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Case #1 - Stan

COUN 4500

Professor Kir

Case Study #1

The theme or problems presented in Stan’s life are guilt, depression, poor self-efficacy,

social tension, anxiety, ego strength, the fear of women, and alcoholism. In Stan’s case, I would

use Adlerian Therapy and an existential approach in my therapeutic style. My first assessment

would be on Stan’s suicidal thoughts. I understand that the personal and interpersonal

connections between the client and me have greater effect on psychotherapy and the therapeutic

outcome than therapy methods alone. We are here to construct solutions, not fix problems. What

small changes can we do now? We want to make goals small, realistic and achievable. I want to

give the power back to the client by focusing on personal responsibilities and the present. We are

going to plan for change by using a planner that we will commit to and use consistently.

I want the client to understand that behavior is purposeful, and goal directed. As a

therapist, a goal of my own is to try and understand the people I help within the systems they live

in. This is referred to as phenomenological, which allows me to focus on my client’s subjective

reality. I believe the Individual Psychology theoretical approach by Adler clarifies the

interconnected components of the person with an Existential Approach in my therapeutic style.

This holistic concept integrates the person’s many different parts of life in relation to

social systems and interpersonal relationships. Stan will learn that the human existence is always

evolving, we recreate ourselves through our projects. We will focus on his siblings’ relationship

with respect to birth order. The sibling rivalry and his early feeling of inadequacy for not being

the “perfect child” compared to his siblings has carried into his adult interactions. Stan will look

at things with a different perspective with a cognitive map. Stan will learn to see that there is

purpose behind his actions and behavior.


I will star off each session briefly discussing the length of our session, confidentiality

general goals and methods to achieve those goals. The entire therapy process, from start to end is

a search-and-discovery process. I will provide structure after the client defines his personal goals

by conducting a psychological assessment and intake. However, I do understand that assessment

and goal revisions are ongoing as further data is gathered in the therapy sessions. Through a

lifestyle assessment I can understand the goal and motivations of the client. I will gather the

client’s family constellation. This will pride me with family information, personal and early

recollections to identify major successes and mistakes in the client’s life.

In the first session, I want to establish a comforting relationship with Stan in a safe

environment. I want to address the suicidal thoughts. The suicidal thoughts are negative. In order

for change to happen, Stan will have to speak honestly about his behavior and understand that

certain decisions will need to be made to modify his quality of life. In an objective interview, I

will learn the reason the client chose therapy at the present time, how the person copes and I will

get a general lifestyle assessment. We will create a therapeutic plan that describes unproductive

behavior. I want to focus on his feelings of inferiority and discouragement. I would provide Stan

with a new cognitive map so that his behavior can be more purposeful. He will learn to become

more adaptive, flexible and social.

In the second session, I want him to plan out steps to modify his lifestyle in the direction

of becoming more adaptive and flexible. I want Stan to gain control over depressive moods by

introducing the pus-button technique. I will tell him he as the control to push a happy button or a

sad button. Stan must recognize that he has more control over his thoughts and situational

outcomes then he previously believes. Stan must learn to recognize his own strengths, discover

what is preventing him from using his resources and decide on what kind of life he wants to live.

In the third session, I want him to understand that drinking alcohol creates faulty

motivations and courage. We will explore his core fears of being imperfect, being disapproved of

and suffering from past regrets. Stan’s actions are validating his pessimistic nature and private

logic. Stan’s private logic involves the belief that he is unlovable impotent and weak. I will

encourage him by having hi talk more about his work at the youth camp and his work in

construction. I want him to see the positive qualities that stuck out to his supervisor while

working with at-risk youth. I want him to shar the mastery and detail that comes with creating

and building in construction. I want him to shar the mastery and detail that comes with creating

and building in construction. I want to encourage equality and acceptance of self and others.

On the fourth session, I want him to encourage prosocial behaviors. He must recognize

harmful patterns that are keeping him from meeting new people and maintaining friendships. He

has social anxiety and fear of women. This is inconsistent with his goal of wanting to be more

social. And his desire to meet woman. In hearing from his youth, I learned that his mother was

very domineering woman who put him down. Stan will gain awareness of how his childhood

uncertainty has put limits on his life. Stan will begin a planner for intentional social contact like

participating in a school workshop or discussions. He can observe the first time he attends a

social function, but he must write strategies for initiating conversations and contributing ideas

that lead to conversation.

In the fifth meeting, I want to highlight his goal of working with the youth. I want him to

see how it is important for him to be contributing member of his community. He already has the

joyful experience of working with the youth. I want to tie his school psychology interest with

helping the youth who might share similar upbringings. I want him to feel confident in working

towards developing this sill. I understand that the closing of therapy can bring up feeling of

attachment, separation and loss. I will set the termination date by this fourth meeting to let Stan

know that there will only be two more sessions before he is let go (6 sessions all together). This

will allow us to talk about any of those feeling. We can address everything he can do to bring

about positive change in his life

In the sixth session, the reorientation and reeducation phase, Stan will put insights into

practice with a functional perspective. He will be encouraged to take risks and make positive

changes in his life. He will understand that there is a useless side of life and a useful side. He can

withdraw from life tasks or be more useful by having an interest in other their welfare and by

being confident and outgoing. He will have to attend another social event in his planner and

communicate with another person or group of people. By this time, he will have a list of his

strengths and have a new sense of hope where he can see new choices in daily living. The

difference must be in his attitude and perception. According to the existential approach,

emerging awareness includes creating one’s own destiny by the choices one makes. The

termination of our sessions will hopefully entail clarified emotional problems, and understanding

of historical roots of his difficulties, insight on how the environment affects him and how he

affects the environment, how to achieve reduced defensiveness, achieving more stable coping

patterns and mindful actions.

In conclusion, as a counselor, my position is to create a space in which clients can

examine their thoughts, feelings, and actions and to empower them to arrive at their own

solutions to problems they face. The therapeutic relationship is important to increasing self-

awareness. Self -understanding and exploration. I understand that I will help them develop new

ways of thinking and behaving to help them move closer to their goals. The client needs to

choose his own course of action and assume responsibility and accountability for the decisions

he will make. I understand that value imposition is unethical. I want the client to make

improvements on his life according to his value system. Setting goals is related to values. I want

the client to be active participant in his own therapy.

Stan is encouraged to follow the steps provided to him by the counselor, Laura

Rodriguez. The goals and steps provided to him by his counselor will help provide him and his

family with support that will help guide them down a better path that is free of substance abuse,

The counselor plans to incorporate the Integrative and Reality therapy. Integrative therapy will

combine different tools and approaches to fit the needs of individual clients. Reality therapy will

focus on current issues affecting the individual rather than the issues the person has experienced

in the past, and it will encourage the person to use therapy to address any behavior that may

prevent them for finding a solution to their issues.


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