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Transactional Analysis Journal

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Mary Goulding

To cite this article: Mary Goulding (1995) Compromises, Transactional Analysis Journal, 25:1,
35-36, DOI: 10.1177/036215379502500109

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Mary Goulding
Abstract could go without financial support and never
The author describes her difficulties in even considered it.)
her education and in establishing herself in I entered the University of Illinois at age 17,
a career in a male-dominated world. did exactly what my mother suggested, and
majored in English literature. Wasn't that
sweet of me? 1 did get through in three years
When I was 14 I received one of those with Phi Beta Kappa and almost straight A's.
University of Chicago scholarships that Presi- I got a job as a waitress on the S.S. North
dent Hutchins was promoting. It was supposed American one summer, saved every cent, and
to allow me to skip my junior and senior years actually broke loose to attend the Universidad
of high school and immediately enter an ac- Nacional Autonoma in Mexico City for six
celerated program at the university. After months out of the three years.
receiving it I found out that my mother had 1 applied to graduate school at the college in
allowed me to apply only for "brag" purposes; Washington, D.C., (American University? 1
the family had no money for my room and don't remember the name) that trains students
board and wouldn't consider letting me go off for careers in the foreign service and the diplo-
to college at 15. I was devastated! matic corps. This was what, by then, 1 really
What that has to do with my career today: At wanted. 1 received an official letter saying that
the interview for the scholarship, 1 explained women were not admitted, that there were no
that I wanted to be a warden of a women's career opportunities for women, and that 1
prison in order to make sure that the women could be a secretary overseas if 1 learned
prisoners were treated properly. 1 explained to secretarial skills and paid my own transporta-
the interviewer that 1 had read all of Warden tion. It is ironic that my male cousin, graduat-
Lewis Lawes's books on Sing Sing, and 1 ing the same year, immediately got a good job
wanted to be a prison reformer. What they did in the diplomatic service. He only decided to
to prisoners in Sing Sing was awful. Mother, do it because 1had wanted to.
listening to this interview, was horrified, as she Instead of looking for another career, 1 got
seemingly hadn't noticed which books I'd married. 1began working part-time in juvenile
been reading. 1 also explained that 1 hadn't yet hall when my children were young and quit
decided whether 1 was a socialist or a commu- when the girls at juvie began to practice sing-
nist, although 1was studying the subject on my ing together for a program for the boy's divi-
own and probably would decide soon. That sion. Their song of choice was "Que Sera,"
bothered Mother, too, of course. She was sure and every time 1heard it, I'd have to run out of
I'd blown my chances. When they took me the room to keep from crying. 1 knew what
anyway, it proved what she had always sus- their futures would be. Compared to them, 1
pected about the University of Chicago-that had a sumptuous life.
it was dangerous and radical. 1 decided that 1 wanted to go to graduate
Two years later 1 wanted to go to Roosevelt school as soon as my youngest child was three.
College, which really was radical in those At that point, my first choice was Boalt Hall,
days. Again, no dice. (I had no belief that 1 University of California Law School. 1 wanted

Vol. 25. No.1. January 1995 35


to be a lawyer, work for liberal causes, and my plus a waiver of tuition. They also let me do
impossible dream was to be in Congress, the two years in four years so that I was only
although I knew that would never conceivably away from the children two or three days a
happen, again because I was female. I did week.
think it was possible, perhaps, if I were the When it came time to decide on a major
best student in school, to end up working for within social work, I decided that I did not
the ACLU and that would have been okay. The want to go into corrections, which I liked best,
admissions department at Boalt Hall said that because I wasn't free to take jobs wherever
they would admit no "women with children" they were offered. (I imposed on myself the
under any circumstances. restriction that I'd have to live wherever my
I decided I did not want to compete against husband had a job.) Also, all the good jobs
men, because it was hopeless, so I applied to went to men. I decided that I was never again
the department of psychology and learned it going to fight the men's world. So I took a
would take forever to get the right undergradu- psychiatric major. In those days there were
ate courses in sequence. Also, it seemed that plenty of jobs in local clinics for female psy-
only men worked in that department. No chiatric social workers, and that was what I
women discussed my career with me, and the planned to do. I did get interested in our field,
men were stubbornly nonhelpful. of course. I think it took until I met Bob,
At that point, I went back to my school-age however, for me to drop my core bitterness
desire and decided I wanted a career in correc- that social work was a compromise imposed
tions. Unfortunately, by then it seemed a on me by the world of men.
defeat .rather than a choice. I went to the
school of social welfare, talked with women,
and was congratulated on my high undergradu- Mary Goulding. M.S.W. isa Teaching and
ate grade point average and urged to apply for Supervising Transactional Analyst who lives in
a scholarship. I received $200 a month tax-free San Francisco.

36 Transactiona/Ana/ynsJournal

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