Facilities Project

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University of Sharjah

Department of Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management

Facilities Planning

Layout Design of the Production Area of a Company That

Manufactures Bread Baking Machines

Spring 2020

Dr. Hamdi Basheer

Ibrahim Sami U16200472
Hussam Shehadeh U16200529
Ali Mohamed Almaazmi U17101072

Submission Date: 1/5/2020

In global marketplace there is rapid increase in the competition, therefore, the
industries in manufacturing and service sectors are compelled to improve their production
efficiency, productivity and process optimization. Moreover, the manufacturing systems need
to lower their production costs, enhance processes efficiency and reduce lead time and Work-
in-process inventories. Layout of traditional manufacturing systems aren’t capable of
fulfilling such requirements, so, there is need to devise such a strategy, tools and techniques
which will lead to optimized layout that will be capable of filling aforementioned loopholes
of layouts of traditional manufacturing systems.

In this project we will design the layout of the production area of a company, that
manufactures baking machines, constrained to given area of 2400m2 and production volume
of 1000 units per year. Number of parts and their detailed description of baking machines is
given in the Bill of Material table of Appendix A. Their assembling information is in
Assembly Chart of Appendix B. Area requirements of machines used to manufacture different
parts is given in Appendix C. Appendix D gives the details of operations and their sequence
used to produce different parts of Baking Machine.


Table Of Figure..........................................................................................................................5

List Of Tables.............................................................................................................................6

CHAPTER 01: Project Background...........................................................................................7

1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................7

1.2 Objectives.........................................................................................................................7

1.3 Constraints........................................................................................................................7

1.4 Assumptions.....................................................................................................................7

CHAPTER 02: Project Introduction..........................................................................................8

2.1 Layout Planning Model and Design Algorithms.............................................................8

2.1.1 Relationship diagramming for new layouts..............................................................8

2.1.2 Pairwise Exchange Method.......................................................................................9

2.1.3 CRAFT Technique..................................................................................................10

2.2 Description of Design Problem......................................................................................11

2.2.1 Project Description..................................................................................................11

2.2.2 Bill of Material........................................................................................................12

2.2.3 Departments Space Requirement............................................................................12

2.2.4 Route Sheet for parts...............................................................................................13

2.2.5 From-To-Chart........................................................................................................15

Chapter 03: Layout Design......................................................................................................16

3.1 Departments...................................................................................................................16

3.2 Relationship between the departments...........................................................................17

3.3 Factory Plan Lengends...................................................................................................17

3.4 Relationship Diagram.....................................................................................................18

3.5 Relationship chart...........................................................................................................18

Chapter 04: Layout Alternatives..............................................................................................19

4.1 Alternative 1...................................................................................................................19

4.2 Alternative 2...................................................................................................................21

4.3 Alternative 3...................................................................................................................22

Chapter 05: Summary..............................................................................................................23


Table Of Figure
Figure 1: Relationship Dia.........................................................................................................9
Figure 2: Relationship Dia(1).....................................................................................................9
Figure 3: Relationship Dia(2).....................................................................................................9
Figure 4: Bread Baking Machine.............................................................................................11
Figure 5: Departments Information..........................................................................................16
Figure 6: Department Relation.................................................................................................17
Figure 7: FactoryPLAN Legend...............................................................................................17
Figure 8: Relationship Diagram...............................................................................................18
Figure 9: Relationship Chart....................................................................................................18
Figure 10: Alternative Layout 1...............................................................................................19
Figure 11: Alternative Layout 2...............................................................................................21
Figure 12: Alternative Layout 3...............................................................................................22

List Of Tables
Table 1: Relationship Dia...........................................................................................................8
Table 2: Relationship Dia(1)......................................................................................................8
Table 3: Relationship Dia(2)......................................................................................................8
Table 4: Bill of Material...........................................................................................................12
Table 5: Departments Space Requirements.............................................................................12
Table 6: Route Sheet(Cylinder)...............................................................................................13
Table 7: Route Sheet(Dough Container)..................................................................................13
Table 8: Route Sheet(Holder)..................................................................................................14
Table 9: Route Sheet(Pushing Plate).......................................................................................14
Table 10: From-To-Chart.........................................................................................................15
Table 11: Distance Chart for Layout 1.....................................................................................20
Table 12: Distance Chart for Layout 2.....................................................................................21
Table 13 Distance Chart for Layout 3......................................................................................22

CHAPTER 01: Project Background
1.1 Introduction
Layout plan of a production company is it’s floor plan devised to determine and arrange the
desired machineries and equipment of a plant. It permits the quickest flow of sub-parts and
materials to produce the final product with minimal cost material handling. In order to design
a facility layout different factors are taken into account like production area, production
volume, materials and machineries requirements, labors and building requirements. An ideal
layout plan allows improved productivity, high machines utilization and flexibility for
volume and products.

1.2 Objectives
The main objectives of this project are to:

 Realize the importance of Facility Layout planning for manufacturing industries.

 Learn the development of efficient and least-cost layout from floor plan information.
 Familiarize ourselves with different software packages to generate layouts.
 Use of FactoryFLOW software package to generate layout alternatives and to evaluate
each of them.

1.3 Constraints
Facility Layout plan for this project is constrained to following factors:

 Available area of 2400m2

 Production volume of 1000 units per year.

1.4 Assumptions
Following assumptions are made in solving the problem:

 All outsourced parts and materials are initially transferred to raw-material department.
Finished parts and outsourced parts are moved to assembly department for
 Material flow between assembly department and finished product is marked as
important I.
 Area of aisles, walls and inventory space is included in the given area.

 Material flow is considered from center of one department to another and is
 Enter and exit aren’t pre-defined and will be adjusted with optimal layout.

CHAPTER 02: Project Introduction

2.1 Layout Planning Model and Design Algorithms
2.1.1 Relationship diagramming for new layouts
In relationship diagramming method to develop layout intra-departmental flow is one of the
prime factor to be considered. In this method the departmental flow is classified into
qualitative factor. Mostly, following is the rating convention while doing so:

Table 1: Relationship Dia

Code Priority Value

A Absolutely necessary 4
E Especially important 3
I Important 2
O Ordinary 1
U Unimportant 0
X Undesirable -1
Required steps to be followed sequentially are as below:

1. Let’s consider an example of constructing relationship diagram from Flow diagram.

Let’s suppose we’ve 6 departments A, B, C, D, E and F. The flow between them is
given in table below:

Table 2: Relationship Dia(1)

  A B C D E F
A   1000 1800     300
B     300   300  
C       1500    
D           1500
2. Based on these flows, the relationship diagram representing qualitative relation can be
as in table below:

Table 3: Relationship Dia(2)

  A B C D E F
A   E A U U O

B     O U O U
C       A U U
D         U A
E           U
3. Next step is the construct nodal diagram. In this diagram the work centers are
represented by nodes and the number of lines between nodes represents the
relationship or closeness value.
3.1 Initially, the blocks have ‘A’ relationship are drawn with four lines connecting

Figure 1: Relationship Dia

3.2 Then, the E relationships are drawn.


Figure 2: Relationship Dia(1)

3.3 Then I and O relations are drawn. The final nodal diagram would be:


Figure 3: Relationship Dia(2)

2.1.2 Pairwise Exchange Method

Design layout may involve different objective function e.g. minimizing the sum of flow
distance between departments as we’ve discussed in ‘Relationship Diagramming Method’
while some may involve maximizing the adjacency score constrained to available area with

specific area of each department. For such situations ‘Pairwise Exchange Method’ is best

In pairwise exchange method dimensional specification and distances between departments

aren’t specified. In this method initially the departments are entered have greater adjacency
score and later the one having lower score are entered sequentially. Then, on the basis of
adjacency graph and areas of departments, a final block layout is constructed.

The method used in this project is ‘Pairwise Exchange Method’ it’s steps would be discussed
later in details.

2.1.3 CRAFT Technique

Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique(CRAFT) was developed in 1963
by Armur, Buffa and Vollman. CRAFT is basically an improvement technique in which the
position and orientation of departments of initially developed layout are switched which
results in lowered moving costs between departments. The iterative steps are followed in
CRAFT technique and the interchange that results in greatest reduction in the movement cost
is executed. The iteration continues until no further reduction in the cost is possible. The
maximum number of iterations that can be performed are always lower than n(n-1)/2, here n
is the number of departments we have.

2.2 Description of Design Problem
2.2.1 Project Description
A company manufactures bread baking machines. In order to manufacture machines it’s sub-
parts and assemblies are either outsources including motor, electric heater, base, wires, bolts
and nuts, bearings, piston, loaft removers and sockets; while other parts are manufactured
within industry which includes dough container, cylinder, holders and pushing plates. These
are parts and sub-assemblies are then assembled within facility to product final product which
is bread baking machine.

Figure 4: Bread Baking Machine

2.2.2 Bill of Material
Different parts and their decision to manufacture and purchase is in table:

Table 4: Bill of Material

Part Part Name Quant./ Material Make/

No Unit Buy
1 Motor 2 Buy
2 Electric heater 4 Buy
3 Base 1 Wood & Aluminum Buy
4 Wires set Buy
5 Dough Container 1 Brass Make
6 Bolts & Nuts set Steel Buy
7 Bearing 1 Buy
8 Cylinder 1 Aluminum Make
9 Piston 1 Buy
10 Thickness reducer 1 Steel Buy
11 Loaf Remover 1 Plastic Buy
12 Holders 2 Steel Make
13 Sockets 2 Plastic Buy
14 Pushing Plate 1 Aluminum Make

2.2.3 Departments Space Requirement

Detail of each department with respect to space or area it occupies is given in table below.

Table 5: Departments Space Requirements

Departmen Equipmen materia Persona Total

t t l l
Drilling 50 20 30 100
Turning 400 10 40 450
Cutting 70 10 10 100
Welding 16 5 9 30
Rolling 200 20 20 240
Bending 300 15 15 330
Milling 200 10 10 220
Assembly       100
Raw       200

Finished       400


2.2.4 Route Sheet for parts
 Cylinder

Table 6: Route Sheet(Cylinder)

Description Machine Set-up Time Operation Time

S.No Type A B C A B C
1 Marking for hole and using Ruler and hide 7
center punch gage
2 Drilling and chamfering Drilling 1 3
3 Rolling Rolling 15 30
4 Cutting Cutting 5 0.05
5 Marking Ruler 4
6 Turning Lathe 10 14 20 5
7 Facing Lathe 5 7 10 5 8 10
8 Turning Lathe 5 7 10 15
9 Slotting:
a) Marking 7 45 50 60
b) Milling 5 15 18 23
c) Filling 8

 Dough Container

Table 7: Route Sheet(Dough Container)

Description Machine Set-up Time Operation Time

Type A B C A B C
1 Marking and Cutting 2 0.08
Cutting Machine
2 Bending Bending 3 0.5
3 Brazing Welding 3 30

 Holder

Table 8: Route Sheet(Holder)

S.No Description Machine Type Set-up Time Operation Time

1 Cutting Cutting 3 7
2 Welding Welding 2 2 4 7

 Pushing Plate

Table 9: Route Sheet(Pushing Plate)

S.No Description Machine Type Set-up Time Operation Time

1 Cutting Lathe 5 5 8 10
2 Facing and Lathe 5 15
Turning Machine
3 Marking Ruler 6
4 Drilling and Drilling 2 7
Tapping Machine
5 Facing, turning Lathe 5 25 28 30
and drilling Machine

2.2.5 From-To-Chart
Table 10: From-To-Chart

Drillin Turning Cutting Welding Rolling Bending Millin Assembly Raw Finished
g g
Drilling - 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Turning - 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Cutting - 1 1 1 1 1 4 1
Welding - 1 1 1 3 1 1
Rolling - 1 1 1 1 1
Bending - 1 1 1 1
Milling - 1 1 1
assembly - 4 3
Raw - 1
Finished -

Chapter 03: Layout Design
3.1 Departments
Departments can be added by clicking Add button. All departments and required information
is entered initially.

Figure 5: Departments Information

3.2 Relationship between the departments
Based on the information in From/To Chart relationship among departments is established.

Figure 6: Department Relation

3.3 Factory Plan Lengends

Figure 7: FactoryPLAN Legend

3.4 Relationship Diagram

Figure 8: Relationship Diagram

3.5 Relationship chart

Figure 9: Relationship Chart

Chapter 04: Layout Alternatives
4.1 Alternative 1

Figure 10: Alternative Layout 1

Now, we’ve to compute the transportation costs associated with this layout. This can be done
by first of construction From-To-Distance table. Which shows the linear distance between
center of one department to the center of another. From-To-Distance chart for Layout 1 is:

Table 11: Distance Chart for Layout 1

A 0 10 0 0 17 0 0 53 66 0
B 0 9 22 0 0 59 0 0 0
C 0 11 9 22 0 0 59 0
D 0 12 23 0 44 0 0
E 0 0 0 0 0 0
F 0 0 0 0 0
G 0 12 0 0
H 0 14 20
I 0 0
J 0
By using MS Excel associated cost can be calculated by using ‘=productsum()’ formula of
MS Excel between From-To-Distance and From-To-Flow data.

Total cost for Layout 1 is 815

4.2 Alternative 2

Figure 11: Alternative Layout 2

Simmilarly, From-To-Distance chart for layout 2 is:

Table 12: Distance Chart for Layout 2

A 0 58 0 0 40 0 0 10 48 0
B 0 30 0 0 0 31 0 0 0
C 0 7.5 13 30 0 0 28 0
D 0 14 30 0 36 0 0
E 0 0 0 0 0 0
F 0 0 0 0 0
G 0 40 0 0
H 0 58 24
I 0 0
J 0
Total cost for layout 2 is: 1015

4.3 Alternative 3

Figure 12: Alternative Layout 3

Similarly, From-To-Distance chart for layout 3 is:

Table 13 Distance Chart for Layout 3

A 0 30 0 0 55 0 0 14 45 0
B 0 16 0 0 0 14 0 0 0
C 0 8 16 42 0 0 14 0
D 0 15 50 0 36 0 0
E 0 0 0 0 0 0
F 0 0 0 0 0
G 0 14 0 0
H 0 31 53
I 0 0
J 0
Total cost for layout 3 is: 835

Chapter 05: Summary
From this project we’ve learned about layout plan for industrial facility. We’ve learned to
develop Layouts based on the adjacency score using AutoCAD and evaluation of each
alternative. We’ve also learned to compare each alternative by computing cost effectiveness
for each alternative. From this project we’ve learned to extract all required information
necessary for layout planning and based on this information are able to develop relationship
chart, diagram and determining flow from one department to another.

Dileep R. Sule, 3rd Ed, "Manufacturing facilities, Location, Planning and design."

Apple, J.M., and Deisenrothh, M.P., "A Computerized Plant Layout Analysis and Evaluation

Armour, G.C., and Buffa, E.S., "Aheuristic algorithm and simulation approach to relative
location of facilities," Management Science, 9(2), 215-219, 1963.

David Sly. "AutoCAD - based industrial layout planning and material flow analysis in
FactoryFLOW and PLAN.


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