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STUDENT ID : 2019222588


PART 1 - Summary of your response to the survey

I am from AT1105A1. I identify my gender as female. Success, to my way of thinking, is

better measured by my contribution to the group effort. My heroes are generally team players. If
I were a manager, I would likely always reprimand in private regardless of the situation. In
communicating, it’s generally more important to be polite rather than accurate or direct. As a
student (and if I feel well informed), I feel uncomfortable challenging a professor/ lecturer. In
choosing a life partner or even close friends, I feel more comfortable with just about anyone, not
necessarily one from my own culture and class. In a conflict situation, I’d be more likely to confront
conflicts with the aim of compromise. If I were a manager of an organization, I would stress worker
satisfaction. As a student, I’m more comfortable with assignments in which there are clearly
defined instructions. Generally, when approaching an undertaking with which I’ve had no
experience, I feel uncomfortable. Generally, I save money for the future. My general belief about
child rearing is that children should be cared for by their mothers. For the most part, I believe my
life is largely determined by forces out of my control. In general, I have leisure time to do what I
find fun.

PART 2 - What does understanding my own cultural differences means to me?

For me, understanding cultural differences is to identify, find out and delve into the
intricacies of the cultural customs of other races. Understanding other people's culture is a good
deed because to form a harmonious group one must have people who are tolerant and help each
other despite different races and cultures.
PART 3 - Explain the importance of understanding different culture for a good
interpersonal communicator.

In my opinion, our country has a multi-religious and multi-cultural community that

essentially coexists in peace and love. This variety is something to be proud of, and it is something
to be celebrated. Thus, these differences and diversity need to be addressed and managed as
best as possible. For example, every culture has taboos and it is strongly emphasized not to
discuss sensitive issues when communicating in order to avoid unwanted things such as
intercultural animosity and conflict. Conflict is a clash of two parties who each have different and
competing interests. One thing that may be done is to provide a space for healthy discourse in
order to minimize prejudice and foster a spirit of oneness. The way to get closer to other cultures
is by engaging in cultural performances. In addition, adopt an attitude of tolerance and respect for
the cultures and religious ceremonies of various races. Finally, we also cannot be too fanatical
with our culture and religion. In conclusion, good communication is very important to form a
peaceful society.

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