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TPACK Creating Assignment Template- Megan Pastore

Subject English

Grade 9
Content Knowledge


Learning 9.6 The student will develop narrative, expository, and persuasive writings for
Objective a variety of audiences and purposes.
a) Generate, gather, and organize ideas for writing.
i) Use computer technology to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writing.

In this activity, my students are going to use Lucidchart to create a mind map.
Activity. The students will create their own short stories based on topics randomly
picked from a jar following classroom study of short narrative works. They
will use the mind mapping tools on Lucidchart to begin the brainstorming
process for their short stories. This will aid in gathering and organizing idea
generation with the use of technology.

1. Have the students randomly select their short story topic from the
slips in the jar on my desk.
2. Using their Chromebook, have students sign in to their Lucidchart
accounts. Their sign-ins and passwords are already created and saved
on their Chromebook for easy sign-in access.
3. Next, have them create a new mind map.
4. Introduce how the mind map will assist with the brainstorming
process by organizing their ideas in steps:

-Main Bubble-topic from the jar

- First set of branches to include Who, What, When, Where, Why, etc.
-Additional branches will expand on details, ideas, etc. from each
existing bubble, and so forth.

5. If time allows during this class period, students may share their mind
map with the class via the Lucidchart export option.
6. Once shared, students may collaborate to offer support and feedback
on one another’s mind maps via Lucidchart’s online share option.
(This step can/will be monitored and managed by myself to ensure
proper classroom etiquette.)

*If more time is needed for the brainstorming process, steps 5 and 6
may be completed at the beginning of their next class.

Web 2.0 This activity will use the online mind mapping tools offered through
Technology Lucidchart. This Web 2.0 tool is free to students and teachers and is available
both through the following website, as well as a downloadable app. (Note:
Once the students have established their free account, if they choose to

download the app, any adjustments made in the app will transfer to their
account in real-time.)
Link to the
you made
to be a

Mobile Name: Lucidchart

App Cost: Free
Option Where: iTunes App Store & Android App Store through Google Play

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