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Creatorsof Media and Informati"

Writer and journalists

their primary role is to translate relevant and meaningful
information into printed materials

work in publishing houses, news agency, and advertising firms

translating relevant and meaningful information into a book,

magazines, and newspaper

must have a good grammar

must make sure that the readers obtain information about the
topic they are writing

their story must’ve lesson and relevant to its reader

the story must has a proper evidence, proper basis

they make sure that the material to be published is free from
grammatical errors

work hand in hand with the journalists

they sees to it that the message of a show is made clear to its

can be a film makers, create movies, show, programs or anything

that can be seen in theaters

can also be a directory for a television channel or commercial

make sure that the message of that movie/program was clear to its

helps the performers or the actors to portray what character they

must portray
the actors that portray the characters in movies, shows, or
programs and plays

One type of performer :

a well known public figure
always seen in programs or other television programs

Visual artists
they express their ideas through their artworks

painting and sculptures

Different. types. of artists :

clear meaning and abstract

of a Good Media Practitioners

a media practitioner should convey a message or information that
is accurate, factual, and truthful

Fairness and objectivity

the information or message disseminated by a media practitioner
shouldn’t be objective and based on grounded evidence

Responsibility and integrity

media practitioners are expected to show professionalism regardless
of the situation they are in

Empathy’s and sympathy

media practitioner should be sensitive to the needs of others

Hard working
the public depends on the information media practitioners deliver
that is why they are expected to work hard in sourcing accurate

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