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Department of Business and Economics

Greenwood High International School



You are required to create your own case studies. Each one of you must create two case
studies of businesses of your choice. One with an example of well used communication and
another one with an example of poorly used communication.
Make sure you highlight what went well or what went poorly and explain in your words how
you could have improved the situation.

Following are the details you should bear in mind before submitting:

1. Word limit: 300-500 words

2. Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 line spacing
3. Date of submission: On or before 7th of February.
4. The structure to be followed is as follows:
a. Introduction
b. What went wrong/what went well
c. Conclusion
d. Bibliography
5. The marking rubric that will be followed is as given below:
Case study 1 Case study 2 Total
Knowledge 2 2 4
Application 2 2 4
Effort 2 2
Bibliography 2 2
Structure 3 3
Total 15

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