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C o m p a r a ti v e A n a l y s i s o f M o d u l a r D i s t a n c e L e a r n i n g a n d

Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 1

Comparative Analysis of Modular Distance Learning

And Face – to – Face Learning Approach among

Senior High School Learners

A Research

Presented to

The Faculty of the Senior High School

Jantianon National High School-Senior High

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the requirements for Practical Research 2


Jaronay, Chryschel Q.

Maninang, Kristine Marie D.

0yhoc, Abigail S.

Tag-at, Mialyn R.

Villaflores, Ronnie T.

Zafra, Althea Marie Y.

June 2022

Table of Contents
C o m p a r a ti v e A n a l y s i s o f M o d u l a r D i s t a n c e L e a r n i n g a n d
Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 2

Page No.

Title Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------- i

Table of Contents -------------------------------------------------------------------- ii

List of Figures --------------------------------------------------------------------- iii

Acknowledgements --------------------------------------------------------------------- vii

Chapter I: The Problem and Its Scope

Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

Conceptual Framework of the Study ------------------------------------------------ 6

Statement of the Problem --------------------------------------------------------- 7

Significance of the Study -------------------------------------------------------------- 8

Scope and Limitation of the Study --------------------------------------------------- 9

Research Methodology ------------------------------------------------------------------ 10

Research Design --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

Research Environment ------------------------------------------------------------------ 10

Research Respondents -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

Research Instruments ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

Research Procedure ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11

Statistical Treatment of Data ------------------------------------------------------------- 11

Operational Definition of Terms --------------------------------------------------------- 12

References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13

Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14
C o m p a r a ti v e A n a l y s i s o f M o d u l a r D i s t a n c e L e a r n i n g a n d
Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 3

Questionnaire ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

Curriculum Vitae ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21

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Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 4

List of Figures

Figure No. Title Page No.

1 A Schematic Diagram of the Conceptual

Framework of the Study

C o m p a r a ti v e A n a l y s i s o f M o d u l a r D i s t a n c e L e a r n i n g a n d
Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 5


The completion of this undertaking would not have been possible without the
participation and assistance of so many people whose names may not all be
enumerated. Their contributions are sincerely appreciated and gracefully
acknowledged. Furthermore, the researcher would like to extend their deep
appreciation and indebtedness particularly to the following:

Ms. Airiz Mae Y. Geonzon, Teacher in-charge in Jantianon National High

School-Senior High and at the same time member of the panel of examiners for
sharing her expertise and guiding the researcher in conducting their research study.

Mr. Jay Peter Ecat, Grade 12-Gas adviser, Practical Research 2 teacher for his
guidance, support, understanding, and suggestions that greatly improved this study.

Jantianon National High School-Senior High Teachers, for their unceasing

moral support and understanding while the researcher is undergoing the research.

Families and Friends, for their unwavering support and never - ending love
and encouragement that empowers them all the time.

All Grade 11 and Grade 12- student’s respondents in Jantianon National

High School (Senior High School Department), for their moral support and in
encouraging the researchers to always boost their selves.

Above all to the Heavenly Father whose love never fails and has always been
true to what he promised. His guidance to keep the researchers safe as always.

To God Always Be the Glory!

Group 1

C o m p a r a ti v e A n a l y s i s o f M o d u l a r D i s t a n c e L e a r n i n g a n d
Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 6

Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Scope


Teaching approach gives significant to the teaching learning process for both
teachers and students. Thus, the students learning depends on what the school’s
application of most effective and attainable teaching approach either Modular
Distance Learning Approach or Face-to-Face Learning Approach. The advent of
Modular Distance has made it possible for working students with busy lives and
limited flexibility to obtain quality education (Carmel&Gold,2009). In 2010 the
Sloan Consortium found a 17% increase in Modular Students from the years before,
beating the 12% increase from the previous years (Keramidas,2012).

This study compared the effectiveness of modular learning vs. face-to-face

learning among Senior High School learners. Providing quality learning experiences
is the goal and responsibility of all educational programs, assuring students, faculty,
and program success. However, it is of special importance to distance learning
programs that have historically been considered incapable of meeting the standards
of traditional education (McDonalds,2002).

However, the problem on students learning is common to all schools now a

days especially in the time of COVID-19 pandemic. Previous studies on students
learning Modular Distance have made it possible for those students who are
working through this, modules are increasingly being used in many countries as a
way of organizing a language curriculum. Thus, the study recognizes the modular
teaching as one of the most widespread and linked to the idea of a flexible language
curriculum. There is no study conducted relating to the extent of the factors in face-
to-face learning approach that gives many contributions to a student learning. In
addition, teaching factors involved to overcome the difficulties encountered among
the students in discussion and improved students’ academic achievement. Hence,
this study wants to find some measures to fill in the gaps.
C o m p a r a ti v e A n a l y s i s o f M o d u l a r D i s t a n c e L e a r n i n g a n d
Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 7

Conceptual Framework of the Study

The conceptual framework of the study consists of the independent and

dependent variable. The primary independent variables are: Modular Distance
Learning and Face-to-Face Learning Approach which include teaching style factor,
learning resources factor and learning environment factor. This said secondary
independent variables are included in the study as it affects the primary
independent variables. It plays tremendous key role in supporting students
cognitive and social-emotional development. The dependent variable on the other
hand is the academic achievement.

The researcher has the presumption that the independent variable might be
directly or indirectly related to the dependent variable.

Primary Independent Variable Dependent Variable

factors that affect the two learning

approaches as perceived

a. teaching style factor Achievement
b. learning resources factor; and
c. learning environment factor

factors that affect student’s learnings

a. teaching style factors

b. learning resources factor; and
c. learning environment factor
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Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 8

Secondary Independent Variable

Respondent’s profile

a. age
b. sex
c. parents
educational background

Figure 1. Diagram of the Conceptual Framework of the Study

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to determine the comparative analysis of Modular

Distance Learning and Face-to-Face Learning Approach.

Specifically, this study seeks to find answers to the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the learners in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 sex;

1.3 parent’s educational attainment; and

1.4 academic achievement; 3rd quarter and 4th quarter

2. To what extent do the following factors affect the two learning approaches as
perceived by the learners:

2.1 teaching style factor;

2.2 learning environment factor; and

2.3 learning resources factor

3. To what extent do the following factor affect students learning:

C o m p a r a ti v e A n a l y s i s o f M o d u l a r D i s t a n c e L e a r n i n g a n d
Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 9

3.1 teaching style factor;

3.2 learning environment factor; and

3.3 learning resources factor

4. Is there any significant difference between the learning modality factor and
students learning?

5.Is there any significant relationship between the student’s profile and the

5.1 factors that affect the learning modality: and

5.2 factors that affect the students learning?

Significance of the Study

This study bears significance to the following individuals:

Teachers, the results of this study will benefit teachers by allowing them to
compare modular distance learning and face-to-face learning approaches among
senior high school students. Also, the study allows teachers to realize their influence
on students’ behavior between the two learning approaches.

Parents, the study will encourage parents to participate and intervene in

their children’s learning experiences. Because parents are the child’s first and most
influential teacher, parental involvement in the learning process is important. As a
result, they must conduct a comparative analysis of the modular distance learning
and face-to-face learning approaches among senior high school students. Parental
support can help create an environment at home and school where their children
can meet their requirements.

Students, it is hoped that by conducting this study, students who participate

in face-to-face and modular distance learning will receive adequate attention and
motivation to allow for a meaningful comparative analysis of the two approaches.
C o m p a r a ti v e A n a l y s i s o f M o d u l a r D i s t a n c e L e a r n i n g a n d
Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 10

Stakeholders, stakeholders will also utilize the results of this study on giving
technical assistance and instructional support to the teachers, parents, and the
students in the different approaches.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

Scope of the study, this research is confined to the determination of the

parent’s educational attainment, third quarter and forth quarter academic
achievement and the factors affecting the student’s learnings. The data gathered
were utilized in assessing and analyzing suitable intervention program. The Senior
High School respondents of this study were from Jantianon Senior High School of
Amlan District, Division of Negros Oriental.

Limitation of the Study, Although the researcher tried their best to motivate
the respondents to answer as honestly as they could, other factors which were out
of their control like physical and emotional conditions of students during the
distribution of the questionnaire were set as limitations.

The study did not include other variables that might contribute the factors
affecting Senior High School student’s learning since the researcher only focused on
the impact of these variables: teaching style, learning environment, and learning
resources factors.

Research Methodology
C o m p a r a ti v e A n a l y s i s o f M o d u l a r D i s t a n c e L e a r n i n g a n d
Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 11

Research Design. The researcher study utilizes the descriptive-

correlational survey. It was descriptive because it (a) identified the students’ profile,
(b) identified the comparative analysis of modular distance learning and face-to-face
learning, (c) described the factors affecting the students learning, and (d) evaluated
the third quarter and forth quarter academic achievement of the students. On the
other hand, it was also correlational because the mentioned variables were

Research Environment. The study considered students from Jantianon

National High School-Senior High. Jantianon National High School-Senior High is the
highest learning institution located in the barangay. It is also public stand alone
senior high situated at the heart of Barangay Jantianon, Amlan, Negros Oriental. The
school offers General Academic Strand (GAS), TVL-Shielded Metal Arc Welding
(SMAW), Bread and Pastry Production (BPP), and Food and Beverages Services
(FBS). The school has an average class size of 113 students.

Research Respondents. The respondents of the study were the Grade 11

and Grade 12 Senior High School Students of public senior high school of Amlan,
Negros Oriental.

Name of School No. of


Jantianon National High School-Senior High 113

Research Instrument. The researcher adapted the survey questionnaire of

Debbie E McGhee, Nana Lowell, and Sebastian Lemire in the research entitled “The
Classroom Learning Environment (CLE) Questionnaire: Preliminary Development”.
The questionnaire was divided into two parts. Part I is all about Student’s Profile. As
for Part II is all about the factors affecting the students’ learning namely; teaching
style, learning environment, and learning resources factors. The Debbie E McGhee’s
questionnaire consist of agree and disagree while on this current questionnaire it
consists of strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree.

Research Procedure. After the design hearing, the researcher integrated all
the corrections and suggestions of the panel members. The researcher also uses
self-making questionnaire as their instruments. Afterwards, a letter request to
conduct was sent to the school head of the Jantianon National High School-Senior
C o m p a r a ti v e A n a l y s i s o f M o d u l a r D i s t a n c e L e a r n i n g a n d
Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 12

High. The signed and approved request was presented to school head and
perspective advisers of the students. During the distributions the researcher
explained to the students the purpose and importance of the research. The
researcher wrote the grades for third grading and fourth quarter of the students.
The questionnaires were retrieved right after the students answered the questions.

The results were tallied using mean and percentage, weighted mean, and
spearman rank correlational coefficient.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

The tools that were used by the researcher in analyzing the data were the

Percent: This was used to show how a part is related to a whole. It was used
in presenting the student’s profile.

Weighted Mean: This was used in getting the (a) student’s profile (b) factors
affect the two learning approaches.

Mean: This was used in getting the extent of student’s achievements.

Spearman rank correlational coefficient. This was utilized to identify the

degree of difference between the student’s profile and the following factors affect
the two approaches. It was also used to identify the degree of relationships between
student’s profile and the following factors; factors affect the two learning.

To identify the degree of relationship between two variables the researcher

applied the following descriptions (statistical correlational,2009).

Value of r Strength of Relationship

Between ± 0.50 10 ± 1.00 ± Strong Relationship

C o m p a r a ti v e A n a l y s i s o f M o d u l a r D i s t a n c e L e a r n i n g a n d
Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 13

Between ± 0.30 10 ± 0.49 ± Moderate Relationship

Between ± 0.10 10 ±0.29 ± Weak Relationship

Between ± 0.01 10 ± 0.09 ± Very Weak Relationship

The proficiency level or academic performance at which the students were

performing was based on the following criteria (DepEd order no. 8 s 2015).

Rating Verbal Equivalent Explanations

90 and above Outstanding The student at this level exceeds the core

requirements in terms of knowledge,

Skills, and understanding and can transfer

them automatically and flexibility through

authentic performance tasks.

85% - 89% Very Satisfactory The student at this level has developed the

fundamental knowledge and skills and

core understandings, can transfer them

independently through authentic

performance tasks.

80% - 84% Satisfactory The student at this level has developed

the fundamental knowledge and skills

and core understandings, and with little

guidance from peers, and can transfer

C o m p a r a ti v e A n a l y s i s o f M o d u l a r D i s t a n c e L e a r n i n g a n d
Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 14

these understandings through authentic

performance tasks.

75% - 79% Fairly Satisfactory The student at this level possesses the

minimum knowledge and skills and core

understandings, but needs help

throughout the performance of authentic


74% and below Did Not Meet The student at this level struggles with his/

Expectations her understanding; prerequisite and

Fundamental knowledge and/or skills

have not been acquired or developed

adequately to aid understanding.

C o m p a r a ti v e A n a l y s i s o f M o d u l a r D i s t a n c e L e a r n i n g a n d
Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 15

Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined to facilitate clear understanding of their

meaning as they are used in the study:

Academic Achievement. This refers to the average grade of the students

during the third and fourth quarter of the school year 2021-2022.

Comparative Analysis. This refers to the comparison of the two learning

approaches namely Face-to-Face Learning Approach and Modular Distance Learning

Face-to-Face Learning. This refers to where the teacher and group of

students are present in the classroom.

Learning Environment Factor. This refers to the factors affecting the

students based on how students interact with one another and learn how the
students analyze comparatively.

Learning Resources Factor. This refers to the factors that affects the
students based on how the materials are being prepared or put in order.

Modular Learning. This refers to where the students receive a printout


Senior High School Learners. This refers to the students enrolled in

Jantianon National High School-Senior High School Department.
C o m p a r a ti v e A n a l y s i s o f M o d u l a r D i s t a n c e L e a r n i n g a n d
Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 16

Teaching Style Factor. This refers to the factors that affects the students
based on how the way teacher discussed or interact with the students.


Salamuddin, A. A. (2021). Comparative Analysis of Students Perceptions in

Modular Distance Learning Approach Versus Face-to-Face Learning

Approach of Mindanao University-Sulu. Open Access of Indonesia

Journal of Social, 4(4), 336-349.

McDonald, 5. (2002). Is “a good as face-to-face” as good as it gets”. Journal of

Asynchronous Learning Networks 6. No.2(2002): 10-23

Santillan, S.C., & Laboria, J.J.C. (2021). Student experiences on modular learning

Amidst pandemic; A survey design. European Journal of Research

Development and sustainability, 2(7), 109-113.

McGhee, D.E, Lowell, N, & Lemire, S. (2007). The classroom learning environment

(CLE) questionnaire: Preliminary development. “University of

Washington Office of Educational Assessment.

Helms, J. L. (2014). Comparing Students Performance in Online and Face-to-Face

Delivery Modalities. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 18 (9)

C o m p a r a ti v e A n a l y s i s o f M o d u l a r D i s t a n c e L e a r n i n g a n d
Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 17

Comparative Analysis of Modular Distance Learning

And Face-to-Face Learning Approach among

Senior High School Learners



The questionnaire aims to determine the comparative analysis in modular

distance learning and face-to-face learning approach. Specifically, it will also
determine the students’ parent’s educational attainment and the third quarter and
fourth quarter academic achievement.

Kindly answer the following questions. Honestly, the information you share is
confidential. Thank you very much for your time and cooperation.

Name: (Optional)

Part I. Respondents Profile

1. Age

15 years old and below

16 to 17 years old
C o m p a r a ti v e A n a l y s i s o f M o d u l a r D i s t a n c e L e a r n i n g a n d
Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 18

18 to 19 years old

20 years old and above

2. Sex



3. Parent’s Educational Attainment

Elem Elem. High High Colleg College With With

. Graduat Schoo School e Graduat Maste Master
Level e l Graduat Level e r Degre
Level e Unit e

4. Academic Achievement

3rd quarter: ___________%

4th quarter: ___________%

Part II. Questionnaires on the factors affecting the student’s learning


1. Read each statement carefully. Respond to each statement as truthfully as you


2. Place a check mark (/) in the appropriate column after each statement below
that best describes your belief, feeling or behavior. The following will be your guide.
C o m p a r a ti v e A n a l y s i s o f M o d u l a r D i s t a n c e L e a r n i n g a n d
Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 19

Scale Range Verbal Interpretation Explanation


5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Agree Very High The behavior is manifested

81%-100% of the time.

4 3.41-4.20 Agree High The behavior is manifested

61%-80% of the time.

3 2.61-3.40 Neutral Moderate The behavior is manifested

41%-60% of the time.

2 1.81-2.60 Disagree Low The behavior is manifested

21%-40% of the time.

1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Very Low The behavior is manifested

Disagree 1%-20% of the time.

4. The teacher is knowledgeable

about the course.

5. The teacher made course

objective clears.

Teaching Style Factor

1. The teachers provides timely

feedback on student work.
2. The teacher responds
appropriately when differing
viewpoints are expressed in class.
3. The teacher has an effective style
of presentation.
C o m p a r a ti v e A n a l y s i s o f M o d u l a r D i s t a n c e L e a r n i n g a n d
Face-to-Face Learning Approach among SHS Learners 20

Learning Resources Factor

1. The learning materials provided

in the modules were helpful.
2. The instructions on how to
complete the assessment task
were easy to follow.
3. The aims and learning outcomes
of the module were made clear.
4. The way the module materials
were presented helped me
maintain my interest.
5. Resources I accessed through
the library, internet, or journals,
books, help me to understand the
core concepts of the module.

Learning Environment Factor

1.Environment was comfortable

and accessible to all.

2. The class provides free and

open expression of ideas.
3. Environment is conclusive to
stress-free learning.
4. The class makes me feel
welcome in the classroom.
5. Students feel safe and
supported in their pursuit of
knowledge as well as inspired by
their surroundings.

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