Not Only Did No One-If You Noticed A Construction Like This Before, Did You Ever Notice Why It Is Wet Pants Geller-Peed Himself

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Ross’ SPECIAL Sandwich

Buddy-is another word for friend (male friend)

Thanksgiving leftover-food is that wasn’t finished in the previous meal
Well, what did the police say-overreaction
Evicted-someone forced to leave a place
Stuff-materials, groups of objects when you don’t know what they are called
Knock-knock-type of joke
Not only did no one-If you noticed a construction like this before, did you ever notice why it
Mental-used to mean crazy or insane
Nickname-is name people like to call you that’s not your real name
Wet Pants Geller-peed himself
Pushing back deadlines-postpone
Schedule-it means timetable or plan of things and the time when they will be done
I’m telling you-what we are saying is true and should be believed
Get tough-try to show you’re physically strong
May I have a word-formal expression, that we might use to ask someone if they can speak
with us
Threatening-person or thing show signs that they can hurt someone in some ways
Refusal-it means the act of not wanting to do something
Meet deadlines-
Gravy-sauce made juice, cooked meat, other ingredients
Soaked-a slice of bread in gravy
Moist Maker-slightly wet

Runner up-is usually the person who comes in second place in a competition
So on, so forth-used to indicate that something continues in a similar manner
Sacrifice-is loos or something you give up, usually for the same of a better cause
Tournament-is competition in which a series of games in played
Hideous-very ugly or unattractive
Indeed-is a word you can use to add emphasis to a statement
Knights-is a man who served his lord as a soldier
Ogre-ugly monster
Hang on-person is asking you to wait for a short period of time
Settle-reach a decision or an agreement about something
Pint-is unit of measurement that equals to half a liter
Tag me-order to be able to participle in fight
Try the veal-a cliché sign off from stand-up comedians
Embarking-you starting it
Noble-is moral in an honest, brave and kind way
Quest-is long search for something that is hard to find
Swamp-is a low land that is seasonally flooded
Dumped-is a place where trash is stored in piles
Fairy tale creatines-
Deal-is an agreement on something that usually involves a mutual benefit of all parts
Slime-is a substance very common to find in swamps or humid places
Toadstool-is type of mushroom
Squatters-is a person who lives in a empty building or place without permission
As good as gone-it means that if someone fulfills his task he can consider every squatter as
already gone, consider to be very nearly lost, departed or deceased
Down to-is commonly used to refer to smth ina way that includes even the smallest or least
important part
Take a bit of something-you take a small piece of food into your mouth
Hork something down-it means to eat something really quickly
Chew-when you it, you chew your food several times before swallowing
Taste-meaning food has a flavor; is the action of feeling that flavor
Oaky nuttiness-it means that the food has a flavour of oak nuts
Detect-it means to notice something
Tang-which as a taste or smell that is pleasantly strong or sharp
You lost me-Now I don’t understand what you mean
Peasant-is a word that in past times was used to refer to poor families
Serve-it means to give someone food or drink, especially as part of a meal or in a restaurant,
Compliment-is a remark that shows you admire someone or something
Understatement-it means it is not strong enough
Gross-in this case intensifies the meaning of this word
Rocks you to your core-it affects you in a very profound way or it provides a big revelation
Disdain-is a formal synonym for dislike
Motto-is a short sentence or phrase that expresses the belief of a person, or gives a rule on
how to behave
Nothing less than-someone is emphasizing how great a chef he is.
Nothing short of-which describes smth extreme, either good or bad
Ratted us out-it means to tell someone in authority about something wrong that someone has
Get out-if a secret gets out, everybody suddenly knows about it

Squid Game
Extend-it means to offer or give something to someone
Heartfelt-is used describe a deep or sincere feeling or wish
Handsome-collocates with money meaning a sum of money that is a large or generous
Reluctant-you are unwilling to do it and hesitate before doing it, or you do it slowly and
without enthusiasm
Confidentiality-refers to a situation in which important information must be kept secret
Violate confidentiality-if someone does not maintain confidentiality, we can say that they
violate confidentiality
Once-it means as soon as, or from the moment when something happens
Measure-refers to a way of achieving something, or a method for dealing with a situation
Ensure-it means to make certain that it happens
Fair-game or fight, is one that is played or done according to the rules
On the brink of-usually something important, terrible or exciting, you are just about to do it or
experience it
Pay off-if you pay off a debt, you give someone all the money that you owe them
Volunteer-when you offer to do something that you do not have to do, often without having
been asked to do it and without expecting payment
Voluntary-which describes something done, made or given willingly, without being forced or
paid to do it
Free will-refers to the ability to decide that to do independently of any outside influence
To do something of one’s free will-it means that what changes is the activity, and who does it
Chase-you run after them or follow them quickly in order to catch or reach them
Creditors-the people who cab owe money to
Act-it means to do something for a particular purpose or to solve a problem; meaning that you
Seize an opportunity-you take advantage of it and do something that you want to do

Bare your teeth-show hostility towards that person, displaying a violent or threating reaction
Hire-it means to employ
Gotta-is a common contraction that replaces the sentence have to
Flabby-refers to a part of someone’s that is soft and fat
Stereotype-is a preconceived notion, especially about a group of people
Folded-it means that a part of it covers the other
Dickens-is an emphasizer used to show surprise or annoyance
Roll call-when someone reads aloud the names of people on a list to check whether or not
they are present, that person is doing
Bullpen-it is type of game (boga guresi)
Eaten alive-is commonly used to say that someone will be completely defeated by someone
who is much stronger
Hop-is a small jump
Atten-hut-this term that means ‘attention’
Item-is one thing, that’s usually in a group or a list
Docket-is a list of all the things that need to be discussed
Acknowledge-it means to accept, admit or recognize something
The elephant in the room-
Recruit-is a new member of an organization
Introduce-you formally present that person to a group
Mammal-any anima in which the females feed their babies with milk from her own body is
classified as a mammal
Cases-an instance of a particular situation
Missing-it is lost, their location is unknown
Predator-is an animal that hunts, kills and eats other animals
Teensy-it means very small; tiny, miniscule, itty-bitty
Assignment-is a piece of work that is given to someone
Parking Duty-that means that someone will be responsible for things related to this activity,
such as fines (parking tickets)
Dismiss-it means to let someone leave
Handle-you mean that you can deal with it, even it’s a difficult situation
Top of your class-you are the best student out of all the other students at your same level
Token-is a person who is considered as a representative of a minority and that has been hired
primarily to prevent an employer for being accused of discrimination

Inside Out
Pick up-you detect or notice something that is not very obvious-you become aware of it
Signal-you make a specific gesture or sound in order to send them a particular message,
which they will be able to interpret
Garbage night (garbage day)-is an expression referring to the day when people place their
garbage outside their residences for collection
Leaving the toilet seat up-is something a lot of men do after using the toilet, and that is
considered rude or disrespectful towards the women who also use the same bathroom
Roll your eyes-you move your eyes around in a circle
What is your deal-What is your problem
Show of force-is act done by the military for warning or intimidating an opponent by showing
their military power
To put your foot down-it means to use your authority in order to make somebody do or stop
something happening
Attitude-refers to the way of feeling or acting in response
Live them alone-they mean to stop bothering or annoying them
Sass, sassy-it means that they are disrespectful in a lively, confident way
Defcon-in danger situation, refers to any one of five levels of US military defense status
Young lady-when they are trying to discipline her, or want to address her while sounding
upset or angry
Pops-is an informal way to call your father
You want a piece of this-is something you can informally say to provoke somebody to get
into a fight with you
Pick up on that-notice it
Attitude-bad behavior

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