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STUDENT ID : 2019222588


1. Equalization method


Area = √S ( S – a)(S − b)(S – c)

Triangle 1

AB = 40m – a BC = 47m – b CA = 72m – c

S = ( 40 + 47 + 72) / 2

= 79.5

Area = √79.5 ( 79.5 – 40)(79.5 − 47)(79.5 – 72)

= 874.89 m²

Triangle 2

AD = 122m – a DH = 129m – b HA = 41m – c

S = ( 122 + 129 + 41) / 2

= 146

Area = √146 ( 146 – 122)(146 − 129)(146 – 41)

= 2500.93 m²

Triangle 3

HD = 129m – a DG = 142m – b GH = 120m – c

S = ( 129 + 142 + 120) / 2

= 195.5

Area = √195.5( 195.5 – 129)(195.5 − 142)(195.5 – 120)

= 7246.60 m²
Triangle 4

DE = 49m – a EG = 125m – b GD = 142m – c

S = ( 49 + 125 + 142) / 2

= 158

Area = √158( 158 – 49)(158 − 125)(158 – 142)

= 3015.50 m²

Triangle 5

EF = 80m – a FG = 70m – b GE = 125m – c

S = ( 80 + 70 + 125) / 2

= 137.5

Area = √137.5( 137.5 – 80)(137.5 − 70)(137.5 – 125)

= 2582.81 m²

Total Area = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5

= 874.89 m² + 2500.93 m² + 7246.60 m² + 3015.50 m² + 2582.81 m²

= 16220.73 m²

2. Area = 16220.73 m²

Planting distance = 8.5m x 8.5m

= 72.25 m²

= 16220.73 ÷ 72.25

= 224.51

Maximum number of oil palm 224


ii. The reason, why I suggest the nursery is there because it is close to the road
(transportation) and also close to the water source. Therefore, mature oil palms are easy to move.
In addition, roads are also built to be easily transported to be marketed or manufactured. And
drains are also built for drainage facilities. If these facilities are not available, this will cause water
to stagnate and leave crop potential affected. Finally, to get points why I do not put near the
nursery, because there are towns and villages. Therefore, I suggest to put it a little away from the
area where people live.

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