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English 002:

Reading and Writing skills

Second Semester, Module – 1
Axc I. Kalbit, Grade – 11 STEM

Activity 1. Using Brainstorming Tools
1. The World Health Organization reports that the healthcare system in the
Philippines is “fragmented” (WHO 2018). An unequal access to health care
services are experienced by the poor. Create an idea list of ways on how the
government could reduce the health inequities and provide more access to
quality healthcare services among the poor and disadvantaged group.

Ways on how the government could reduce the health inequities and provide
more access to quality healthcare services among the poor and disadvantaged

1. Integrating health equity considerations into policy and programs.

2. Collaborating with other sectors to address inequities.
3. Engaging with communities to support their efforts to address inequities.
4. Identifying the reduction of health inequities as a strategic priority.
5. Strengthening knowledge development and exchange around issues related to
health equity.

2. You are planning to write an essay about the most urgent health-related
concerns in your barangay. This as the main topic, create a concept map
that illustrates the cause, effects and preventive measures against every
concern identified.
Wear a mask
Family of viruses when going out
called Coronaviridae Maintain a safe
Don’t touch
your eyes,
transmission Cleaning your nose or mouth
hands often

Cause Measures

Stay home if
you feel




Activity 2. Outlining and Using Graphic Organizers

1. With Mental Health during the Pandemic as the main thesis, create a topic
outline that has this three main ideas: nature and importance of mental
health, symptoms of failing mental health, and strategies in protecting one’s
mental health during the pandemic.

Thesis: Mental Health during the Pandemic

I. Nature and Importance of Mental Health
A. Emotional Health Status
1. Affects how we feel
B. Psychological
1. Affects how we act
C. Social well-being of one’s self
1. Affects how we act
II. Symptoms of Failing Mental Health
A. Symptoms
1. Feeling sad or down.
2. Confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate.
3. Excessive fears or worries, or extreme feelings of guilt.
4. Extreme mood changes of highs and lows.
5. Withdrawal from friends and activities.
Strategies in Protecting One’s Mental Health During the
A. Create structure
1. Create a daily schedule for you and your family.
2. Limiting the amount of time you spend watching,
reading, or listening to the news.
B. Maintain your Physical Health
1. Keeping sufficient sleep
2. Eat at regular times and opt for nutritious foods
whenever possible.
C. Continue or seek out mental health treatment
1. Video therapy or phone call appointments.
2. Check out online support groups and meetings.
3. Avoid drugs and alcohol.

2. Using any graphic organizers, make a visual representation of how important

getting reliable information is during the pandemic and how to acquire them.

during the

Importance of How to acquire

getting them them

It must come from It must come from

To keep the books and
To avoid spreading From Scholarly, peer- books and
population calm and newspaper articles
false information reviewed articles and newspaper articles
informed on the from well-
about the pandemic. books. from well-
correct steps to take. established established
companies companies

Check Your Understanding

Make a research and trace the development of COVID-19 situation in the Philippines by
timeline of important events from the time the first case of the disease was recorded in
the country until the situation today.
COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines is part of the World Wide Pandemic
of Corona Virus pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe
acute respiratory system.
During the first month of Pandemic COVID-19 test had to be taken outside
the country due to lack of testing kits. This led to a controversy that involved several
government officials reported to have COVID-19 test without qualifying to the
Department of Health’s Triage Algorithm
By the end of January 2020, a research institute in Munting Lupa, Metro
Manila, began its testing operation becoming the first country Sub-National Laboratory.
On January 30, 2020, a 38 years-old Chinese woman was confined at the
San Lazaro Hospital in Manila.
On February 1, 2020, a prior test result from a deceased 44 years old
Chinese man came out positive from the virus, making the country the first country
outside of China to record a confirmed death from the disease.
On March 7, 2021, the country has confirmed its local transmission, 81
provinces socio-economic status, associated with prevalence of COVID-19 cases across
the country.
On March 15, 2020, community-quarantined was imposed throughout the
Since March 26, 2021, our country has reported over 702, 853 cases of
diseases. Out of the 508, 689 recovery and a total of 13, 149 death was recorded.
Our country ranked 2nd highest number of COVID-19 cases in South-East
Asia, and ranked 8th in Asia in the world.
March 26, 2021, the largest single day increased in number of confirmed
cases has been reported. The Department of Health announced 9, 838 number of new
March 25, 2021, the country had sub-national capable of detecting the
SARS-COV-2 virus and has conducted a total of 9, 838, 136 tests from more than 9,
355, 949 individuals.
Post Test
Directions: Match the items in column A with the given description in column B.
B 1. Brainstorming B. Process of generating ideas from an
individual or group
E 2. Graphic Organizer
C. A method usually used in writing to
C 3. Outlining
categorize points and organize
F 4. Parallelism paragraphs
D 5. Subordination D. A principle in arranging ideas based
on their level of significance
E. Tool used in visually representing
F. Use of grammatical form of words
A. A principle of separating ideas using a
consistent distinction

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