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Tentative Defense Schedule for 2013 MBA Graduating Students
Date: August 15/2021 (Nahase 07/2013). Department: Management
No Name of Title Program Major Advisor Co-Advisor External Internal Chair Person Time Room
Candidate Examiner Examiner
1 Sherifa Assessing the factors influencing Amdemichael. Berhanu T Dr.Reta wuletaw Sisay Morning
Shifa public procurement practice; the case B (Ass- Megersa Fente Mengistu
of Silte Zone Finance Office professor)
2 Abrar Sani The effect of perceived organizational Dr. Tasew Sh Dr.Birhanu Dr.Tamiru Tafesse Morning LTH1
justice on the employee turnover (0910010514) Endeshaw Yihun Akinda A
intention in case of……
3 Aselefech The effect of organizational climate Dr. Tasew Sh Dr.Birhanu Dr.Tamiru Tafesse Morning
G/Silassie on employees job satisfaction in case (0910010514) Endeshaw Yihun Akinda
of selected government offices in
Gurage Zone
4 Yibgeta Assessment of MIS Implementation Sintayehu Berhanu T Dr.Busha Samuel Amdemichael Afternoon
Menjeta and its role on organizational F(Ass- Temesgen Gemechu Birhanu
performance in case of selected professor
public organizations in Gurage Zone (0912487623)
5 Endale Comparative analysis of service Dr. Teshale Dr.Busha Samuel Amdemichael Afternoon
Shibru quality on customer satisfaction in (0947723116) Temesgen Gemechu Birhanu
case of ….
6 Habte Factors affecting the implementation Dr. Tamiru Y Dr.Aweke Dr.Teshale T Mahariamlak Morning
Zerga of strategic plans in case of…… (0975359925) Ashenafi Kifle
7 Abdella Assessing the challenges and Amdemichael. Minda Dr.Aweke Dr.Teshale T Mahariamlak Morning
Detamo prospects of BSC implementation in B (Ass- Yirga Ashenafi Kifle
case of Silte Zone public offices professor)
8 Assefa Assessing the determinants of rural Dr. Tasew Sh Dr.Hailemichael Berhanu Sintayehu Afternoon
Feyisa households saving culture in case of (0910010514) mule Tereda Fiseha
eastern Gurage Zone
9 Badu Assessment of factors affecting the Dr. Teshale Dr. Shiferaw Alemayehu Tegbew Afternoon LTH1
Getabe performance of primary consumer (0947723116) Mitiku Tekele Addis A
10 Meseret Assessment of factors affecting Dr. Tamiru Y Dr.Busha Amdemichael Minda Yirga Morning
Kifle women participation in leadership (0975359925) Temesgen Birhanu
positions in case of Gurage zone
public sectors.
11 Efinesh The Effect of Work-Life Balance Sintayehu Minda Dr.Birhanu Dr.Tamiru Tegbew Afternoon
Mulugeta Factors on Employees Job F(Ass- Yirga Endeshaw Yihun Addis
performance professor
12 Kindeneh Effects of relationship Marketing on Dr. Teshale Dr. Shiferaw Berhanu Mahariamlak Morning
Birhanu Customer loyalty (The case of (0947723116) Mitiku Tereda Kifle
Manufacturing and water bottling
company in Gurage Zone)
13 Awlachew Assessment on performance Dr. Tamiru Y Dr.Busha Amdemichael Minda Yirga Morning LTH1
Lemma management system and its (0975359925) Temesgen Birhanu A
challenges in commercial bank of
Ethiopia West Addis Ababa District
14 Bedilu Factors affecting the performance of Dr. Tasew Sh Dr.Hailemichael Sintayehu Samuel Morning LTH1
Abshiro small and micro enterprises, in mule Fiseha Gemechu B
Gurage zone Gunchire town
15 leul Mesfin The Effect of Performance AwekeAshenafi Alemayehu Dr.Yirgalem Dr.Tasew Mikias Mitiku Morning
Management System onEmployee (Ph.D.) Takele Tadele Shedaga
Performance: The Case of Cheha
Woreda Public Sectors, SNNPRS
16 Sisay the role of marketing information Shiferaw Samuel Dr.Aweke Dr.Teshale T Tegbew Morning LTH1
Demile system on managerial decision Mitiku (PhD) Gemechu Ashenafi Addis A
making in commercial bank of
Ethiopia: in case of west Addis Ababa
17 Tewolde Factors affecting customer loyalty a Dr.Busha Wuletaw Dr.Birhanu Dr.Tamiru Mikias Mitiku Afternoon
G/Cherkos case study in Nib International Bank Temesgen Fente Endeshaw Yihun
18 Tagesse Assessing Challenges and Prospects Busha Tilahun Dr.Aweke Dr.Teshale T Tegbew Morning
Biru of E - Payment Services in Case of Temesgen damtew Ashenafi Addis
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (PhD)
19 Temam the impact of supply chain Dr. Tasew Tadesse Dr. Shiferaw Alemayehu Tegbew Afternoon LTH1
Zeyne management practises on Shedaga Gezahagni Mitiku Tekele Addis B
organizational performance
20 Yaregal the effect of customers’ perception Shiferaw Tadesse Dr.Busha Amdemichael Minda Yirga Morning
Molla on purchase of yimulu electronics top Mitiku (PhD) Gezahegn Temesgen Birhanu
up service. (The case of Butajira ethio
21 Cheru sahlie Effect of Organizational Culture on Aweke Alemayehu Dr.Yirgalem Dr.Tasew Mikias Mitiku
Employee Job Satisfaction in the Case Ashenafi (Phd Takele Tadele Shedaga
of Wolkite University”
22 Menur factors affecting the implementation Dr.Busha Faud Dr.Hailemichael Sintayehu Samuel Morning
Mehammed of Interest Free Banking Financing in Temesgen Hussein mule Fiseha Gemechu
the case of selected CBE
23 Hashim Assessment of factors affecting Sintayehu Tafesse Dr.Reta Mahariamlak Mikias Mitiku Afternoon
Asmera inventory management practice in F(Ass- Aknida Megersa Kifle
Gurage Zone Health center professor
24 Abreham The Impact of Balanced Scorecard on Dr. Tasew Tadesse Dr. Shiferaw Minda Yirga Sisay Afternoon
techane Organizational Performance (In the Shedaga Gezahegn Mitiku Mengistu
Case of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
in Hosana District
25 Belsti Practices and challenges of project Dr.Busha Alemu Dr.Yirgalem Dr.Tasew Tafesse Afternoon
Dagne monitoring and evaluation:(a case Temesgen Tereda Tadele Shedaga Akinda
study on development bank of
Ethiopia Addis Ababa district)”
26 Shamil Challenges and Prospects of Chicken Shiferaw Tafesse Dr.Reta wuletaw Sisay Morning
Yesiru Supply Chain Management Practice in Mitiku (PhD) Aknida Megersa Fente Mengistu
Gurage zone”
27 Samson Factors Affecting Employee Retention Amdemichael. Samuel G Dr.Reta Mahariamlak Sisay Afternoon
Bekele in Public Health institutions: B (Ass- Megersa Kifle Mengistu
28 Daniel assessing the impact of corporate Sintayehu Samuel G Dr. Shiferaw Minda Yirga Sisay Afternoon
Abera social responsibility practices on F(Ass- Mitiku Mengistu
organizational efficiency in case of professor
Gurage zone bottled water industries (0912487623)
29 Wondimu The Effect of Incentive Package on Aweke Demelash Dr.Hailemichael Sintayehu Samuel Morning
Mare Employee performance: Ashenafi (Phd Shalo mule Fiseha Gemechu
30 Kibebew determinants of Customers bank Shiferaw Alemayehu Dr.Yirgalem Dr.Tasew Tafesse Afternoon
Gebre Selection decision in Gurage Zone the Mitiku (PhD) Takele Tadele Shedaga Akinda
Case of Bank customers I Wolkite
31 Sisay Desu The impacts of strategic plan Dr. Tasew Faud Dr.Birhanu Dereje Kefale Tegbew Morning
implementation on quality service Shedaga Hussein Endeshaw Addis
delivery in Wolkite University
32 Mohammed Factors Affecting The Implementation Sintayehu Tafesse Dr.Yirgalem Dereje Kefale Tafesse Afternoon
Sulti Of Business Growth Strategy in F(Ass- Aknida Tadele Akinda
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia professor

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