The Power of The Citizens (1798 Words)

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The Power of the Citizens

(1798 words)


Globalization is an aid to countries and citizens in its own ways as most people

need guidance in order for their country to progress, along with the partnership of other

countries they can influence other countries with their own ways to adapt to their own as

theirs. Globalization was further sped up due to the development and improvement of

technology as it made it easy to communicate and showcase every countries’

development through news, articles, blogs, videos etc., it also made it easy for people to

come up with trades because of the international trade and investment corporations. It

may have been benefitted the country in the long run but the downside of that drops

down on the citizens of the country as they may lose some jobs, money, and profit while

the country is gaining certain resources. Globalization not only influences the country

but also the citizens that are living in it including government officials and other

important parties that are in charge of the progression of a country, referencing from

that it would be hard if they would drop any decisions that they could benefit from but

not the citizens. There’s a lot of reason why power can be altered from a countries state

due to globalization as it makes other nations and states depend on each other

therefore being connected it what way and also sharing resources and morals, but not

only the states is the one being affected from this circumstance but also the citizens that

are living in it as they are part of the country and they are included from what happens

in and out of their own nation.

Body 1

Globalization helps people to get jobs and have more opportunities in certain

professions, it widens their range of opportunity in getting a job depending on the skills

they have to handle the job. The influence of other nation can also affect the jobs of

other citizens as the partnership of two nations can be considered an opportunity of

change or improvement, along the way it may also give positive changes depending on

the standard that has been set for the job. This can furtherly improve the progression of

a nation depending in the workers that has been set for the job, it can be difficult for

people to adjust as it may be new to them but they don’t really have a choice but to

adapt and adjust from the job as they consider this as an opportunity and no matter

what the case is most of the workers would adapt as they can earn money for it.

Globalization opens a door of opportunity due to the influence of their ways and

methods in their line of work, in addition, it makes people be flexible and challenges

their ways to adapt to the line of work they are currently set for.

Counterargument 1

Despite the opportunity that may be given to the people that are set for the job it

also puts other workers at a disadvantage, the reason for this that they are being

stripped of their job just because they found someone that can do better at it. Putting in

mind the speed of progression for nations they want and need it as soon as possible

specially that these years have been passing by quick, therefore they look for people

that are more efficient and effective for the job to progress faster and better. We can

then look at the former workers that are losing their jobs due to the sudden shift of

demand in work efficiency, as we know workers are important in making a nation

progress but if globalization causes people to lose their jobs where they get a living from

then it would only put citizens in big fear of losing their jobs. They could possibly

account to working harder but then most of those people have other things that they do

in life, they could have children, other work, side jobs. All of the ways and rackets just

so they can earn money to live a slightly decent life. Tackling this problem would also be

hard for the citizens as they have no power to really fight for it as they are only workers

and its totally up to a company on who they want to work for them depending on their


Body 2

Globalization in states have been a big thing ever since governments were

made, as states are interconnected from each other it has been considered an alliance

between the two nation and therefore working together on certain matters whether it be

lack of resources, disasters, and international trades. It benefits the two of the nation as

they are aware that they have someone to run to whenever they need certain resources

when they need it, it makes these two countries dependent on each other therefore

being a connected state they share resources and culture. They also share the same

power depending on their view of each other and how they respect their culture and the

way they govern their nation; in addition, they are also the ones who are a call away

whenever the nation is in the middle of a war. These types of connection towards

another nation may be beneficial in their own ways and depending on what the nation

can offer.

Counterargument 2

The connection of nations can be a big disadvantage for both of them due to the

power they must share in order to make peace towards each other, it is difficult for a

nations power to be halted due to the circumstance that another nation wants to be an

ally. Whenever this situation happens its always them being equal therefore the power

of a nation is altered due to the partnership that happened. The nations become

dependent towards each other from their needs and political partnership, this can be a

disadvantage for both sides as they are going farther away from being a strong,

independent nation that can run their own government and citizens. Regarding the

alliance of the two nation it also involves the other nation when a war is going on as

they have an alliance, a war of another country becomes their own war. This puts the

other nation at risk as they are being involved in something that they aren’t in charge of,

putting the lives of innocent people in line due to the government being involves to

another nations war. According to (Buchanan), Globalization has changed the role of

the state politically because of strengthened interstate relationships and dependence on

one another. Giving further justification on the dependence of another nation towards


Body 3

Globalization is the reason why news and information goes out to the public and

because of the news it can be broadcasted globally and publicly, the information from

these news broadcasts can either be positive or bad and its mostly about the

government and their problems. It can benefit the people and the citizens of a nation as

it gives information to them and it helps them be aware of the situation their nation is

currently facing, the news can also give useful information whenever a disaster strikes

or a virus outbreak happens. An example for this is the CNN, they are one of the news

channels that broadcasts news worldwide and they are one of the lead channels that

informed us of the ongoing outbreak, the COVID-19. Moving on, we have to be aware of

the information that goes out through the media as it gets shown globally and other

people may use these information in their own advantage.

Counterargument 3

The globalization of social media and news also brings disadvantages to the

state itself meaning the whole nation itself is as it risk, the reason for this are terrorists.

Terrorists are one of the most dangerous groups that are scattered all over the world

and most of them target enemy nations that they could possible terrorize, the only

downside of globalization towards these groups are the information that is going out to

the world. Whenever the news broadcasts unwanted events that can possibly make a

nation vulnerable these groups so called Terrorists can use this as an advantage of

their attack, a great example for that are the Terrorists group that has attacked the

Philippines. They used a good time to attack when it was least expected and probably it

was due to the lack of information that was ongoing that time, on that time a lot of

innocent Filipinos died due to crossfires, bomb explosions, airstrikes, and the terrorist

attack itself.

Body 4

International free trades worldwide have been controversial due to globalization,

it has been beneficial for a lot of people specifically the poor countries that has low

economic value. It can also benefit the social relationship between the two countries

and most likely strengthen the bond between the two, this two come together as the

relationship of these two matters are strictly connected as the both the conditions meet.

Whenever we help the country that has low economic value then most likely the bond of

the two countries may be strengthened due to the circumstance.

Counterargument 4

The aid of globalization on international free trades can put a toll on the situation

they’re investing in, most of the times a countries’ economic value can go up as long as

they’re putting it in use in the economic criteria. That’s one of the problems why most of

the times the investments that are being put into is not really being given to the ones

who really need it but gets redistributed to the people that are already stable, that’s why

the value of certain things go higher and the rich get richer, the poor gets poorer.

Overtime this has happened multiple times in different countries all over the world,

Philippines, Africa, India etc. That’s why we must be aware of the circumstances that we

are currently living in and how we can possibly get out with methods that can benefit us.


Globalization can help us in a lot of ways but it may also put a toll on certain

situations, it is important to know the pros and cons as globalization not only affects the

nation but also the citizens that are living in it including us. Being aware of the situations

that are currently happening around the world may benefit us in a lot of ways as it may

guide us on what we’ll do. Neither the less, the citizens are the nations building blocks

and its up to us on what will happen to our country. We may have the government but

the citizens have their own voice and rights. We must be ready and aware of the effects

of globalization towards our power and state, afterwards its up to us on what’ll happen


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