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t Booklet

Prepare stocks,
sauces and soups
SIT50416 Diploma of Hospitality
Ransford College Pty Ltd T/A AAAR Institute
of Business & Technology

230 Church Street

Parramatta NSW 2150

T: 1300 198 775

T: (02) 9689 2173

ABN 86 606 260 404

ACN 606 260 404
RTO Number 45178

Your Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) at Ransford


1. It is your duty to inform staff at Ransford College if you see, hear or come across
any incident, situation or hazard that might require immediate attention
2. In case of an emergency evacuation, you are required to follow the instructions
provided by your trainer. While exiting the building, keep calm and walk alongside the
hand rails.

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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College Version 1.0
The Assessment Process
Why are assessment tasks important?

To complete your qualification, you are required to apply the ideas you have been learning from
this unit of competence.

The assessment activities are an important part of your training program as they provide an
opportunity to apply what you have been learning and they give both you and your trainer
feedback on your progress.

How will you be assessed?

You will be required to complete a variety of written and practical exercises. Instructions for how to
complete the assessments are provided within each assessment task in this booklet.

What is required for successful completion?

Please read this section carefully before commencing the assessment tasks. You must carefully
complete EVERY task in this booklet. You must achieve a ‘Satisfactory’ mark for all assessment tasks
to be deemed Competent for the unit. If you are assessed as Not Competent, you will be given
some suggestions for improvement and asked to redo your assessment.

At the successful completion of the assessment tasks, you will have demonstrated your
competence against all of the requirements of the unit.

Submission of assessments

Your trainer will advise you when to commence the assessments in this booklet.

You are required to complete the written assessments on a separate document. You have access to
computers which are equipped with 2010 Microsoft suite of products. You will also have access to
the internet at the College to assist with research and resources. Assessment responses should be
typed; however, handwritten submissions will be accepted if they are clear and legible.

On the document please include:

o Your name
o The date
o The Assessment Number and Task Number.

For example:
o John Smith
o 10 August 2015
o Assessment 1 - Question 1 (Record your answer).

Please note that some assessments require additional documentation, such as a form or a
procedure, which must be included with your submission.

Make sure you check your material before submission. You must keep a copy of all work submitted.

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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Access and equity

A student’s access to the assessment process should not be affected by restrictions placed on the
location or context of assessment beyond the requirements specified in the training package.
Reasonable adjustments can be made to ensure equity in assessment for people with disabilities,
including language and literacy. Adjustments include any changes to the assessment process or
context that meet the individual needs of the person with a disability, but do not change competency
outcomes. If you believe you have a disability that may affect the completion of these assessment
tasks please speak to your trainer.

Assessment outcomes

Your assessment submission will be assessed and you will be given feedback. Each assessment
task will be marked as either Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory and once all assessments have been
marked you will be given an outcome of Competent or Not Competent for the unit of

What can you do if you don’t agree with the assessment result?

If you do not think the assessment process is valid, disagree with the assessment outcome, or believe
that you have been treated unfairly, you can appeal.

The first step is to discuss the matter with your trainer. If you still do not agree, you are able to
request a re-assessment. It is possible to have your assessment submission assessed by a different

If you remain dissatisfied after the re-assessment, you should contact your trainer. Full details of the
appeals process are contained in your Student Handbook.

Declaration of Authenticity

You are required to sign a Declaration of Authenticity for every written assessment submission. The
Declaration is a signed statement from you stating that the assessment submission is your own work.

Declaration of Authenticity
Student ID RS180228 Term 2
I declare that all work completed in this assessment is my own
Student Signature Date 15-04-2020

Trainer/Assessor Name DIDIER SCHWARTZ

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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College Version 1.0
1. Assessment 1-Assignment
Your task:

You are required to complete all questions and tasks for this portfolio. All tasks and exercises are
based on the theory content and recipes contained in your workbook/ online unit.

1. List all essential equipment and utensils required for the preparation, production and service
of stocks, sauces and soups and explain the use of each item.

Equipment/Utensils Explanation for use

Pots Useful to cook soups. We place them on the
fonts Useful to reconstruct soups because we use
indirectly heat
Spiders Used to remove out bones and vegetables
used on soups
Strainers and colanders We use them to strain the liquid and remove
the residue
Whisks Used to emulsion sauces and mix ingredients
Ladles We use them to take the liquid and serve
Volume measures Used to portion control
Pots Useful to cook soups. We place them on the

2. Provide 3 examples each, for brown, white and miscellaneous stocks, and list

➢ the cooking times which apply

➢ the quality signs for good stock

Examples Cooking Time

Brown stock 1. Beef stock 4-8 hours
2. Vegetabile stock 4-8 hours
3. Chicken stock 3-4 hours
White stock 1. Fish stock 20-30 min
2. Chicken stock 2-4 hours
3. Veal stock 4-8 hours
Miscellaneous stock 1. sween corn and chicken soup 2-4 hours
2. Roasted carrot and safron 2-4 hours
3. Miso 15 min
Quality signs for stock: Stock must be clear and free of impurities, with strong flavour of the main
Ingrediens. It’s always good option to try do it with as less fat as we can to make it healthier.

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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College Version 1.0
3. What are the points of care which must be applied when preparing stocks?

Points of care when preparing stocks

One of the most important point about make stocks is to start with cold water. This, helps to rise up all the impurities d
Second point is to remove the impurities and fat from the top to make flavours cleaner and keep in properly the stock
Cook it slowly and not boiling because all impurities could go back into the stock.

4. List the production steps for each of the following types of stock:

Stock Production steps

Brown beef stock - Brown the beef bones in the oven for 30 min aprox. and
add the mirepoix and roast them for around 10 more min
- Strain the fat off and put some water on the tray to
relive the flavored sediments
- Place all the liquid and bones into a pot
- top it with remaining water and add the bouquet garni
- Bring it to boil and remove the fat and impurities
- Reduce it to a simmer and cook for 4-8 hours
- Strain in and storage it properly

White chicken stock - Remove all imperfections from the chicken and place
the bones into a pot.
- Rinse the chicken to remove any excess
- Add water till cover the bonds and bring it to boil
- Skim off any fat or impurities and reduce the heat
to simmer.
- Add the vegetables and aromatic herbs
- Simmer for 2-4 hours and strain it when it’s done.

Fish stock - Clean all the fish bones making sure any impurity is in
there because could make the stock cloudy
- Place some butter in a pot till melt and add the
vegetables till golden.
- Place the fish heads and bones and add some white
wine and make them sweat for 10-15 min
- Add some water till cover the fish and simmer it for 10
more min.
- Skim off any foam or impurity and leave it rest for 10 min.
- Strain the stock and storage properly

Vegetable and miscellaneous - Mix the light soy sauce with the dark soy sauce and
stocks the shaohsing in a pot
- Add the dried mandarin skin and crushed garlic
- Add the sliced the ginger and chopped the rock sugar, dried

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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College Version 1.0
spices and water and bring it to boil
- Simmer for 15 min and skim it if it’s needed.
- Remove some of the stock and put the whole chicken
into the pot
- Add the remining stock to cover the chicken
- Place a lid on the top and bring it to boil and then,
reduce the heat to simmer for 20min per kg of chicken
- Cool it slightly and refrigerate it

5. Provide an overview over the different types of glazes, the production method for a glaze
and the required procedures to provide for a product which is free of impurities.

Types of glazes
1. Beef glaze 2. Chicken glaze 3. Prawn glaze
Production steps for a glaze
To make any type of glaze, we need to reduce our stock by 10%. This reduction is going to have
stronger flavour and will be more gelatine once it cold.
To have a clear glaze is important to care when we are doing the stock, and make sure that
we skim off the impurities and as much fat as we can.

6. Provide 3 examples each for, thickeners based on fats, and thickeners based on starches.
Explain how these are used in the preparation of soups and sauces including points of care to
ensure a quality product.

Thickeners based on fats Thickeners based on starches

1.Egg yolks 1.Potato flour
2.Butter 2. Roux
3.Cheese 3. Slurry

7. What are the methods to solve problems relating to stocks which are bitter, cloudy,
lacking colour or lacking flavour?

Problem Solution
Stock is cloudy For a hot stock add whisked egg whites into the boiling
stock and whisk thoroughly. Bring the liquid back to a
simmer and the egg white will attract the impurities and
float to the top. Strain through a fine sieve or muslin.
Carefully ladle the liquid into a strainer and muslin cloth
and then let it sit so that any remaining impurities can set
on the bottom. For a cold stock add a combination of mince
and egg whites, whisk through and bring to the boil to form
a raft just like for a consommé. Use the appropriate meat
type to intensify the flavour, e.g. beef for a beef stock, fish
for a fish stock, etc.

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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College Version 1.0
Stock is bitter Discard any blackened bones or vegetables prior to cooking
the stock, otherwise the bitterness will increase as the
stock reduces. If the burnt flavour is strong or overpowering
the entire batch must be discarded. The other cause of
bitterness or strong aromas can be vegetables that are not
suitable for stock. Do not use eggplants, cabbage or old
vegetables as they will impart unwanted flavours into the

Stock lacks colour If our stock doesn’t have enough colour, probably it’s
because we didn’t roast the bones before to put them into
the pot with water. If we want a colourful stock like beef
stock, is important to brown first the bones in the oven for
at least 30 min

Stock lacks flavour One of the lack flavours could be we didn’t use enough
variety of ingredients or quantity of vegetables and herbs.
Could be as well, we didn’t cook it enough time

8. What are the critical hygiene and food safety aspects which must apply when selecting
ingredients for stocks and sauces, as well as preparing, cooling and storing stocks including
the provisions for labelling?

Hygiene and food safety aspects which need to apply for stocks, and sauces when
Selecting Ingredients Make sure all ingredients are fresh and not damaged
and all of them still fine to use. Always wash them
before peel (if it’s needed) and after that.

Preparing Try to keep all ingredients and containers separate to

avoid any kind of cross contamination. Keep the skins
and remains in a separate bowl and use the correct
chopping board for every item

Cooling To help cooling down the stocks, is a good idea to slip

it in smaller containers and always be aware of the
danger zone.

Storing We can keep the stock in different ways like,

containers or vacuum packing but they must be
always labelled with name of product, date of
production and person who made it and ensure FIFO
principals are followed. We can keep it in the fridge
for few days of in the freezer in small portions to use
only what we need

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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9. List the classification for soups and provide 2 menu examples for each with an
appropriate service vessel for service and accompaniment or garnish (no repetition of
garnish or accompaniment).

Classification Menu Example Service Garnish Accompanimen

ware t

Clear soups Chicken consume Parsley Carrot julienne

Beef broth Chives Pasta

Thickened Pumpkin pure Croutons Mushrooms


Sweet corn cream Shallots Barley

Miscellaneou Gazpacho Basil Diced

s soups cucumber, cut
tomatoes and
fried ham

White bean soup with ham Rosemary Poached egg

10. Select 1 example from the soups you have listed in Question 9 and write and adjust the
ingredients for the recipe to yield 10 serves, using the attached recipe template. Include
the production method on the recipe card.


SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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College Version 1.0

• 1 cucumber, peeled and chopped

• 1 red pepper, deseeded and chopped
• 1 green pepper, deseeded and chopped
• 1kg ripe plum tomatoes, cored and chopped
• 2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
• 2 spring onions, trimmed and finely chopped
• 75g stale crusty white bread, chopped
• 2–2½ tbsp sherry vinegar, or to taste

1. Place the cucumber, peppers, tomatoes, garlic and spring onions
in a large bowl. Add the bread and season well with salt and
pepper. Add the sherry vinegar and a couple of tablespoons of olive
oil and mix together with your hands, pressing down to squeeze out
the juices. Cover and chill. Leave to marinade for at least 30 mins
or overnight.

2. Put the vegetable mixture into a blender and whiz until smooth.
Check the consistency. If it is still rather thick and not very rich, add
another glug or two of olive oil until you reach a consistency you like.
Taste and adjust the seasoning as necessary. You might need a little
more vinegar. Cover and chill again, until really cold and you’re
ready to serve.

3. Meanwhile, make the toasts, if using. Brush the slices of bread

generously with olive oil. Place a large griddle pan over a medium
heat. Once hot, add the bread and toast on either side until golden
and crunchy. Drain on kitchen paper, then season with a little salt
and pepper.

4. To serve, stir the gazpacho and taste again as the seasoning may
have changed as the soup is now very cold. Adjust as necessary,
then serve ice cold with gazpacho ice cubes, sprinkled with chopped
basil, an extra drizzle of olive oil and the toasts alongside, if using

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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Item Requirements for 4 Requirements for 10
servings servings
Cucumber 1 2.5
Red pepper 1 2.5
Green pepper 1 2.5
Ripe plum 1kg 2.5 kg
Garlic 2 cloves 5 cloves
Spring onions 2 5
Crusty white 75g 190g
Sherry vinegar 2 tbsp 5 tbsp

11. List the production steps for a Consommé, including points of care.

Production steps for Consommé Points of care

- Cut the vegetables and mix with the egg Take care when straining consommé. Either
white and cold stock or broth. syphon or use a consommé pot with a tap.
- Mix thoroughly and season. Then add Never tip the consommé into the chinois, as
the raft would break up and ruin the clear
the aromatics and bring to the boil.
- Stir every 5-10 minutes while it comes to
the boil.
- Once it forms the raft, turn the heat down to
a simmer, do not stir again and cook slowly for
about 2 hours
- Strain through a muslin cloth
- Remove any surplus fat with waxed paper
or store overnight and let the fat solidify for
easy removal.
- Reheat the strained consommé with the
desired garnish and ladle into a pre-heated soup
- Place on an under-plate and serve immediately

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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12. List the classifications for sauces and provide 3 examples for each.

Classification for sauces Examples

1. Reduction-based sauces 1. Jus
2. Modern demi-glace
3. Beurre blanc
2. Roux-based sauces 1. Bechamel
2. Game sauce
3. Volutee
3. Emulsion sauces 1. Hollandaise sauce
2. Mayonnaise
3. Aioli
4. Miscellaneous sauces 1. Peanut sauce
2. Tomato sauce
3. Baba ghanoush

13. List the production steps for a Jus.

Production steps for Jus

Chop the beef bones in small size
Wash, peel, rewash and cut the carrots, onions, leeks, celery into mirepoix
Cut the ham bones in small pieces and prepare the bouquet garnic
Roast de beef bones until brown and add the onions and carrots until brown
Add the ham bones, leek and celery till lightly brown
Transfer into a large pot and deglaze the tray with some stock adding the liquid into the pot
Add the bouquet garnic and stock into the pot and bring it to boil
Reduce the heat to a simmer and skim off any impurities and adjust the seasoning
Strain the jus, skim it and add roux to thickened if it’s wanted

14. List 3 derivative sauces which can be produced from sauce Demi-glace with their
main ingredients.

Derivative sauce from sauce demi-glace Ingredients

Apple cider Beurre Blanc Butter, shallots, apple cider,
brown sugar, heavy cream

Red wine jus Beef stock, shallots, red wine, bay

leaves, fresh rosemary, butter, salt

Prunes and Armagnac jus Prunes, Armagnac or brandy, olive

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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oil, shallots, chicken broth,
thyme, sherry wine vinegar

15. List 2 derivative sauces which can be produced from sauce Béchamel, with their
main ingredients.

Derivative sauce from sauce béchamel Ingredients

1.Mornay sauce Bechamel, yolk eggs and cheese

2. Brantome sauce Bechamel, white wine,

oyster fond, crayfish butter

3.Cardinal sauce Bechamel, fish stock,

truffle essence, lobster

16. What is the production method for a Velouté?

Production steps for sauce Velouté

Produce a blond roux and let it cool slightly (mixing equal butter and flour)
Add the boiling stock gradually.
Place a buttered cartouche on top and cook on the stove top or in the oven at
Cook for 30-60 minutes, depending on the amount of sauce, to create a less floury taste. This applies to all

17. Provide 3 examples for derivative sauces which can be produced from each, fish velouté,
chicken velouté and veal velouté.

Velouté Examples
1.Fish 1. Bercy sauce
2. Duglere sauce
3. Good wife sauce
2.Chicken 1. Supreme sauce
2. Ivory sauce
3. Aurora sauce
3.Veal 1. Herb sauce
2. German sauce

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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3. Mushroom sauce

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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What are the basic ingredients of sauce mayonnaise? List the preparation steps and provide 2
examples for derivative sauces (and ingredients used), that can be produced from sauce mayonnaise.

Production steps for sauce mayonnaise

- Whisk the yolks with the mustard and vinegar
- Then incorporate the fat slowly.
- The sauce can be finished with a small amount of boiling water
to stabilise it more.

Derivative sauce Ingredients

Ravigote sauce Mayonnaise with vinegar, oil, chopped
cappers, onions, tarragon, chervil and
Remoulade sauce Mayonnaise with mustard, anchovy
essence, chopped cappers, pickled
cucumber, chervil and tarragon

18. How do the ingredients and production steps for a sauce Hollandaise and sauce Béarnaise
differ? Provide 3 derivative examples which can be produced from each Sauce.

Sauce Hollandaise Sauce Béarnaise

• Vinegar
• Vinegar • Peppercorns
• Peppercorns • Onion
• Egg yolk • Tarragon
• Clarified butter • Egg yolk
• Clarified butter
• Fresh chervil or parsley

Production Steps: Production Steps:

- Produce a reduction with the - Produce a reduction with the

vinegar, peppercorns and some vinegar, peppercorns, onions,
water tarragon stalks and some water
- Whip the egg yolks and the cooled - Whip with the egg yolks and
reduction to the sabayon stage the cooled reduction to the
- Slowly incorporate the warm, sabayon stage
clarified butter - Slowly incorporate the
- Season and strain through a warm, clarified butter
muslin cloth - Season and strain through a muslin

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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- Add the chopped herbs

Derivative sauce Derivative sauce

1. Maltese sauce 1. Foyot sauce
2. Noisette sauce 2. Paloise sauce
3. Mustard sauce 3.Magenta sauce

19. What are the correct hygienic procedures to reconstitute sauces and soups whilst ensuring
the correct consistency and flavour?

Procedures to reconstitute sauces and soups

When reconstituting a sauce make sure that you reheat it carefully to achieve the correct consistency and n

In order to ensure correct consistency, all stocks and sauces must be strained once reconstituted. Additiona

21. List 3 different convenience products for stocks, sauces and soups and explain how these are
used. What could be done to enhance convenience products in terms of flavour and

Examples for different convenience products for stocks, sauces and soups

Sauce should not just be splattered around the plate

Use natural colours to provide an excellent palette for you to work with

Use texture and consistency for your sauces

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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Suggested methods to enhance flavour and presentation of convenience products

Use a spoon to place the sauce on your plate

Use fresh ingredients and avoid using artificial colourants
Make sure that your sauce has the appropriate consistency and it’s not too runny or too thick.

22. List 3 food safety aspects which must be considered during the production of soups stocks
and sauces to ensure food safety and a clean workplace during and post production:

Food safety Aspects
- Those can be considerably risky
Dairy-based sauces and for the elderly, pregnant women
emulsion sauces and people with a poor immune
system so, they must be discarded
after service

Cleanliness and Sanitation

Clean and tidy up your work area
Clean your work area during the service time. Use
sanitizer regularly
Requirements at the end of service
Clean of all your work surfaces Clean and sanitize all the benches
and shelves, walls, equipment and
different areas in the kitchen after
your shift using detergent and
chemical sanitizer

Outcome S NYS
Is resubmission required Yes No
Trainer signature
Student signature

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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College Version 1.0
Trainer Comments

2. Assessment 2-Practical Observation

Your Tasks:
RTO to complete schedule and provide relevant recipes – dish 1-3 are examples

You are required to prepare a menu example for each of the recipe categories set out below.
Your trainer will provide you with specific recipes for each instance. The criteria overleaf provide

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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College Version 1.0
overview of the criteria which will be observed during each instance for each preparation or as instructed.

Dish to be prepared Stocks Sauces Soups

X Brown beef stock
Dish 1: Béchamel Clear
Chicken stock
Brown Beef Stock Chicken Velouté Broth
Fish stock
Recipe Source: Futura Fish Velouté Purée
Vegetable stock
Group, e-coach recipes Coulis Cream
SITHCCC007 Demi glace
No. of serves: Hollandaise or Béarnaise
Customers served: Jus
Mayonnaise based Sauces
Tomato based Sauces
X Béchamel
Dish 2: Brown beef stock Clear
Chicken Velouté
Béchamel Sauce Chicken stock Broth
Fish Velouté
Recipe Source: Futura Fish stock Purée
Group, e-coach recipes Vegetable stock Cream
SITHCCC007 Demi glace

No. of serves: Hollandaise or Béarnaise

Customers served:
Mayonnaise based Sauces
Tomato based Sauces

Dish 3: Brown beef stock Béchamel Clear

Pumpkin Soup Chicken stock Chicken Velouté Broth

X Purée
Recipe Source: Futura Fish stock Fish Velouté
Group, e-coach recipes Vegetable stock Coulis
SITHCCC007 Demi glace
No. of serves: Hollandaise or Béarnaise
Customers served: Jus
Mayonnaise based Sauces
Tomato based Sauces

Dish 4: Brown beef stock Béchamel Clear

RTO to complete Chicken stock Chicken Velouté Broth

Recipe Source: Futura Fish stock Fish Velouté Purée

Group, e-coach recipes Vegetable stock Coulis Cream
SITHCCC007 Demi glace
No. of serves: Hollandaise or Béarnaise
Customers served: Jus
Mayonnaise based Sauces
Tomato based Sauces

Dish 5: Brown beef stock Béchamel Clear

RTO to complete Chicken stock Chicken Velouté Broth

Recipe Source: Futura Fish stock Fish Velouté Purée

Group, e-coach recipes Vegetable stock Coulis Cream
SITHCCC007 Demi glace
No. of serves: Hollandaise or Béarnaise

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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College Version 1.0
Mayonnaise based Sauces
Tomato based Sauces

Dish 6: Brown beef stock Béchamel Clear

RTO to complete Chicken stock Chicken Velouté Broth

Recipe Source: Futura Fish stock Fish Velouté Purée

Group, e-coach recipes Vegetable stock Coulis Cream
SITHCCC007 Demi glace
No. of serves: Hollandaise or Béarnaise
Customers served: Jus
Mayonnaise based Sauces
Tomato based Sauces

Dish 7: Brown beef stock Béchamel Clear

RTO to complete Chicken stock Chicken Velouté Broth

Recipe Source: Futura Fish stock Fish Velouté Purée

Group, e-coach recipes Vegetable stock Coulis Cream
SITHCCC007 Demi glace
No. of serves: Hollandaise or Béarnaise
Customers served: Jus
Mayonnaise based Sauces
Tomato based Sauces

Dish 8: Brown beef stock Béchamel Clear

RTO to complete Chicken stock Chicken Velouté Broth

Recipe Source: Futura Fish stock Fish Velouté Purée

Group, e-coach recipes Vegetable stock Coulis Cream
SITHCCC007 Demi glace
No. of serves: Hollandaise or Béarnaise
Customers served: Jus
Mayonnaise based Sauces
Tomato based Sauces

Dish 9: Brown beef stock Béchamel Clear

RTO to complete Chicken stock Chicken Velouté Broth

Recipe Source: Futura Fish stock Fish Velouté Purée

Group, e-coach recipes Vegetable stock Coulis Cream
SITHCCC007 Demi glace
No. of serves: Hollandaise or Béarnaise
Customers served: Jus
Mayonnaise based Sauces
Tomato based Sauces

Dish 10: Brown beef stock Béchamel Clear

RTO to complete Chicken stock Chicken Velouté Broth

Recipe Source: Futura Fish stock Fish Velouté Purée

Group, e-coach recipes Vegetable stock Coulis Cream
SITHCCC007 Demi glace
No. of serves: Hollandaise or Béarnaise
Customers served: Jus
Mayonnaise based Sauces
Tomato based Sauces

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
Dish 11: Brown beef stock Béchamel Clear

RTO to complete Chicken stock Chicken Velouté Broth

Recipe Source: Futura Fish stock Fish Velouté Purée

Group, e-coach recipes Vegetable stock Coulis Cream
SITHCCC007 Demi glace
No. of serves: Hollandaise or Béarnaise
Customers served: Jus
Mayonnaise based Sauces
Tomato based Sauces

Dish 12: Brown beef stock Béchamel Clear

RTO to complete Chicken stock Chicken Velouté Broth

Recipe Source: Futura Fish stock Fish Velouté Purée

Group, e-coach recipes Vegetable stock Coulis Cream
SITHCCC007 Demi glace
No. of serves: Hollandaise or Béarnaise
Customers served: Jus
Mayonnaise based Sauces
Tomato based Sauces

Dis Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS

1 Element 1: Select Ingredients
The food production requirements are identified from
recipes and instructions
The ingredient amounts are calculated correctly according to
Ingredients are correctly identified: S S
• Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose): S S
• Freshness S S
• FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients S S
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked
and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish
is/are identified: S S

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness S S

Each piece of equipment is assembled according to
manufacturer’s instructions
WHS issues are considered:
• Cord: S S
• Safety Switch provisions:
• Positioning (for example away from moisture):
• Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards) S S
• Uniform and loose parts are secured from
being caught
The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner S S
The equipment is used hygienically: S S

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

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College Version 1.0
Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients
Ingredients are weighed according to recipe
portion requirements
Ingredients are measured according to recipe
portion requirements
Correct sequencing of ingredients according to production flow S S
Correct preparation method used for commodities S S
Portioned correctly according to recipe requirement S S
Portioned, suitable for cookery method being used S S
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-
able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved S S
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for
different tasks
Hands are washed between different tasks S S
Criteria specific for the preparation of the dish:
Brown beef stock
a) Bones are cut into even sizes S S
b) Mirepoix is cut evenly S S
c) Bouquet garni is prepared correctly S S
d) Correct ratio mirepoix to bones S S

Element 4: Prepare stocks, sauces and soups Comment S NYS S NYS

Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation of the
dish here:

a. Bones are browned evenly S S

b. Sediment is released S S
c. Bones browned evenly S S
d. Deglazed sediment S SS
e. Seasoned/ good flavour S S
f. Clear S S
g. Gelatinous consistency S S
Correct preparation of sauce: S S
Correct preparation of soup: S S
Stock or soup is clarified, using correct techniques S S
The result of the clarification is a clear stock or soup S S
Suitable flavours are used to impart on stock, sauce or soup:

Suitable thickening agents have been identified S S

Thickening agents are prepared correctly S S
The end product is free of lumps and strained S S
Suitable convenience products are identified S S
Convenience products are prepared as per label S S
Convenience products are enhanced where possible S S
Correct derivative sauces are
Derivative sauce is prepared correctly S S
The ingredients used for the derivative sauce are correct and
complete (recipe ref.)
Each dish is tasted, evaluated and adjusted S S

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
Special customer requests are provided for where applicable
using correct products and cookery methods:



Element 5: Present and store appetisers and salads

The sauce or soup is re-heated or reconstituted to correct
The sauce or soup is tasted and adjusted as relevant S S
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at correct
temperature (hot)
Suitable garnish is used. Specify: S S
Garnish is prepared and of proportional size S S
A suitable accompaniment is used for soups
as applicable:
The dish is evaluated and visually adjusted before being served S S
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks S S
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled and
stored correctly
Waste and perishables are discarded S S
Food scraps are removed S S
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area S S
The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment S S
Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanitisers are used S S
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained and
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant. S S

Dis Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS

2 Element 1: Select Ingredients
The food production requirements are identified from
recipes and instructions
The ingredient amounts are calculated correctly according to
Ingredients are correctly identified: S S
• Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose): S S
• Freshness S S
• FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients S S
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked
and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish
is/are identified: S S

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness S S

Each piece of equipment is assembled according to
manufacturer’s instructions

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
WHS issues are considered:
• Cord: S S
• Safety Switch provisions:
• Positioning (for example away from moisture):
• Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards) S S
• Uniform and loose parts are secured from
being caught
The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner S S
The equipment is used hygienically: S S

Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients

Ingredients are weighed according to recipe
portion requirements
Ingredients are measured according to recipe
portion requirements
Correct sequencing of ingredients according to production flow S S
Correct preparation method used for commodities S S
Portioned correctly according to recipe requirement S S
Portioned, suitable for cookery method being used S S
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-
able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved S S
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for
different tasks
Hands are washed between different tasks S S
Criteria specific for the preparation of the dish:
Béchamel Sauce
a) Onion is studded S S
b) Correct ratio of flour to butter S S
c) Flour and butter weighed correctly S S

Element 4: Prepare stocks, sauces and soups Comment S NYS S NYS

Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation of the
dish here:

a. Prepared white roux S S

b. No signs of burning S S
c. No signs of lumps S S
d. Cooked with studded onion S S
e. Seasoned to taste S S
f. Strained S S

Suitable cookery methods used for preparation/dish S S

Correct preparation of stock: S S
Correct preparation of sauce: S S
Correct preparation of soup: S S
Stock or soup is clarified, using correct techniques S S
The result of the clarification is a clear stock or soup S S
Suitable flavours are used to impart on stock, sauce or soup:

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
Suitable thickening agents have been identified S S
Thickening agents are prepared correctly S S
The end product is free of lumps and strained S S
Suitable convenience products are identified S S
Convenience products are prepared as per label S S
Convenience products are enhanced where possible S S
Correct derivative sauces are
Derivative sauce is prepared correctly S S
The ingredients used for the derivative sauce are correct and
complete (recipe ref.)
Each dish is tasted, evaluated and adjusted S S
Special customer requests are provided for where applicable
using correct products and cookery

methods: Request: S S


Element 5: Present and store appetisers and salads

The sauce or soup is re-heated or reconstituted to correct
The sauce or soup is tasted and adjusted as relevant S S
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at correct
temperature (hot)
Suitable garnish is used. Specify: S S
Garnish is prepared and of proportional size S S
A suitable accompaniment is used for soups
as applicable:
The dish is evaluated and visually adjusted before being served S S
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks S S
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled and
stored correctly
Waste and perishables are discarded S S
Food scraps are removed S S
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area S S
The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment S S
Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanitisers are used S S
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained
and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant. S S

Dis Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS

3 Element 1: Select Ingredients
The food production requirements are identified from
recipes and instructions
The ingredient amounts are calculated correctly according to
Ingredients are correctly identified: S S
• Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose): S S

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
• Freshness S S
• FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients S S
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked
and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish
is/are identified: S S

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness S S

Each piece of equipment is assembled according to
manufacturer’s instructions
WHS issues are considered:
• Cord: S S
• Safety Switch provisions:
• Positioning (for example away from moisture):
• Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards) S S
• Uniform and loose parts are secured from
being caught
The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner S S
The equipment is used hygienically: S S

Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients

Ingredients are weighed according to recipe
portion requirements
Ingredients are measured according to recipe
portion requirements
Correct sequencing of ingredients according to production flow S S
Correct preparation method used for commodities S S
Portioned correctly according to recipe requirement S S
Portioned, suitable for cookery method being used S S
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-
able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved S S
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for
different tasks
Hands are washed between different tasks S S
Criteria specific for the preparation of the dish:
Pumpkin Soup
a) Vegetables washed S S
b) Pumpkin is cut evenly S S
c) Onion sliced evenly S S
d) Bouquet garni is prepared correctly S S

Element 4: Prepare stocks, sauces and soups Comment S NYS S NYS

Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation of the
dish here:

a. Vegetables are sweated without browning S S

b. Vegetables sweated with seasoning S S
c. Simmered until soft S S
d. Soup is blended without lumps S S

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
e. Hock denuded and cut into even dice S S
f. Served in a warmed bowl, plate S S
g. Garnished with diced meat and suitable
garnish/Croutons, herbs etc.

Suitable cookery methods used for preparation/dish S S

Correct preparation of stock: S S
Correct preparation of sauce: S S
Correct preparation of soup: S S
Stock or soup is clarified, using correct techniques S S
The result of the clarification is a clear stock or soup S S
Suitable flavours are used to impart on stock, sauce or soup:

Suitable thickening agents have been identified S S

Thickening agents are prepared correctly S S
The end product is free of lumps and strained S S
Suitable convenience products are identified S S
Convenience products are prepared as per label S S
Convenience products are enhanced where possible S S
Correct derivative sauces are
Derivative sauce is prepared correctly S S
The ingredients used for the derivative sauce are correct and
complete (recipe ref.)
Each dish is tasted, evaluated and adjusted S S
Special customer requests are provided for where applicable
using correct products and cookery

methods: Request: S S


Element 5: Present and store appetisers and salads

The sauce or soup is re-heated or reconstituted to correct
The sauce or soup is tasted and adjusted as relevant S S
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at correct
temperature (hot)
Suitable garnish is used. Specify: S S
Garnish is prepared and of proportional size S S
A suitable accompaniment is used for soups
as applicable:
The dish is evaluated and visually adjusted before being served S S
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks S S
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled and
stored correctly
Waste and perishables are discarded S S
Food scraps are removed S S
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area S S
The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment S S
Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanitisers are used S S
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained S S

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant. S S

Dis Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS

4 Element 1: Select Ingredients
The food production requirements are identified from
recipes and instructions
The ingredient amounts are calculated correctly according to
Ingredients are correctly identified: S S
• Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose): S S
• Freshness S S
• FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients S S
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked
and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish
is/are identified:
1. Piece of equipment selected:-

2. Piece of equipment
selected: S S

3. Piece of equipment
4. Piece of equipment
Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness S S
Each piece of equipment is assembled according to
manufacturer’s instructions
WHS issues are considered:
• Cord: S S
• Safety Switch provisions:
• Positioning (for example away from moisture):
• Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards) S S
• Uniform and loose parts are secured from
being caught
The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner S S
The equipment is used hygienically: S S

Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients

Ingredients are weighed according to recipe
portion requirements
Ingredients are measured according to recipe
portion requirements
Correct sequencing of ingredients according to production flow S S
Correct preparation method used for commodities S S
Portioned correctly according to recipe requirement S S

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
Portioned, suitable for cookery method being used S S
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-
able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved S S
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for
different tasks
Hands are washed between different tasks S S
Criteria specific for the preparation of the dish:
Enter the observation criteria relevant for the dish here and/or
add multiple criteria for multiple dishes
Dish 4:
a) S S
b) S S
c) S S
d) S S
e) S S
f) S S

Element 4: Prepare stocks, sauces and soups Comment S NYS S NYS

Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation of the
dish here:

a. S S
b. S S
c. S S
d. S S

Suitable cookery methods used for preparation/dish S S

Correct preparation of stock: S S
Correct preparation of sauce: S S
Correct preparation of soup: S S
Stock or soup is clarified, using correct techniques S S
The result of the clarification is a clear stock or soup S S
Suitable flavours are used to impart on stock, sauce or soup:

Suitable thickening agents have been identified S S

Thickening agents are prepared correctly S S
The end product is free of lumps and strained S S
Suitable convenience products are identified S S
Convenience products are prepared as per label S S
Convenience products are enhanced where possible S S
Correct derivative sauces are
Derivative sauce is prepared correctly S S
The ingredients used for the derivative sauce are correct and
complete (recipe ref.)
Each dish is tasted, evaluated and adjusted S S
Special customer requests are provided for where applicable S S
using correct products and cookery methods:


SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0

Element 5: Present and store appetisers and salads

The sauce or soup is re-heated or reconstituted to correct
The sauce or soup is tasted and adjusted as relevant S S
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at correct
temperature (hot)
Suitable garnish is used. Specify: S S
Garnish is prepared and of proportional size S S
A suitable accompaniment is used for soups
as applicable:
The dish is evaluated and visually adjusted before being served S S
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks S S
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled and
stored correctly
Waste and perishables are discarded S S
Food scraps are removed S S
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area S S
The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment S S
Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanitisers are used S S
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained
and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant. S S

Dis Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS

5 Element 1: Select Ingredients
The food production requirements are identified from
recipes and instructions
The ingredient amounts are calculated correctly according to
Ingredients are correctly identified: S S
• Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose): S S
• Freshness S S
• FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients S S
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked
and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish S S
is/are identified:
1. Piece of equipment selected:-

2. Piece of equipment
3. Piece of equipment
4. Piece of equipment

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness S S
Each piece of equipment is assembled according to
manufacturer’s instructions
WHS issues are considered:
• Cord: S S
• Safety Switch provisions:
• Positioning (for example away from moisture):
• Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards) S S
• Uniform and loose parts are secured from
being caught
The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner S S
The equipment is used hygienically: S S

Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients

Ingredients are weighed according to recipe
portion requirements
Ingredients are measured according to recipe
portion requirements
Correct sequencing of ingredients according to production flow S S
Correct preparation method used for commodities S S
Portioned correctly according to recipe requirement S S
Portioned, suitable for cookery method being used S S
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-
able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved S S
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for
different tasks
Hands are washed between different tasks S S
Criteria specific for the preparation of the dish:
Enter the observation criteria relevant for the dish here and/or
add multiple criteria for multiple dishes
Dish 5:
a) S S
b) S S
c) S S
d) S S
e) S S
f) S S

Element 4: Prepare stocks, sauces and soups Comment S NYS S NYS

Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation of the
dish here:

a. S S
b. S S
c. S S
d. S S

Suitable cookery methods used for preparation/dish S S

Correct preparation of stock: S S

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
Correct preparation of sauce: S S
Correct preparation of soup: S S
Stock or soup is clarified, using correct techniques S S
The result of the clarification is a clear stock or soup S S
Suitable flavours are used to impart on stock, sauce or soup:

Suitable thickening agents have been identified S S

Thickening agents are prepared correctly S S
The end product is free of lumps and strained S S
Suitable convenience products are identified S S
Convenience products are prepared as per label S S
Convenience products are enhanced where possible S S
Correct derivative sauces are
Derivative sauce is prepared correctly S S
The ingredients used for the derivative sauce are correct and
complete (recipe ref.)
Each dish is tasted, evaluated and adjusted S S
Special customer requests are provided for where applicable
using correct products and cookery

methods: Request: S S


Element 5: Present and store appetisers and salads

The sauce or soup is re-heated or reconstituted to correct
The sauce or soup is tasted and adjusted as relevant S S
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at correct
temperature (hot)
Suitable garnish is used. Specify: S S
Garnish is prepared and of proportional size S S
A suitable accompaniment is used for soups
as applicable:
The dish is evaluated and visually adjusted before being served S S
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks S S
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled and
stored correctly
Waste and perishables are discarded S S
Food scraps are removed S S
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area S S S
The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment S S
Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanitisers are used S S
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained
and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant. S S

Dis Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS

6 Element 1: Select Ingredients

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
The food production requirements are identified from
recipes and instructions
The ingredient amounts are calculated correctly according to
Ingredients are correctly identified: S S
• Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose): S S
• Freshness S S
• FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients S S
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked
and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish
is/are identified:
1. Piece of equipment selected:-

2. Piece of equipment
selected: S S

3. Piece of equipment
4. Piece of equipment
Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness S S
Each piece of equipment is assembled according to
manufacturer’s instructions
WHS issues are considered:
• Cord: S S
• Safety Switch provisions:
• Positioning (for example away from moisture):
• Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards) S S
• Uniform and loose parts are secured from
being caught
The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner S S
The equipment is used hygienically: S S

Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients

Ingredients are weighed according to recipe
portion requirements
Ingredients are measured according to recipe
portion requirements
Correct sequencing of ingredients according to production flow S S
Correct preparation method used for commodities S S
Portioned correctly according to recipe requirement S S
Portioned, suitable for cookery method being used S S
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-
able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved S S
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for
different tasks
Hands are washed between different tasks S S

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
Criteria specific for the preparation of the dish:
Enter the observation criteria relevant for the dish here and/or
add multiple criteria for multiple dishes
Dish 6:
a) S
b) S
c) S
d) S
e) S
f) S

Element 4: Prepare stocks, sauces and soups Comment S NYS S NYS

Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation of the
dish here:

a. S S
b. S S
c. S S
d. S S

Suitable cookery methods used for preparation/dish S S

Correct preparation of stock: S S
Correct preparation of sauce: S S
Correct preparation of soup: S S
Stock or soup is clarified, using correct techniques S S
The result of the clarification is a clear stock or soup S S
Suitable flavours are used to impart on stock, sauce or soup:

Suitable thickening agents have been identified S S

Thickening agents are prepared correctly S S
The end product is free of lumps and strained S S
Suitable convenience products are identified S S
Convenience products are prepared as per label S S
Convenience products are enhanced where possible S S
Correct derivative sauces are
Derivative sauce is prepared correctly S S
The ingredients used for the derivative sauce are correct and
complete (recipe ref.)
Each dish is tasted, evaluated and adjusted S S
Special customer requests are provided for where applicable
using correct products and cookery

methods: Request: S S


Element 5: Present and store appetisers and salads

The sauce or soup is re-heated or reconstituted to correct
The sauce or soup is tasted and adjusted as relevant S S
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at correct
temperature (hot)

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
Suitable garnish is used. Specify: S S
Garnish is prepared and of proportional size S S
A suitable accompaniment is used for soups
as applicable:
The dish is evaluated and visually adjusted before being served S S
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks S S
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled and
stored correctly
Waste and perishables are discarded S S
Food scraps are removed S S
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area S S
The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment S S
Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanitisers are used S S
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained
and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant. S S

Dis Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS

7 Element 1: Select Ingredients
The food production requirements are identified from
recipes and instructions
The ingredient amounts are calculated correctly according to
Ingredients are correctly identified: S S
• Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose): S S
• Freshness S S
• FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients S S
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked
and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish
is/are identified:
1. Piece of equipment selected:-

2. Piece of equipment
selected: S S

3. Piece of equipment
4. Piece of equipment
Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness S S
Each piece of equipment is assembled according to
manufacturer’s instructions
WHS issues are considered:
• Cord: S S
• Safety Switch provisions: S S
• Positioning (for example away from moisture):

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
• Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards) S S
• Uniform and loose parts are secured from S S
being caught
The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner S S
The equipment is used hygienically: S S

Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients

Ingredients are weighed according to recipe
portion requirements
Ingredients are measured according to recipe
portion requirements
Correct sequencing of ingredients according to production flow S S
Correct preparation method used for commodities S S
Portioned correctly according to recipe requirement S S
Portioned, suitable for cookery method being used S S
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-
able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved S S
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for
different tasks
Hands are washed between different tasks S S
Criteria specific for the preparation of the dish:
Enter the observation criteria relevant for the dish here and/or
add multiple criteria for multiple dishes
Dish 7:
a) S S
b) S S
c) S S
d) S S
e) S S
f) S S

Element 4: Prepare stocks, sauces and soups Comment S NYS S NYS

Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation of the
dish here:

a) S S
b) S S
c) S S
d) S S

Suitable cookery methods used for preparation/dish S S

Correct preparation of stock: S S
Correct preparation of sauce: S S
Correct preparation of soup: S S
Stock or soup is clarified, using correct techniques S S
The result of the clarification is a clear stock or soup S S
Suitable flavours are used to impart on stock, sauce or soup:

Suitable thickening agents have been identified S S

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
Thickening agents are prepared correctly S S
The end product is free of lumps and strained S S
Suitable convenience products are identified S S
Convenience products are prepared as per label S S
Convenience products are enhanced where possible S S
Correct derivative sauces are
Derivative sauce is prepared correctly S S
The ingredients used for the derivative sauce are correct and
complete (recipe ref.)
Each dish is tasted, evaluated and adjusted S S
Special customer requests are provided for where applicable
using correct products and cookery

methods: Request: S S


Element 5: Present and store appetisers and salads

The sauce or soup is re-heated or reconstituted to correct
The sauce or soup is tasted and adjusted as relevant S S
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at correct
temperature (hot)
Suitable garnish is used. Specify: S S
Garnish is prepared and of proportional size S S
A suitable accompaniment is used for soups
as applicable:
The dish is evaluated and visually adjusted before being served S S
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks S S
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled and
stored correctly
Waste and perishables are discarded S SS
Food scraps are removed S S
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area S S
The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment S S
Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanitisers are used S S
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained
and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant. S S

Dis Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS

8 Element 1: Select Ingredients
The food production requirements are identified from
recipes and instructions
The ingredient amounts are calculated correctly according to
Ingredients are correctly identified: S S
• Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose): S S
• Freshness S S

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
• FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients S S
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked
and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish
is/are identified:
1. Piece of equipment selected:-

2. Piece of equipment
selected: S S

3. Piece of equipment
4. Piece of equipment
Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness S S
Each piece of equipment is assembled according to
manufacturer’s instructions
WHS issues are considered:
• Cord: S S
• Safety Switch provisions:
• Positioning (for example away from moisture):
• Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards) S S
• Uniform and loose parts are secured from
being caught
The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner S S
The equipment is used hygienically: S S

Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients

Ingredients are weighed according to recipe
portion requirements
Ingredients are measured according to recipe
portion requirements
Correct sequencing of ingredients according to production flow S S
Correct preparation method used for commodities S S
Portioned correctly according to recipe requirement S S
Portioned, suitable for cookery method being used S S
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-
able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved S S
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for
different tasks
Hands are washed between different tasks S S
Criteria specific for the preparation of the dish:
Enter the observation criteria relevant for the dish here and/or
add multiple criteria for multiple dishes
Dish 8:

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0

Element 4: Prepare stocks, sauces and soups Comment S NYS S NYS

Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation of the
dish here:


Suitable cookery methods used for preparation/dish

Correct preparation of stock: S S
Correct preparation of sauce: S S
Correct preparation of soup: S S
Stock or soup is clarified, using correct techniques S S
The result of the clarification is a clear stock or soup S S
Suitable flavours are used to impart on stock, sauce or soup:

Suitable thickening agents have been identified S S

Thickening agents are prepared correctly S S
The end product is free of lumps and strained S S
Suitable convenience products are identified S S
Convenience products are prepared as per label S S
Convenience products are enhanced where possible S S
Correct derivative sauces are
Derivative sauce is prepared correctly S S
The ingredients used for the derivative sauce are correct and
complete (recipe ref.)
Each dish is tasted, evaluated and adjusted S S
Special customer requests are provided for where applicable
using correct products and cookery

methods: Request: S S


Element 5: Present and store appetisers and salads

The sauce or soup is re-heated or reconstituted to correct
The sauce or soup is tasted and adjusted as relevant S S
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at correct
temperature (hot)
Suitable garnish is used. Specify: S S
Garnish is prepared and of proportional size S S
A suitable accompaniment is used for soups
as applicable:
The dish is evaluated and visually adjusted before being served S S
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks S S

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled and
stored correctly
Waste and perishables are discarded S S
Food scraps are removed S S
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area S S
The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment S S
Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanitisers are used S S
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained
and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant. S S

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
Dis Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS
9 Element 1: Select Ingredients
The food production requirements are identified from
recipes and instructions
The ingredient amounts are calculated correctly according to
Ingredients are correctly identified: S S
• Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose): S S
• Freshness S S
• FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients S S
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked
and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish
is/are identified:
1. Piece of equipment selected:-

2. Piece of equipment
selected: S S

3. Piece of equipment
4. Piece of equipment
Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness S S
Each piece of equipment is assembled according to
manufacturer’s instructions
WHS issues are considered:
• Cord: S S
• Safety Switch provisions:
• Positioning (for example away from moisture):
• Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards) S S
• Uniform and loose parts are secured from
being caught
The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner S S
The equipment is used hygienically: S S

Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients

Ingredients are weighed according to recipe
portion requirements
Ingredients are measured according to recipe
portion requirements
Correct sequencing of ingredients according to production flow S S
Correct preparation method used for commodities S S
Portioned correctly according to recipe requirement S S
Portioned, suitable for cookery method being used S S
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-
able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved S S

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for
different tasks
Hands are washed between different tasks S S
Criteria specific for the preparation of the dish:
Enter the observation criteria relevant for the dish here and/or
add multiple criteria for multiple dishes
Dish 9:

Element 4: Prepare stocks, sauces and soups Comment S NYS S NYS

Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation of the
dish here:


Suitable cookery methods used for preparation/dish S S

Correct preparation of stock: S S
Correct preparation of sauce: S S
Correct preparation of soup: S S
Stock or soup is clarified, using correct techniques S S
The result of the clarification is a clear stock or soup S S
Suitable flavours are used to impart on stock, sauce or soup:

Suitable thickening agents have been identified S S

Thickening agents are prepared correctly S S
The end product is free of lumps and strained S S
Suitable convenience products are identified S S
Convenience products are prepared as per label S S
Convenience products are enhanced where possible S S
Correct derivative sauces are
Derivative sauce is prepared correctly S S
The ingredients used for the derivative sauce are correct and
complete (recipe ref.)
Each dish is tasted, evaluated and adjusted S S
Special customer requests are provided for where applicable
using correct products and cookery

methods: Request: S S


Element 5: Present and store appetisers and salads

The sauce or soup is re-heated or reconstituted to correct

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
The sauce or soup is tasted and adjusted as relevant S S
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at correct
temperature (hot)
Suitable garnish is used. Specify: S S
Garnish is prepared and of proportional size S S
A suitable accompaniment is used for soups
as applicable:
The dish is evaluated and visually adjusted before being served S S
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks S S
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled and
stored correctly
Waste and perishables are discarded S S
Food scraps are removed S S
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area S S
The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment S S
Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanitisers are used S S
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained
and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant. S S

Outcome S NYS
Is resubmission required Yes No
Trainer signature
Student signature

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
Trainer Comments

Assessment Outcome


Student ID RS180228 Date 15-04-2020
Student Signature

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0
Tasks Satisfactory Not yet satisfactory Date
Assessment 1
Assessment 2
Outcome Competent Not Competent


I have been provided with feedback on the evidence I have submitted. I have been informed
of the assessment result and the reasons for the decision.

Student signature

The student has been provided with feedback and informed of the assessment result and
the reasons for the decision.

Trainer/Assessor signature Date

SITHCCC007 Prepare stocks, sauces and soups

Modified @ Ranford
College Version 1.0

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