Terms and Conditions: U.S. English Teaching For Afghan Refugees Program (USET)

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Participant name:

Last Name First Name Middle Name

Terms and Conditions

U.S. English Teaching Program (USET) for Afghan Refugees


Participants of the U.S. English Teaching for Afghan Refugees Program (USET) should carefully read the
following Participant Agreement, and sign by writing your full first and last name and date indicated at the
end of the agreement. If you have any questions, please send them by email to
uset@americancouncils.org with the subject line USET Agreement Question.

Program Overview
American Councils for International Education (American Councils) is pleased to welcome you to the U.S.
USET Program. USET is a three-week residential training program for 50 young Afghans with fluent English.
Through the program, they will develop their skills to serve as language educators and cross-cultural
trainers in their communities to help meet the needs of Afghan refugees who have left their country.

An essential part of the USET program is sharing newly acquired skills with friends and family and other
members of the community. Upon training completion, USET Trainers will plan and organize a mini-
training program designed to help Afghans improve their English and cross-cultural adaptation skills. They
may work together with other USET Trainers. Coaches and mentors from American Councils will provide
feedback to the trainers on their plans for carrying out the mini-training program. Some trainers will have
the opportunity to be observed by American Councils teacher educator specialists. Some funding may be
available to cover the costs of these training activities.

Mini-trainings will increase the English language skills of refugee youth and women with an emphasis on
practical English and active language-based cross-cultural adaptation skills, including building religious
tolerance, gender equity, and freedom of expression. Practical English and cross-cultural communication
skills will help these individuals succeed in their new environments and ensure access to new cultures and
resources that await them in the future.

General Program Policies

a) I agree to obey the policies described in the Terms and Conditions.
b) I agree to attend/complete all learning and social activities stipulated by the Program or conducted
by USET Staff and Training Team, unless my absence is excused by the program organizers.

Absenteeism/non-participation in learning and social activities will result in dismissal from the
c) I agree to be at the designated bus pick-up spot by 8:00am and understand I must use the program
transportation to get to and from the training site, unless I am staying at the training site venue in a
hotel room because my home is in Durres.
d) For those staying at the training site venue in a hotel room. I understand I am being provided
breakfast and dinner in the Hotel Liss; I will sleep at the Hotel Liss each night I am scheduled to be
e) I agree to complete at least 78 hours of the 90 hours of the training to be eligible to receive a
program certificate, equipment (a laptop) and branded program materials, and to make requests
for any available funding for community activities.
f) I agree to deliver activities in my community as a volunteer after the training and participate in
joint planning and delivery of these activities, and to report on these activities to American Councils
fully and in a timely manner.
g) I agree I will not use my phone during the training and in the classrooms and will rely on American
Councils staff in the event I need to be in contact with family or others during the training
h) I agree to use the laptop provided to me properly treat it with care; I will check it out to use at the
start of each training day and check it in at the end of the day; I will not remove it from the training
premises during training. The participants cannot take the laptops with them for the entire
program. At the end, if they fill the program requirements, they are allowed to take their laptops
i) I agree to complete surveys during and after the training to be used to evaluate the program, learn
from the experiences of participants, and report on results.
j) I agree to and do hereby authorize American Councils, their personnel, and representatives to act
in any emergency, accident, or illness, including authorizing any medical care.
k) I fully understand that American Councils and its employees and representatives are not
responsible for any medical bills or extraneous expenses that befall me from my participation on
this program. Neither American Councils nor their representatives bear any responsibility for any
complications and/or negative results associated with possible medical treatment.

The USET Program provides:
l) A 15-day training course (8:00 – 18:00);
m) Lunch and coffee breaks for the 15 days of language training;
n) Pre-determined training materials necessary for the learning process;
o) Certificate of Completion for all who successfully complete the training;
p) Equipment (a computer) and branded items to be used during training and after successful
completion of training for community projects;
q) Eligibility for funding to cover costs of community projects;
r) Mentorship and guidance to complete a community project or projects.

Code of Conduct
s) Participants must always remember that their actions can damage the reputation of the U.S.
Department of State, the program, and American Councils. Thus, participants must act in a
professional and respectful way at all times both in real life and online.
t) Participants of the USET program have applied and been selected to take part in this program;
individuals not invited to the program will not be able to participate or partake as this is a safety
and public policy concern for the program.
u) Participants must treat provided learning materials and/or equipment with care.
v) Any form of harassment including, but not limited to gender, sexual orientation, national origin,
religion, ethnic, race is strictly prohibited and will result in dismissal from the program.
w) Participants must be present for the entirety of program training events, and promptly complete all
program assignments provided by the USET Training Team.
x) Participants must follow instructions of USET Administrative Staff and be on-time for all organized
y) Participants must refrain from using social media during the training day and may not take
photographs or post photographs from the or community project activity.
z) Consumption of alcohol by participants during their participation in the trainings and in program
activities is strictly prohibited.
aa) The program has a zero-tolerance drug policy. Participants cannot possess or use drugs that are
illegal in the host country. Violators of this policy will be immediately dismissed from the program
and subject to prosecution by local law enforcement agencies.

Resignation from the Program

When compelling reasons exist, such as personal illness, death of an immediate family member, or any
other personal situation make it impossible for a participant to complete the program, the participant will
be permitted to resign through proper notification of the Regional Coordinator and/or American Councils
staff member.

Under no circumstances can training materials, publications, or any other products developed using funds
from USET be sold for profit. Without expressed written permission from American Councils, participants
may not publish or recycle materials provided by the program for private use. American Councils retains
the right to unlimited rights to use, disclose, or reproduce copies of the materials created for the program.
American Councils reserves the right to dismiss a participant from the program at any time if it decides
that such action would be in the participant’s best interest or in the best interest of the program. Grounds
for dismissal include, but not limited to:

a) Violation of any laws of the country of residence or unethical conduct;

b) Any act likely to give offense and contrary to the spirit and intent of USET;
c) Failure to uphold satisfactory professional standards;
d) Tardiness or late submission of the required assignments;
e) Physical or mental incapacitation or other factors that may prevent a program participant from
completing all required program activities;
f) Conduct that may bring the funder or USET into disrepute.

In consideration of the undersigned participant’s involvement in the USET Program, the participant hereby
releases and waives any and all claims against American Councils, affiliate organizations, and their
employees and agents, and the U.S. Department of State and its employees, agents and instrumentalities,
which may arise out of participation in the program, including but not limited to: claims for personal injury,
property damage or wrongful death; claims arising out of natural disasters, war, terrorism, and civil
disturbances; and claims arising out of the dismissal of participant from the program.

Participant Agreement

I__________________________________________________________ as a participant of the USET

Program, a program of the U.S. Department of State, implemented by American Councils for International
Education, affirm that I have carefully read, fully understand and agree to abide by the above Terms and
Conditions. I fully accept all Terms and Conditions of this Agreement, all other rules, regulations, and
conditions set forth concerning the program. I will do my best to become an integral part of the USET
trainee community during the training, and afterwards, to apply the learning from training in my
community going forward. I will attend all USET program activities and complete all work to the best of
my ability. I hereby certify that the information provided in here and in my application is truthful. I
understand that any misrepresentation or false answer can be grounds for my dismissal from the USET

____________________________________________________________________________Name (Print)

Consent to Use Likeness

In connection with the US English Teaching (USET) program for Afghan Refugees, I hereby authorize the U.S.
Embassy and its program implementing partners to photograph, film, or otherwise record and use my image and/or
voice in connection with related public information programs and activities. Additionally, I hereby authorize the U.S.
Embassy and its implementing partners to release, publish, or quote such material, including my name, in
connection with related public information programs and activities.

With respect to this material, I understand that content may be included in future speeches, on the Internet, and
through multiple broadcast channels and print media (which may include use by U.S. Embassies abroad to promote
exchange programs and public diplomacy efforts) but that such content will not be used for commercial purposes.

I acknowledge in case of completion of at least 78 hours of 90 Hours of the training class attendance, I will be able to
get the program certificate and will be eligible to get the laptop and future benefits and privileges of the USET
program. I understand that I may decline to give my consent (by not signing this form) and still continue to
participate in all exchange program activities without being disadvantaged with respect to those activities.

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