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1. Explain about the topic and teaching activities from the video.

First topic, is about school. Teacher John gives 3 seconds, each students says 1 word
related to school and must not repeat.
Later, Teacher John makes groups of 3 students, each groups discuss about whether they
like school or not, after giving example of himself.
After discussion, it is concluded that mostly dislike school for having to wake up early.
Teacher John starts explaining how to spell the word ‘early’.
Next activity, Teacher John starts a game where he doesn’t speak but students do instead,
they guess the sentence. In which can improve student’s vocabularies. Hardest word to
guess must be spelled letter by letter. And there are many activities as well.
In the end, Teacher John explain he was inspired by his teacher 18 years ago and he
thinks it’s quite good. Having students connected to teachers is very important in
teaching English considering students must enjoy it too.

2. Lesson Learnt, what do you learn from the video.

I mostly got a lot of new things in how to get connected with students, and how we keep
the vibes to stay on. Especially the students in the video came across countries, we need
to know what are student’s needs and how to apply it.

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