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Ship Name In Service Config Dt Armor Rating

Surface Combatant Reference Sheet Chancellorsville 2015 2015 2

Class Type Propulsion Size Class/Description Displacement Crew Signature: Radar/Acoustic
Bunker Hill (CMP) CVN Steam Turbine B Medium 7260 309 Large / Quiet
Damage Point Effects Maneuvering Data CPP: ✔ Merch: Waterjet: Restr. Turn: Single Prop:
Percent Turn Advance Speed Loss Acceleration Acceleration Deceleration
Damage 0% 25% 50% 75% 90% 100% Type (yds) per 45° turn ≤75% Max Spd >75% Max Spd Any Spd
Damage 0 61 123 184 221 245 Standard 300 2 15 8 18
Speed 30 23 15 8 0 Sinks Hard 200 3
Aviation Assets:
Combat Sys.: 6th Gen Automatic GS : 6 ES Gen: 3 Aft Pad(1) 2 MH-60R Seahawk
Countermeasures ­ Electronic: 4th J&D Acoustic: 3rd Gen. T
Other Sensors:

Radars (Annex J) Range

Name Function Large Med. Small VSmall Stealthy Gen. Remarks
SPY-1A 3D,FC 275 192 137 55 16.5 4
SS 45 44 25 14 7.9
SPQ-9B SS,FC 30 30 20 11 6.3 4
SPG-62 FC No search function

SPS-55 SS 36 32 18 10 5.7 3
SPS-64 SS 57 32 18 10 5.7 4

Sonars (Annex K) Active Passive Freq

Name Type Gen. Range Range Band Remarks
SQS-53C Bow 5 5.3 2.3 LMFa-MF Part of SQQ-89 Suite
TB-37 MFTA TA-Fast 7 8.0 VLF-LMF Part of SQQ-89 Suite
Weapon Mounts Wpns
Name Type Arc Cells Avail Remarks
Mk41 VLS VLS F&A(8)16 16 122 66 SM2MR Blk IIIB, 24 ESSM,10 SM3, 24 Tomahawk, 8 VL ASROC
Mk141 Missile PS/SS(4)2 2x4 8 Harpoon IC
Mk45 Mod 4 5in/62 Gun F/A(1)2 2 SPY-1 and SPQ-9B ATA Rtg:(2.2)
FMk15 Phalanx 1B CIWS P/S(R)2 ATA Rtg 7.6A

Mk38 Bushmaster Gun PB&SB(5)2 2

M2 .50 cal Gun P/S(1)2 2 ATA 0.1L

Mk32 324mm TT Torp. Tube PB/SB(3)2 2x3 6 Mk54

Notes and Remarks:
Mk41 can also fire SM6//4 SPG-62 directors

This form is provided by the Admiralty Trilogy Group.

Harpoon V Form 1 (Surface p.1) v1.0 4JUL2020 It can be copied for use with any Admiralty Trilogy games.
Surface Combatant Reference Sheet Chancellorsville

Weapon Details
Missiles/ASW Standoff Min/Max Rng(nmi) Speed Damage/Payload Remarks Annexes D, E4
SM2MR Blk IIIB 3.0 90.0 2006 I/M/TIRH & TSARH/3 Gen:4 VLow-VHi ATA:3.5
(vs Surf) 3.0 25.0 26+D6/3
RIM-161D SM-3 0.0 810.0 2666 II/M/TIIRH Gen 4 VLow-RHi Sig:VSm ExoAtmos only
RGM/UGM-109E Tac Thwk 25.0 900.0 475 45+D6 I/TARH Gen:2 Sig:Sthy VL Cruise
RUM-139C VL ASROC 2.5 12.0 660 Mk54 Torpedo Interial Guidance, Mk41 VLS
RIM-174 SM6 Blk IA 6.0 200.0 2006 I&Sat/M/TSARH&TARH Gen 5: Sig:VSm Atmos and ExoAtmos
RIM-162 Blk 2 ESSM 0.0 27.0 2250 23+D6/3 SARH/TARH Gen 4 ATA 4 VLow-Hi Sig:Vsm
RGM/UGM-84D Harpoon IC 3.0 75.0 561 30+D6/2 I/TARH, Gen 3, VL Cr, Selectable Popup

Torpedoes Diam Range(kyd) Spd Dam. Surf/Sub Max Dpth Remarks Annex F
Mk54 324 12.0 45 52 Deep I Active/Passive, Gen. 4, Shallow Water Capable
16.0 30 -

Guns Annex C Shell Short Range Medium Range Long Range Extreme Range Max Air AA
kyds B­Pen Dmg kyds B­Pen Dmg kyds B/D Pen Dmg kyds B/D Pen Dmg Alt Rng(kyd) Rtg
5in/62 HE 7.8 2 24.0 15.5 1 22.0 20.7 1/0 18.0 25.9 1/1 16.0 High 12.0 0.45
Mk38 Bushmaster HE 0.3 0 3.0 0.8 0 3.0 1.3 0/0 2.0 1.6 0/0 2.0
Mk15 Phalanx APDS 1.2 2 3.0 3 2 2.6 4.8 1/0 2.2 6 1/1 1.9 Low 2.4 3.79
M2 .50cal Solid 0.2 1 0.8 0.5 0 0.7 0.8 0/0 0.6 1 1/0 0.5 Low 2.5 0.08

Ahead­Thrown ASW Annex E3 Max Rng # of Damage Attacks

Name kyds Proj Pts /Tac Turn Remarks

Depth Charges Annex E Class Damage Max Sink

Name Grouping Leth Maj Min Depth Rate Remarks

Notes and Remarks:

This form is provided by the Admiralty Trilogy Group.

Harpoon V Form 1 (Surface p.2) v1.0 4JUL2020 It can be copied for use with any Admiralty Trilogy games.

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