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Q.1: What is a Vaccine? How does a Vaccine work? Why are children
given Vaccination?

Q.2: What is meant by ‘nitrogen fixation’? State two ways in which

nitrogen gas of the atmosphere can be ‘fixed’ in nature to get nitrogen
compound in the soil.

Q.3: Observe the figure and answer the following questions:-

a) Name the micro-organism and the group to which it belongs.

b) Name the food item on which the organism grows.
c) Does it grow well in dry or in moist conditions?
d) Is it safe to eat infected bread?

Q.4: Two teams ‘A’ and ‘B’ while playing a game of ‘Tug Of War’ pulled
the rope with the forces F and 2F respectively towards themselves. On
the basis of the magnitude and directions of the forces being applied
the rope by the two teams at this stage, which team will win the game
and why?
Q.5: In an activity Rahul made four holes in an empty tin can and
labelled them as A, B, C and D as shown in the diagram. He covered
them with an adhesive tape and filled the tin can with water.

a) Choose the correct order of pressure at the holes in the filled tin
can :-
(ii) PA<PB<PC<PD
b) What would Rahul observe, when the adhesive tape is pulled off
and why?
c) What change would Rahul observe on repeating the above
experiment by replacing water with a vegetable oil in the tin can
and why?

Q.6: Complete the following table:

Sr. No. Description of the Nature of Forces Kind of force
situation present
1. Falling of raindrops (a) _________ (d) _________
2. Stretching of rubber
band (b)__________ (e) _________
3. Horse pulling a cart (c)__________ (f) _________

(ii)State the effects of forces observed in the following two cases:

a) A batsman hits a cricket ball for a six.
b) A goal keeper saves a goal by grasping a ball.

Q.7: Why is a person’s weight on Jupiter three times more than that on
the Earth?

Q.8: How is high concentration of nitrogen dioxide in air is harmful to

plants and human beings?

Q.9: What would have happened if there was no greenhouse effect?

Q.10: Use of CFC free refrigerator is considered as eco-friendly why?

Name the alternatives to ozone depleting substances.

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