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Student’s name: …………………………………………………… Student’s ID: ……………………

20/30 6,67
Time allotted: 30 minutes
There are 15 questions in this part.
A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each
sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on
your answer sheet.

Question 1: The person who is not your parents’ son, but the son of a person that one of your parents has
married is your --------------.
A. brother B. brother-in-law C. stepbrother D. half brother
Question 2: --------------- for both men and women has improved greatly in the past 20 years.
A. Average life B. Life expection C. Life expectancy D. Life average
Question 3: There’s --------------- different kabsa in the convenience store.
A. many B. much C. a lot of D. a few
Question 4: A --------------- contains bandages and medicines to treat people who are injured or become
ill suddenly.
A. box B. compass C. torch D. first-aid kit
Question 5: My cousin works as a waiter at ---------------.
A. a company B. a restaurant C. a studio D. a hospital
Question 6: I prefer to pay for everything in --------------- so I always know how much money I have.
A. credit B. cash C. currency D. change
Question 7: Rob likes --------------- Tae Kwon Do in his free time.
A. going B. doing C. playing D. meeting
Question 8: Hamad knows Mozzarella salad, but he doesn’t know what it --------------- like.
A. cooks B. eats C. makes D. tastes
Question 9: For the first time since humans --------------- animals for payment, we can now buy and sell
with no coins, notes or ---------------.
A. use / checks B. used / cheques C. using / checks D. was used / cheques
Question 10: The women in the painting --------------- long curly hair.
A. have got B. had get C. owns D. has got
Question 11: Jenny has gone to the baker’s store to buy a ---------------of bread.
A. packet B. loaf C. piece D. tin
Question 12: Luke --------------- to study Japanese. He prefers learning Korean instead.
A. doesn’t want B. isn’t wanting C. wasn’t wanting D. didn’t want
Question 13: He's one of the most ---------------people I've ever met. He never stops talking and he never
says anything ---------------.
A. bored / interested B. bored / interesting C. boring / interesting D. boring / interested
Question 14: In my opinion, surfing is --------------- than bungee jumping.
A. excited B. less exciting C. most excited D. as exciting as
Question 15: You are in room 6 and --------------- teacher is Stewart.
A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself

PART 2: INCOMPLETE TEXTS - one point for each correct answer.

There are 3 questions in this part
Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. Four
answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to complete the text.
Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 16 through 18 refer to the following passage.

To: All sale personal
From: The manager
Re: Wireless internet
It has come to my attention that a lot of our customers are not aware that their computers have a wireless
internet connection capacity. Recently several customers (16) ----------------- the stores asking how to go
about setting up an Internet connection. We always ask customers for details about their computers, and
we discovered that a lot of these had bought their computers at our store. All of them had computers with
the technology for a wireless connection. Be sure to explain all functions very carefully before making a
sale. Show the customers how easy it is to (17) ------------------------ the internet in our store. We’d like to
show each customer how to apply for their warranty online. It will give a good (18) ------------------- of
our store, and help the customer, too.
Thank you
Question 16: A. contacts B. have contacted C. contacts D. are contacting
Question 17: A. log B. surf C. book D. connect
Question 18: A. sign B. show C. imagine D. impression

PART 3: READING COMPREHENSION - one point for each correct answer.

There are 15 questions in this part
In this part of the test, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles,
letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each
question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C) or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 19 through 22 refer to the following text.

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
          Thank you both for the wonderful wedding present. Both Jill and I have always wanted to go to
France and visit the many museums. We were so shocked when we first saw the airplane tickets that we
almost fainted! It was more than we could have hoped to receive airplane tickets to France as a wedding
present! Paris is wonderful! The only trouble is trying to decide where to go. I want to go to the
museums, but Jill wants to see more of the beautiful traditional churches. In the end, we decided to see
the churches in the morning (when the weather is cool), and the museums in the afternoon (because
they’re air-conditioned). This allows us to get the most sight-seeing done during our two-week stay.
There are many coffee shops, too. Jill likes sitting outside and watching people, but I like sitting inside
where I can enjoy the smell of the coffee. French coffees are so much more aromatic and stronger than
the coffee we are used to back home. Thanks again for the lovely trip! We sent you a postcard, but I
think we will arrive back home before you get it. It is a picture of the Eiffel Tower.

Freddy and Jill

Question 19: What did Freddy’s grandparents give him and Jill for a wedding present?
A. Tickets to a museum B. Some coffee C. A cake D. A trip to France

Question 20: Based on this letter, which of these following could be inferred?
A. Freddy is an outdoor person, and Jill is an indoor person
B. Freddy is an indoor person, and Jill is an outdoor person
C. Freddy and Jill have to travel
D. Both Freddy and Jill are indoor people
Question 21: Why did they have to decide to visit the museums in the afternoon?
A. The art is better in the afternoon
B. They could get the discounted price in the afternoon
C. The weather is hot and the museums have air conditioning
D. The museums are closed in the mornings
Question 22: How long was their trip?
A. Two weeks B. One month
C. One week D. The reading does not say

Questions 23 through 24 refer to the following text.

Small computer software company is looking for an office manager. College degree not required, but
applicant must have at least two years’ experience at a similar job. Call Ms. Chang (director) at 348-555-
Question 23: What kind of job is advertised?
A. Director of a computer company B. Office manager
C. Computer programmer D. College professor
Question 24: What is a requirement for this job?
A. A college degree B. Less than two years’ experience
C. Telephone skills D. Two or more years’ experience

Questions 25 through 29 refer to the following text.

The First Computer Programmer
Ada Lovelace was the daughter of the poet Lord Byron. She was taught by Mary Somerville, a well-
known researcher and scientific author, who introduced her to Charles Babbage in June 1833. Babbage
was an English mathematician, who first had the idea for a programmable computer.
In 1842 and 1843, Ada translated the work of an Italian mathematician, Luigi Menabrea, on
Babbage's Analytical Engine. Though mechanical, this machine was an important step in the history of
computers; it was the design of a mechanical general-purpose computer. Babbage worked on it for many
years until his death in 1871. However, because of financial, political, and legal issues, the engine was
never built. The design of the machine was very modern; it anticipated the first completed general-
purpose computers by about 100 years.
When Ada translated the article, she added a set of notes which specified in complete detail a method
for calculating certain numbers with the Analytical Engine, which have since been recognized by
historians as the world's first computer program. She also saw possibilities in it that Babbage hadn't: she
realized that the machine could compose pieces of music. The computer programming language 'Ada',
used in some aviation and military programs, is named after her.
Question 25: Who is Mary Somerville?
A. A mathematician B. An unknown researcher
C. A scientific author D. The daughter of Lord Byron
Question 26: Who first had the idea for a programmable computer?
A. Lord Byron B. Charles Babbage C. Ada Lovelace D. Mary Somerville
Question 27: What did Ada do when she worked with Baggage?
A. She translated someone’s work. B. She talked to Baggage.
C. She recognized the historians. D. She built the machine.
Question 28: What was Babbage’s machine called?
A. A Modern Calculator B. Mechanical General-purpose Computer
C. Analytical Engine D. Luigi Menabrea

Question 29: What did Ada recognize but Baggage hadn’t?

A. She added a set of notes.
B. Some aviation and military program is named after her.
C. The program was the world's first computer program.
D. The machine could compose music.
Question 30 refers to the following text
Reading Skill
Students can find out how fast they read by a simple method. First, they should count all of the
words on a page of a book. Then, they read the page as they time themselves. After finishing reading,
they should divide the number of words read by the number of minutes spent reading. That will give their
reading speed in words per minute. It is important that students read accurately even while timing
themselves. If they read too quickly, they might not understand the information. If that happens, their
reading will be of no use. Students must practice reading at a speed at which they can still understand.
Question 30:  According to the passage, what is the first step in determining your reading speed?
A. Timing yourself as you read the page of a book
B. Determining if you need to read faster
C. Dividing the number of words read by the number of minutes used
D. Counting the number of words on a page

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