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Good Day Everyone!!!

Before we will start, may I request everyone to please stand for a Prayer.
Ok. Let me check first your attendance. And kindly affix your signature. Please pass to
the other trainee.
- Please submit the attendance sheet if you are done.

(Attendance is now collected....)

Alright everyone, kindly keep all your unnecessary things down

except your ball pen and your notebook. Gaining
I want you to listen and write down the important lesson for this attention
training session.


I welcome you all to Sibugay Technical Institute, Inc. Thank you for choosing STII as
your training provider. You will now undergo training on TECHNICAL DRAFTINGNC II. My
name is EVONY ROMY O. NARSICO; I’ll be your trainer for this training.

Objective of the Training

Again, I am your trainer in TECHNICAL DRAFTINGNCII and as a trainer my role for this
training is a Facilitator, Stimulator, Nurturer, Manager and Evaluator.

The role of CBT Trainer

MS. MICA PIDLAOAN read the first role of CBT Trainer Role Play

The role of CBT Trainee

MS. RASOM COMIL Kindly read the first role of CBT Trainee Role Play

I will now give an orientation on this training for us to have a common understanding on this
training particularly the Competency Based Training. Competency Based Training, CBT
stands for Competency based training where in it is a training delivery approach that focus
on competency development of the learner as a result of the training. – In other words, the
training delivery is based on the competency standard. These are other definition of CBT.

1. Emphasizes most on what the learner can actually do

2. Focuses on outcomes rather than the learning process within specified time
3. Is concerned with the attainment and application of knowledge, skills and attitude to
a specific level of competency.

CBT has Ten (10) Principles

1. Training is based on curriculum developed from competency standard, the program has
Training Regulation that was developed by the experts coming from the industry, the
training should meet the standard set by the industry. And the curriculum developed should
be base from the training regulation.

Learning is based on Competency-base curriculum.

Training is based on the curriculum developed which is the competency based curriculum
and it is derive from Training Regulation which was developed by the Expert from the

2. Learning is competency based or modular in structure. This means that the learning process
of the trainee is by module/competency, the trainee should learn one module/competency
at a time until he/she acquire all the modules in the unit of competency. Since, every unit of
competency comprises of modules/competency.

Mr. TANJAY kindly read CBT no. 3

3. Training delivery is individualized and self-paced- this time you as a trainees are given an
opportunity to learn on your own paced, - Trainees could learn competencies at their own

4. Training is based on work that must be performed- Learning is based on the actual industry

5. Training materials are directly related to the competency standards and the curriculum, the
learning materials is appropriate to attain the performance criteria in competency standard.
CS-CBC and Learning Materials are directly related to appropriately attain the competency

6. Assessment of learners is based on the collection of evidences of work performance based

on industry or organizational required standards, means relating to the knowledge evidence,
skills or process evidence and output evidence by looking the performance criteria for the
CBTVET Each student is assessed against the evidences based on standard

7. Training is based both on and off the job component; Training is done in a simulated work
environment such as in training cum production, enterprise based training, supervised
industry training and on-the-job training.

Better learning with industry and school partnership

8. Training program allows for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or current competencies,
means prior learning is recognized by giving them a certificate of Achievement for the
competencies acquired previously.

Workers and students can have prior skills recognized

9. Training allows for multiple entry and exit, so in this case trainees do not need to wait for
others to be competent before he can exit the competency or the qualification.
There is flexibility for entry and exit from program, so fast learners may graduate faster than

10. Training programs are registered with the UTPRAS, all programs should be registered to the
Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System. UTPRAS registration assures
the quality of training.

(Do you have any question or clarification on the orientation?)


If none, now may I request everyone to please stand for the tour on the different working
area: describing the instructional facilities and resources.

1. Learning Resource area- provides knowledge requirement in the various module

responding to the competencies. This is where the cbml and other module are
available for you to acquire knowledge and skills in this training. Any question
before we proceed to the next work station?

2. Quality control area- area of various test. This is where the achievement chart and
progress chart are located to monitor the progress of your performance. Any

3. Contextual learning laboratory- this facility ensures that the knowledge and
communication principles are applied to the technology provided to you as a learner.
This is where you can read textbooks, journals and magazines that are related to our
qualification. This serves as the mini library of the training venue. Any question?

4. Baking laboratory area- this area acquire knowledge and skills components of the
competencies prescribed by the standard. This is where you can perform the task
assigned to you, this area is for demonstration. Any question?
5. Computer laboratory area– this area is the use of the information technology. This
laboratory has an array of computer units and peripherals. – This area allows you to
do online research that could help you in this training. Computer units are available
in this area with internet connection. Any question?
6. Institutional assessment area- this is where recognition of prior learning are
assessed. This facility is provided with a computer system that houses and managing
individual record. – this is where the institutional assessment conducted. Any

7. Distance learning area- this area enhance the accessibility of TVET to enable the
learning provision outside and away from the training institution in terms of print
and non-print media. Any question?

8. Support services area- this area provides value adding competencies. Cleaning
Materials are located in this area. Any question?

9. Trainers resource center- this area houses the learning materials, the training
regulations and curriculum exemplars and where instructor produce courseware of
training materials., TR and CBC. Any question?

Fire extinguisher is provided in the area to ensure safety in case of fire. And First aid cabinet
and medicines are also provided. You must also observe the entrance and the emergency
exit of the training venue.

I will distribute this pre-assessment checklist, kindly read and filled up. This will determine
your characteristic, to recognize your prior learning and to determine your training needs.

Ok, kindly submit your pre-assessment checklist so that we can start the assignment of
task and we can determine your training needs.

Before I will assign the task based on the evidence gathered, I will distribute to you first
the Trainers Record Book, kindly filled out the front page of your TRB. Your rate in every
learning outcome/task to be performed is rated in the TRB.

(Assigning individual task)


Ok Mr./Mrs. ______________________________ base on the evidence gathered in your

pre-assessment checklist that you filled up. It indicates you already meet the qualification
ARCHITECTURAL LAY-OUTS AND DETAILS. you indicated “NO” in the self-assessment
checklist, so please read the Information Sheet 1.1-1 on DRAFT ARCHITECTURAL LAY-
OUTS AND DETAILS on Page 52, so you may go to the Learning Resource Area and look
for the modules that I assigned to you.
And Mr./Ms. Fast Learner_____________________ base on the evidence gathered on your
pre-assessment checklist that you filled up. It indicates you already meet the qualification
standard on the other competencies. But on PREPARE COMPUTER-AIDED DRAWINGS check
“NO”, so you can now proceed to Baking Laboratory Area where you can find the resources
to be used for demonstration. You need to perform the Task Sheet 1.2-1 on Decorate and
present bakery products on Page 75

And Mr/Ms. Slow Learner__________________________ base on the evidence gathered

on your pre-assessment checklist that you filled up. It indicates you already meet the
qualification standard on the other competencies. But in the PREPARE COMPUTER-AIDED
DRAWINGS you indicate the check “NO”, so you may go to the Baking Laboratory area and
perform the Operation Sheet 2.1-1 on Preparing and Producing Pastry Product on, Page 95.
I’ll be back to you in a while to check your assigned task.


Ok!!!Mr./Ms. Slow Learner, how are you doing? Can I check you work?


1. You acquired the safety procedure in using the drafting area competent

2. But you did not perform on how to draft architectural lay-outs Not yet
and details
3. I want you to prepare the tools and materials for drawing Slow Learner


Ok!!! Mr/Ms/Mrs_____________________ , how are you doing? Can I check your work?


1. OK! You have the knowledge on how to draft architectural lay-outs Competent
2. The procedures, steps and materials are well managed and
performed as well The fast learner

3. may proceed on setting up drawing procedure

 I will come back you later.

1. Ok Mr______________, are you done? Can I check your work? Not yet
You must follow the step by step process on preparing and
producing bakery products. Slow learner

2. In preparing and producing bakery products, you need to

determine first the procedure in bread making.

I WILL COME BACK YOU LATER to check your progress

How about you Ms. __________________________, are you done? Can I check your work?

4. Ok your performance is good in preparing and displaying

petits fours, you meet the requirements in this competency.
 Where is your Trainees Record Book (TRB) for I
going to sign it?
 Come with me, in the Quality Control Area for I WILL COMPETENT
Check the achievement chart and the progress chart
 Congratulations, you had completed the task in all the
CORE Competencies.

NOW... I am going to assign you to kindly help Mr. Slow Learner on

presenting dessert. He’s at the Baking Laboratory Area

How about you Ms. Fast Learner? Can I check your work now?

Good that you completely performed all the Core Competencies. Congratulations for
completing the tasks. Where is your Trainer’s Record Book (TRB) for I am going to
sign it? Come with me in the Quality Control Area to check the achievement and
progress chart. You may now go to the Institutional Assessment Area for Institutional
Assessment. You are going to perform the written test and the demonstration.
Here’s the institutional assessment instrument and I will come back to you later to
check the result of the institutional assessment.


How about you Mr. Slow Learner? How’s your progress?

Ok, so since we are running out of time I want you to continue your task next
meeting. Thank you for assessing Ms. _________________________
You may now take your sit Mr. _______________________________.

How are you doing Ms. Fast Learner? (At the Institutional Assessmnt Area)

Ok, as what I had observed and based on the evidence gathered. You performed all
the task in all the Core Competencies. Congratulations! You are now ready to take
the National Assessment.

Feed backing:

Ok, everyone please go back to your proper sits.

So, trainees based on my observation with my performance criteria checklist, all of

you have different ideas in your learning competency development, I suggest
everyone to study in advance, we will continue your activity next meeting.

But before we will dismiss may I ask everyone to evaluate my performance today as
a trainer for further enhancement on our next session?

If there is none, thank you and you can go now. See you next meeting.

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