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A Focus on Oncology:
Better Biobanking

Page 6
Biobanks and COVID-19
Vaccine Development

Page 8
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This product is intended for General Laboratory Use. It is the customer’s responsibility to
ensure that the performance of the product is suitable for customers’ specific use or application.
© 2020 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher
Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. PF-BIOBANKING-E 1020

iobanks differ from other best practices. The organization certi- gies should align with all stakeholders’
large-scale health research fies labs in a variety of sectors, including intentions and actions—for example,
settings because although biobanks, academic institutions, govern- patients should be aware of and consent
human biospecimens are ment labs, hospitals, pharma, and bio- to the use of their clinical data and
abundant resources, they are tech companies. To become My Green specimens to avoid the pitfalls and
often collected but then never used. Fur- Lab certified, biobanks undergo a base- environmental expense of disposing of
thermore, each specimen requires unique, line assessment and then implement unique samples.
low-temperature storage solutions. As recommended changes to reduce the Disposing of mislabeled or unused
such, sustainability is challenging for the environmental impact of their work. samples requires substantial quantities
discipline of biobanking for two major Once certified, the process can be of energy to comply with required safety
reasons: diversity in the biobanking land- repeated for continual improvement and precautions. Good sample collection
scape and a lack of active sample analysis. higher certification levels. practices and exit-policies that require
Researchers may use the My Green departing researchers to inform remain-
Solutions for Operational Lab accountability, consistency, and ing staff of the details of their stored
Sustainability transparency (ACT) label to compare samples help reduce energy waste.
In general, biobanks require a lot of and select sustainable products. The The Thermo Scientific™ TSX series
energy. A single ultra-low temperature ACT label provides information about ultra-low temperature freezers  feature
freezer may use the same amount of the environmental impact of manufac- V-drive adaptive control technology
energy per day as a typical household. In turing, using, and disposing of a product that minimizes energy consumption
recognition of this, many companies now and its packaging. without sacrificing sample security.
offer more environmentally sustainable
equipment, including freezers intended
to minimize energy consumption and “My Green Lab certification is the worldwide standard
tools for manufacturing procedures
designed to lessen waste.
for laboratory sustainability best practices.”
Concurrently, biobank scientists are
considering their sample management
practices. In terms of sustainability, this Sample Collection These use non-hydrofluorocarbon
particularly references sharing exist- Conscientiousness (HFC) refrigerants manufactured in a
ing banked samples. Common sample Another potential waste of resources facility that has achieved zero waste to
management systems allow easy sample involves sample collection and usage. landfill, minimizing the environmental
sharing between sites while sound sample If unique specimens from patients are footprints for both manufacturing and
storage practices help ensure that sam- stored but seldom used, it is detrimental operating the freezers.
ples are disposed of when needed. to the environment because resources
like electricity and plastics are used
My Green Lab Ethos to store the sample. Furthermore, this
My Green Lab certification is the world- practice does not benefit the patient.
wide standard for laboratory sustainability Responsible sample collection strate-



iorepositories containing and have emerged as relevant tools types and numbers have increased over
blood samples and formalin- for more dynamic clinical and experi- the last decade, researchers have begun
fixed and paraffin-embedded mental analyses of cancer. In vitro cell to standardize sample management
(FFPE) or fresh frozen models may be used for drug profiling, globally. Furthermore, automated liquid
human tissues from patient- patient-derived xenograft (PDX) model- handling technologies are becoming the
derived tumors are pivotal resources for ing, and molecular biology research.1 norm. Automated systems process, store,
translational cancer research. Optimal annotate, and track samples in system-
sample collection practices, storage Common Sample Collection atic ways, enabling cancer researchers to
conditions, and well-designed studies are Timepoints better collect and collate information
key to successful downstream experi- Biobanks store samples from entire about diagnoses and treatment strategies.
mental use. cancer or treatment studies, and sam- Some points to consider when creat-
ples may be stored for years before they ing biorepositories for cancer research
Sample Preservation for are used in research. Typical collection include using high-quality, contami-
Oncology Research points fall before cancer treatment (i.e., nant-free disposable sample collection
Researchers and clinicians obtain hun- FFPE and frozen tumor tissues or blood containers, ensuring secure and traceable
dreds of clinical samples each day that samples with and without EDTA), blood tubes, vials, and plates that are suit-
are used for diagnostic and treatment- samples immediately after treatment and able for high-throughput downstream
monitoring purposes. A large proportion at 6, 12, and 18-month timepoints, and processing, employing fast liquid han-
of these samples originate from surgical frozen biopsy samples after treatment in dling technology for reproducibility and
tumor resections. Scientists routinely fix poor responders or if disease progresses.2 preventing sample loss, degradation,
these tissue specimens as FFPE blocks,
the gold standard material for histological
and immunohistochemistry analysis. Alter- “Biobanks play a vital role in personalized translational
natively, scientists flash-freeze samples
cancer research.”
in liquid nitrogen for future use in next-
generation sequencing (NGS), proteomics,
and metabolomics assays. The size of
suitable tumor specimens usually ranges This results in large numbers of samples or contamination, controlling sample
between 0.5 and 8 cm3.1 Researchers also per study. As such, well-organized bio- cooling and freezing using appropriate
routinely collect blood samples, both with banks are imperative for cancer research. tools and equipment, and automating
and without ethylenediaminetetraacetic data management, sample records, and
acid (EDTA), that are often aliquoted into Standardizing Workflows chains of custody.
384-well plates alongside serum samples Early biorepositories at academic institu-
before being frozen. tions consisted of -20°C/-80°C freezers Working in Harmony
Researchers increasingly turn to or liquid nitrogen tanks where scientists Biobanks play a vital role in personal-
patient-derived 2-D and 3-D in vitro cell manually load and retrieve samples. ized translational cancer research. Wide
models; these models retain important There was no uniform standard for variation in collection methods, and
features of the original human tumors managing samples. As sample and data pre-analytic variations in processing


and bio-specimen storage result in irre- and the World Health Organization 2 ) C. Ngo et al., “From prospective
producible data. For example, genomics International Agency for Research on biobanking to precision medicine: BIO-
studies and transcriptomic analysis (e.g., Cancer Common Minimum Standards RAIDs – an EU study protocol in cervical
cancer,” BMC Cancer, 15:842, 2015.
microarrays/PCR) depend on sample and Protocols for Biological Resource 3 ) M. Adishesh, D.K. Hapangama,
stability and RNA integrity, hence even Centers Dedicated to Cancer Research,6 “Enriching personalized endometrial
small temperature changes in collection, will help to improve harmonization pro- cancer research with the harmonization
processing, and storage can affect cesses for biobanks, raising the overall of biobanking standards,” Cancers
results.3  As multi-center collaborative quality of cancer research.   (Basel), 11(11):1734, 2019.
4 ) The Cancer Genome Atlas, accessed 17th
studies become the norm, harmonizing Lab information management sys- August 2020,
biobanking standards is vital. Many tems (LIMS) help researchers overcome about-nci/organization/ccg/research/
agencies recognize the importance of collaboration problems and any issues structural-genomics/tcga
harmonizing human biological spec- related to sample processing. Thermo 5 ) National Cancer Institute, NCI Best
imen biobanking. For example, The Scientific LIMS for biobanks and biore- Practices for Biospecimen Resources,
accessed 17th August 2020, https://
Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project positories delivers flexibility, adaptabil- bestpractices/
noticed problems with inconsistent ity, and stability for cancer researchers 2016-NCIBestPractices.pdf, March 2016.
sample quality.3,4 worldwide. 6 ) M. Mendy et al., “Common minimum
Adapting and applying the current technical standards and protocols for
established best practices from some References biobanks dedicated to cancer research,”
1 ) H.A. Bolck et al., “Cancer sample IARC technical publication no. 44, 2017.
national institutes, such as the National
Institute of Health/NCI’s Biorepositories biobanking at the next level: combining
tissue with living cell repositories to
and Biospecimen Research Branch Best promote precision medicine,” Front Cell
Practices for Biospecimen Resources5 Dev Biol, 7:246, 2019.


Biobanks and Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous
biobanks have emerged to facilitate studies of the disease,
how it spreads, and why some people are more susceptible

COVID-19 than others. One major goal of such research is to find a

vaccine to protect against COVID-19. The way that samples

are collected and stored for viral vaccine research has
consequences on downstream research; bad samples lead
to bad research. Using best practices for collecting and

Development processing virus samples ensures that biobanks do not

become a roadblock in the vaccine creation workflow.

A Multiple collection centers

Biobanks provide sample collection procedure training
to clinicians.

B Sample collection on a set schedule
Physicians collect samples at specified times, for example,
when patient enters the hospital, and on days two and
seven after admission. 
Biobanked samples include naso-
pharyngeal or oropharyngeal
swabs, serum, blood, nasophary- C
ngeal aspirates, bronchoalveolar 7 2 0
lavage samples, and tissues from
biopsy or autopsy.

Wear PPE and follow CDC

guidelines for sample collection B

Antigens in the samples may

include virus-like particles,
weakened viruses, or other C Shipment to a centralized biobank
harmful substances.
Ensure that all researchers have fair and transparent
access to the biobank’s data and samples.

E D Exploratory research
Academic and governmental scientists identify natural
or synthetic antigens in biobanked samples that might
help prevent or treat disease and develop these into
Investigational New
potential vaccines.
Drug (IND) Application

1 2 3
E Pre-clinical research
Researchers use tissue-culture, cell-culture, and animal
testing to assess the safety of a candidate vaccine and
its immunogenicity.

Phase One Phase Two Phase Three

F Clinical trials
Approval and Biologics License Scientists assess the candidate vaccine’s safety,
Application (BLA)
determine the type and extent of immune response it
elicits, and optimize the dose, immunization schedule,
and delivery method.

G Vaccine distribution

iobanks of human microbiota saliva, sputum, and urogenital tract, metadata collection requires a hypoth-
and their associated genetic nasal, and cheek swabs. In general, sci- esis-driven approach, whereby scien-
information are becoming entists flash-freeze each specimen upon tists design questionnaires for data
valuable health resources. collection and store at -20 or -80°C for collection based on target outcome, lit-
However, this research area future sequencing and genomic analyses. erature reviews, and specific character-
requires unique ethical and social consid- In particular, collecting and storing istics among populations of interest.2
erations, some of which differ from those gut microbes in biorepositories along For example, researchers involved in the
faced by biobanks that store human tissue with their genetic and metabolic pro- HMP instructed coordinators to record
or blood samples. files is becoming increasingly important clinical metadata in a consistent method,
for researching therapeutic approaches using set data formats, for establish-
In Sync with Symbionts:
Researching the Microbiome
In 2007, the National Institute of Health “Collecting and storing gut microbes in biorepositories
(NIH) launched the Human Microbi- along with their genetic and metabolic profiles is
ome Project (HMP), which comprised
a number of member organizations and
becoming increasingly important for researching
repositories connected to a central data therapeutic approaches for a wide range of diseases.”
repository known as the Data Analy-
sis and Coordination Center (DACC),
which set the stage for microbiome for a wide range of diseases. Such “stool ing  inflammatory bowel disease  multi-
research. Scientists studied the micro- banks” have already shown some promise omic datasets.3 In addition to microbes,
biome’s effects on human health and for treating patients with gut disorders, human microbiome research samples
disease using emerging technologies. especially those infected with  Clostrid- contain human cells or DNA. The HMP
These included high-throughput meth- ium difficile.1 required metagenomic data to be depos-
ods and DNA sequencing to characterize Since there are many host and envi- ited into a public open-access database,
the microbial communities that inhabit ronmental factors that influence the gut while potentially identifying data, such
the human body and explore the rela- microbiome, clinical metadata collec- as clinical or human DNA data, go into
tionships between the microbiota and tion is complex. Scientists consider age, a controlled-access database.4
their human hosts. A surge in microbi- gender, ethnicity, geography, occupa-
ome research followed completion of the tion, human body measurements, diet, Bioethical and Social
HMP, leading to the creation of micro- drug and probiotic use, supplements, Considerations
biome-specific biobanks with exclusive bowel habits, antibiotic use, surgery Due to the symbiotic relationship
sample and data storage requirements. history, family structure, and even pet between the microbiome and the human
ownership. Yet, because environmental host, biobanking human microbiome
Unique Specimens, Unique factors can rapidly affect the gut micro- samples raises new challenges and fur-
Storage biome, it may be impractical to record ther complicates debates on the ethical,
Samples biobanked for human microbi- all possible microbiome-associated clin- legal, and social issues (ELSI) of bio-
ome research include dead skin, feces, ical data. Thus, the optimal strategy for banking. From a bioethical perspective,


it is not clear whether human microbi- tiality safeguards as any other human microbiome samples,” EMBO Rep,
ome specimens should be categorized as tissue samples. 17(7):929-30, 2016.
3) W.-K. Wu et al., “Optimization of fecal
part of or separate from the human body.5 Thermo Fisher Scientific offers sev-
sample processing for microbiome
Samples including feces, saliva, and dead eral solutions for microbiome analysis, study — The journey from bathroom to
skin may be considered waste, but the including advanced next-generation bench,” J Formos Med Assoc, 118(2):545-
designation is complex. For example, sequencing and The Axiom™ Microbi- 55, 2019.
at the Toronto cystic fibrosis (CF) lung ome Array. The array enables the detec- 4) M. Proctor, “Network IHiR. The
integrative human microbiome project:
microbiome biobank, sputum samples tion of all known microorganisms in a
dynamic analysis of microbiome-host
from adults comprise extra samples that sample with species- and strain-level omics profiles during periods of human
are provided after the patient consents at identification in a single, scalable assay. health and disease,” Cell Host Microbe,
each clinic visit. In contrast, CF sputum The proprietary photolithographic arrays 16:276-89, 2014.
samples from children collected at the help ensure fidelity and consistency across 5) K.H. Chuong et al., “Navigating social
and ethical challenges of biobanking for
Hospital for Sick Children represent manufacturing batches, with designs
human microbiome research,” BMC Med
excess material from routine microbio- available as long as required. Ethics, 18:1, 2017.
logical testing, which would have been 6) A.K. Hawkins, K.C. O’Doherty, “‘Who
discarded following testing.4 As such, References owns your poop?’ Insights regarding
scientists involved in biobanking should 1 ) C.W. Dieffenbach et al., “General the intersection of human microbiome
concepts for PCR primer design,” PCR research and the ELSI aspects of
treat human microbiome research sam-
Methods Appl, 3(3):S30-S37, 1993. biobanking and related studies,” BMC
ples with the same privacy and confiden- 2 ) S. Bolan et al., “Bio-banking gut Med Genet, 4:72, 2011.


Your trusted partner
in biobanking

Equipment and consumables

that maintain reliable sample
integrity down to -196°C

Find out more at

This product is intended for General Laboratory Use. It is the customer’s responsibility to
ensure that the performance of the product is suitable for customers’ specific use or application.
© 2020 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher
Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. PF-BIOBANKTUBES-E 1020

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