELP affects the customary ● Police
IN THE peace and beliefs Community
IMPLEMENTATIO order in the Relations
● Unity
N OF LAW AND city of Baguio?

In what way ● People abide
ORDER? does these laws ● effectiveness
● Building good
affects the
peace and
What is/are the ● Naturally
possible acquired
reason/s these
● Passed thru
people are
practicing such
In which ● Law
Circumstance/s Enforcement
in your job, do
you feel culture
and practices is
What actions ● Public
are the law relations
● Community
doing to
encourage the
people from ● Information
practicing such dissemination
cultures in
with the law or
to minimize
such cultural
practices which
is against the
of peace and
What is the
importance of
● respect
practices on
improving the ● understanding
● uplift morale
enforcement in
What would be ● Less violation
the possible
● effectiveness
benefits if the
law ● good image
was cultural ● respect



CHAPTER 1 16 February 2021

CHAPTER 2 16 February 2021





828 Ferreras Street, Barangay Suklayin
Baler Aurora
Email: marvinkyloguzman78@gmail.com


● College University of the Cordilleras (2019-present)

Legarda, Baguio City
Bachelor of Science in Criminology

● Senior High School Mount Carmel College (2016-2018)

Pingit, Baler Aurora
General Academic Strand

● Junior High School Mount Carmel College (2012-2015)

Suklayin, Baler Aurora

● Elementary Suklayin Elementary School (2007-2012)

Suklayin, Baler Aurora


Name: Sir. Alvin Fajardo

Company/ Affiliation: Senior High School Adviser

P.A. 102 Upper Wangal La Trinidad Benguet
Mobile: 09560063756
Email: esj7128@students.uc-bcf.edu.ph


● College University
of the Cordilleras (2019-present)
Legarda, Baguio City
Bachelor of Science in Criminology

● Senior High School Benguet National High School (2016-2018)

Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet
Humanities and Social Sciences
With Honors

● Junior High School Kibungan National High School (2012-2015)
Poblacion, Kibungan, Benguet

● Elementary Kibungan Central School (2007-2012)

Poblacion, Kibungan, Benguet


Name: Ms. Shental Merino-Anecito

Company/ Affiliation: Senior High School Adviser


Tadiangan, Tuba, Benguet
Mobile: 09214670217
Email: kramkilakil@gmail.com


● College University of the Cordilleras (2019-present)

Legarda, Baguio City
Bachelor of Science in Criminology

● Senior High School University of the Cordilleras (2016-2018)

Grov Pack Road, Baguio City, Benguet
Humanities and Social Sciences
● Junior High School Saint Louis High School of Balatoc (2012-
Virac, Itogon, Benguet

● Elementary Balatoc Elementary School (2007-2012)

Balatoc, Itogon, Benguet


Name: Ms. Joy V. Bangelan

Company/ Affiliation: High School Adviser

Daclan, Tublay, Benguet
Mobile No: 09179363410
Email: kimpaoyaljon7@gmail.com


● College University of the Cordilleras (2019-present)

Legarda Road, Baguio City
Bachelor of Science and Criminology

● Senior High School Tublay School of Home Industries TSHI-

MAIN (2016-2018)
Acop, Tublay, Benguet
TVL Track Electrical Installation and
● Junior High School Tublay School of Home Industries TSHI-
MAIN (2015)
Acop, Tublay, Benguet

● Elementary Albis Elementary School (2007-2012)

Daclan, Tublay, Benguet


Name: Jess B. Evasco

Position: Government Employee
Company/Affiliation: Cousin
Contact No: 09454224033

#72, Purok 25, Upper San Carlos Heights, Irisan,
Baguio City
Mobile: 09386466437
Email: fpl0727@students.uc-bcf.edu.ph


● College University of the Cordilleras (2018-present)

Legarda, Baguio City
Bachelor of Science in Criminology

● Senior High School University of the Cordilleras (2016-2018)

Governor Pack Road, Baguio City
Humanities and Social Sciences
With Honors

● Junior High School Saint Louis School Center Inc. (2015-2016)

Quirino Highway, Baguio City

Kamora National High School (2012-2015)
Gusaran, Kabayan, Benguet

● Elementary Kabayan Central School (2009-2012)

Poblacion, Kabayan, Benguet

Benguet State University-Elementary

Laboratory School (2006-2009)
Km 5, La Trinidad, Benguet


Name: Ms. Joy B. Manansala

Company/ Affiliation: Senior High School Adviser


Sagubo, Kapangan, Benguet

Benguet 2613


● TERTIARY EDUCATION University of the Cordilleras (2019-
Legarda, Baguio City
(Bachelor of Science in

● SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL King’s College of the Philippine (2016-2018)

Pico Road, La Trinidad, Benguet
General Academics Strand

● SECONDARY EDUCATION Kapangan National Highschool
Sagubo, Kapangan, Benguet

● PRIMARY EDUCATION Sagubo Elementary School

Sagubo, Kapangan, Benguet


Name: Mr. Jason Raras

Company/ Affiliation: Senior High School Adviser


#10 North Sanitary Camp, Baguio city
Mobile: 09123165165
Email: ccjetech101.lasegan.kent@gmail.com


● College University of the Cordilleras (2018-present)

Legarda, Baguio City
Bachelor of Science in Criminology

● Senior High School University of the Cordilleras (2016-2018)

Governor Pac Road, Baguio City
Humanities and Social Science

● Junior High School San Alfonso High School (2012-2016)

Poblacion, Sabangan, Mountain Province
● Elementary Sabangan Central School (2006-2011)
Losad, Sabangan, Mountain Province


Name: Mrs. Carolyn L. Las-egan

Company/ Affiliation: Grade V adviser
Contact Number: 09185810774


Purok 5 Bakakeng Central, Baguio City
Mobile No. 09663321279
Email: laureanoclarissamae@gmail.com

● TERTIARY EDUCATION University of the Cordilleras (2019-Present)
Legarda, Baguio City
(Bachelor of Science in Criminology)

● SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL University of the Cordilleras (2016-2018)

Governor Pack Road, Baguio City

● JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Roxas National High School (2012-2016)

#87 North Sto. Tomas Rd., Imelda Brgy.,
Baguio city

● PRIMARY EDUCATION Roxas Elementary School, North Santo

Tomas, Baguio City (2012)


Name: Marcelino Dizon Jr.

Company/ Affiliation: Dizon Vision Clinic


Narvacan Ilocos Sur

Mobile: 09152391147

Email: leoneskenth1@gmail.com


● College University of the Cordilleras (2019-present)

Legarda, Baguio City
Bachelor of Science in Criminology

● Senior High School University of Northern Philippines (2016-2018)

Tamag, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur
Science, Technology, Engineering and

● Junior High School Narvacan National Central High School (2012- 2015)
Paratong, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur

● Elementary San Pedro Elementary School (2007-2012)

San Pedro, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur

Name: Mr. Jeffrey E. Galangco

Company/ Affiliation: Senior High School Adviser


P.A. #16-A Upper Padre Burgos, Baguio City
Mobile: 09509002890
Email: josephlloyd009@gmail.com


● College University of the Cordilleras (2019-

Legarda, Baguio City
Bachelor of Science in Criminology

● Secondary Education Saint Louis University (2010-2014)

Laboratory Elementary School
Claro M. Recto Village, Baguio City

● Elementary Saint Louis University (2004-2010)

Laboratory Elementary School
General Luna, Baguio City


Name: Mr. Danny C. Depnag
Company/ Affiliation: 4th year Classroom Adviser


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