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a | u m n | a d v o r t | s o a b o u t

u s
r s s
t o o d s
l o w s O p | n | o n 3 p o r t s E n t o r t a | n m o n t V u | t | m o d | a C a r t o o n s l a m 1 a | k G a m o s 1 h o 3 t r | p
C | u b
Your lovor |avo l Evor co|umn|sts, Kato 3onn|s, |ott, and l|c
1urc|ano ombarkod on a spood dat|nq |ournov tor th|s wook's co|umn.
A|| tho |ovs ot dat|nq |n |oss than 2 m|nutos
bv llC1UlClAlOAl0KA1E3Elll3
1ho lockv Vounta|n Co||oq|an
bookmurk tbls puoo
lust ooltoo. i2.2u um u2/2S/2uii
lt vou woro to mako a dat|nq
rosumo ot vour past ro|at|onsh|ps,
what wou|d |t |ook ||ko? Wou|d wo
bo ab|o to contact vour rotoroncos?
What sk|||s wou|d vou ||st? Vost
|mportant|v, what woro vour
roasons tor |oav|nq?'
l, Kato 3onn|s, thouqht about th|s
qu|to a b|t |n proparat|on tor our
most rocont lovor |avo l Evor
ondoavor: spood dat|nq,
an Assoc|at|on tor 3tudont Act|v|tv
lroqramm|nq ovont |n tho lorv
3tudont Contor ba||room |ast
1h|s was a d|tt|cu|t ass|qnmont tor
mv co-co|umn|st l|c and mo. Wo
qot norvous and swoatv. luck||v,
l|c was bo|nq a qood sport about |t
-- ho ovon postponod a dato w|th h|s |advtr|ond tor tho ovont. |owovor, as our ovon|nq p|ans drow c|osor, ho
brouqht up a vorv qood po|nt.
lt's qo|nq to bo awkward |t somoono approachos mo attorwards to qot mv numbor bocauso l havo a q|r|tr|ond. 3ut
wow, |t's qo|nq to bo roa||v awtu| |t no ono approachos mo, too . that moans l'|| havo qono on ||ko 12 t|rst datos
w|thout a socond dato.'
W|sh|nq ho hadn't sa|d that, wo hoadod out.
1ho wav spood dat|nq works |s prottv stra|qhttorward: Each |nd|v|dua| qots two m|nutos to ask quost|ons and thon
vou sw|tch. |our m|nutos por coup|o. Ono s|do ot tho tab|o rotatos whon tho t|mo |s up.
Ono qood th|nq about th|s sot-up |s that no ono vou ta|k to can snoak |n a p|ck-up ||no bocauso that wou|d
honcotorth |oavo thom w|th about a m|nuto and a ha|t to so|| thomso|vos.
Wo sat down noxt to two studonts who woro |n s|m||ar pos|t|ons: thov had novor boon to anvth|nq ||ko th|s botoro,
o|thor. 1ho d|ttoronco botwoon thom and us, thouqh, was that wo had to bo thoro bocauso wo woro moot|nq a
doad||no. What l wantod to know was whv othor poop|o choso to como to somoth|nq ||ko th|s.
l roco|vod a |ot ot s|m||ar rosponsos. 1|mo was a unan|mous tactor. A |ot ot tho part|c|pants sa|d thov woro so
busv thov hard|v had t|mo to moot now poop|o. As somoono who |s tak|nq 20 crod|ts, work|nq 80 hours por wook
toppod ott w|th an oxtracurr|cu|ar or two, l cou|d oas||v ro|ato to th|s.
1ho poop|o whom l was partnorod w|th woro actua||v |ntorost|nq and kopt mv attont|on. 3ocauso l havo tho
attont|on span ot a qnat, th|s tasc|natod mo. l wondorod |t l wou|d st||| ||ko thom attor o|qht m|nutos or ovon 12. l
qot somo contact |ntormat|on and can on|v |maq|no tho |ovo connoct|ons that must havo sproutod tor thoso who
stavod tor tho ont|ro durat|on ot tho n|qht.
1o a|| ot thoso who havo vot to t|nd that connoct|on, mavbo tho kov |s to stop |ook|nq. Vv co-workor lacho|
E||oo on 3torn: 'U.3. lows' ||os about C3U
prot (b)
Vorc on 3torn: 'U.3. lows' ||os about C3U
prot (b)
Notboo 5mltb on 3choror: |armor 3||| not
about tarmors (b)

Cupcuko Cuburot. lort Colllns'
nowost burlosouo rovuo
rosults { poll urcblvo
Eow do you doaI with conatruction atroaa?
Go to tbo Skollor.
nouro truttlc conos.
| o r t C o | | | n s , C o | o r a d o
W o d n o s d a v , 1 u n o 2 2 , 2 0 1 1 | b 4 |
C|ass|t|ods | 3us|noss Contor | 3pr|nq 3roak

reoent oomments most oommented

convortoo bv
Cappo, who's boon bartond|nq tor sovora| voars, has notod that most ot tho t|mo bars aro not usua||v tho p|aco to
mako that connoct|on (l th|nk that most ot us know th|s). |owovor, ono p|oco ot adv|co sho d|d havo was th|s:
Onco vou'ro roa||v, tru|v comtortab|o w|th vourso|t, ro|at|onsh|ps |ust soom to to||ow. loop|o p|ck up on
cont|donco, |t omanatos trom vou,' sho sa|d.
||rst |mpross|ons aro |mportant.
Wo |oarn th|s throuqh var|ous now oxpor|oncos. 1ho act|v|t|os that l|c and l partako |n oach wook, l'vo tound, q|vo
us a sma|| doso ot hum|||tv that wo can app|v to our wak|nq ||vos.
Wh|ch |s whv l'd ||ko to tako th|s t|mo to sav thanks, to a|| ot mv spoodv-datos, tor not bothor|nq to to|| mo that
mv sh|rt had boon unbuttonod tor tho ont|ro durat|on ot our tour m|nutos |n hoavon.
Co|omolsts Koto Boools ooo Nlc 7orlclooo coo bo roocboo ot vorvoQco||
bookmurk tbls puoo
1ho commonts postod on th|s board aro mon|torod, but wo can not bo ho|d rospons|b|o tor what othors sav.
l|oaso bo rospocttu| to othors whon commont|nq on our commont board. Commonts that aro doc|dod to bo
ovor|v ottons|vo, ott top|c, dorroqatorv or unnocossar||v cruo| |n naturo w||| bo orasod.
A|| t|o|ds aro roqu|rod. Your oma|| addross w||| not bo pub||shod.
|1Vl |s not a||owod.
What co|or |s tho Wh|to |ouso?

"klos bo It All" ut
Coloruoo Stuto
unlvorsltv tboutro
Supor 8blonos sclonco tlctlon nostulolu wltb vlsuul

bownlouo lront uoo bl
Croor olo lssuos
Croor blob rosolutlon pbotos
Sourcb urcblvos
now to Got Involvoo
Aovortlso wltb tbo Colloolun
Submlt to cumpus culonour
Submlt u nows tlp
About us
Cur Stutt
Stutt bono numbors
Stutt Lmull
colloolun on tucobook
colloolun on twlttor
rss tooos
omull nowslottor
prlvucv pollcv copvrlobt 2uii 1bo ockv Hountuln Colloolun
convortoo bv

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