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FALCULAN TWINS! REVIEW CENTER ‘2 Souttjunction Bulding (MeDorak'), Mallengke Quinine Comer Pichon Ext, Barkorohan, Davaa City HEALTH TEST 4 1. Exercises have many advantages to one's heath and wellbeing. There are principles to consider in ‘order to avoid injuties, which principle states that physical activity can be beneficial done several days ‘a woek? i. Beis FITT Principle & eat Frequency = twine run a ee INCENSIRY = tov nord you enervinw. Fores Ti = secine rm one “Tare ncn 2. Vly mse uses hve daa eodoas al iio move fol and sry win tho lis of har ciabiity. The students can partjpato in group fitness actvibes with assistance. Is appropriate o gue or manipulate actvites tke dumpng rope Selected apporatis activities Stunts and tumbling ‘Alot the above Cheating, fake products and using ropagancas to paonizepreducts means, Fadd'sm Fraud Superstitous ballots None ofthe atove, Whats the normal resting heert rate of an indivdual? 72 boats per second 90 boats par second 80 beats per minute 420 beats per minute Which i best for oral diseas/ ich as ging and denial probline and is also used in cleansing vwounds due is anisepte properis? ee Rationalization: Samtong | Ginguile moons inammation of te gums. Stiles have show that guava eat Sha,icevee | motwash can hep to contol plage do tH antbacteral quakes. f'may aso reduce inflammation, Which is alipéricial wound caus8d Byubbing or scraping resulting t partial loss of skin surface? S9B>e com> » SpB>e SOm>e CpB> Puneture Rationalization: cee, | Puncture - wound made by a pointed abject such as @ nai, kif, or sharp tooth, toa Laseration = or eul roles 0 a skin wound, Unike an abrasion, rane of the skin is ino rmissing Incision ~ alo known as surgkcal wound, 7. Which ie considered “a silont Kit because it usvally doesn't have any symptoms for many years - Lunt the vital organs. damaged? Kiney faire Hypertension| Cancer Diabetes Trier porson i freign object is und the upper bof te oye, Gently rinse te eye with ‘Advice person to look down or usw Have a person sneeze to remove the feroign object Ratonaizaton: Incing «person ramove a foreign cect Ia hiter eye, It is ol adeno to make the percn sneeze to remove te feign abject As we enoaze ou eyes Dacor ore way as fit fproduoed by the conkincva. Since ou eyes ro row ubated bythe Mu, thor oa poosety the trlgn obock te eteon the edo of cu vote andor i become more dieu o remove ae asl ents ho {ee lwo els. Ratlnalzaon: incase tops he mortally lt among Filinos?| Despite te dowdy coronavis dase 2019 RP ete gu 2 HP? | (Covad) battering tho courty, corr heart & Fearon Opt assaee ‘scase remains te tp cause ol delhi the To. Mate he moat sever otto query ohrthan} PRppnon Rom January fe Revert In 2h A 8, © 6 8. Toassist someone when a foreign objects trapped insite the eye these oe First Aid prirties but NOT A a c °. tlPage FALCULAN TWINS! REVIEW CENTER _2F Sourtjunction Bulding (MeDorak's), Mallengke Quinine Comer Pichon Ext, Bankorohan, Davao City Serious threat fo heath Misinformation given by t Effoct on the god porean wit chronic atmorts Valuable tine ie tost peer \Whatformot exercisesis performed wen the muscles are made o undergo tension vthout contraction and held in a ¢oriain poston for come tno In oreor to davalop muscle evongih? iwtone Ratonaaton: Aerocic | Ieomere exorcise, Ike planks, doit equre you 10 move or berd ary jis. isotonic nomic | Gerlses ike squats, move siaing the maces whe rewng he ans and png 2 constant amour cfnm goe> The degive of motion aia jit fs determined by? the ameunt of synovial fi in a join the numberof bones around a int the bone shape and pit structure the Unusual mount of exarcee peer Laxatives are medications people use to help stimulate bowel movemerts or loosen up stool to ease its passage. Ia person warts fo take organic and natural axatves,helshe should consurne food thats rene” | Ratenazatn pe Insoluble fiber, special, can act tke a laxative inthe algestive tract because It can ore halp televe constipation. Constipation is the No. 7 dgestve complain! in the United fodne States, mosty because many people's cets are relatively low in ser and high in refined carbohydrates, com> 14. Ifyou are caught in an open area during Ighiring, yng downlen a de lan isthe bdlbway to avoid aceident Which a these s tthe reason of such decision? |A. Wiser a conductor of electncty Tho taost balding cotton rit by lohtrng Those sie the bung ar often SEUdE DY hg 1. Talland isolated trees ate commoriy itty lightning Ratonalzaten: Stay ow when ausoor grr nts th aleedec. Goto oy aes sich a ie, mountain ‘tigen, peak Tcaugh jamOpen fet seek BIBwcol and crouctwth your fe oper ar head kw Nr ie walt a conduc ct ran water (ano arg ego ie ina reincoud) fi deals sas nc acide hata sbio con ecg {8-whkh pa afitons are inv pos of Rose when Jack heli er athe ofthe Tan? Flexion and abiucton & Exeniahnd absucton CC. Felon and eddueton 1D. Extension and acaucteh, By into ions, Rain wale is therefore 18. A wise condlunathias resporsbites that can help in geting healthier praducts withthe services needed. How do you call thatthe responsibly of becoming more alert on the quaiy, price, use of ‘goods and services? Reon Soliarity Socal Concom Cia! Awareness seep What isthe frst stop fora conscious visti of poisoning? Cause voting ope Gives cola or trong coffee What isa white odoress, crystal power with bitter taste, sometimes called a “poor man's cocaine? Histamine Manjuana Amphetamine Shabu pee>, First dogree burs coud be Weated frst by. Ordinary wator sprinkle Pouring ol on the atfected area Apolication of bum omen Pouring cold wateron the bum Ratoralzaton: soe, 2lPage FALCULAN TWINS! REVIEW CENTER .2F Sourtjunction Bulding (MeDorak's), Mallengke Quire Comer Pichon Ext, Bankorohan, Davaa City For FirstDegree Bums (Affecting Top Layer of Skin) 4. Cool Bum = Hold bumed skin under co (not cold) running water or immerse in eso water unt the pain evbeldos. Use compresses itruning water is avaiable 2. Protect Bum - Cover with atte, noradhesive bandoge of clean cath (Do not apoly bute, ci, lotone, oF creams (especialy if they contain fragrance) Apply a petrolaum-based ‘ointment to treo tos per ay 3. Treat Pai = Give overthe-counler pain reliever. 20, The sting power ofthe haar, lungs and skeletal muscie as a resultofreguloroxorceo such ae walking {panirg, swimming anc aerobic dancing fs ofrred to as? Flay Strength Power Stemina peer Rationalization: Strength refers to the body's ably to overcome resistance. Power also refers tothe body's ability to ‘overcome resistance, butt also ooks t how fast the load is moving. Soywhileiftina weighs isa sienat- based activity, wien you mova tho wight quickly, f'8 more ofa powiarsbated actly. For what are quarantine methods useul alg the concept gfa heath environment? Harmil radiation ‘Ar poition Foot! and water contamination Communicable disease These are ways to prevent the oppearance fViAl:caused wars kuugo on thelhands, face, fect and logs but NOT to include? Kooping hand anc fest cean Using deodorant ot lum power ‘Avod walking barefot in puble areas ‘Avoid applying cosmetics Used by poop with warts rug i considered a tiondibetause teats ansety and tensions, Ot ts overall mecicalimpariance Its used as anesthalies fr surpieal procedures Itteatsatferentdscasce In applying uth-to-routhresusctalohifor a drowning vit, how mary tein each interval should strong bfeaths be rade into the mouth ofthe Ijured person? 2 ties 5 ames 3 times ‘times 99e> ZB cowry SoB> R POEPE 25, 1 poreon nas ageizuro whi bathing, which of tho folowing produces should come frst? ‘A. Follow the ist ad lope for seizure B. Star the water draing fram the ub C. Callothe stat or assistance . immediately protect and Support he heed Ravonalzaton: ete are sieps to follow i someone fs having a seizure in water: ‘Support the person in the water with tho head ited ga the face and head stay above the surface Remove Bo porson from tha wator as quick as possible Chock to soe whethor ho porson is breatvng If no, Login CPR inenediatoy Catan ambiance HIV may be transmitted from one individual o another nal othe folowing ways EXCEPT: Perinatal trom an infected mother to her fetus Through eontact made during ora 8 Through breestrk for an infected mother and fed to an infant Geneticly trom parent chi Whats tho best reatment opto you can advigo fra child whois having barhoa? Anibites Aniicireeal medication Gatorade Oral ranyaration Sepry arvey sens. Bl Page FALCULAN TWINS’ REVIEW CENTER 21F Southjunction Building (McDonale's), Mallengke Quinine Comer Pichon Ext, Bankerohan, Davao City 28. Which substance when abused leads to hearing loss, peripheral neuropathies brain damage? A Mariana B. Cocaine ©. Methamphetamine D. Rubber based contact cament (Rugby) Re tonalization Effects of inhaling rugby: ‘Permanent hearing loss ‘Changes in personality Muscle deterioration Hear fare Respiratory damage Brain damage Death of brain cots 29, Flexion of the knees and extension ofthe hips are function of which muscle? ‘A. Glutous maximus B. Hamsting ©. Quacticeps D. Gastroonemius Rationalization: luteus maximus - movement ofthe hip & thigh ‘Quadriceps- knee extension. Hip Flexion ‘Gastrocnemius ~ Planar flexes foot. Nexes knee 30, Which snot true of chicken pox? ‘A. Touching ofthe fu of chicken pox bistef@ean get You disease B. Inhalation o airborne droplets trom a patient with chieken pox can get yoUiseae (C. When the bistors start crusting the patent is no lnger contagious D._ Even after the resolution of the disease the virus remain in acve in certain nerves of our body, Rationalization: ‘Alter about 24 fo 48 hoursythe fuid in tho blisters gots cloudy and the bist bogin to crust over. Chickenpox blisters show up in waves. So after some Begin to crust over, a new group of spots might appear. It usually takes 10-14 days forall the blisters f0 be scabbed over and then you are no longer contagious. 31. Dally health ifspoction provides BpBBrunites for informal heath education. Heath educators can help ‘students devalop avarsness of thara¥in healh through simple questions about many topics such a= the following except? ‘A. ‘Didyourush your toth this morning? B. “Dalyouwash your hands before and ater eatihg?” CC. ‘Does yourneighbor observe trafic rules and regulations?” . “Do yout your trash inthe waste can?” 32, Compared with other components of MAPEH, Physical educations particularly vulnerable to accidents ‘and Innis due to egiigence. Which among te following describes akin of nogligence thal occurs ‘based on the lack af ation ofthe teacher in canying out a duty? Nonfeasance Contributory negligence: Torts abiity poor Rationalization: Nonfeasance: faire to perform an action thats rquired by law 33, The kindof evaluation that is concemad with how far, how accurate, how many, How rch, and how fast. This usualy makes use of checks, anecdotal records, sall-ovaluaion and standardized tests ‘A. Process valuation B, Product evaluation ©. Content evaluation D. Context evaluation 234. To personalize health concopts, studonts must relate to health instruction from the affective domain {An excellent strategy for achieving ths goal is through the use of? ‘A. Verbal and dacussion-oentod strategies B. Valles lariicaton strategies C. Actiomoranted strategies D. Use ot media 4lPoge FALCULAN TWINS’ REVIEW CENTER 21F Southjunction Building (McDonale's), Mallengke Quine Comer Pichon Ext, Bankerohan, Davao City 8. Which ofthe folowing isnot rue about healthful schoo ving? Provision of safe and health physica plan ‘Good intarelatonship among studenis,facuily, and staff Comprehensive cureulum ‘Weltmainiained school health eervices poe 36, How can Teacher Chiko best introduce the proper way of brushing the teth in one remote community ‘wera most students have no toothbrush and money o buy toothpaste? Proceed wit lecture using pctiras Use salt and twigs of any avaliable ibe plant ‘Demonstration using soap and the Index fnger for brushing Individualized instruction for those who brought their toothpaste and toothbrush o@> 37. The Health class of Mr. Delos Reyes Is composed of drop-ous and regular studens whose age ranges. ‘tom 16-25 years old. What could bea bellr way of erganzing them fora team project? Group them according to age so they can work well Let them select their own group so they wil not have a problem “Moc them ina group for cooperative fearing Let them work as one group wih the teacher as faiitator poe> 38. Some of your students would come in incomplete uniform. How arayou going to encourage them to wear the prescribed P.E. uniform? Toll trem fsa requirement Give thom an atonal grade Tall thom te health and hygienic reason Toll them the safely reasons poem 39, Which o the following strategies is no longer appropriate i the teaching of heath cist for fourth year students? Dramatization Debate Values clarfeation Puppet show com> 10, The following are possible sours of sresslbmong Studer BrEeps? ‘Separation of parents Froquent headaches Birth ofa brother or sist Death inthe family poms Which ofthe foving isnot tin elated issue fr athletes? Fast ood craze «Junk foodie of students Gairlose beight-woight promo Propaganda adverisement coer Which ofthe folowing objectives is comect slated inthe alectve domain? ‘The student willbe able fo demonstrate postive atitude towards heath “The studentwlldermonstate an understanding of cooperation in a group work ‘Tho student wil Be.abe to develop positive sa concept through relevant and positve experiences ‘The student will Be able te help others develop a desrablesell-concopt ems 42. In teaching people in 1R@\communty, health workers use demonstration fo help explain meaningful concepts lo Students because they involve other senses. The folowing areas are appropiate for their Use, except? Teaching f family planning Teaching of frst ad Teaching of nutrition Teaching of drugs com> [As a heath educator, teacher Mar plays a vital role in any af he following except? Reteral of sick stents tothe school doctor Counseling of problem students ‘Activ olen the safely councl ofthe schoo! ‘Manning he cline n the absence ofa nurse ora doctor Pre 29 48. Which ofthe folowing can halp a health volunteer identily the breeding place of mosquitoes in the barangay vnare the school is located?” (Ocular inspection Household survey OH report ‘Students report => 29 48, The common cause of fainting among publ schoo! students is S1Page FALCULAN TWINS’ REVIEW CENTER 21F Southjunction Building (McDonale's), Mallengke Quine Comer Pichon Ext, Bankerohan, Davao City Missing breakfast, Hunger Poor school environment Extreme weather conaton seme ‘During earthquake or fre dil, the teacher must Be the fret to leave fo load the students othe last to lave to coat the area Go wit the students Be lft inthe area poms ‘As member ofthe school health team, the school administrators roe is? ‘To monitor the school heath instruction To soe to that the school has a complete medical personne! To ensure tho provision ofthe health services ‘To convene the heath coundl pers 49, There are several reasons why’ a person becomes drug dependent or drug abuser. Who ean help timfer best o get fred from his dependency? ‘A. Family and frends Bi Inaiutions wha eater to his group of people ©. Salt D. Goverment 50, Haris as important as the rest ofthe body parts. Which ofthe folowing isnot a good reason of why \we need to give importance to our hai’? ‘A. Itholps insulate our body fom cold and heat B. Koop dust and dit out of our ayes, nose, and ears CC. Help sweat rom running into our eyes D._ They are made of dead cals that need to be i6Ughed 51, Labels can help consumers compare afl evaluate health products espeailifehidrigs because? A. Tals about he side effects B. Males he price c. D, Talis about the ingredionts Itincudes expiration dates, 52, Waters vito all vnghings. Whats the percenlape of water our body? A 8510 70% B. 75% 100% C. 55165 D. Itdepends oath size and. Rationaizatoh: In-adlt men, about 60% of thelr bodies ae water. However, ft tissue does not have as much water as lean tissue. In adult women, fa! makes up mare ofthe body than men, so thay have about 55% of thar bodies made of water. 12 oFtha)person 53. A vicim of eat éeident has pain in his neck. Upon checking, you found out the neck is swollen and fender. What should you do? ‘A. Ask the patient main quiet and calm B. Splint the nock CC. Ask the paint to bend is head from side to side D. Ignore it and tel the pallet itis nothing Rationalization: Call 911 or emergency mtical halp. Keep the person stil. Place heavy towels or rolled shets on both ‘sides ofthe neck or hold the head and neck to prevent movement. Avold moving the head or neck. 4. Which of he folowing isnot an effactof changes inthe tmosphre? ‘Agiciture and industial consumer practices. Cutting of res which consume carton dioxide Water pollution Noise polition poerg “There are four erica aoas ofthe body. What are they? aoa, feet hand, and geste Torso, genital, fet, and legs Hangs foot, ams and legs Head, chest, hand, and genitals omg ‘56. You have been advised to take antbiotes for your skin disease, But because you are so busy, you forgot fo fake one after lunch, What woud you do? ‘A. Take one rght away and adjust the frequency of medicine intakes B._Shitto a much higher migra 6lPone FALCULAN TWINS’ REVIEW CENTER 21F Southjunction Building (McDonale's), Mallengke Quine Comer Pichon Ext, Bankerohan, Davao City C. Double the dosage inthe evening D. Discontinue aking the pls Rationalization: Plan to take your antibiotics at about the same time each day atregular intervals, Consider scheduling them belore or ater meals so that you can remember and i your doctor says itis OK to take them with food lt you miss one dose, do not double the nest dose: take it as s00n as you remember, and resume single ‘doses at safe intorvas as advigod unt you complate the prescription, 57, Its a drug primarily employed in surgery on the membranes ning the nose and throat A. Shab B Cocaine . Barbiturate D._ Amphetamine Rationalization: Barbturates ~ a group of drugs in the class of drugs known as sedative-hypnotic, which goneraly describes thelr sloopinducing and anxiety-decreasing effacs, Barbiturates can be extremely dangerous because the correct dose i difiul fo padi. ‘Amphetamine - cerizal nervous system (CNS) stimulant that is used in the treatment of attention deficit hyporactivty disorder (ADHD), narcolopsy, and obosiy ‘Shabu powerful addicive meth stimulant, easly accessible and affordable, is the drug of choice of over 80% of Fipino drug users ‘58, It slows down the brain function ane other parts of the nervous sytem, A. Chocolate B. Alcohol ©. Coffee D. Tea Rationalization: ‘Alcohol has a profound effect on tho cormplaiistructured of train. It blocks chemical signals betwoon brain cals (called neurons), leading she commen immadiateeympioms ofintoxicaton, including impulsive behav, slurred speech, poor memory, and sowed reflexes 59. Ini spa treatment, slp ic massaged fora eas10 minutes after shampooing, After the shampoo, £2 deep condoning tasks applied an it should be massaged for? A. to-t5 minutes B. 20:25 minutes C. 15-20 minutes D, 20-30 minites Rationalization Deep conditoner is meant o be left on your hair for round 30 minutos or more. Heavier than rinse-out ‘and leavecin conditoners, fs designed to help repair very damaged hair and hydrate very dry hai. Its Usually meant to be applied every month or wo. 60, What drugs are used to rest people who have trouble sleeping? Sedative Alcohol Tranquilzer Bronchitis What wil you check after you rescue ails git! rom the bottom of a pool? Breathing Pulse Broken bones Head injury Rationalization: corre com> Fstaid for Drowning 1. Got Help - Nott a ifeguard, fone is close. If not, ask someone to call 911. siops below. 2. Move the Person - Take the person out ofthe water. 3. Check for Breathing - Place your ear next fo the person's mouth and nose. Do you feel ar on your ‘chook? Look to soe if the persons chest is moving 4. Ifthe Person is Not Breathing, Check Pulse - Check the person's pus for 10 seconds, 5. If There ls No Pulse, Start CPR 71Page FALCULAN TWINS’ REVIEW CENTER 21F Southjunction Building (McDonale's), Mallengke Quine Comer Pichon Ext, Bankerohan, Davao City (62. The protection and wise use of natural resources by using less of the materials we take from the environment is? Recyeting Reusing Reducing Conservation soem To losson assaults, tho following shouldbe obsorved excopt? Tella stranger that you are alone that is why you can't entrain them Keep door locked ‘Walk wit fiends and avold deserted areas Do not bing valuables if alone ‘The following are signs for shocks, except Rapid, shallow breath Pinks skin Blue lips Nauseas and weaknesses panrg porep Rationalization: ‘Signs and symptoms of shock vary depending on circumstances and may include: = Cool, clammy skin Pale or ashen skin ‘Blush tinge to lps or ngernals (or gray in the case of dark complexions) Rapid puise Rapid broathing, "Nausea or vomting Enlarged pups ‘Weakness or fatoue 65. A stretched or tom musctes or tendons elles? ® Strain B. Span . Fracture D. Dislocation Rationalization: ‘Sprain overstretched gent Fracture ~ partial or complete breakin the bone, Dislocation - injury in which the ends of your bones are forced from thelr normal positions 166, Cancer spreads through the process called? Metastasis Regenaration Reproduction Metamorphosis Prosbyoplailan{@ye defect most commonly associated with? Puberty irs Menopause Aging pemrg com> 68. High ates of motaboic activity associated with growth and development causes increased requirement i? Blood and oxygen Calories and sloop ‘Socialization and Suppor D. Motivation om> 69, If you are to interview a 14-year old female to determine her overall heath, which of the folowing {uostions should you ask? |. Do youhave a boytiond? Are you sexual active? I. Have you ever thought o rid king yoursel”? Ii Do you smoke andlor drink alcoholic beverages? A lon 8 tony . Hana D. iirand it 70, Does colaborative health education include food senices at the school canteen? ‘A. Definitely yes B. Defiitly no FALCULAN TWINS’ REVIEW CENTER 21F Southjunction Building (McDonale's), Mallengke Quine Comer Pichon Ext, Bankerohan, Davao City Maybe No the curriculum has nothing io do with fod services pe 71. Which of the folowing intellectual milestones is most closely associated withthe adolescent stage of human growth and development? ‘2. ecoming interested in abstract idees andthe process of thinking ise 1. Operational thinking that lows one fo menaly combine, oer, and transform objects and actions ‘learning fo take intentions into account n judging the behavior of ahers ._ Representing really fo oneself through the use of symbols 72, Which ofthe folowing best describes the usual progression of physical growth In infants and toddlers? ‘2. Physical growth occurs fist the lower body and proceeds upward to the torso and hoad, Bb. Physical growth occurs in all major regions ofthe body simultaneously at about the same rate. 6. Physical growth occurs frst inthe head and proceeds downvard Io the bunk and outward toward the extremities, <4. Physical growth occurs variaby in indhvduls wth no typical staring point or progression of growth, 7. Maximum physical strength for both males and femal is ganetally achieved ater age 20 because this 's typically the time in which? ‘a, Metabolic rate is slowest, 1. Calli metaboliem of ree radicals is groatest, ‘© Muscular cross-sectional aoas are largest. 44. Myelination ofthe spinal cord is complete. A. In goneral, heredity plays the largest role in infuencihg which area of personal growih and ‘development? ‘a. Body type and composition b. Suscoptbly to strose-rolatedftnss {© Degree of srenath and flexibly that can be achieved with fines training 4. Qually of relationships wih tends, teachers; and elassmates 75. Which of the folowing is a recommiénded nutritional practice to prBAEIS optimal growth and ‘development in young chien? ‘2 lncluding foods that contain more fats thahiprotoin in daly meals to promote increased enerey stores Bb. Consuming three moderately large meals and avoiding or limiting snacks and treats to promote sesirabo eating pattems Inluding foods that contaid mere fbr than fatin daily meats fe promote healthy digstve functions Consuming several small meals and snacks of mixed carbohydrates, proteins, and fats each day fo promote variety in eating 6. Pimples, whitehdads,blackhoadsiand acne ae the resis? ‘Germs foundin the layer ofthe edermis ‘Overly active secretion of ol glands inthe body (Overexposure tothe sun Fungalinfection soars ‘Tho beslhing to doffra child with Nearing loss is 10? ‘Speak very ouch Detect he condition early and get medical attention Look direct atthe chic ‘Administer hearing test peers ‘The use of cucumber in Pour eyelids before golng to sleep a night wil help? Pups diate Enhance sleeping habits Prevent puffiness Prevent eye damage poms 79, & person who fs abe to see mare than one se ofan Issue and exhibits good time management skils 's sald to possoss? (Occupational weiness ‘Social welness Intellectual wolness Emotonal waliness| oe> 180. A college student who ts waltng for her turn to present an oral report dscovers that her heat Is pounding and her palms are swoaly. This condition is ‘A. Nerwousness B Neorates’ | Rationalization: cleo Some of the most common symptoms of speech ansiaty are: shaking, sweating, eon batteries inthe stomach, dry mouth, rapid Reartbeat, and squeaky voice. '51. Jonny is months pregnant. During her pregnancy, she experioncad some specific inessos such as, preeclampsia, preghancy-induced dabetes and infection, This condition is dus tothe resull of? FALCULAN TWINS’ REVIEW CENTER 21F Southjunction Building (McDonale's), Mallengke Quine Comer Pichon Ext, Bankerohan, Davao City Lack of physical activity and exercise Lack of prenatal care Disturbed emotional wel-being Lack of proper nutrtion com> ‘The Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) ensure thatinfans,ciléren and mothers have access {0 routinely recommended vaccines, Which af the following vacenes Is NOT inlided in the EPI Tupercuesis |" Ratonatzaton Ptomyelts | The Expanded Program on inrunizaon (EP) was established in 1976 © ensure Sintera | that ilantlchiren end. thers have. cones io ovine Teconmended ‘ola | Infanvchldnood vecrnes Sic vacne preventable diseases were nal incuded {ho EPI: tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, ttanus, pertussis and measles Peres £3, nthe Philppines, 13 mothers die every day due io pregnancy-elated complications, Whatls the malor cause of matemal morally? ‘A. Post-partum hemorrhage B. nfecton (©. Unideraurehment D. Abortion | Rationalization: “The major complications that account for nearly 75% ofall maternal deaths ar (4): severe bleeding (mostly bleeding after chidbir) infections (usualy after chidbith) high blood pressure during pregnancy (pre- ‘eclampsia and eclampsia). (World Health Organization) ‘84, A sound is considered noise and can cause hearing problem fit measures more than _ decibels A 8 Teaf falling Bas C0 rustles of autumnal leaves 0. 95, whisper jet classroom Rationalization: at Saoeees 85. For a chid whois unconsciousi choking you woud) Perform CPR Tithe head back to opantthe ainway (Do Heimlck manedvor A 8 ¢. Encourage him to cough fe Rélp dislodge the obstruct, ‘An isometric mufele action is chafctrized by the preduetin of fore: ‘AS a muscle angthens due to extension a a joint ‘Through movement generated in opposition tb the downward pul of gravity ‘As a mugela shortens due o flexion ofa join. ‘Through tension and muscle contraction wiout movement soerg Which ofthe folowidg procautons is most important in preventing bistors while hiking? Keeping eeolon at days to prevent feet rom sweating ‘Wearing to pais of socks so no air crculates next to skin FRomaining hyéfated and warming up before hikes on cold days ‘Wearing sturdy, Proper-ing hiking shoes that have been broken in Bloycists can best ensurBthat they are visible to motorists during daylight hours by ‘Wearing bight or oreseeri-colored clothing Attaching a battery-operated hoadlght other bicycles ‘Wearing awhite or bghtcolored helm! or jacket Attaching a small ag to the rear of thoi bieycles perep eorrs Iman outdoor education curicutum, which ofthe folowing practices is most likely to help students aolPase FALCULAN TWINS’ REVIEW CENTER 21F Southjunction Building (McDonale's), Mallengke Quine Comer Pichon Ext, Bankerohan, Davao City ‘1, An individual performs three sos of cus withthe same weights four days a week to strengthen the biceps. This best ilustrales which ofthe folowing principles of raining? ‘A. Principle of specifiy of exercise B. Principle of progression CC. Principle of reversibly of raining elects D. Principle of recuperation 2. Inrovont dacades, rales of physical activity among U.S. chldron and adolescents have decined wiilo ‘ates of sedentary actly and poor cltary practices have increased. Among US. youth, this rend has led ta aramatic sein ‘The Incddence of obesity-related diseases Visto hospital emergency rooms due to injuros sustained at home. ‘The prevalonce of vilamin-defcioncy diseases. ‘The occurrence of sleep disorders and fague related ailments 3. Which of he folowing health risk is most closely associated with inactivity and a poor fitness level? Migraine headaches. High blood pressure Suscapibiy to infection Nerve degeneration peprg cop 4, Vigorous cariorespicator fitness activitos should be followed by @BRMown and stretching activities In orserto: ‘Tiggar inal suge in metabolic rate before the body reverts lea resting tate Prevent a sucien reducton in carbohydrates and glucose lavls inthe body “Trigger a decrease inthe level of growth hormone in the body Prevent muscle soreness and biood pooling in the extremes com> Rationalization: ‘Alter physical activity, your heart is stil beating faster than normal, your body temperature is higher and your bod vessels are dilated. Tis means i you slop loo fas, you could pass out or fel sick A cool-down, ‘for physica ecivy allows a gradual decrease atthe end ofthe episode 95, Which of the folowing types offiness equipments ofln an effctive motivational tool because ithelps track stops taken and distance Goyered While moving? Heart rate monitor Elepicl machine Pesomatar Bloalacricalimpedanée analyzer pom> 16. Which ofthe folding exercises Would be most efciva fF developing core strength? Pushy Bloeps cur Absorsialeut-up Hamidtpg stretch soerg Which ofo otlowi§ best doscrbos two major functions of carbohydrates inthe body? CContolng ud levels and riding the body of wastes Repairing damaged cols and creating new ones, Providing enetgy for cols and maintaining an energy reserve Regulating body temperature and controling blood sugar. ows 8. Which ofthe fotowing Wb sites provides access to an interactive personalized syslem for assessing ‘and monoring one's cuTent det and physical activly levels on an ongoing basis? ‘A. USDA ChoosenyPlate B. Consumer Reports: Health ©. WebMD . Healthy People 2020 Rationalization: (ChooselyPlat is designed to provide information about healthy eating. The website makes iteasy to {ind roible sources of nutiional information that can make choosing healthy foods effrtess. With are resources lo help increase one's skis in recognizing good food choices thal are part of a heathy ifeshye {During which stage of growth and development are total dally caloric needs greatest? A Infancy B. Early childhood C. Adolescence D. Early aduthood 100. Which ofthe folowing nutitional areas should be of particular concem for chen aged 8 14 ‘years bacause ofthe bone growth and development hat aocus inthis age range? FALCULAN TWINS’ REVIEW CENTER 21F Southjunction Building (MeDonale's), Mallengke Quine Comer Pichon Ext, Bankerohan, Davao City C. Adequate fat intake D. Adequate calcium intake 101. Vincent is conducting research to find out the cause and effect of his newly developed exercise A Experimenting research . Development studies D. Documentary analysis 102. _A.MAPEH teacher happens to handle an ADHD student. What can the teacher do during the PE ‘period winen ho stars to bully othor classmates? ‘A. Reprimand him and tke him out ofthe activity BB. Make him in-charge ofthe distribution and retioval of sports equipment C. Group him wih other buties D. Make him a leader af group 103. Severe disables re often described ae a condition in which typical life actives are signifcanty ‘affected. Which of the folowing isnot a severe ability? A. Deatbind 8 Auem . Hard of hearing D. Speech disorder 104. Accessibilty law is an act that enhances the following akeept: A. Mobily of aisabled persons B._Estabilshment of public utiles . nelalation of doviees D. Twenty percent decount for products and services 105. These students are characterized bylabove avetage periormafiéa.on meadres of intellectual performance; they may excel academcallyn all subjecs or be pariculary alvaneed in one, ‘A. Talonted students B. Gited students . Excollent students D, Advanced students 106. The following statements about disables and andicaps are correct excep: A. A student may be disabled without being handicapped B.A disability s some sor of impaiment CC. Male stents with spocial neds are more common than fale students D. Physical disability s directly related nteligance 107. _Undéfstanding how the muscles and pints are coordinated during the movement, how a soquence ‘of movements is controled, and how fo Use environmental information to lan are adjust movement ‘are goals of which ofthe folowing? Motor development Motors Motor Motor contre pee 408.___The strongest mugbe that generally gives the body ts beautful shape is the buttocks also called? A. Gastrocnemius B. Trapezius . Gluteus D. Rectus femeris 409. The part ofthe brain that helps contol voluntary movement of muscles such as coordination, posture, and balance. Cerebrum Brain stem Midbrain Cerebellum poem 110. Physical ness is simply the ably of your whole-body systom to work together efficent, Which ‘one is nat a health-related ness component? A. Aaity B. Flexibiiy ©. Muscular endurance D. Cardiovascular finess 411,__The following are basis of naming a muscle except? A Shape 8 Function a21Page FALCULAN TWINS’ REVIEW CENTER 21FSouthjunction Building (McDonale's), Mallengke Quine Comer Pichon Ext, Bankerohan, Davao City C. Strength of contraction D. Sites of attachment 112. Which ofthe folowing has the major task of protecting the underying tissues? ‘A. Integumentary system B. Endocane ©. Newous systom D. Skelatal system 113. To hich disease does Vitamin C deficiency lead? A. Beriber B. Rickats . Scuwy D. Xeropthatia Rationalization: Scurvy isthe name fora vitamin C deficiency. can lead to anemia, debily, exhaustion, spontaneous bleeding, pain in helms, and especialy the logs, sweling in some parts of the body, and sometimes Uleeraton ofthe gums and oss of fet 114. _Abarviage is cloan cloth usod fe hold the A. creasing B. splint ©. both a and b D. none ofthe above Rationalization: Covering a breakin the skin hes to contro bleeding and protect agains infection. Dressings are pads of {gauze oF cloth that can be placed recy against the wound to absorb blood and other fuds, lath bandages cover dressings and hold them in place 115. Cholesterol is awaxy substance thélispreducod by the body and f9uRa|M animal foods, Which ‘ofthe folowing is NOT TRUE about gholesterol? Cholesterol A. ‘enot contained in plants B. can bull inside walls of blood véesols . Is necessary for good healthy D. i found very low in organ meats 116. The function of ylmins ib Ren misunderstood, Which of th folowing is TRUE about vitamins? ‘A. Promote growth an othor body activities B._ Ensure good heal CC. Prevent diseases ifoken in huge doBage D. Provide cafes or extra pep 117. _Ipf@bburing biting, the sates A. nedethe cating B._botwoenthe caling did the oor CC. about 1 festlabove the floor D, about? teat above the oor ‘0 brat is usually 4118. Which ofthe fllawing must be done by the govemment to prevent cases of amoebiasis? A. Fumigation B. Proper sewage disposal CC. Proper waste management D. Regular lrmunzaton 119. _ Endocrine glands socroto products diroct into the blood stream which carry thom to ‘the body. Te gland found above the kidnay is called Pancreas Adrenals Pitutary Thyroid Rationalization: ‘Adrenal glands, also krown as suprarenal lands, are small, iangular-shaped glands focated on top of both kidneys. Adronal glands produce hormones that help regulate your metabolism, immune syste, blood pressure, rasponse to stress and other essential functions. parts of com> 420___ Which of the folowing best described schoolcommunty coordination for heath iter a0y? A. School rtar the sck students to parents lo bring the chi othe nearest heath center in the [sbsence of tha school nurse andr physician 8. School coordinates with local heath unt and barangay to conduct seminar onthe prevention and contol of dengue and other mesquito-bore dseases during rainy season C. School extends offciating during summer sports festival to help the barangay's program on keeping s31Page FALCULAN TWINS’ REVIEW CENTER 21FSouthjunction Building (McDonale's), Mallengke Quirino Comer Pichon Ext, Bankerohan, Davao City ‘students away ftom drugs through sports . Parents, eachers, community leaders are involved ina fund-raising activity of the school clinic with the nooassary equipment and medicine 121. _Diflerant mineral elements are found in ferent feeds. What mineral elements are obtained from ‘seafood? A. Iron B. Calcium ©. Potassium D. Magnesiam 122, Whichis@ critical component in the heathy cist? A. Vegetable 3 Mik ©. Frat D. Water Rationalization: Nutronts are important food substances that help our body function propery. There are six types of hutrents: water, protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. 123. Which ofthe folowing are elements of good grooming? |. Cleaniness| I. Tainess I. Gracatlness IV. Good Taste A Ilana iv B litand iv ©. tard D. Mand i 424. During the transfer of vc, the tl fst sider must stay at whieh SUBSFIRe victim's body? A had B. back ©. leg D. midale Rationalization: Pointers tobe considered duringlémergency transfer ‘+ Viti’ airway is maintained open. Hemorhage is controled ‘Check the vitim's conaion regula ‘Supporting bandages and dressing remain effectively applied “The mathod of ransters safe, confortable and as speedy as circumstances permit “Thai's body is moved as one unt ‘The tlle st eider stays atthe head side ofthe victim. 125. _ In what @hiefshould the folowing procadures be folowed in administering "Kiss of Life" or mouth ‘to mouth resusllabon by the fist aide forthe victim to bein normal cndtion? |. wipe out any foreign matirin te mouth Il Remove your mouth fom the victm and turn your head away I Tit the back and pulthajaw into puting postion IV. Open your mouth wide and place it tighity over the victims mouth, punch hismhernostl shut then blow AC ith Wand! BWV, and © 1 1V; and Dt, an Prepared by: Ezekiel C. Gometer, LPT a4}Page

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