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Telp. (0733)451346 Fax.(0733)452392 Kode Pos 31626



Mata Pelajaran : Matematika

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA/MA
Kelas/Program : XI/IPA/IPS
Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 08 JUNI 2010
Alokasi Waktu : 07.30 – 09.00

1. Periksa dan bacalah dengan teliti soal-soal sebelum anda menjawab
2. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau
jumlah soal kurang
3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 30 butir pilihan ganda 5 butir esai
4. Dahulukan soal-soal yang anda anggap mudah
5. Kerjakan dilembar jawaban yang telah disediakan
6. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada jawaban yang anda yakini benar
7. Apabila anda merasa jawaban anda salah dan akan merubah jawaban lain, berilah tanda
= pada jawaban semula (A B C D E)
8. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan
9. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian
10. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan handphone

I. Choose and cross (X) the best answer for the following questions.

This text for questions 1 to 4

Cinderella Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella. She lived with her
stepsisters and stepmother they were very bossy. She had to do all the housework. One day an
invitation to the ball came to the family. Her stepsisters did not let her go, so Cinderella was very
sad. The stepsisters went to the ball without her. Fortunately, the fairy good other came and helped
her to get to the ball. At the ball, Cinderella danced with the prince. The price fell in love with her
then he married her. They lived happily ever after.

1. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text?

a. Cinderella lived with her stepsisters
b.Cinderella felt happy with her stepsisters
c. Cinderella felt annoyed with her stepsisters
d.Cinderella was helped by her stepsisters
e. Cinderella was helped by her stepsister to do all the housework

2. The communicative purpose of this text is to …

a. entertain the readers with a fairy tales
b.describe how Cinderella went to the ball
c. persuade the readers to read the story
d.inform the readers about Cinderella’s Marriage
e. explain to the readers why Cinderella’s stepsisters hated her so much.

3. She had to do all the housework. She refers to...

a. Stepsister
c. Cinderella
d.The family
e. The fairy
4. “They were very bossy” (paragraph 1). The word “bossy” means …
a. furious
c. sensitive
e. domineering

This text is for questions 5 to 8

Carnivorous plants, such as the sundew and the Venus-flytrap, are generally found in humid areas
where there is an adequate supply of nitrogen in the soil. In order to survive, these plants have
developed mechanism to trap insects within their foliage. They have digestive fluids to obtain the
necessary nitrogen from the insects. These plants trap the insects in a variety of ways. The sundew has
sticky hairs on its leaves; when an insect lands on the leaves, it gets caught up in the sticky hairs, and
the leaf wraps it self around the insects. The leaves of the Venus-flying function more likely a trap,
snapping suddenly and forcefully shut around an insect.

5. Where do the carnivorous plants can be found?

a. in the wet area humid area
c. in hot area many place of the world
e. in the forest

6. What is the purpose of the text?

a. persuade readers to visit the area for Carnivorous plants
b.inform readers about the important of Carnivorous plants
c. describe about how carnivorous Plants survive
d.present a very useful information
e. to make the readers aware about this Phenomenon

7. What the Carnivorous plants do to survive?

a. develop their growth
b.develop mechanism to trap insects within their foliage
c. use digestive fluids
d.obtain necessary nitrogen
e. use sticky hairs.

8. What is the function of Venus-flytrap?

a. as a weapon wraps
c. as force an illusion
e. as a trap

9. What is the function of digestive fluids?

a. to get the nitrogen attack the insect
c. to protect from the insects develop mechanisms
e. to catch the insects

This text is for questions 18 to 20

JAKARTA: City officials will donate their annual bonus worth Rp.330 million in total to a project
helping develop fishing villages on Jakarta’s north coast.
Governor Sutiyoso said, Thursday, that some 80 high-rangking city officials had agreed to donate their
annual bonus, popularity called the 13th salary because it is equivalent to one month’s pay.
He said that money would be allocated in this year’s city additional budget and the paying out would be
conducted in September.
10. What is the text about?
a. the plan of Governor Sutiyoso to help other people
b.the project development on fishing villages
c. the annual bonus of high-ranking officials
d.the donation of the annual bonus for the development of fishing villages
e. the paying out the donation will be conducted in September

11. What do you call the first paragraph of the text?

a. Orientation
c. Newsworthy Event
d.General classification
e. Identification

12. Which statement is NOT TRUE based on the text?

a. there is a project helping develop fishing villages
b.some high-ranking city officials had agreed to donate their annual bonus.
c. governor Sutiyoso supported the program
d.the donation would be channeled directly to the needy
e. the paying out will be conducted in September

This text for questions 13 to 16

The Fools on the Desert
Three fools, fatty skinny and john, were just getting out of prison. This jailhouse was located in the
middle of a very hot, dry desert. As they were leaving, they could bring one thing with them to help
them cross the arid region.
“What would you like to take with you?” a guard asked john.
“I know the desert is very hot and dry, so I’d like a glass of water to drink when I get thirsty,” answered
“that was a reasonable request.” The guard
gave him a cool glass of water and then john walked out into the desert. “And what would you like?”
ask the guard.
“well,” replied skinny, “I know the sun is very hot in the desert, so I’d like an umbrella to keep the sun
off me.”
This wish was also granted. After that, skinny walked out into the desert with his umbrella.
It was now fatty’s turn to be questioned. When the guard asked him what he wanted, fatty said, “I’d
like a car door, please.”
“A car door! Why would you want a car door to carry across the desert?” the guard inquired.
“I believe it’s very hot in the desert.
If it gets too hot, I’ll just open the window!”

13. Who are the main characters in the text?

a. The fools, fatty and skinny
b.Fatty, skinny and jhon
c. The guard, fatty and skinny
d.The fool, the guard and skinny
e. The fools, the guard and john

14. What did john want to bring with him to cross the desert?
a. An umbrella
b.A glass of water
c. A car window
d.A car door
e. A car

15. What is the purpose of this text?

a. To inform the read about events of the day
b.To amuse and entertain the readers
c. To explain how the desert occurs
d.To criticize somebody’s works
e. To describe the guard
16. “I believe it’s very hot in the desert. If it gets too hot, I’ll just open the window!”
a. Orientation
c. Complication
e. Twist

This text is for questions 34 to 37

It was a stormy night. My parents and my sister were away at a friend’s house. I hoped they would
return home soon. The lights kept flickering. I did not like being alone.
The lightning and thunder were getting worse. Suddenly, my worst fear came true. The house became
pitch dark. I remembered that my brother kept candles in a cupboard in the living room. I groped
around for my way downstairs, stumbling down the steps. I could hardly see anything.
Finally, I found the candles in a drawer. Now, I had to go to the kitchen for a matchbox. I knocked
against things. But, at last, I found a matchbox and lit a candle. Suddenly, I heard sound coming from
the porch. I froze. Someone was trying to get in!
Grabbed my hockey stick and waited. I heard voices. The front door slowly opened. I held the hockey
stick upright. Fear made my hands shake.
Then, a voice cried out, “ DULLAH !
DULLAH ! Where are you? “
it was my neighbor and his son. They brought candles for me.

17. On that night, it was...

a.Very windy
b. Calm and quiet
c.Raining heavily
d. Very snowy
e.Bright an clear
18.What was Dullah’s worst fear?
a.That the electricity would go of
b. That thieves would come to the house
c.That his family would return on
d. That would be all alone in the house
e.That he would stumble down the stairs

19.That neighbor and his son brought candles as they were...

a.Scared of Dullah
b. Happy for Dullah
c.Afraid of Dullah
d. Curious about Dullah
e.Worried abouth Dullah

20 1. Dullah groped around for his way downstairs

2. Dullah found the candles in the drawers
3. Dullah stumbled down the steps
4. Dullah knoked against things on his way to the kitchen
5. Dullah went to the kitchen to find matches
6. Dullah got the matches and lit the candles
The best arrangement according to the events is:
b. 1-3-2-5-4-6
d. 2-3-1-4-5-6

21. “I groped my way downstairs, stumbling down the steps”

a. After I was groping around for my way downstairs, I stumbled down the steps
b. After I had groped around for may way downstairs, I stumbled down the steps
c. Before I grouped around for may way downstairs, I stumbled down the steps
d. As I was groping around for my way downstairs, I stumbled down the steps
e. I groped around for my way downstairs as I was stumbling down the steps
Dialogue for question no.22 to no. 24
Pipin : Where did you buy this bracelet, Nizar?
Nizar : I bought it at “Ar-Rahma”. What do you think about it?
Pipin : I think it’s beautiful.
May I try it on?
Nizar : Sure.
Pipin : Thank you

22. They are talking about ...

a. Pipin’s new bracelet
b.Nizar’s new shop
c. Pipi’s new store
d.Nizar’s new bracelet
e. A new shop in town

23. Pipin ... Bizar’s bracelet.

a. Hates
c. Dislikes
e. Disagrees

24. The underlined sentence expresses ...

a. Giving opinion
b.Asking for opinion
c. Agreement
e. Sympathy

25. Della : ___________ you will do your best in the competition this season.
Tina : Well, everybody expects that, and I feel certain about it anyway
a. I believe
b.I don’t care
c. I congratulate
d.It’s a pity
e. It’s nothing

26. Sita : What do you think of your new red dress?

Tia : ________ It goes with my shoes.
Rina : I think so. You look beautiful on it.
Dena : Thank you.
a. I am very satisfied with it
b.I don’t think so
c. Sorry to hear that
d.I don’t like it
e. It’s too difficult to do

27. Abu : Excuse me, is there a chance for me to have my saving book now?
Ali : Oh, I’m sorry. You can’t have it now.
The underlined sentence expresses ...
a. Impossibility
c. Inability
e. Dissatisfaction

28. The island over there is not occupied.

The underlined words mean ...
a. Isolated
c. Uninhabited
e. Uninteresting
29. The students should pass the exam if they studied hard.
From this sentence we know that the students ...
a. Studied hard
b.Pass the exam
c. Passed the exam
d.Don’t study hard
e. Didn’t study hard

30. Azwar : “Rudy, I didn’t see you at Anis party last night.”
Rudy : “Oh, Did Ani have a party?”
I would have come if I had been invited.
The real fact is ... to the party.
a. Rudi didn’t come
b.Ani didn’t come
c. Aznar didn’t invite
d.Rudi wouldn’t invite
e. Ani wasn’t invited

31. “Will you come to the meeting?”

“If you come, I ....”
a. Come
c. Do
e. Too

32. If you ..... I shall be very happy.

a. Weren’t going
b.Don’t go
c. Hadn’t been going
d.Didn’t go
e. Hadn’t gone

33. If you took the clothes to the tailor now, they ...
a. Had washed
b.Has been washed
c. Will be washed
d.Will wash
e. Would be washed

34. Father : Where have you been? You made us worried!

Lina : I’m sorry, dad.
From the dialogue above, we know that father expresses ...
a. Sympathy
c. Pleasure
e. Relief

35. Nube : Conratulations, Mia. Your design won the contest.

Mia : Thanks, Nube. I’m very glad about it.
The bolded phrase expresses ...
a. Pain
c. Relief
e. Sorrow

36. Yosie : Ouch!

Icha : What’s up, Yos?
Yosie : I cut my finger.
Icha : Let me get you some medicine.
From the dialogue above, Yosie is expressing ...
a. Pain
c. Relief
e. Sorrow

37. Peter has been working for hours. He feels tired. So he stops to smoke.
Peter ...
a. Didn’t smoke
b.Will smoke
c. Doesn’t smoke
e. Is smoking

38. Marina said that .... the wallet.

a. I did not find
b.She did not find
c. I had not find
d.She had not found
e. She has not found

39. My parents told me ...

a. That I have to stop smoking
b.I had to stop smoking
c. How I had to stop smoking
d.When I had to stop smoking
e. Why I have to stop smoking

40. Seeing I had dropped my wallet, ...

a. The boy was called after me
b.There was a boy calling after me
c. It was a boy calling after me
d.I was called after the boy
e. The boy called after me

41. “Whom are you marrying with?”

“I am marrying with a ...”
a. Handsome tall Italian man
b.Handsome Italian tall man
c. Tall handsome Italian man
d.Handsome Italian tall man
e. Italian handsome man

42. Elza : What is your opinion about our new English Teacher?
Ella : .................
a. To me, she is really good.
b.On the contrary, I like her
c. I quite agree with you.
d.I’m happy to hear that.
e. It’s such a good idea.

43. “What do you think of the new book of Harry Potter?”

“... it’s interesting.”
a. I think so
b.So do I
c. I think
d.I don’t think either
e. Neither do I
44. “The movie is very excellent! Kia said.
Kia is ... in the movie.
a. Interest
c. Interested
d.Being interesting
e. Being interested

45. Teacher : Bimo!

Bimo : Yes, ma’am
Teacher: This is your test result.
Bimo : I got nine! I’m glad about it. My mother won’t bw angry with me.
Bimo is expressing ...
a. Worry
c. Anger
e. Sadness

46. X : Do you like music?

Y : I fond on music, I listen it everyday.
The underlined expressions expresses …
a. Dislike
c. Like
e. Expectation

47. Jaka : What do you like to eat?

Rahma : I like steak very much.
Jaka : I like Fanta very much and I hate Coca Cola
The underlined utterance expresses …
a. Like
b. Hatred
c. Disliked
d. Possibility
e. Obligation

48. In a library books are usually … by subject.

a. Classified
c. Classificated
e. Classifying

49. Japanese like eating … fish. The fish is not cooked.

a. Ripe
c. Well done
e. Raw

50. Beware of the snake, the animal is … and …

a. Tame – poisonous
b.Long – poisonous
c. Wild – poisonous
d.Wild – strange
e. Poisonous – big

--------GOOD LUCK----------

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