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PILLARS OF UNITED STATES SPACE POWER SPACE LEADERSHIP Maintaining and enhancing U.S. leadership in space + Artemis Accords and allied partnerships + An ambitious National Space Council + Extension of the U.S.-led international system + Continued establishment of rules and norms SPACE PERMANENCE Establishing a strong permanent presence in space +Crewed and uncrewed exploration/science missions -Completion of Gateway and establishment of a lunar surface presence sLeverage and use of the Space Launch System and Orion :Technology development for future Mars missions +Continued development of commercial activity in low-Earth orbit SPACE HARMONY Ensuring harmony between private and public sector -NASA as a shepherd for industry to foster diversity and redundancy amongst commercial industry partners +End to “New Space” vs “Old Space” rhetoric +Continued development of the Office of Space Commerce SPACE SECURITY Countering Chinese and Russian aggression +Coordination across U.S. space and national security agencies +Coordination between allies and NATO within space +Deterrence and containment of Chinese lunar ambitions :Maintaining independence from foreign adversaries SPACE SUPPORT Cultivating the workforce and industrial base for tomorrow +American STEM programs +U.S. talent pipeline of international talent -Partnerships between U.S. academia and the space industry -Supply-chain for materials and resources pertinent to space development

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