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Kinkorová The EPMA Journal (2016) 7:4

DOI 10.1186/s13167-016-0053-7

REVIEW Open Access

Biobanks in the era of personalized

medicine: objectives, challenges, and
Judita Kinkorová1,2

Biobanks are an important compound of personalized medicine and strongly support the scientific progress in
stratification of population and biomarker discovery and validation due to progress in personalized medicine.
Biobanks are an essential tool for new drug discoveries and drug development. Biobanks play an important
role in the whole process of patient prevention and prediction, follow-up, and therapy monitoring and
optimalization. Biobanks have the specificity in that they cover multidisciplinary approach to the human
health combining biological and medical approaches, as well as informative bioinformatics technologies,
computationing, and modeling. The importance of biobanks has during the last decade increased in variety
and capacity from small collections of samples to large-scale national or international repositories. Collected
samples are population-based, disease-specific or rare diseases originating from a diverse profile of individuals.
There are various purposes of biobanks, such as diagnostics, pharmacology, or research. Biobanks involve,
store, and operate with specific personal information, and as a consequence, such a diversity of biobanking is
associated with a broad spectrum of ethical and legal issues. Biobanks are an international phenomenon
because any single country, state, or society at the moment is not able to cover all issues involving the
whole biobank problematic. Biobanks have an enormous innovative potential in the whole process of
biomedical research in the twenty-first century.
Keywords: Biobanks, Types, History, Definitions, Role of biobanks, Ethical and legal issues, Predictive
preventive personalized medicine

Background metabolomics, and epigenomics), systems medicine, bio-

A new era of medical research brought in the last decade informatics, and biobanks, and the implementation of
a lot of new discoveries, new knowledge, and informa- personalized medicine requires a confluence of multiply
tion and is, by many authors, called the era of personal- factors (Fig. 1) [1].
ized medicine. The term covers not only new knowledge Biobanks are on the list of “10 Ideas Changing the
and approaches but also new paradigms of current World Right Now,” published in Time 2009 [2]. In
medicine from curing to prevention. It also means a this article, the biobank is a safe house for tissue
combination of new multidisciplinary approaches to bet- samples, tumor cells, DNA and, yes, even blood—that
ter understand health and diseases. A new era of medical would be used for research into new treatments for
research brings new questions that have to be answered. diseases (Fig. 2) [2].
Personalized medicine is as a new approach to the pa- General biobanks are much more flexible as they
tient built on several pillars: -omics methods (proteomics, can support a variety of studies, including cross-
sectional studies of genotype-phenotype correlations,
case control studies using a biobank for cases and/or
Faculty Hospital in Pilsen, Edvarda Benese 1128/13, 305 99 Plzen, Czech controls, and cohort studies using baseline and
Republic follow-up data in a biobank to link genetic variation
Medical Faculty Charles University in Pilsen, Lidicka 1, 301 00 Plzen, Czech with health outcomes [3].

© 2016 Kinkorová. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Kinkorová The EPMA Journal (2016) 7:4 Page 2 of 12

Fig. 1 Main impacts of personalized medicine. The implementation of personalized medicine requires a confluence of multiple factors. Full
implementation of personalized medicine can only be achieved when all sectors converge toward the center. Modified from [1]

Definitions structured resources that can be use for the purpose of

Biobanks were defined by many authors, institutions, so- genetic research and which include:
cieties, and organizations in many different ways during
the last decade.  Human biological materials and/or information
The big international societies like OECD, ISBER, generated from the analysis of the same;
European Commission, and BBMRI-ERIC have expressed  Extends it with associated information.
their definitions.
The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and International Society for Biological and Environmental
Development (OECD) defines a biobank as a collection Repositories (ISBER) defines biobank as an entity that
of biological material and the associated data and informa- receives, stores, processes, and/or disseminates specimen
tion stored in an organized system, for a population or a as needed. It encompasses the physical location as well
large subset of a population [4]. as the full range of activities associated with its oper-
OECD in Recommendation on Human Biobanks and ation [6].
Genetic Research Databases (HBGRD) [5] provides guid- Also, European Commission (EC) gave a definition.
ance for the establishment, governance, management, Joint Research Centre (JRC) published in 2015 in Scien-
operation, access, use, and discontinuation of human tific and Technical Reports a paper, Biobanking in Europe:
biobanks and genetic research databases, which are prospects for Harmonization and Networking, which gives
the following definition: biobanks are organized collec-
tions consisting of biological samples and associated data
of great significance for research and personalized medi-
cine [7]. Two years later, the European Commission pub-
lished another document: Report of an expert group on
Dealing with Ethical and Regulatory Challenges of Inter-
national Biobank Research: Biobanks for Europe, A chal-
lenge for governance with more comprehensive definition.
Biobanks typically:

 Collect and store biological materials that are

annotated not only with medical, but often also
epidemiological data;
 Are not static “projects,” since biological materials
and data are usually collected on a continuous or
long-term basis;
Fig. 2 Ten ideas changing the Word right now. In 2009, Time  Are associated with current and/or future research
Journal has published ten ideas that had influenced the world’s projects at the time of specimen collection;
changes. On the eighth position were biobanks as potential for
 Apply coding or anonymization to assure donor
biomedical research. Modified from [2]
privacy but have, under specific conditions,
Kinkorová The EPMA Journal (2016) 7:4 Page 3 of 12

provisions that participant remain re-identifiable in stored, shared, and provided for other purposes in the
order to provide clinically relevant information back beginning without regulations and rules. At the time
to the donor; the requirements for the type of the sample (blood,
 Include established governance structures and urine, RNA, DNA, tissue …) size and the way how
procedures (e.g., consent) that serve to protect the sample is taken, transported, saved, and preserved
donors’ rights and stakeholder interests. became more specific and precise, it meant the quan-
titative and qualitative characteristics of samples were
At the moment, the biggest player in the field of specific according to the advances in biomedical and
biobanks, Pan-European Biobanking and Biomolecular clinical trial or research. Such great event like the se-
Resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI), defines bio- quencing of human genome in 2001 opened the door
banks as follows: biobanks contain biological samples to new methods on how to study diseases and disor-
and associated information that are essential raw mate- ders. New and emerging technologies are based on
rials for the advancement of biotechnology, human improved molecular profiling, better understanding of
health, and research and development in life science [8]. factors, and processes leading to understanding of the
Also, many authors published various definitions of ethiopathology of diseases. These achievements en-
biobanks with respect to one or some special features of abled new approach to the health care based on indi-
biobanks. vidual genomic, proteomic, and metabolomic profiles
The very simple but generally accepted definition was [11]. The side effect of the progress in biomedical re-
published by Kauffmann and Cambon-Thomsen in 2008 search is the emergence of “big data,” large-scale data,
[9]: biobank is an organized collection of human bio- and information about patients’ characteristics, dis-
logical material and associated information stored for eases, and epidemiological, environmental, lifestyle,
one or more research purposes. and societal data which require a new approach to
And finally, the definition offered by Artene et al. [10] handle the whole process of the sample manipulation,
clearly describes the biobank as a set consisting of two and consequently biobanks.
different parts: Stratification of patients is another result and a re-
quirement for biobanks that enable a shift from
 The biological material that is collected, processed, “one-size-fits-all” [11] to more targeted therapy,
and long-time stored; therapy models, and in silico therapies. A stratified
 The database, including information about approach based on detailed information about the
demographical and clinical data for each sample and individual biological variation, complemented with
also associated with the bank inventory with the environmental, life factors, and societal information
main activities: biospecimen collection, processing, enable to study the health and diseases in complexity
storage or inventory, and distribution of biological and to improve the individual health care, with re-
material. spect to age, sex, demography, and relevant costs
(Fig. 3) [12].
Generally, the definition of biobank consists of three New knowledge in informatics, bioinformatics, and in-
groups of relatively distinct information: formation technologies strongly supported and still sup-
ports the formation and development of biobanks.
 Biological human material; Biobanking has been identified as a key area for de-
 Attached or connected information; velopment in order to accelerate the discovery and
 The legal issues like consent and patient/individual development of new drugs, recently especially in on-
data safety and protection. cology [13].
Biobanks play an important role in identification of
It makes the science of biobank so comprehensive and new biomarkers. Population surveys and biobanking re-
complicated because it requires a multidisciplinary and search are essentials tools in the elucidation of the
universal approach in all stages of life cycle of the etiology of complex diseases and the molecular basis of
biobank. disease subtypes. A more precise biology-based classifi-
cation of disease speeds up the development of highly
Time for biobanks sensitive, high-throughput methods more targeted, ef-
The idea of biobanks is not new. In many countries, fective, and cost-effective treatment, reduces the inci-
biological samples not only of human origin were col- dence of undesired side effects of therapy, improves
lected more or less systematically for many decades, access in clinical and pharmacology trial design, and
with more or less connected information of the indi- leads to new concepts of disease prevention and health
vidual. These samples were taken randomly, collected, promotion [14]. Zatloukal and Hainaut [15] suggest a
Kinkorová The EPMA Journal (2016) 7:4 Page 4 of 12

Fig. 3 Personalized medicine contribution to better health care. Stratification of patients is another result and requirement for the biobanks that
enable shift from “one-size-fits-all” 11 to more targeted therapy, therapy models, and in silico therapies. A stratified approach enables to improve
the individual health care, with respect to age, sex, demography, and relevant costs. Modified from [12]

novel way of structuring biobank network according to mean time in complexity from basics, such as date of
the clinical trial design, thus creating a step-by-step collection and the diagnosis, to extensive information
process, starting with assessing and measuring identified sets encompassing many aspects of participant or patient
biomarkers, through to whether the biomarker is in- phenotype, now rapidly extending into genetic, prote-
formative in determining the trialed drug’s effect. omic, and other -omics information. From the histor-
ical point of view, the chronologic development was
New dictionary for biobanks followed by De Souza and Greenspan [19]:
As biobanking is developing to the science of biobank-
ing, new requirements are appearing regarding defini-  Academic/university-based repositories, possibly the
tions, obligations, and terminology. Scientists from first biobanks in existence, developed almost
different scientific branches do not understand the terms exclusively around single-project goals and research
in the same way, and even between countries, significant requirement;
differences can be found. Fransson in his study [16]  Institutional- or government-based biobanks that
clarifies the general understanding of several most used hold greater numbers of samples for a wider
terms: biobank, sample, specimen, aliquot, coding, an- research purposes;
onymizing, personal data, and patient’s informed con-  Commercial/for-profit biorepositories;
sent. Some new terms have to be defined or redefined  Population-based biobanks, where long-term
for the purposes of biobanks like genetic data, biometric sample acquisition from broad populations enables
data, and impact assessment. The study shows a consid- longitudinal studies such as disease monitoring,
erable confusion in some of the terms used in the bio- aging studies, and biomarker discovery;
bank community.  Virtual biobanks that hold no physical specimens
but offer location and retrieval services for samples
Modern history of biobanks held globally or nationally.
Biospecimens have been collected and stored in con-
junction with clinical and epidemiological studies for Because the science of biobanking is very closely
several decades. The first biorepositories have existed in linked to the development of an enabling infrastructure,
various forms for over 150 years, from early small collec- it requires scientists to work more closely with each
tions to modern automated facilities managing millions other and with funders than has historically been the
of samples [17]. norm in biomedical science [20].
Human specimens have been collected and stored at
institutions in the USA and elsewhere for over 100 years. Types of biobanks
Historically, these stored tissue samples have been used Before the biobanks classification from various sources will
by the biomedical community for educational and re- be presented, the difference between biobank and biorepo-
search purposes. More recently, the stored tissues have sitory has to be clarified: the term biobank has been used
played a major role in understanding and treatment of interchangeably with biorepository [21]. Previously OECD
diseases [18]. The history of real biobanks is not long, used the term “biological resource center” not only for re-
about 30 years. The first banks were repositories of ran- positories, but also for suppliers of health research services
domly collected samples and information; data associ- [5]. The International Agency for Research on Cancer
ated with stored biospecimens have increased in the (IARC) used the term “biological resource center” for
Kinkorová The EPMA Journal (2016) 7:4 Page 5 of 12

collections of human cancer samples [22]. In the USA, the Rebulla et al. [28] classification is even broader and
National Cancer Institute defined the term biorepository as identifies six types of biobanks:
an organization, place, room, or container where biospeci-
mens are stored…in a freezer by an individual researcher  Leftover tissue biobanks collected during clinical
[23]. Likewise, the term biobank has been used in this con- pathology diagnostic procedures;
text by other US and European institutions [22].  Population biobanks;
Classification of biobanks is not simple and is based  Twin biobanks;
on different approaches: there are various types of  Disease biobanks from patients suffering from a
biobanks like population-based, diseases-oriented, hos- specific condition;
pital- or academic- based, networked, or run by the  Organ biobanks;
government, non-profit organizations, or commercial  Nonhuman biobanks.
companies among others [24].
Biobanks also vary in scale, nature, contents, and par- Currently, the generally accepted classification comes
ticipants. Some definitions overlap, and in definition of from the pan-European Biobanking and Biomolecular
biobanks, they may be “radically contrasting views over Resources Research Infrastructure (BBMRI) [8], which
how certain attributes should be identified, formulated, distinguishes between only two types of biobanks:
defined, or ranked…” [25].
Human biobank classification (according to biomedin-  Population-based biobanks (population-based
vo4all website) [26] is based on: prospective biobanks focused on the study of the
development of common, complex diseases over
 Tissue type (tumor tissue, cells, blood, DNA, or time).
DNA array results);  Disease-oriented biobanks (biobanks of tissue
 Purpose/intended use (research, forensics, samples and clinical data also referred to as disease
transplantation, source for therapeutics, e.g., oriented or clinical biobanks).
umbilical blood, stem cell biobanks for individual or
community use, or diagnostics); What kind of human material is collected in biobanks?
 Ownership (academic and research institutions, The world’s most comprehensive directory of biobanks,
hospitals, biotechnology and pharmaceutical tissue banks, and biorepositories collect blood, whole
companies, and stand-alone biobank companies blood, plasma, serum, RBC, white cells, ducal swab,
and foundations may hold biobanks. DNA, RNA, protein, cell lines, fluid, urine cerebrospinal
fluid, synovial fluid, amniotic fluid buffy coat, bone mar-
Ownership may be private, public, or in partnership row stem cells, and tissue provided by Global Bank Dir-
across sector boundaries (ownership may be public, ectory, Tissue Banks, and Biorepositories [29].
managed in partnership with government).
Infrastructures and international projects of biobanks
 Volunteer group/group of participants (population- Biobanks encompass a unique research infrastructure
based, such as all newborns, adults, or pregnant that requires different governance mechanisms than
women, or disease-based, including only those with project-based research. The governance mechanisms
a specific disease). must balance the needs of the scientific community
 Size (disease group, regional, statewide, or national). and the participants with an emphasis on the recogni-
tion of participants, trustworthiness, and adaptive
Gottweis and Zatloukal [27] defined four basic types management [30].
of research biobanks: In recent years, biobanks across the globe have re-
ceived much attention as a new key infrastructure and
 Clinical/control based on biological specimen from resource for biomedical research and drug development.
patients with specific diseases and from non- Increasingly, biobanks are becoming networked and
diseased control; even international projects in the context of post-
 Longitudinal population-based biobanks that follow a genomic medical research [31].
portion of the population over a large period of time; Biobank consortium EuroBioBank (EBB) network
 Population isolate biobanks with a homogenous ( was the first operating network
genetic and environmental setup of the population of biobanks in Europe to provide human DNA, cell, and
represented; tissue samples for research on rare diseases (RDs). The
 Twin registries with samples from monozygotic and EBB was established in 2001 to facilitate access to rare
dizygotic twins. disease biospecimens and associated data; it obtained
Kinkorová The EPMA Journal (2016) 7:4 Page 6 of 12

funding from the European Commission in 2002 as a development of harmonization protocols and for col-
project in the 5th Framework Programme (FP5) and lection, storage, and management of patient samples
started operation in 2003 [32]. and of genetic data across Europe. Recognizing the
The most important and the biggest infrastructure in power of population-based approaches to study genetic
Europe and even all over the world is Biobanking and susceptibility for disease, between 2002 and 2008, the
BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure—Euro- European Commission’s Framework Programmes for Re-
pean Research Infrastructure Consortium (BBMRI-ERIC, search and Technology Development (RTD) have pro- BBMRI: vided more than €60 million to collaborative research
projects in this area. The most relevant projects are men-
 Pan-European distributed infrastructure of existing tioned here.
and new bio-banks and biomolecular resource Project P3G (the Public Population Project) in Gen-
centers; omics is an international consortium with members in
 Provides access to human biological samples that are 40 countries. It aims to lead, catalyze, and coordinate
considered as essential raw material for the international efforts and expertise, so as to optimize the
advancement of biotechnology, human health, and use of studies, biobanks, research databases, and other
research and development in Life Sciences (e.g., similar health and social research infrastructures (http://
blood, tissues, cells or DNA that are associated with
clinical and research data); Project SPIDIA (Standardisation and improvement of
 Comprises biomolecular research tools and bio- genetic Pre-analytic tools and procedures for In-vitro
computational tools to optimally exploit this DIAgnostics, was launched in
resource for global biomedical research. 2009 and brought together 16 academic institutions,
international organizations, and life sciences companies.
The mission of BBMRI-ERIC is to increase efficacy and The project aid is to standardize and improve pre-
excellence of European biomedical research by facilitation analytical procedures for in vitro diagnostic testing [13].
access to quality-defined human health/disease-relevant The ENGAGE ( consortium
biological resourced through: has brought together 24 leading research organizations
and two biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies
 The inclusion of associated data in an efficient and across Europe and in Canada and Australia. ENGAGE
ethically and legally compliant manner; aims to translate the wealth of data emerging from large-
 By reducing the fragmentation of the biomedical scale research in genetic and genomic epidemiology from
research landscape through harmonization of European (and other) population cohorts into information
procedures, implementation of common standards, relevant to future clinical applications. The concept of
and fostering high-level collaboration; ENGAGE is to enable European researchers to identify
 By capacity-building in countries with less developed large numbers of novel susceptibility genes that influence
biobanking communities thereby contributing to metabolic, behavioral, and cardiovascular traits and to
Europe’s cohesion policy and strengthening the study the interactions between genes and lifestyle bio-
ERA. markers factors.
The ENGAGE consortium will integrate and analyze
The science of biobanks one of the largest ever human genetics dataset (more
The science of biobanks is very broad and diverse and than 80,000 genome-wide association scans and DNAs
includes research, education, funding, publishing, bio- and serum/plasma samples from over 600,000 individ-
banking services, and others. A lot of activities have ap- uals). One goal is to demonstrate that the findings from
peared to support the development of biobanks. In 2005, ENGAGE can be used as new diagnostic indicators for
Office of Biobanking and Biospecimen Research (OBBR) common diseases that will help us to understand better
was based in the frame of US National Cancer Institute risk factors, disease progression, and why people differ
(NCI). Also, in Europe, a lot of activities supporting the in responses to treatment.
biobank development have been raised, some of them in HYPERGENES project (
the frame of 7th Framework Programme of EU (FP7) is focused on the definition of a comprehensive genetic
in years 2007–2013 and continues in the following epidemiological model of complex traits like essential
framework program, Horizon 2020 (2014–2020). EU hypertension (EH) and intermediate phenotypes of hyper-
funded projects are pioneering the development of tension dependent/associated target organ damages (TOD)
techniques for population genetics and performing as well as other endophenotypes as the pharmacogenomic
large population studies on the genetic predisposition pattern of drugs widely used in EH. The discovery of the
to major diseases. Support is also provided for genetic component in common complex diseases is
Kinkorová The EPMA Journal (2016) 7:4 Page 7 of 12

extremely challenging since most of them are multifac- Many of the scientific institutions, which are currently
torial and since the genetic component is likely to be in the process of establishing or using biobanks may be
described by the interactions of several genes involved operating in a legal “gray zone,” because:
in the disease pathway, each predisposing imperceptibly
to the disease. HYPERGENES adopted the genome-  There are currently very few specific legal
wide association (GWA) approach to identify common regulations pertaining to such collections;
variants contributing to the inherited component of  Where such regulations do exist, they vary greatly
common diseases. between different countries;
The GEN2PHEN project (  Solid experience of legal practice is widely lacking in
aims to unify human and model organism genetic vari- the field of biobanking.
ation databases toward increasingly holistic views into
genotype-to-phenotype (G2P) data, and to link this sys- Furthermore, a comprehensive assessment of the legal
tem into other biomedical knowledge sources via gen- standing of a biobank would severely strain the logistical
ome browser functionality. The project will establish the and financial resources of most interested institutions [35].
technological building-blocks needed for the evolution Biobanks are embedded in complex networks of re-
of today’s diverse G2P databases into a future seamless search collaborations that span regions and countries. At
G2P biomedical knowledge environment, by the pro- the moment, no single laboratory, institution, or country
ject’s end. This will consist of a European-centered is able to cover the whole problematics of biobanking.
but globally networked hierarchy of bioinformatics International multidisciplinary cooperation is the corner-
GRID-linked databases, tools and standards, all tied stone in the complex process of biobank development
into the Ensemble genome browser. and operational functioning.
All together, 34 projects were/are supported by Euro-
pean Commission in FP7, and the process continues in Biobanks, bioinformatics, and ICT
Horizon 2020. The ability to correlate data and biospecimens from dif-
Not only framework programs of European Union ferent biobanks is crucial to accelerating the pace of
support the biobanking in Europe and all over the translational research. A meta-model to describe infor-
world, but also other international initiatives contrib- mation about a biobank is already under construction as
ute to the development of biobanking. Innovative a first-step data sharing among biobanks that exhibit
Medicines Initiative (IMI,, tremendous heterogeneities. This work is being con-
Europe’s largest public-private initiative, is aiming to speed ducted internationally to help harmonize the national
up the development of better and safer medicines for biobanks participating in the Biobanking and Biomolecular
patients. IMI supports collaborative research projects and Resources Research Infrastructures Initiative (BBMRI)
builds networks of industrial and academic experts in ( Information about
order to boost pharmaceutical innovation in Europe. IMI is the participating biobanks is captured by a common
a joint undertaking between the European Union and the set of attributes (minimum data set) designed to
pharmaceutical industry association—European Federation adopt different kinds of collections. The latest inter-
of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) operability and semantic web technologies can be
(Fig. 4) [33]. used for building resource description frameworks for
data and services providing flexible frameworks that
can be used in different data-sharing scenarios.
A multitude of national and regional population-based Ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI)
and disease-oriented biobanks have been established in Ethical issues are commonly present in many aspects of
Europe. However, the exchange of data and materials biobanking. The fact that biobanks deal with human
within national legal frameworks is still difficult and samples, invading an individual autonomy or limiting
European biobanking efforts are characterized by frag- self-control, provokes a number of ethical issues [36].
mentation [34]. Despite the unique European strength, The use of biobanks is increasing and raises a lot of
value and irreplaceable national collections suffer from ethical, legal, and social issues. In addition to these, there
underutilization due to fragmentation of the European are also other issues which have to be taken in account
biobanking research community. Promising inter- such as equipment which means processing, annotation,
national initiatives are challenged by the heterogeneous storage, and operating procedures like samples accrual,
legal, ethical, and societal environments. There is an ur- processing, annotation, storage, release, distribution, and
gent need for coordination and harmonization of the tracking. Any kind of related information must be con-
biobanking. sidered: clinical informatics like pathology, treatment,
Kinkorová The EPMA Journal (2016) 7:4 Page 8 of 12

Fig. 4 The projects including biobanking activities supported by Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (2009–2014). Modified from [32]

outcome data, and database structures and as mentioned Currently, most actual questions that have to be an-
above, patient (informed) consent, preference list, inven- swered are as follows. What are the ethical trends and
tory management tools, and query tools. And finally, legal frameworks in the post-genomic era? Are there
national policies, economic models including funding new issues in relation to the developments of techniques
sources, user fees, intellectual property, governance and new study designs? How does this affect the clini-
models, and education and training of all stakeholders cian’s attitudes and relationship with the patients? The
(the donors, investigators, funding agencies, institution main ethical issues encountered are informed consent,
housing the biosamples and ethics review committee) confidentiality, secondary use of samples and data over
have to be included. time, and return of results [37, 38].
Kinkorová The EPMA Journal (2016) 7:4 Page 9 of 12

Informed consent to the technical framework and security measures

Informed consent [39] according to international con- designed to guarantee that all personal data are safe
ventions and guidelines principles in research ethics is from unforeseen, unintended, or malevolent use. Data
to guarantee the voluntary participation in research protection therefore includes both measure with regards
and address privacy issues in research. Informed con- to access to data and the conservation of data. Also,
sent consists of three basic components: adequate in- accuracy of data can be included in a data protection
formation, voluntariness, and competence. It means strategy.
that prior to consenting, a participant should be in- A very important issue is (personal) data owner-
formed of the goal of his participation and research, ship. Since there are clearly multiple stakeholders in
possible risks and adverse event, and the possibility to a biobank—the donors, investigators, funding agen-
refuse or withdraw from research at any time. Informed cies, institution housing the biosamples, and ethics
consent is required when the research involves the par- review committee—it has been proposed that the in-
ticipation of human beings, when the research uses stitution of the biobank should hold “custodianship”
genetic material or biological samples, and when the for the use of the resource, and that the custodian of
research involves personal data. Informed consent the samples should fulfill numerous responsibilities
should respect individuals’ autonomy and vulnerability. [43].
Special attention must be paid to specific groups of Sharing the best practices and procedures in biobanks
participants like children, elderly, mentally deficient requires the process of harmonization. Harmonization is
persons, severely injured patients, and participants with a more flexible approach aimed at ensuring the effective
specific cultural or traditional background, ethnic interchange of valid information and samples [44]. The
specificity, and so on. importance of the harmonization process is to articulate
Recently, the discussion has focused on the problem those situations in which true standardization is required.
if the consent has to be general or broad [37]. The Standardization means precisely the same protocols/
more general consent is less informed; on the other standard operating procedures (SOPs) used by all bio-
hand, it averts all aspects relevant to the patient’s banks. Likewise, comparison of high-throughput-
choice. The existence of different terms has posed a technology-derived data requires that platforms and
major problem for discussions on confidentiality is- operational details be identical. Harmonization is
sues. European Medicines Authority (EMEA) has pro- context-specific and pertains to the compatibility of
posed the terminology and nomenclature that has methodologies and approaches to facilitate synergistic
been adopted by the International Conference on work. It thereby relates to the critical areas of gener-
Harmonization of Technical Requirements [40]. The ating, sharing, pooling, and analyzing data and bio-
nomenclature is in basic terms as follows: identified logical samples to allow combining resources and
data and samples are labeled with personal identifiers comparing results obtained from different biobanks.
such as name or identification numbers; coded data Harmonization includes technologies and procedures
and samples are labeled with at least one specific for phenotype characterization, sample handling, in vitro
code and do not carry any personal identifiers; and assays, computational biology analytical tools and algo-
anonymized data and samples are initially single or rithms, data-coding, and electronic-communication proto-
double coded, but the link between the subjects’ iden- cols that enable biobanks to network together within
tifiers and the unique code(s) is subsequently deleted. compatible ethic-legal frameworks [20].
Once the link has been deleted, it is no longer pos- Harmonization initiatives have brought together indi-
sible to trace the data and samples back to individual viduals with diverse expertise. On the basis of consensus,
subjects through the coding key(s). The discussion they have developed standards, tools, technologies, and
about absolute safety has led to the new term open resources, which are widely available to the biobanking
consent model proposed by Lunshof et al. [41], which re- community today [45]. Currently, the biobanks differ in
frains from any promises of anonymity, privacy, or confi- structure, purpose, and design. That is why they contrib-
dentiality [31]. ute to the generation and translation of knowledge to
clinics, public health, and technology in different ways,
Confidentiality, privacy, and data protection and the process of harmonization of the practices,
Data protection and privacy are fundamental human polices, and operations is heavy going. Despite this,
rights which need to be protected at all time [42]. harmonization fosters the amount of data and specimens
Participants want to have control over their personal useable, and translational science will rely on fundamen-
information and personal communications, and these tal biological data to (re)classify human disease on the
should be treated confidentially. Data protection basis of causality and to identify relevant drug targets
guarantees the right to privacy. Data protection reveres and biomarkers [46].
Kinkorová The EPMA Journal (2016) 7:4 Page 10 of 12

Fig. 5 The process of biobanking. Physicians and health care staff members fulfill essential roles in biobanking, which frequently intersects with
routine clinical activity. By obtaining specific biobanking knowledge and expertise, individuals will be uniquely positioned to play leadership roles
in this cross-cutting field within their institution. Modified from [52]

Biobanks and personalized medicine However, most European citizens have never heard of
Personalized medicine is currently characterized as “4P,” biobanks, nor do they know of their importance in re-
personalized, preventive, predictive, and participatory [47]. search. Education at any level is the underestimated
Biobanks can contribute to all of these characteristics: issue. The current discussion is on people’s and/or
patients’ engagement with biobanks and people’s
 Personalization reflects the achievements in genetic willingness to participate in biobanks.
science in individualized digital genome. Furthermore, the legal and regulatory frameworks that
 Predictiveness reflects the ability to predict the risk apply to this area are fragmented little interest in fund-
of certain disease based on information of individual ing small biobanks that contain and exchange limited
genome in combination with additional information numbers of samples.
like age, sex, lifestyle, and social and environmental Long-term sustainability is a major challenge for bio-
data. banking. A number of considerations are critical to
 Preventiveness reflects the individual ability to avoid keeping biobanks and the research they support active
or minimize risk factors for certain disease. and dynamic. The need for long-term investments into
 Participation reflects the individual proactive biological resources is clearly evident when longitudinal
behavior in the whole process of health care; it data are needed. Prospective collections of data and
means empowerment of individuals to undertake samples from asymptomatic individuals will allow future
informed decisions about their health future. identification of premorbid and subclinical periods of
disease development and will identify prognostic and
The European Association for Predictive, Preventive & diagnostic biomarkers and drug targets [52].
Personalised Medicine (EPMA) as a key player in the
field of personalized medicine in Europe consider
biobanking as an integral part of personalized medicine
Biobanks are complex systems of systematically pro-
approach to the health care and strongly supports the
grammed storage of human material and associated data.
future biobank development [48–50].
In the past 20 years the science of biobanks has became
an integral part of personalized medicine and a great
Future of biobanks
number of biobanks have been established all over the
Despite the progress, biobanks still face a lot of issues to
world to support the dramatic development in diseases
be solved in the whole process of biobanking (Fig. 5)
prevention, prediction, diagnosis and treatment.
[51]. Biobanking is facing the lack of harmonization, lack
of standards, agreed vocabulary, common data elements,
Competing interests
and best practices for collecting data and processing
The author declares that she has no competing interests.
samples. An accreditation and evaluation system to
recognize biobanks that provide high-quality samples,
Authors’ contributions
and reward and acknowledge scientists, who establish JK wrote the whole text of the manuscript. JK read and approved the final
and maintain biobanks, should be established [32]. manuscript.
Kinkorová The EPMA Journal (2016) 7:4 Page 11 of 12

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