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Drop in motivation, demotivating factors-expectations were too high (doing well in every other

subject), emphasis on her nationality that she’s used to hard work and high rewards when she got
low marks that disappointed her (self-stereotyping), reality did not meet those expectations,
questioning her leadership skills she didn’t think she had the aptitude for it, quantity vs quality,
numbers person so she had trouble participating in qualitative discussions, she envied her peers who
could seamlessly participate, she felt the professor disliked her on a personal level

She should not compare herself-that’s why her motivation level dropped excessive social

Lot of her peers did not get good grades- she stopped trying professor strict in their evaluation.

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Non-confrontational and problem avoidant in the situation, not helpful,

Suggestions- analyse her content over the frequency of her contributions, reach out to her
professor, leave the preconceived notion that the professor is very strict
Stop associating her grade with her leadership quality, shouldn’t internalize her disappointment,
compare the content her peers are putting out taking inspiration instead of demeaning herself

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