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Gender inequalities at workplace

Article · June 2020


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Deepali Garg
Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana


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CLIO An Interdisciplinary Journal ISSN: 0976-075X
(UGC Care Journal) Vol-6-Issue-13 June-2020

Gender inequalities at workplace

Deepali Garg
Assistant Professor, Department Of Law, Maharishi Markandeshwar (deemed to be)
University, mullana
Human progress is neither automatic nor it is inevitable. Every step towards the goal of justice
requires sacrifice, and struggle, the tireless exertion and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.
Human rights are standards that are essential for the full development of every individual. There has
been extraneously growing changes in the laws, environment, perception but still there exist
inequalities between genders at workplace. These inequalities are given fire through: family role,
values, culture, organizational practices, processes. For women the stems of inequalities are raised
through HR (human resource) practices in organizations. These may be enacted while decision
making of: recruiting, training, selecting, re-launching of women, pay, promotion of women. The
organization decision makers affect the likelihood of biased HR related decisions. This not only affect
the organizational climate and culture, practices and processes but also lead there ashes in the society
.what are we having liberty for? We are having this liberty in order to reform the social system which
is full of inequality, discrimination and other things, which conflict with our fundamental rights. We
need compassionate organizations to fix the gap concerning gender equality. The purpose of this
research paper is what types of inequalities women face at workplace, what are the laws implemented
to abolish these inequalities in the organizations.
Keywords: recruitment, selection, HR, re-launching promotion, organization, laws, fundamental
1. To find the grounds of gender inequality at work place.
2. To study about the rights provided under the constitution to protect the interest of women.
3. To understand the rules against gender discrimination at international level.
4. To study the provisions under companies act 2013 to promote gender equality.
Leanne.s. son hing and cailin.s. starmaski (2015): analysed the effects of organization structure,
practices, processes. They portrayed gender equality as a self reinforcing system that can perpetuate
discrimination. We propose that gender inequalities in organizational structures, processes, and
practices affect organizational decision makers’ sexism through attraction, selection, socialization,
and attrition processes. Thus, a focus on organizational structure, processes, and practices is critical.
Jorge vala and Catherine (2018): the paper analysed the gender modules of international social
schedule programme. The paper hypothesized the myths according to which women’s work threatens
children and family life mediates the relationship between sexism and opposition to a mother’s career.
Singh sumanjeet(2017): the paper analysed the state of gender inequality in India. The paper discusses
of the causes and consequences of the problems as well the policies and measures to reduce gender
inequality in India.
Gender inequality is a phenomenon where individuals are differentiated on different grounds like
recruitment, pay, policies, re-launching process, gender biasness, etc.
In the work place, most of the women face this problem despite being stride towards gender equality
in last few decades. Many companies have put their efforts in the up-gradation of policies for
promoting equality at work place. But none of these have changes the scenario, the facts that women
still occupy a place where they are hired with low pay scale, no re-launching, less policies of
promotion etc.

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CLIO An Interdisciplinary Journal ISSN: 0976-075X
(UGC Care Journal) Vol-6-Issue-13 June-2020

Women are continuously pushing through these barriers and more of them are choosing the
professions like technology and engineering. But all of their efforts are put in vein as they still get less
recognition and awards they deserve.
In this modern era, the companies need a personnel who is very much committed to their work, long
hours of working, travelling domestically or internationally, less leave turnovers .
For women these conditions may be problematic. In some of the families women are still the
caregivers it might not be possible for them to travel, or Work for long hours at work place.
Some of the families still think that women are meant to work so the upbringing of the males are done
with this thought and they are reluctant to give job or trust women for a particular position in the
organization .
This becomes a challenge for women to change the mindset of male counterpart.
Re-launch policy states that when you apply for a position in an organization after a gap of 1 or 2
years or more. There is no policy to re-launch the women in organizations. They are thought to be on
capable for the job position.
Some people would have never faced the situation of inequality at workplace.
Gender inequality is directly related to economic development , corporate performance , ,
development of nation , living standards etc .In recent studies its been discussed that if there is
equality at work place what all they can achieve :-
 High economic growth
 Better corporate performance
 High reputation in corporate world
 Highly capable and qualified candidates
 Increased GDP level
 Equal pay for equal work: There should be no discrimination in the payment criteria for the
work done by the employees i.e. men and women. The work done by both the genders is
equal in all respects. The pay should depend on the type and job structure to promote
transparency. Remuneration act must be considered to determine the proper pay structure.
 Proper training programs must be launched in the organization: The organization must
try to promote equal development of the employees irrespective of their gender. The
organization must introduce proper training program and workshops to update the knowledge
of the human resource of organization. These leads to the growth of organization, human
capital and economic growth of country.
 Re-launching of women staff: The organization must promote equality by giving equal
opportunity to both the genders. This aims to encourage women to continue their quest for
excellence. Returnee internship programs are launched in various organizations which have
proven to be successful and effective. The organizations must launch come back programs
which creates a balance at work place.
 Equal leadership roles for male and female staff: it has been commonly mistaken that men
have more leadership qualities than women. Women also thrive to support oriented roles. This
leads to create gender discrimination at work place. To promote equality the leadership role’s
must be given according to the personality and qualities of a deserving candidates.

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CLIO An Interdisciplinary Journal ISSN: 0976-075X
(UGC Care Journal) Vol-6-Issue-13 June-2020

 Equal opportunity to get recruited for any position: In an organization all the genders
must get equal opportunity to get recruited. The qualities of individuals differ in the
organization so the recruitment procedure should not be biased and based on qualities, skill,
education, etc.
It is compulsory for every listed and public company having paid up capital not less than 100
crore or more to appoint at least one women director as board member .
This rule has given recognition to the women which will in future help the organizations take
steps for gender equality at work place.
ARTICLE 14: This article ensures equality before law and equal protection of the laws within the
territory of India. This is the provision which provides equal legal protection to women against any
women- based crime or discrimination.
ARTICLE 15: This article ensures that there should be no discrimination on the grounds of religion,
sex, caste, place of birth. This also states that there should be special provisions for the protection of
the interest of women and children.
ARTICLE 16: It ensures equal employment opportunities to every citizen of India. There should be
no discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, sex, descent or any of them.
Case: AIR INDIA vs NARGESH MEERZA: in this case the air hostess challenged the services
rules and regulations which stated as: the one could marry for the first four years of joining, they can’t
get pregnant, they shall retire at the age of 35 years. The supreme court suggested the first regulation
is legal as it will provide more women with the employment and helps in promoting family planning
programs. But the second and third provisions were declared to be illegal, cruel, unreasonable.
 Work in safe environment: The employer is required by law to provide safe environment to
every employee of the organization irrespective of their gender identity or sex.
 Raise voice against discrimination whether happening with you or someone else: the
employee can complaint to the employer for any discrimination done by any other individual
at work place. If the employer is also retaliating, the one can also take legal actions.
 File grievance: if the employee is the member of union, the contract (collective bargaining
agreement) generally covers the terms and conditions of work. If the employee feels that the
employer is not treating them fairly they can file grievance in the union.
 Make a copy of personnel file: The employee can request the employer to see their personal
file in which all the relevant information i.e. regarding pay scale, performance evaluation are
mentioned. This can be useful for the union as well.
 File a complaint with government agencies: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
(EEOC), or your state’s Fair Employment Practices Agency are being set up by government
bodies where the employee can easily file a suit.
 Sue your employer for discrimination at work place by testifying and participating in
the investigation.
Now it is high time, we should tear gender equality at workplace. One of the biggest reasons
why women lack prestigious positions at workplace is lack of support after marriage
professionally and domestically.
In an organization the mechanism must be promote to address gender equality.
India presently is facing challenges of cultural diversity, social stereotypes and there is a need
to take collective actions towards the establishment of parity in gender roles and women at
workplace. Our countries women and girls are very much powerful community leaders so this
gender inequality must be vanished for proper development of nation.

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CLIO An Interdisciplinary Journal ISSN: 0976-075X
(UGC Care Journal) Vol-6-Issue-13 June-2020

1. .2015 Dasgupta, Jashodhara. Gender Gap: Men Get Away with Too Many
2. Privileges. Available:
3. many-privileges-no-country-for-women-india-gender-gap-index/story/1/1478.html
4. (Accessed 2015, September 14)
5. Gandhi, Rajat. 2015. “Women in Business: Can P2P Lending Bridge Gender Gap in Access
6. to Capital”. The Times of India. June 19
7. Lal, Neeta. 2016. India Needs to “Save its Daughters” Through Education and Gender
8. Equality. Inter Press Services, March 4

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