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Believer ’s


We trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.
(1 Timothy 4.10)

“the wall of the city shall fall down flat”
(Josh 6.5)

T he way in which Scripture focuses on God’s

dealings with men through the ages is clear
when we think of great events on Earth that
have no place in the Biblical record. Many scientists
and academics who reject the Bible as the Word of
make it a large part of their life’s work to discredit the
Word of God. In his Blackening Egypt’s Reputation,
Assman asserts:

In the Bible, the story of the exodus from Egypt is

God will, nevertheless, acknowledge the accuracy of an orally transmitted myth that serves as the basis
the history it contains, but only when it suits them to for this story [Israel’s enslavement] … In my opinion,
do so. Events that demand the intervention of the God however, it must postdate the time when the kingdom
they deny must be dismissed as myths. In such a way, of Judah collapsed (586 BC) and the people were
man’s record of human history has become ever more deprived of any exterior stabilizers of memory and
distorted, and that process is still going on today. identity: kingship, state and territory, temple, priest-
Take, for example, a little study on the subject of hood and cult. In exile, they experienced, discovered
‘walls’. Since the year 2000, when a Swiss institution or invented a new form of spiritual resettlement in
decided it was time for ‘The Seven Wonders of the the ideas of revelation, covenant and faith, which they
World’ to be updated, (after all, only one of them, codified in the Torah [as] the spiritual foundation of
the Pyramids of Giza, was still standing), the new the new Second Temple Judaism.
list has been headed up by the Great Wall of China.
(Incidentally, the new list, just like the original that was This same Professor spent a lot of time exploring
compiled around 200 BC, is all about things that man the site of ancient Jericho, and came to the conclusion
has built.) A modern myth concerning the Great Wall that the Bible is wrong - there never was a wall around
is that it is the only man-made structure that is visible the city, because he could find no trace of it! Thus,
from space. “Not so”, say those who are qualified to this godless man, “professing [himself] to be wise”
comment: the idea was publicised in promotional (Rom 1.22), helpfully confirms the Biblical record: “The
literature when China opened up to tourism, but it has Lord said unto Joshua … the wall of the city shall fall
no basis in fact. What is fact, however, is that work down flat” (Josh 6.2-5). The Hebrew word translated
began in earnest on what would eventually become “flat” is also used in the well-loved verse, “The eternal
known as the Great Wall of China, when rival kings God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting
of the eastern provinces surrounded their respective arms” (Deut 33.27). The walls of Jericho, contrary to
territories with defensive walls during China’s ‘Warring the old spiritual, did not “Come a’tumblin’ down”,
Period’ (445-222 BC). At precisely the same time (444 but God removed them as an obstacle, putting them
BC), Nehemiah and his brethren began rebuilding ‘underneath’ the city. Thus, Rahab’s house came down
the walls of Jerusalem. The latter project was part of to ground level, and the Israelites could “ascend up
God’s unfolding plan for His people Israel, and is thus every man straight before him” (Josh 6.5). They didn’t
recorded in Scripture, whereas the former became a clamber over rubble - the wall had gone!
vanity project for successive Emperors and dynasties, The arrogant assertions of men who oppose God’s
and destined to head man’s list of ‘The Seven Wonders Word will, like their ‘Seven Wonders of the World’,
of the World’ some 2,500 years later! always be reduced to rubble. The believer asserts, “Let
Jan Assman, Professor (Emeritus) of Egyptology at God be true, but every man a liar” (Rom 3.4).
the University of Heidelberg, is no friend of the Bible,
and typical of those in high positions of Academia who Phil Coulson

in the 19th Century

Captain Allen Gardiner, RN (14)

The Final Voyage (continued)

Banner Cove and Spaniard Harbour (continued)

Further extracts from Captain Gardiner’s journal:

May 8 1851.

Children of Him whose watchful eye,

regards the ravens when they cry,
What need they fear or bode of ill?
They know their hairs are number’d all;
nor can the smallest sparrow fall,
without their Father’s sovereign will. the promise will not, cannot fail.
Though dark the night, the morn will break,
Though all around is dark and drear, His own the Lord will not forsake;
nor sun, nor moon, nor stars appear, the prayer of faith shall yet prevail.
and every earthly Cherith dries;
faith bears the drooping spirit up, (Then we shall deem the trial sweet
and sweetens every bitter cup: that laid us, waiting, at His feet.)
a bow in every cloud descries.
May 12. Three fish caught in Cook’s River. As the biscuit
The Lord who gave may surely take, was getting low, and we may not altogether have
the bruisèd reed He will not break; supplies for more than three weeks longer, those who
He knows we are but dust. were in health were today put upon short allowance.
The oil and meal alike may fail,
the ’whelming storm may long prevail, May 20. When I was at Cook’s River this afternoon,
yet on His promise we will trust. I found Mr Williams engaged in prayer with the two
who were left on board. It is delightful to see him so
Whate’er in wisdom He denies, heavenly-minded, and so anxious to draw all around
a richer boon His grace supplies, him to the fountain of grace from whence he derives
a peace the world can ne’er bestow; such inward comfort in the midst of his afflictions.
though nought remain, we’re not bereft,
what most we value still is left, May 22. Yesterday was set apart for special prayer on
the Rock, whence living waters flow. account of the sick, and for supplies of food, and the
expected vessel. It was in the following order: General
Then come what may, we’ll humbly wait, Confession; Communion Service; Psalms 77 and 34; 1
His arm was never bared too late, Kings 17; Psalm 23; Acts 27; Prayer for all conditions of

men; General thanksgiving; One of Roberts’ sermons June 21. “Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto
on Proverbs 3.11-12; Prayer for present relief. me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of
thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities
May 28. The net was broken by the strength of the tide be overpast” (Ps 57.1).
on Monday night, but has not yet been hauled up, as
there is too much ice on the river. Snow fell yesterday, June 28. Saturday. My Birthday. “Who am I, O Lord
and also in the night. God … that thou hast brought me hitherto?” (2 Sam
7. 18). We are now, by the providence of God, brought
June 4. Pioneer Cavern. “Until the time that his word into circumstances which to the flesh are trying, but
came: the word of the Lord tried him” (Ps 105.19). I will not be anxious on that account. We are in the
“Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall Lord’s service, and He is merciful, and full of compas-
strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord” (27.14). sion. Though He cause grief, He will have compassion
according to the multitude of His mercies. I know that
June 10. The net was recovered and repaired and, it is written, “They that seek the Lord shall not want
on Saturday night, the 7th, was put out; but so much any good thing” (Ps 34.10) and, again, “Cast thy burden
ice floated down the river during that night, and on upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee” (55.22).
Sunday, that it was again torn, and indeed has been Whatever the Lord may in His providence see fit to
almost entirely carried away, so that repair is impos- take away, it is that which He Himself has bestowed.
sible. Thus, the Lord has seen fit to render another Still I pray, that if it is consistent with Thy righteous
means abortive, and doubtless to make His power will, O my heavenly Father, Thou would’st look down
more apparent, and to show that all our help is to with compassion upon me and my companions, who
come immediately from Him. are straitened for lack of food, and vouchsafe to
provide that which is needful; but if otherwise, Thy will
June 12. Mr Williams writes: be done. May I learn entire submission of my will to
Thine; may every high place of pride be abased in my
Ah, I am happy day and night, hour by hour. Asleep heart. Lord, I pray that Thou may’st be honoured in
or awake, I am happy beyond the poor compass of me, whether by life or by death, and that I may never
language to tell. We have long been without animal depart from Thee. Uphold me by Thy grace, and keep
food of any kind. Our diet consists of oatmeal and me from anxious care, from murmuring and unbelief;
pease, with rice occasionally; but even of this we have and may the sincere language of my heart be under
only a stock sufficient to last out the present month, every circumstance, “The Lord gave”; and should the
or a very short period beyond this. The weather Lord my God see fit to recall any of His gifts, and even
is very severe, with a deep fall of snow upon the to take away all, still “Blessed be the name of the Lord;
ground. But this is not the worst feature of our case. He hath done all things well”. One more petition I
All hands are now sadly affected. Captain Gardiner, would offer to Thy throne of grace, O merciful Lord: I
a miracle of constitutional vigour, has suffered the pray that Thou would’st graciously prepare a way for
least and, if I listened to his own words, he is still the entrance of Thy servants among the poor heathen
none the worse; but his countenance bespeaks the of these islands. Grant, O Lord, that we may be instru-
contrary. Would it were not so! Mr Maidment like- mental in commencing this great and blessed work;
wise has sustained the shock of our circumstances but should’st Thou see fit in Thy providence to hedge
very well, but great debility is now manifesting itself. up our way, and that we should even languish and die
here, I beseech Thee to raise up others, and to send
June 14. Five fine ducks were shot yesterday near the forth labourers into this harvest. Let it be seen, for the
boat, in Cook’s River. They were evidently driven from manifestation of Thy glory and grace, that nothing is
the interior by the late snow, and were seen in a large too hard for Thee; and hasten the day when the knowl-
flock. This is a merciful supply. Mr Williams and Badcock edge of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be manifested, not
are very weak, the disease having greatly increased. here only, but throughout every nation, and people,
and tribe, and prayers and praise shall ascend, and a
June 16. Again we have had a merciful supply, five pure offering from the hearts of multitudes who are
more ducks having been killed on Saturday evening. now sitting in darkness.
One shot only was fired on Friday, and on Saturday, so
thick were the fowl settled on the water near the boat. (To be continued …)


Andrew de Ville, Dunfermline, Scotland

minded! The beautiful and practical life described in

this chapter and the next flows from minding “things
above”. The apparently vague term, “things above”, is
used to encompass all that is open to us by revelation,
connected with Christ now at the right hand of God. It
includes the vast scope of the present life and ministry
of Christ. It is well worth individually reflecting on the
time in any day or week we spend positively minding
“things above”. Evidently there are matters of life on
Earth that need a place in our thinking, but the chal-
lenge comes to assess to what degree we are prepared
to allocate time getting to know the present life of
Christ in Heaven - to engage with things above.
The positive exhortation is reinforced by the nega-
tive: “not on things on the earth”. What “things” does
the apostle have in mind? Certainly, this includes those
Chapter 3: The Secret Life of the Believer (vv 1-4) earthly things mentioned by the apostle in chapter 2,
(continued) including philosophy originating in the tradition of men
(v 8), the shadows contained in Jewish ritual and type
In the last article we noted that the opening verses (vv 16-17), the mystical speculations regarding angels
of chapter 3 deal with: (v 18) and, finally, the ineffective approach of ascetism
(vv 22-23). These are all earthly things. We could add to
• The Believer’s Desire (v 1) this list many other temporal aspects of life on Earth
• The Believer’s Occupation (v 2) that simply distract from the enjoyment of eternal life.
• The Believer’s Life (v 3) Verse 3 provides the reason that justifies the apostolic
• The Believer’s Hope (v 4) exhortation: “For ye are dead, and your life is hid with
Christ in God.” Evidently there are two parts to this
In this article we will consider verses 2-4. Firstly, in reason, both relating to what is now true of every
verse 2, Paul exhorts the believers to “set your affection believer. Firstly, “ye are dead”. This must be understood
on things above, not on things on the earth.” The idea in the context, notably, chapter 2 verse 20, where we
is to ‘mind’ things above; this has to do with our mental learned that the believer is “dead with Christ from the
occupation, we are to turn our mind to things above, rudiments of the world”. As we have previously noted,
then think upon and contemplate them. This involves death brings separation and, in this context, a separa-
the moral interest and reflection of the believer. These tion from the “rudiments of the world”. If we have died
words have evoked the sceptical comment, ‘too heav- to these earthly things we cannot go on living in them,
enly minded to be of any earthly use’. This is demon- and they are not to dominate our thinking.
strably false; take, for instance, our Lord Himself. Positively, our “life is hid with Christ in God”. This
He was in constant communion with His Father in statement is based on two doctrinal facts, specifically,
Heaven, and accomplished more on Earth than any we have been “quickened together with him” (2.13)
other in history. We could also cite the Apostle Paul and we are “risen with [him]” (3.1). There are two
as an example of a heavenly-minded man. The truth is, immediate implications: firstly, we are alive with Christ;
rather, that we will be of no earthly use if we are not secondly, this life is focused on where Christ now is.
heavenly minded. Our problem today is not that we Although not the central thought in the context, it is
are too heavenly minded, but that we are too earthly appropriate to note that these words certainly imply

the security of the believer. Our life is hid with Christ become “our life”. This will be true for every saint on
in God; there is no safer place! The Lord spoke about the occasion of His appearing. Our life, freed from
the security of His sheep: “neither shall any man pluck earthly care and occupation, will be absorbed and
them out of my hand” (Jn 10.28), and “no man is able totally focused on and with Christ; He is our life. There
to pluck them out of my Father’s hand” (v 29). It is also is a present challenge in this regard. In Philippians 1.21,
appropriate to consider the idea that our life is “hid”. Paul was able to say, “to me to live is Christ”. He had
Why so? Simply because the Lord Himself is presently arrived in his soul at the evaluation, “I count all things
hid from the eyes of the world. Paul will draw out the but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ
contrast in the following verse by referring to the Jesus my Lord” (3.8), and his desire was simply “that
appearing of the Christ in the future. The world has I may know him” (v 10). For Paul, his life even while
no sense of the present life of Christ in Heaven, even here on Earth was Christ. This can be ours too, but it
if they accept the truth of His resurrection. Christ to will only be so in the measure we mind things above,
them is hidden, out of sight, and mostly out of mind. where Christ is.
For the believer, minding things that now pertain to As already noted, Paul is looking forward to “when
a living Christ in Glory, that life is also hid; the world Christ, who is our life, shall appear”. The idea in the word
now knows nor cares nothing for it. This is the secret “appear” is that of being manifested. The contrast is
life of communion of the believer with divine Persons; clear: now Christ is hidden from the eyes of the world;
a life the world knows nothing of. The expression “in then He will be seen. Scripture details this wonderful
God” confirms that our life here is immersed in God occasion in Revelation 1.7: “Behold, he cometh with
and in His things. clouds; and every eye shall see him”. His manifestation
will be universally witnessed by men on Earth. The Lord
spoke about this great event in Matthew 24.30: “then
THE EXPRESSION “IN GOD” shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall
see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven
CONFIRMS THAT OUR LIFE with power and great glory.” It is on this occasion that
He will deal with the Man of Sin, the wicked one, “whom
HERE IS IMMERSED IN GOD the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth,
and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming” (2
AND IN HIS THINGS. Thess 2.8). The details of His manifestation are further
described in Revelation 19.11-16. This is the great day of
Lest there be any misunderstanding, let us note that vindication for our Lord Jesus. The last time this world
the fruit of this life is certainly seen on Earth. Although saw Him was hanging on a shameful cross; the next
Christ is hidden, the purpose of His body on Earth is to time it will be as the undisputed “KING OF KINGS, AND
manifest the Head. Individually, the character of Christ LORD OF LORDS” (Rev 19.16). We should certainly be
is to become the character of the saint, which Paul amongst those who “love his appearing” (2 Tim 4.8),
details throughout this chapter. not least because this revelation has been given to Him
We now come to the glorious prospect before the by God the Father (Rev 1.1).
believer as detailed in verse 4: “When Christ, who is Wonderfully, on that great day for the Lord, He will
our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with have His Church associated with Him: “then shall ye
him in glory.” Paul looks forward to the appearing of also appear with him in glory”. Presently, our life is hid;
the Lord Jesus Christ. In this regard, it is assuring to then, we will be manifested with Christ. The world will
note that he begins with “when”, not ‘if’. The future then see the saints in a new light; they will be seen
appearing is a certainty in the purpose of God! We sharing the glory of Christ and participating in His rule
know from other Scriptures that this event will be of the Millennial Earth (1 Cor 6.1-3). It would seem that
after the Lord’s coming to the air to take us to the the Son of God had this in mind when He said, “the
Father’s house (1 Thess 1.10; 4.13-18; Jn 14.2-3), and glory which thou hast given me I have given them”
after the days of tribulation and great tribulation (Mt (Jn 17.22). Again, it will then be that “he shall come to
24.29-30). The precise day and hour of His appearing be glorified in his saints and admired in all them that
is in the Father’s power (v 36). The description of the believe” (2 Thess 1.8). All these thoughts should cheer
Lord here is important to note: “Christ our life”. In and encourage; it is indeed brighter on before!
verse 3, we considered “your life is hid with Christ”;
now there is an advance in thought - “Christ” has now (To be continued …)

J Alan Davidson, Portadown, N Ireland

“Jesus himself drew near, and went with them” Matthew says that He went before them, as the King
(Lk 24.15) (Mt 28.7). Luke records that He went with them, as the
Companion along the way (Lk 24.15). Luke 24 is the
The Lord’s appearances were to His brethren and chapter of the open sepulchre, the open Scriptures,
to the women who followed Him from Galilee, minis- the opened eyes, and the open Heaven, for He was
tering unto Him. He appeared to individuals and to “carried up into heaven” (v 51). They were sad, weary
companies, by day and at night, in the open and within and disappointed. They had hoped, they trusted, but
doors. Witnesses saw Him, touched Him, listened to their expectations were dashed. Of course they were
Him, walked with Him, ate with Him, and completely “sad”; they had their backs toward Jerusalem, and
satisfied themselves that it was He Himself bodily they were journeying away from the cross. Paul said,
present with them. When Luke records the details of “God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our
the appearances, he stresses the effects upon the 11 Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto
whose labours he is going to write about in the Book me, and I unto the world” (Gal 6.14).
of Acts. Luke’s Gospel presents the sympathetic
Saviour who comes near to us, who feels for us, and “And beginning at Moses and the prophets, he
who meets our needs. Luke chapter 24 is a miniature expounded unto them in all the scriptures the
Gospel of human emotions and divine promise; of things concerning himself” (Lk 24.27)
sadness and joy; of weariness and energy; of unbelief
and faith. In this chapter, we read of burdened hearts “That same day” (Lk 24.13) was the resurrection
and burning hearts, of wonder and worship, of grace day. Their conversation was not all correct, but at
and glory. least they were talking about Jesus of Nazareth. A
For 40 days the Lord tarried upon Earth. He Himself stranger drew near, but they did not need to change
was on the journey back to His Father. Luke is the their conversation. “Then they that feared the Lord
Gospel of His walk: “Behold my hands and my feet” spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened,
(24.39). The Lord speaks of Himself as the Samaritan and heard it” (Mal 3.16). How is it that we can talk
as He journeyed, the Shepherd on the hillside, and about everything under the sun, yet we have so
the Saviour at the bedside. In chapter 24, He is the little to say about Him? There were “two of them”
Stranger on the roadside. Before taking this last (Lk 24.13). Jewish law required two witnesses. There
triumphant journey to the skies, He joined two weary were two (Simeon and Anna) who looked for Him
travellers to walk with them, to talk with them by the and spoke of redemption at His coming. These two
way, to go in to tarry with them, to sit at meat with on resurrection day were not of the 11, they were not
them, and to open to them the Scriptures. In the apostles, but humble believers, perhaps a man and his
Book of Acts, Luke writes about cities. In his Gospel, wife going to their home. They “went”, they walked,
he writes about villages: the villages where He went, they “talked”, they “communed”, they “reasoned”,
the houses that He entered, and the tables at which but “their eyes were holden”. In Luke chapter 2, as
He sat. Emmaus was the village at the end of the road. Joseph and Mary journeyed from Jerusalem, they

supposed that Jesus was in their company, but He force an entrance. He enlightened their minds, He
was not with them. Here, in Luke chapter 24, there warmed their hearts, then He tested their desires. Do
are two who journeyed from Jerusalem and the Lord we want to know more about Jesus? At Bethlehem
was at their side, but they did not know Him. We are there was no room for them. At Nazareth they sought
not good at discerning His presence in our lives or to cast Him down headlong. Three days previous, in
at the meetings. In whatever circumstance, we will Jerusalem, they cried “Away with him” (Jn 19.15). At
make no progress without Him. “Jesus himself drew Emmaus “he went in” (Lk 24.29). From Bethany He
near, and went with them” (v 15). He is attracted to went up. Verse 29 tells us “it [was] toward evening,
the needy, the burdened, the ordinary folk. He is and the day [was] far spent”. The Day of Grace is
touched; He is sympathetic; He knows the way we almost over, the shadows lengthen, storm clouds
take. We need to share our concerns and burdens are gathering, and this world is a cold place for the
with Him in prayer. In Luke chapter 24, these two believer. Man and wife, widow, widower, family man,
disciples were preoccupied with their disappoint- mother, aged saint, young believer, take Him home
ment. In John chapter 20, Mary was preoccupied with you. “He went in to tarry with them” (v 29). The
with her sorrow. In John chapter 21 the disciples more we get to know about the Lord, the more we
were preoccupied with their fishing. They all had one will want to know. When we are talking about Him, the
thing in common: they failed to recognise the Lord. time passes quickly. The result of true Bible study will
Bringing the risen Christ in to share our difficulties increase the desire for fellowship and the enjoyment
will deliver us from a vain struggle to do what is right of His presence. He went in as the Guest; He became
in our own strength. Luke 24.19-24 is a summary of the Host. He is made known to them who give Him
Luke’s Gospel from Nazareth to the sepulchre. The His rightful place. “They knew him; and he vanished
disciples looked for redemption by power; Christ out of their sight” (v 31). His appearances were more
came to provide redemption by blood. “Ought not miraculous than the periods of His absence. He was,
Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into in fact, preparing them for His absence. He was going
his glory?” (v 26). Peter also learned this: “the suffer- to leave them. We likewise are left in the period of His
ings of Christ, and the glory that should follow” (1 Pet absence, but He has left us just as He left the disci-
1.11) are inseparably linked. “Beginning at Moses and ples - we have got all we need to live in communion
all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the with Him. They were enjoying the Scriptures; we now
scriptures the things concerning himself” (Lk 24.27). have the complete canon. Do you enjoy the Bible
The Jews were selective - they omitted the truth of more than your daily bread? They no longer feared to
the suffering and the rejection of Messiah. To them, journey in the evening as we are told “they rose up the
the bruising of the seed, the brazen serpent, the same hour” (v 33). There is no need to be “terrified
Pascal Lamb and the Man of Sorrows were all ‘no-go’ and affrighted”, because He says “Peace be unto you”
areas of the Old Testament. However, Christ is the (vv 36-37). They went back to the meeting, and they
Key to “all the Scriptures”. The Lord’s application “found the eleven” (v 33). It is blessed to enjoy the
of the Scriptures as He spoke to His followers was fellowship of those of kindred spirit. Better still, they
always timely. In the upper room, as they learned that got another look at Him: “He shewed them his hands
He was leaving them, they needed comfort so, as He and his feet” (v 40).
went out to the garden, they sang a Psalm. To the two
on their weary way to Emmaus, He began with Moses. More about Jesus, in His Word,
Moses was the man of the journey - he had been 40 Holding communion with my Lord;
years on the road. They were not theologians, but Hearing His voice in every line,
they were hearers at one of the most tremendous Making each faithful saying mine.
meetings that ever occurred upon Earth. The Lord
was the Expositor, and it was “all” about “himself”. More, more about Jesus,
More, more about Jesus;
“He went in to tarry with them” (Lk 24.29) More of His saving fulness see,
More of His love who died for me.
“They drew nigh unto the village … he made as
though he would have gone further” (Lk 24.28). The (Eliza E Hewitt, 1851-1920)
ancient custom of hospitality was to offer the stranger
food and lodging in the evening. The Lord will not (To be continued …)

2 TIMOTHY (32)

Mark Sweetnam, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

overall flow of Paul’s argument in this paragraph. Paul

reminds Timothy of the two great bodies of truth
that he has received. The first is described as “the
things which thou hast learned and hast been assured
of”. These “things” are the teachings of the apostle,
received from Paul himself, validated by the char-
acter of his life and the reality of his sufferings, and
fully known by Timothy (v 10).² The second, outlined
in verse 15, is the ‘sacred writings’ (hiera grammata),
which Timothy knew from his childhood. The term
that Paul uses to describe these ‘sacred writings’ is
found only here in the New Testament, but is used
elsewhere as a technical designation for all or part of
the Hebrew Bible, our Old Testament.³
Paul then does a remarkable thing. With one hand,
he takes the holy writings, the revered Jewish Scrip-
2 Timothy 3.1–17: The Awareness of the Man of tures, God’s Word to his ancient people; with the
God (continued) other he takes the apostolic teachings that Timothy
had received. Then he brings them together under a
Verses 14–17: The Fulness of the Scriptures single – and singular – description: graphe, “scripture”.
This word is frequently used in the New Testament
Verse 14: The emphatic second-person pronoun at to describe the Old Testament Scriptures in part or
the beginning of this verse turns our attention away in whole. Significantly, Peter also uses it to describe
from the “evil men and seducers” of verse 13 and back the epistles of Paul (2 Pet 3.16) and, in 1 Timothy 5.18,
onto Timothy’s individual responsibility.¹ We have Paul applies it to a quotation from Luke’s Gospel.
already noted that this is characteristic of this epistle. Here, Paul is using it in a sense that subsumes these
Although Paul repeatedly speaks about the wider usages – as a term to describe the whole Bible – Old
background to Timothy’s ministry, he never allows him Testament and New. The truth of God communicated
to forget that what is really important is not the dark- by the apostle is placed on an equal footing with Old
ness and difficulty that surrounds him, but his own Testament revelation (just as it is in 2 Peter 3.2).⁴ The
responsibility to be God’s man in the circumstances crucial point is clear: whether the Old Testament or
and context in which he finds himself. We often find the New, all Scripture is given by inspiration of God.
a contemplation of the hostile world that we live in a And, precisely because all Scripture is God-breathed, it
distraction and an occasion for despair. Sometimes we is profitable for the man of God, and has the capacity
use our context as an excuse for our fruitlessness and to equip him for every need that he will face.
faithlessness. For Paul, by contrast, the surrounding With that outline of Paul’s argument in our minds,
gloom served as a spur to increased steadfastness in we can turn again to the detail of verse 14 and notice
the service of God. In contrast to the downward spiral that two terms describe Timothy’s relationship with
of evil men and seducers waxing “worse and worse”, the truth that he has been taught by the apostle – he
Timothy is to continue – better, to abide or to dwell – has “learned” it and “been assured of” it. “Learned” is
in the truth that he has received. the same word as that used of the foolish women in
Before examining in detail what Timothy is to abide verse 6, but, while they were locked in a loop of futile
in, it is worth taking a step back in order to grasp the learning, Timothy’s education has led to assurance,

to wisdom and, ultimately, to his complete equip- False teaching cannot deliver the promise of salva-
ment for “all good works” (v 17). The verb rendered tion. Paul’s Gospel, on the other hand, grounded
“been assured of” can be interpreted in two ways. as it is in the truth of Christ’s death and resurrec-
It can mean “have become convinced of” (NIV⁵) or tion, completes the ancient revelation in a way that
“been faithful to”.⁶ Either sense would fit the context augments and releases its power to save.10
here but, on balance, while it is true that the latter
reading “corresponds more closely to the contrast Timothy was to continue. Even when others
developing between Timothy’s commitment to the departed from the truth, lurching outwards and
faith and the heretical rejection of it”,⁷ the former downwards into deception and darkness, he was to
seems to fit better with the basis that Paul gives for stand fast. That stand was not born of a stubborn
Timothy’s confidence in what he has learned. Timothy intransigence or of a reactionary love of tradition. It
has not merely acquired an academic knowledge of came, rather, from the depth of Timothy’s conviction
the truth, nor has he simply adopted “traditionalism about the truth of divine revelation, a conviction that
or the status quo”.⁸ Rather, he has embraced the truth took its power from the character of those who had
with conviction – he is entirely convinced of its reli- taught him. For those of us who teach God’s people,
ability. A mere intellectual acquiescence to Scripture the lesson is both solemn and salutary – character
is not sufficient – if we are to continue in the things matters. And, for all of us, Timothy’s faithfulness is an
we have learned – and we must – then we must also be example and an exhortation. May we, like him, have
convinced and convicted of their truth. Timothy had a deep conviction about the truth of God’s Word so
that assurance, and he had a basis for it: “knowing of that we, in days as dark as his, may continue in the
whom thou hast learned them”. This echoes verse 10, things that we have learned.
where Paul stressed Timothy’s intimate knowledge of
his life. Here, too, Paul is insistent on the importance of ¹ The word order in the Greek is ‘You however, continue …’.
knowing those who teach us, of being able to observe ² There is some disagreement in the manuscripts as to whether
godly lives that lend credibility to the doctrine taught. “whom” is singular or plural. If singular, it refers to Paul alone.
If the plural is to be preferred, the expression includes others
Verse 15: The importance of this is further underscored who have taught Timothy the apostolic doctrine and may
as the apostle reminds Timothy of his upbringing. also include Lois and Eunice – who are certainly in view in the
Already in this epistle, we have had a glimpse into following verse.
Timothy’s childhood home (1.5), and here, as there, ³ Philip H Towner, The Letters to Timothy and Titus, The New
Paul’s purpose is to remind Timothy of his roots. In International Commentary on the New Testament, (Grand
contrast to all the churn and upheaval of the false Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2006), pp 582–3.
teachers and their teaching, Timothy can look back ⁴ This argument differs from the more usual suggestion that “all
to his “infancy” (NIV, NET⁹) and the Scriptures that Scripture” refers in context to the Old Testament, but avoids
he learned at his mother’s – and his grandmother’s – the necessity to explain why Paul uses two different words for
knee. In contrast to teaching that was powerless (v 5) the same thing (grammata, v 15; graphe, v 16). The argument
and unable to produce “the knowledge of the truth” assumes that Timothy knew Paul’s teaching in its written form.
(v 7), the Scriptures have power “to make … wise unto This is likely, not least because Paul’s reference to the “parch-
salvation” (cf Ps 19.8). There is in this verse a mandate ments” that Timothy was to bring to him (2 Tim 4.13) used a Latin
for the vital work of mothers in teaching the Scriptures loanword that (while it occurs only here in Scripture) was used
to their children in the home. Timothy never outgrew to describe the codex - the rudimentary books which early Chris-
that instruction, for it was not only able to make him tians overwhelmingly preferred for the transmission of Scripture.
wise unto salvation, in the initial sense of bringing him ⁵ New International Version.
to faith in Christ, but, as the present tense indicates, it ⁶ Towner, Timothy, p 580.
continued to do so. And the salvation that he learned ⁷ Ibid, p 581.
about is “through faith which is in Christ Jesus”. That is ⁸ George W Knight III, The Pastoral Epistles, New International
to say, it is the salvation proclaimed in the Gospel that Greek Testament Commentary, (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans,
Paul preached, for there is no disconnect between Old 1992), p 442.
Testament and New Testament revelation, and the ⁹ New English Translation.
message that Paul preached was altogether consistent 10
Towner, Timothy, p 584.
with the Scriptures that had filled Timothy’s childhood
(cf Acts 26.22–23). (To be continued …)


David Richards, Kamloops, Canada

The Bright and Morning Star

So far, in the preceding articles, we have looked at

four pairs of titles of Christ that are mentioned in
Revelation 22: “Alpha and Omega”, “the Beginning
and the end” and “the first and the last” (v 13); also,
“the root and the offspring of David” (v 16). We have
seen that they are all couplets, and that they are
opposites. Now we come to the final set: “the bright
and morning star” (v 16).
A literal translation of the Greek text would be ‘the
star, the bright, the morning’. Although the conjunc-
tion “and” appears in the King James Version text, This part of the promise very obviously relates to
it does not appear in the original Greek text. On the coming Kingdom of Christ, when He will reign for
the other hand, the definite article appears three 1,000 years. What the Lord is promising is that, in His
times. As we probably know, the evening star and coming Kingdom, believers of the Church age (“he
the morning star are actually Venus, seen at different that overcometh”) will have administrative authority
ends of the day. Although Venus is a planet, we refer over nations. This being so, the inference seems to
to it as a star because that is how it appears to the be that “the morning star” relates to when Christ will
naked eye. If we follow the pattern that we have seen return to reign.
with the previous titles, what we are looking at here In 2 Peter 1 we read the statement:
is Venus, seen at the two ends of the day. ‘The star,
the bright’ is the evening star, whereas ‘the star … “We have also a more sure word of prophecy;
the morning’ is the morning star. Some might object whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a
by saying that the word star only appears once. This light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn,
is certainly true. But, as we have seen, the evening and the day star arise in your hearts” (v 19).
star and the morning star are the same planet, seen
at different parts of the day. The evening [bright] Surely, the day star is the same as the morning star.
star precedes the darkness. On the other hand, the It is generally taught, and I believe rightly, that Peter
morning star succeeds the darkness. never refers to the coming of Christ for the Church.
In Revelation 2.18–29, we have a letter written to If, on the one hand, Paul emphasises the Church in
“the church in Thyatira” (v 18). In that letter, a promise his epistles, on the other hand, Peter emphasises the
is given to the overcomer (vv 26-28). Part of that Kingdom in his epistles. Not that there is any conflict
promise reads, “I will give him the morning star” (v in their teaching, just a difference in emphasis. Paul
28). Notice, it does not say “the bright and morning indicates the difference in their calling when he writes
star”. Also, notice the rest of the promise: “for he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apos-
tleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in
He that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto me toward the Gentiles” (Gal 2.8). Peter’s ministry was
the end, to him will I give power over the nations: primarily toward Jews. Paul’s ministry, on the other
and he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the hand, was toward Gentiles. Of these two apostles, only
vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: Paul refers to the Rapture of the Church (1 Cor 15.51-58;
even as I received of my Father” (vv 26-27). 1 Thess 4.13-18). Peter, on the other hand, says:

Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make Notice particularly the phrase, “we which are alive
your call and election sure, for if you do these things and remain” (v 17). In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul is writing
you will never stumble; for so an entrance will be about the changes to take place in the bodies of
supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting believers when the Lord returns at the Rapture:
kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (2
Pet 1:10-11, NKJV¹). Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all
sleep [that is, die], but we shall all be changed, in
The Rapture precedes the Tribulation which, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last
turn, precedes the return of Christ to reign. Believers trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead
of the Church age will be taken to Heaven at the shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be
Rapture, but will return with Christ to reign with Him changed (vv 51-52).
in His eternal Kingdom.
Now, back to our titles, ‘the Star, the Bright (evening), In both of these passages, Paul numbers himself
the Morning’. As mentioned above, the evening star with the “we” - those who will still be living when the
precedes the darkness of night, whereas the morning Lord comes. Was Paul mistaken to expect to be still
star follows the darkness of night. As the Evening Star, alive when the Lord returns? After all, Paul has long
the Lord is coming secretly to the air to take us home gone home to Heaven. No, he was not mistaken! The
to Heaven before the darkness of the Tribulation. But, point is that there are no prophetic events that have
as the Morning Star, He is bringing us with Him out of to take place before the Lord returns for us. He could
Heaven after the Tribulation to share in His reign. return at any moment! Are we expecting His return?
As believers, we are very much looking forward
to the return of Christ to take us to be forever with For our conversation [citizenship] is in heaven; from
Him. In John’s Gospel, we read the words of the Lord whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus
Himself: Christ: who shall change our vile [lowly] body, that
it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body,
In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were according to the working whereby he is able even to
not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place subdue all things unto himself (Phil 3.20-21).
for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will
come again, and receive you unto myself; that where However, the Rapture is just the preliminary event.
I am, there ye may be also (14.2-3). The main event is the return of Christ to claim His
Kingdom, at which time we shall come out with Him.
There is possibly an allusion to this event also in John At this time, Christ shall reign as “KING OF KINGS,
chapter 11: “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that AND LORD OF LORDS” (Rev 19.16), and every knee
believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: will bow to Him and acknowledge that He is Lord, to
and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never the glory of God the Father (Phil 2.9-11). Then, the
die” (vv 25-26). These verses seem to be referring to Scripture will be fulfilled: “the earth shall be filled
the fact that, when the Lord returns, the believers who with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the
have died will be raised from the dead, while believers waters cover the sea” (Hab 2.14).
living at that time will be caught up without dying. The It should thrill the hearts of the Lord’s people that,
text of 1 Thessalonians 4.15-18 reads: at last, Christ will have the glory that is His due. Revela-
tion 20.6 reads, “Blessed and holy is he that hath part
For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, in the first resurrection: on such the second death
that we which are alive and remain unto the coming hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and
of the Lord shall not prevent [precede] them which of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.”
are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from The reign of Christ will be literal, as will be the period
heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, of 1,000 years. Revelation concludes with the appeal,
and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ “Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (22.20). May that be the
shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain yearning of our hearts.
shall be caught up together with them in the clouds,
to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be ¹ New King James Version.
with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with
these words. (Concluded)





TO CANAAN (19) " 


John Salisbury, Northampton, England "


! #

Progress to the Tableland of Pisgah - Numbers 21 %

This chapter is an action-packed description of 
events along the last stage of Israel’s wilderness
journey from Egypt to the borders of Canaan, where Encamped by the border of the Land, and remem-
they moved “from Bamoth in the valley, that is in the bering the abundance of fruit and grain that they
country of Moab, to the top of Pisgah” (v 20). This knew was there, they began to despise God’s wilder-
would be the tableland adjacent to Mount Pisgah. ness provision. The people who so recently had
It is a chapter of contrasts, in which we read of prayed to the Lord in faith now turned directly to
conquests, complaints, confession of sin, songs, and Him in anger: “The people spake against God, and
more conquests. And, through these experiences, against Moses” (v 5). In the past, they had vented
God’s people made real progress with their God. On their anger on Moses, but now they complained
this journey, God’s people were learning to overcome directly to God, who responded directly to them in
their enemies. Battles would have to be fought and judgment. The complaint was unjustified, and their
foes defeated with God’s help if they were to enjoy the statement that “there is no bread, neither is there
bounty and blessings of their inheritance in Canaan. any water” (v 5) was untrue. For 40 years the Lord
graciously provided manna. It was “the corn of
Defeating the Canaanites (vv 1-3) heaven. Men did eat angels’ food” (Ps 78.24-25), and
Arad, the Canaanite king, fearing that Israel would yet they complained, “Our soul loatheth this light
invade his kingdom, sent forces to attack them and bread” (Num 21.5). As no additional water needed to
succeeded in taking some Israelites prisoner. It had be miraculously supplied, there must have been an
been over 38 years since Israel had suffered a similar adequate supply already at hand.
surprise attack, on that occasion from Amalek (Ex The Lord responded by sending venomous snakes
17.8-16). Did they remember that victory in the valley into the camp which bit the people, causing them
had been dependent upon the man on the mountain? to die. They are described as “fiery serpents” (v 6),
Interestingly, we see that opposition from without probably because of the burning sensation the people
created unity within the nation, and it was a united experienced as the venom achieved its deadly end.
Israel that made a solemn vow, presumably through Very quickly the people came to Moses, saying “we
Moses, that if the Lord would give them victory over have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord, and
Arad’s army, they would utterly destroy his cities. The against thee” (v 7). They asked Moses to intercede
Lord did give them victory, they destroyed the cities on their behalf, and he was commanded to make
and, in celebration of this, called the place “Hormah”, a serpent of brass, set it on a pole, and instruct the
which means ‘utter destruction’. dying people to look and live. Observe that had God
merely answered their request to “take away the
Complaining to God (vv 4-9) serpents from us” (v 7), large numbers of those who
As God’s people moved away from their encamp- had been bitten would have been left to die. But the
ment on the border of the Promised Land to Lord accomplished more than they asked. Through
circumvent the land of Edom and head north, they the brazen serpent, all the dying who looked, lived! The
became discouraged. They could not understand brazen serpent was carefully preserved by the people,
God’s purpose in leading them by this route, as it did no doubt as a reminder of this event, but eventually it
not seem logical. They were slow to learn that God’s became an object of idolatrous worship, and Hezekiah
purposes often defy human logic so, once again, they destroyed it in his endeavour to stamp out idolatry in
complained and failed to trust Him. Israel (2 Kgs 18.4).

Singing at the Well (vv 10-18) Possessing the Land (Deut 3.12-13)
The journey continued north, with the nation The large area of land that Israel now possessed on
pitching camp at three more settlements before the east of Jordan would be allotted to the two-and-
arriving near Arnon, where a stream divided the lands a-half tribes who wanted to stay in this area rather
of the Moabites and the Amorites. It is interesting that, than cross Jordan and inherit portions of the land of
as Israel approached the borders of the Land, condi- Canaan. It was therefore divided between the tribes of
tions were more amenable, and there was no longer Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh.
the need for a miraculous supply of water. We read
here about “the brooks of Arnon … the stream of the Picture of Christ
brooks” (vv 14-15). And now they moved on to Beer, The account of the brazen serpent is one of the
the place of the well. The Lord commanded Moses to great evangelical pictures in the Old Testament. The
gather the people round the well at Beer, and prom- Apostle John wrote, “As Moses lifted up the serpent in
ised to supply them water, but they must play their the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted
part. In this He was continuing to show them that up: that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
the time of miraculous provision would soon be over. but have eternal life” (Jn 3.14-15). The call to those dying
From now on they would find their own water supplies with the serpent’s poison in their systems was to look
and, once they entered the Land, the manna would and live. To look in faith to that serpent of brass, taking
also cease. Moses, “the lawgiver” (note the new title), God at His word, brought cleansing and healing to the
instructed the leaders to clear the debris blocking the needy soul. That a serpent, a picture of sin and death,
well, and the Lord fulfilled His promise. This prompted suspended on a pole, should be a picture of Christ at
the people to burst into song, without either Moses or Calvary reminds us that He was “made … sin for us, who
Miriam to lead them, as had happened the last time 40 knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness
years earlier by the banks of the Red Sea (Ex 15). What of God in him” (2 Cor 5.21). In light of this, the message
a contrast with their earlier complaint! for guilty sinners, dying in sin, is “believe on the Lord
Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16.31).
Encampment by Pisgah (vv 19-20) Praise God for the Christ of Calvary!
Three more encampments brought the nation to
the Valley of Moab, from whence they moved to an Time to Meditate
elevated site described as “the top of Pisgah”. We have seen that, as God’s people drew near to
Canaan, they faced fierce opposition from mighty
Two Great Victories (vv 21-35) enemies. We are reminded that the Christian life is a
Moses later recounted these events to the nation battlefield in which we face the spiritual opposition
in more detail (Deut 2.9 - 3.13). The Lord revealed to of enemy forces, “the rulers of the darkness of this
him that Israel would defeat Sihon, and possess his world” (Eph 6.12), who are seeking to prevent us from
land for this reason: “This day will I begin to put the enjoying our inheritance in Christ. For this reason, we
dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the nations are exhorted to “put on the whole armour of God, that
that are under the whole heaven, who … shall tremble, ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil”
and be in anguish because of thee” (2.25). Israel sent (v 11). Confession of sin marked the start of a spiritual
messengers to Sihon, king of the Amorites, requesting journey for the people of God. They “set forward” (v
safe passage through his land, but he refused their 10) with purpose, and faith in their God. The direction
request and set his army against them, only to be they took was “toward the sunrising” (v 11) - it was the
utterly defeated. Israel then faced another formidable dawning of a new day. As they progressed, they enjoyed
enemy: Og, king of Bashan. A giant of a man, his bed refreshment from brooks, streams and the springing
is described as being nine cubits long and four cubits well where they spontaneously sang for the first time
wide (Deut 3.11). The Lord encouraged Moses to “fear in 40 years. They went on to gain victory over powerful
him not: for I have delivered him into thy hand, and foes, and to occupy new territory. All this was a fore-
all his people, and his land” (Num 21.34). So, Israel taste of the blessings they would enjoy in the land of
completely defeated him, his family and his people, promise. May we learn these lessons and enjoy our
taking possession of all his land too. Israel would inheritance, for we are “blessed … with all spiritual bless-
never forget these early victories, which gave them ings in heavenly places in Christ” (Eph 1.3).
confidence to enter the Promised Land and engage in
warfare with the various nations there. (To be continued …)

Update on Sri Lanka

civil war ended in 2009. Sadly, the Easter bomb-

ings of 2019 staunched the flow of visitors, and
then a fledging recovery was stifled completely
by the pandemic. The economic effect of all of
that was enormous, as were the restrictions
that were introduced in attempting to curb the
spread of the virus. All of this was developing
at a stage when it was payback time for foreign
loans, particularly those from the Chinese. The
island nation is now in default of these debts.

The major consequence of the situation is

the inability to pay for imported necessities,
in particular, petrol and diesel, and bottled
gas for cooking. Petrol stations are empty,
and whenever there is a rumour of a delivery,
the queues become enormous. The knock-on
effect of the scarcity is that goods cannot be
transported around the island, creating short-
ages of essentials, and exorbitant prices. To add
to the misery of the people, power cuts can be
for hours at a time. At present, there still seems
to be a downward spiral of despair.

As a result of these hardships, many have

taken to the streets for what have been
mainly peaceful protests. This had the effect
of ousting the Prime Minister, but the Presi-

S ince the report on the work in Sri Lanka was

published in the April 2022 issue of Believer’s
Magazine, Jack Hay and Leonard Currie, Secretary of
dent is still in place. (Whilst this was true at the time
of writing, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has since
resigned office one day after his official residence was
the Lord’s Work Trust (LWT), have been able to visit stormed by a large crowd of angry protesters, and the
the island to see at first hand the conditions under Prime Minister’s house was torched. Ed.) With that
which the local Christians are living. Jack has kindly background, LWT’s Leonard Currie and I were due
provided this update to the April report. to arrive on the island at the end of May. The British
Government advised against all but essential travel,
The Economy but we decided that the Lord’s work came under the
umbrella of “essential travel”! We were confident
The tourist industry in Sri Lanka was a major foreign that our dear brethren on the island would advise us
currency earner, mushrooming extensively when the appropriately, and they gave the green light. That was

During this period, there were a number of food
distributions to the saints, made possible by the
generosity of believers in the West. These are
ongoing as a result of the continuing economic hard-
ships. A brother from the Colombo assembly was
granted a permit to be out of
his home, and he was able to
source necessary foodstuffs, Baptis
arrange for their transport
to Bethesda Gospel Hall,
and see them divided up for
Food in Bethesda Gospel Hall, Colombo distribution to the north,
ready for distribution. east, central and southern
provinces of the island. On
a relief, for our visit was already two years overdue arrival, these provisions
and, speaking personally, I was homesick for Sri Lanka! were further divided, with
For some of the local believers our visit meant the sacks being filled for each
tedious task of standing in line for hours to purchase household. On our recent
some diesel. They then hoarded it away in preparation visit, Leonard and I witnessed
for our travels to different locations on the island. It around 300 sacks being
is a tribute to the overruling grace of God that our distributed in a very orderly
plans went ahead without any interruptions and, for way in the east of the island.
the most part, there were attendances in excess of
what we have ever experienced before. For an impor- During the lockdown I was able to speak to the saints
tant part of our visit there were no power cuts on the twice a month by Zoom, and others helped in this way
island in order to facilitate national school exams! God too. In both 2020 and 2021 I had a three-day series
is good. with them over the Christmas
period, Christmas Eve to Boxing
Lockdown Day. Rightly, from the day that
they were allowed back to their
My previous visit to the island was Halls, the Zoom meetings ended.
in February 2020, at the point In the initial stages of their
where the world was recognising return, police were in attend-
COVID-19 as a serious threat. On ance, ensuring that a register
that occasion Ian Steele accom- of attendees was kept, and
panied me, and we had the joy of that temperatures were being
witnessing a total of 37 baptisms. checked. The police still attend,
These were at three venues in the but are less intrusive now.
Indian Ocean, in a jungle stream
at Hatton, and in a major river The Recent Visit
at Yatiyanthota. Not long after-
wards, there were the almost Colombo
universal lockdowns. In Sri Lanka, As I mentioned, Leonard Currie
the regulations were very strict, accompanied me on this latest
Children’s Meeting at Dematagoda.
with military patrols enforcing trip which was my 26th visit to
what was a virtual imprisonment Sri Lanka. Over the years, many
for the whole population. On saints have used LWT to channel
certain days, according to the last digit of the iden- their gifts in support of the Lord’s work on the island.
tity card number, one member from each household It was very helpful that Leonard was able to share in
could leave the home to try to purchase provisions, the preaching at all the meetings, and also to see first-
but confinement in cramped and stifling conditions hand how the funds that have been sent through LWT
created mental health issues for many. have been used.

As usual, both weekends were spent in Colombo, the
capital city. The assembly there comprises around
90 believers, which is wonderful, considering that
in the late ’60s it was almost extinct. The story has
been told before of how Mr & Mrs George Nicholas
were saved in Aberdeen and,
on returning to their native
sm in Colombo of Daniel Kanas, 17. Sri Lanka, threw them-
selves into the work of the
assembly at Bethesda Gospel
Hall. Under the good hand of
God they were used to see Leonard Currie speaking at a meeting in
the assembly reinvigorated, Bethesda Hall, Colombo.

and Mrs Nicholas and her

son Rajeev and his wife are
still heavily involved in the The Saturday afternoon work with the children at
ongoing work. Bethesda also exceeded pre-virus numbers, with
almost 120 present on both weekends. Later in the
We arrived on the island on afternoon, the youth Gospel meeting brought 50-60,
Friday 27th May, and our first many of them unsaved.
meeting that evening was for
ministry at a brother’s home. On our second Lord’s Day at Colombo we had a mini
Both his main room and yard were packed with conference. This was the only meeting that was down
80-100 believers, so it was a good start. from usual, simply because believers from other areas
could not be present because of the lack of fuel. The
The Saturday mornings were spent helping in a chil- conference ended with a Gospel session at which
dren’s work in a slum area of the city, Dematagoda. three young people from Colombo were baptised.
Numbers were in excess of 100, more than double
the pre-COVID attendance. A highlight of our visit The East
was the fact that, on the first Lord’s Day, around On the Monday morning, we set off at 5.00am for the
50 parents and friends from that area attended the east of the island, breaking our journey at 8.30am for a
Gospel meeting at Bethesda, most of them hearing ministry meeting at Kurunegala where there is a fairly
the Gospel for the first time. new assembly. It was good to be in their new Hall, kindly
funded by saints from the West. One or
two finishing touches are still needed,
the main problem being the fact that the
necessary materials are unobtainable.
Three years or so ago, Craig Munro and
I had the joy of witnessing 13 believers
being baptised in a lake there. From time
to time we have preached in a jungle area
near Kurunegala. Regular attempts have
been made to intimidate the believers at
that location, with threats to those who
associate with them.

Later on the Monday, and many hours to

the east, we met with around 70 saints
at Alamkulam where, again, it was great
to see a recently extended Hall, a far cry
from the banana-leaf structure where we
Believers at Alamkulam in their newly-extended Hall.
gathered in the early days.

The next day was a full day
of conference at Valaich-
chenai when around 500
gathered, a number that
greatly exceeded expecta-
tions in the current crisis.
Attention was remarkable
considering the heat;
God was gracious. That
was the day that a food
Leonard and Jack with two of the distribution was made to
overseers at Kurunegala. believers from outlying
Distribution of much-needed food aid at Valaichchenai.
areas. The local saints
received their quota subsequently.

The Conference at Valaichchenai underway with brother

Mahendran as Jack’s Tamil interpreter.

While in the east, visits were also made to Mutuchchenai, Palch-

chenai, Ralodai and Vaddavan, where two were baptised in the river
after a meeting in a jungle clearing. Mutuchchenai is another place
where there has been the need for an extension to the Hall. There
New believer Yogeshwaran is has been growth despite repeated opposition. Among other things,
baptised in the river at Vaddavan.
they would cut off their electricity, but in recent years a generator
has been provided to make them independent if necessary.

Members of the assembly at Muttuchchenai.

On returning to Colombo, we made one
more trip for a Gospel meeting at Badure-
liya where there is a relatively new assembly;
it is a two-hour drive south-east of the
city. In the initial work there, the saints
were greatly helped by visits from Charles
Davidson and local brother Ajith Peiris.
The believers have experienced constant
harassment, and they switch around their
meeting venues to remain as ‘invisible’ as
possible. That evening our meeting was in
the jungle, up a hill, and under a corrugated
iron shelter; quite an adventure!

Do pray for Sri Lanka.

In what way do sisters “prophesy” (1 Cor 11.5) If “John verily baptized with the baptism of
seeing they are not permitted to speak in assembly repentance” (Acts 19.4), why was the Lord Jesus
gatherings? baptised?

A n important principle of Biblical interpretation

is that Scripture will never contradict itself. Any
conclusion we may reach about a proper under-
D oubtless this question was in John’s mind when
he asked, “I have need to be baptized of thee, and
comest thou to me?”, to which the Lord responded
standing of a passage must agree with everything else with the assurance that “thus it becometh us to fulfil
the Bible has to say on the subject. It is wrong, there- all righteousness” (Mt 3.14-15): it was God’s will that
fore, to say (as some do) that Paul contradicts himself John should baptise Him. Many good suggestions have
in that he allows women to pray and prophesy in the been made as to why this was so. Here we will confine
church in 1 Corinthians 11, but forbids them to speak in ourselves to three of them, chosen because each relates
the church gatherings in 1 Corinthians 14. This is, after to the issue of “repentance” raised in the question.
all, God’s breathed-out Word. First, the Lord being baptised was necessary from the
Many suggest that the answer to the apparent perspective of John, who had been preaching repent-
tension between chapters 11 and 14 is that, in chapter ance; a message which engendered much opposition.
11, the apostle deals with one problem at Corinth - that Soon he would be arrested, imprisoned and executed.
of head coverings - and then goes on to deal with Those who were denying that John and his ministry
another problem in chapter 14 - that of the audible were from God would increasingly seem to be in the
participation of the sisters in the assembly gatherings. ascendancy. In being baptised by him, the Lord was
This has its attractions as an explanation, but it also authoritatively vindicating John’s character, validating
might lead to the conclusion that, as it is not permitted his work, and endorsing his call: “Repent ye: for the
for the sister to speak in the church (14.34), there is kingdom of heaven is at hand” (v 2).
therefore no need for her head to be covered at all. Second, it was important viewed from the position
Another answer to the apparent tension between of those who had responded to John’s message by
the two passages is that, when Paul speaks of “praying repenting and being baptised. By submitting Himself
or prophesying” in chapter 11, he is speaking by way of to this baptism, the Lord was telling these repentant
illustration. The suggestion is that the apostle is not sinners that they had made the right decision, and that
saying that any time a sister audibly participates she they had the approval of the One to whose coming the
is to cover her head or, in the case of a man, uncover baptism of repentance was linked: “I indeed baptize you
his head. Rather, Paul is illustrating what characterised with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after
every assembly gathering. Two-way communication me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to
took place: they spoke to God, in prayer, and He spoke bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with
to them, through prophesy. The apostle is simply fire” (v 11).
speaking, then, of the need for the covered head of the Last (but by no means least), it marked the Lord’s
sister and the uncovered head of the brother, while the public presentation to the nation as the One who not
assembly is met together. only would continue the work that John had begun, but
This explanation recognises that Paul does not teach, would take it through to its fulfilment. Not long after
in chapter 11, that the sister needs a head covering this event, John said, “He must increase, but I must
only when she is audibly praying or prophesying in the decrease” (Jn 3.30). Then, when “John was cast into
church, seeing that he is about to teach, in chapter 14, prison … Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for
it is not permitted for her to speak at all. The Lord’s the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Mt 4.12, 17) – a call
mind, clearly expressed in chapter 11 verses 2 to 16, is identical to John’s. His baptism by John left everyone in
that headship is to be symbolically expressed in the no doubt that He was the Lord, before whom John had
covered heads of the women and uncovered heads of prepared the way (11.10), and whom everyone ought
the men, whenever local churches meet together. now to follow.

Ian Jackson David McAllister


the late Jack Hunter, Kilmarnock, Scotland

Standing by the Cross (John 12.26; 19.25-26)

These Scriptures would indicate to us that to follow

Christ, and to identify ourselves with His cross and all
that it means, we need to be moved in our spiritual
affections for Him. The little company of women, and
the disciple whom Jesus loved, formed an illustrious
group that day as they stood by the cross: when
others had fled, the devoted affections of those disci-
ples held them fast by His cross. The supreme hour capital sense. Therefore, in the cross we must learn
had come and, with it, rejection, reproach and shame. that God has no intention of reforming or repairing
How precious that company must have been in the our old nature, but that He has condemned it abso-
sight of God as they stood by the cross of their Lord, lutely as something that is unfit to live. In the cross we
with their love for Him rising above all the hatred and learn that God has brought our sinful nature to a moral
scorn of men! terminus. Its practical issues are resolved in this, that
Beloved reader, do you subscribe to His cross only if I allow sin to operate in my life, I allow something
in its historical sense, or has it entered into your life as to act that the Lord died to put away. What a serious
a spiritual power? Is your heart so filled with love for reflection on our baptism if this is the case. May we
Him who hung there, that you are presently prepared ever live in the light of our baptism and, in doing so,
to ‘stand by His cross’ and all that that means to you we will never go wrong. Burial is what follows death,
in its moral implications, and to apply to your life the its first mention in Scripture being when Abraham
doctrines of the epistles built upon the cross? May our bought the sepulchre from the sons of Ephron to bury
hearts be kept soft and tender, so that the Holy Spirit his dead “out of [his] sight” (Gen 23.8). This is where
can impress them by the wondrous love of Him who God would have the “old man” - dead and buried out
filled that cross for us. of sight. In rising out of the waters of baptism, we are
brought into the light of resurrection, and under moral
On the Cross with Christ (Romans 6.1-10) obligation to live unto God and to walk in newness of
life. God delights in living things so, in this way, we can
Here, we have the ordinance of baptism associated minister pleasure to Him in our lives: we live unto God.
with the cross. While it is the will of God for every
believer to be baptised, acknowledging the authority The Death of the Cross (Philippians 2.1-8)
of His holy Word, it is more blessed if its real meaning
has entered into our experience. Romans undoubtedly This aspect of the cross has nothing to do with sin,
gives that experimental aspect of this truth. What does something which is never mentioned in this epistle.
it mean? The cross, or crucifixion, was the form of This should not startle the believer, but should make
capital punishment adopted by the judiciary of Impe- him endeavour to know and learn the will of God in
rial Rome: to be crucified was to be doomed to die, this particular presentation of His cross. The cross in
there being no hope for such a person, for their life the Philippian epistle is to teach the believer how to
was going to be ended. And God has incorporated this behave in the local assembly, especially in regard to
system of judgment into the understanding of spiritual its service and how that should be carried on. Thus,
truth. He has sentenced our “old man” (that is, our evil the injunction that nothing should be done through
sinful nature or, the evil principle that operates in our strife or vainglory would indicate that, in this other-
ruined nature – “the flesh”, Rom 7.5) to death in its wise good and happy assembly, there was an element

which caused disturbance in the service of God. In all ages, has now been revealed to us by the apostle,
fact, at the time of writing, it amounted to some- that is, the Jew and Gentile have now been brought
thing of the nature of a crisis. Because of the appeal together in one body. That which formerly separated
in chapter 4 verse 2 to the two sisters, Euodias and them was enmity caused by the Law, and this has now
Syntyche, it can be safely assumed that they had made been abolished. The Law gave the Jew his standing
a definite contribution to the disquiet of the assembly, above the other nations, and he was such an elevated
and were exposing its very existence to vital danger. It person with respect to the old covenant that other
was this that caused the apostle to write these words nations and people were called Gentile dogs! This Law
contained in the second chapter, and never have words made him a proud aristocrat amongst other peoples
like them come from an inspired writer’s pen. They but, in the light of the new revelation, national distinc-
stand unequalled, unique, profound as they describe tions were levelled at the cross: the privileged Jew, as
the humiliation of Christ from His Godhead glory right well as the alienated Gentile, required equally to be
to the death of the cross. Paul prefaced these words reconciled to God. The dividing wall – pride of place,
with this request: “Let this mind be in you, which was race and privilege – was broken down completely at
also in Christ Jesus”. The mind of Christ was to come the cross.
down, as can be seen from our passage. The truth thus given teaches us that, in the Church,
Beloved, if pride of place in the assembly has been the new creation, there is no place for national
allowed to grip our hearts, we need to learn the distinction. It is one body, making of the twain one
meaning of His cross afresh. And how can this be new man. While the politicians of this world find the
done? Most of us have, in our assembly experience, problem of racial discrimination insoluble, let us who,
been faced with situations whose solutions have in this present dispensation, have been called by His
meant the renunciation of our personal rights (not grace, rejoice in that we form part of that glorious
of divine principle), our complete humiliation being body, that heavenly corporation where nothing exists
involved and not a shred of dignity left in us. How can which distinguishes men from men. And should this
we descend to such a level? Remember, however far fundamental principle, which has its universal bearing
we come down in this way, beloved child of God, we in Ephesians, be lost to us locally? No! For all those
shall always find One who has come down further. He, features that might separate believers from each
in His obedience and service, came down to the death other, the distinctions which men love to make, and
of the cross. Can pride really exist in our hearts; can which obtain in this world - racial, social etc - have
strife and vainglory influence; can murmurings and been removed by the cross. Oh, may our hearts
disputings mark us in our assembly life as we learn the respond in a practical way, so that we will endeavour
meaning of His cross? How far is it true of us when we to give the necessary expression of our love to those
sing those well-known, yet profound, words: of other nations in the body of Christ and in our local
churches. Let us refuse to recognise the distance that
When I survey the wondrous cross, men create between men, embracing all in our love
On which the Prince of Glory died, and affection as being in the body of Christ, “… the
My richest gain I count but loss, cross, having slain the enmity thereby”.
And pour contempt on all my pride.
The Offence of the Cross (Galatians 5.11; 6.12)
What a test the cross is to us as to our spiritual
development! The cross, then, in the Philippian aspect, The Epistle to the Galatians is not, in its primary
is to teach us the mind of Christ. And, having learned sense, direct revelation, but is rather one of recovery,
this lesson, we arrive at the apostle’s exhortation to written to recapture the ground lost by the Galatian
work out our own salvation (that is, the salvation of error. For, they had gone back on the basic doctrines
the assembly in its local testimony) with fear and of the faith. They were guilty of submitting to the
trembling. “For it is God that worketh in you both to Judaisers, who taught them that it was necessary
will and to do of his good pleasure” (Phil 2.13). to keep the Law for their justification. The exacting
nature of the Law had destroyed their Christian char-
Enmity Slain by the Cross (Ephesians 2.15-16) acter. Chapter 2 verse 16 teaches us that works of the
Law will never justify the believer; chapter 4 verse 19
The context of this passage helps us to understand that legality will take every mark of Christ out of our
yet another aspect of the cross. The mystery, hid from characters; chapter 5 verse 15 that it will destroy our

relationships with our brethren, until nothing is left. The Preaching of the Cross (1 Cor 1.18-25)
Let us beware of all these dangers! In chapter 5 verse
11 and chapter 6 verse 15, we are directly referred to The cross, to the unbelieving Jew, was a stumbling-
the rite of circumcision, and the cross as that which block and, to the educated Greek, foolishness. Seeing
is radically opposed to such practice. This is probably it is the preaching of the cross, would it not have a
referred to by the apostle as that which represented or strong bearing on our evangelical service, in our Gospel
betokened the whole system of rites and ceremonies. meetings both inside and out? To preach the cross is to
It left its mark in men’s flesh, and provided something make nothing at all of man; whether he be religious or
in which they could glory. In chapter 1 verse 4, the educated, its preaching coming as a fresh challenge to
Lord gave Himself to deliver us from this present evil all. To preach the cross with such effect needs much
world and, in chapter 6 verse 14, the apostle speaks of God’s presence and power. The cross will be forever
of himself as being crucified unto the world. Now, to isolated in all its solitary grandeur from the cheap
give these passages their contextual value, “the world” accompaniments that are found in modern methods of
must of necessity incorporate into its meaning that preaching. No one in the will of God can glamourise the
part which an obsolete Judaistic system gave to it, cross or make it appeal to natural man, for it reduces
and, although other features are certainly there, this is him to the very dust. Although the preaching may be
its primary connection in chapter 6. regarded as foolishness, and the preacher very often
Has it not its counterpart in the vast ecclesiastical a fool, to the saved it is the power of God. Thus, God
system existing in Christendom today? Many believers in His infallible Word has linked the cross and salvation
are there, and we love them for Christ’s sake, but we together. May the message of the cross lie at the heart
repudiate the unholy system with which they are asso- of all our spiritual exercises in evangelical labours. While
ciated. May the offence of the cross never cease in this it exposes man and all that he is in the sight of God, it
sense with us! And, if we feel that our present associa- also accomplishes salvation to those who believe.
tion with the people of God, gathered to His Name,
be characterised by outward insignificance, may we So, while the cross my sin displays,
find our compensation in this, saying with the apostle, In all its blackest hue,
“God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Oh, wondrous mystery of grace,
Lord Jesus Christ by whom the world is crucified unto It seals my pardon too.
me, and I unto the world.” (Concluded)

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Please Note: the inclusion of a title in Believer’s Bookshelf should not be taken as an endorsement of all the t

Random Reminiscences: Fifty Years of Ministry by H A Ironside; published by Crimond House,

2021, and available from John Ritchie Ltd. Price £7.99 (9781908618313).

A s an early teenager, I first encountered the writings of H A Ironside

when an assembly elder gave me a copy of Sailing with Paul, still an
ideal booklet for a young believer, and freely accessible online at
Harry Ironside (1876-1951) was a well-known American Bible teacher and
prolific writer who, between 1929 and 1948, pastored the Moody Memorial
Church (now called the Moody Church) in Chicago. His series of non-
technical commentaries possesses the uncommon virtue of being written
in a style which, without compromising doctrinal accuracy, can be easily
understood by the ordinary reader.
The present collection of 16 examples of Gospel work provides a simple
and straightforward introduction to the challenge of personal evangelism.
In this slim paperback of just over 100 pages, first published in 1939, we
trace the writer’s spiritual conversations with a variety of colourful and memorable individuals. We
meet an outspoken young agnostic, a Franciscan priest, an elderly Jewish umbrella-mender, an official
representative of the IWW Movement (“the ‘Industrial Workers of the World’, though opponents of its
socialistic principles generally interpreted the mystic letters as standing for ‘I Won’t Work’”, p 62), a
Dominican sister, a Japanese businessman, and a fanatical member of a heretical sect called ‘Christian
Ironside’s travels across the USA evidently brought him into contact with a startling range of people,
and he seems to have grasped every opportunity to talk about God’s way of salvation in Christ Jesus. But
this is more than a series of autobiographical anecdotes. Ironside deftly inserts into almost every brief
chapter some snippets of Biblical doctrine to stir the reader’s interest. He touches on the priesthood
of all believers (p 21), the Lord’s soon coming for His saints (pp 24-25), the present intercessory work of
Christ (p 43), the Gospel message as found in 2 Corinthians 8.9 (pp 82-86), the meaning of baptism (p 98),
and the unique value of the shed blood of Christ to deal with our sins (pp 114-116).
Some of the stories are unashamedly sentimental, some are amusing, some are self-deprecatory, but
all are readable, ultimately testifying to the power of God’s Word to touch the conscience and transform
the life. As Ironside writes, “The Holy Scriptures are God-breathed. They are living and energetic, and
can be depended upon to do their own work if men are but willing to search them with honest hearts,
ready to act on the truth when the Holy Spirit reveals it” (p 105). Those who have appreciated the author’s
expositions will enjoy reading about his experiences.

David Newell

titles written by that book’s author. Each review is a stand-alone assessment of the particular book illustrated.

Design Dissected – Is The Design Real? by David J Galloway, 2021; published by, and available
from, John Ritchie Ltd; 224 pages. Price £9.99 (9781914273001).

W ritten by a highly-respected surgeon, and with the subtitle A clinical look at life’s complexity,
design and ultimate causation, this new book has an authoritative message which many people
today are debating. It is a science-based defence of the ‘Intelligent Design’ concept, with a multitude of
examples taken from the field of medicine and physiology, and highly commended by others.
In his first section of ten chapters, collectively called Enigmata, the author
focuses attention upon the basics of scientific discovery, especially in the
development of medicine and surgery over the past 200 years.
The second section, called Layers of Complexity, has six chapters with
fascinating descriptions of some physiological phenomena. In these, the
complexity of the substances involved, and their dependence upon each
other, are absolutely essential to their success and to the survival of the whole
- in most cases, that means the human ‘patient’. These phenomena could by
no means arise by unguided natural chance, be it for birth, control of blood
pressure, blood clotting, or a host of other vital processes. The final section,
Thinking about Thinking, is shorter, and explores the deep mystery of mind and
thought, of self-consciousness, of what it is that makes us human and vastly
different from every other life-form on Earth.
The author’s dissection of the design found everywhere leads to the conclusion which many, scientists
and non-scientists alike, choose to avoid – the existence of a Designer, the God “with whom we have to
do” (Heb 4.13). That is the basic reason for their refusal to follow the evidence, to accept the obvious,
and to persist with unanswered questions and illogical deductions. David Galloway makes this point
effectively several times: “All too often, the plain and obvious conclusions are avoided in preference to
a favoured theory or idea.”
This is a scholarly work, indexed and with 58 detailed references. It is beautifully illustrated with
relevant images and clever design features, and the many interesting anecdotes told in the author’s
friendly manner are engaging. To follow all the arguments properly, however, the reader will be at a
disadvantage without some knowledge of medical science and its terminology and, even with these,
some sections are not an easy read.
Something to be regretted about Design Dissected is the lack of explicitly evangelical references
pointing a reader to Christ – His Name does not appear in the book, and the Name of God is hard to
find! Even a short appendix could have helped to remedy this, and thus widened the applicability of this
interesting book.

Bert Cargill

In view of the number of obituary notices the publishers are requested to insert, we ask those who submit
them to keep them as succinct as possible. All obituaries will be edited with the utmost care and respect.

Mrs Chrissie Buchan, aged 98, passed away very taken along to Wolsley Hall, Glasgow and was saved
suddenly on 26th April. Her long life brought occa- at the age of 14. He was later baptised and received
sions both of joy and sorrow. In January 2016, Chrissie into fellowship there. Aged 18, he was called up for
and her husband John celebrated their 70th wedding National Service and joined the RAF, being stationed
anniversary. That was only three months before John first in Yorkshire, where the believers at Harrogate
passed away. She experienced sadness and loss in the were very kind to him, then in Kent. It was there that
deaths of two sons, and of a well-loved granddaughter, he met his wife, Audrey Corke. They married in 1955,
but the Lord sustained her and she bore these trials and set up home in Kent before eventually moving to
with grace and dignity. Chrissie was saved when young, Scotland. From a young age, Ritchie studied the Scrip-
and she and John were baptised and received into the tures and became involved in Bible teaching. He was
fellowship of the assembly meeting in Prince Street Hall, known throughout Central Scotland as he helped local
Peterhead in February 1963, after a series of Gospel assemblies in many locations. He also served faithfully
Meetings held by Mr Harold Paisley. She retained a as an elder in the Deans, Livingston assembly and,
clear mind and excellent memory and was able to live in latterly, in Hareleeshill, Larkhall. He and Audrey were
her own house until the day the Lord called her Home. given to hospitality, and many visited their home over
She would often mention that she had all she needed, the years. Ritchie had a particular interest in encour-
and that she thanked Him every morning for His good- aging and teaching young folks. Prayer is requested for
ness. She is survived by a daughter, two sons, and many Audrey and the wider family circle.
grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Mr William (Willie) Gaffney, aged 94, was called
Mrs Norah Clarke, aged 79, was called Home on Home on 8th June. He was brought up a Catholic, but
4th July after suffering a massive brain haemorrhage. was saved, in 1955, through a workmate giving him
As a young woman of 21 years of age she attended tracts at work and inviting him to a Gospel Meeting
Gospel Meetings in Lurgan Gospel Hall, conducted by in Plantation Street Gospel Hall, Glasgow (now Harley
the late Albert McShane and Alex Lyttle. She became Street). A young man visiting from the north of Scot-
burdened about her sins, and thought much about the land was preaching. Willie waited after the meeting,
Lord’s return, knowing that she was not ready. One stating “I want what that man has got”. He got salva-
Lord’s Day morning, her parents, aware of Norah’s tion, was baptised, and added to the assembly in due
longing for salvation, left a tract about John 3.16 on course. Over the years he was faithful in the assembly,
the kitchen bench. Through those precious words regularly attending and taking part. He was a Sunday
Norah realised that Christ had died for her personally, School teacher in earlier years and, latterly, an elder.
and all she had to do was trust Him. A few months He attended the Lord’s Day morning meeting and took
later she was baptised and received into fellowship in part until a month before his homecall. The funeral
the assembly at Bleary where she remained until her service, which was taken by local and nearby brethren,
homecall. She was a devoted wife, and a true helpmeet was from the Gospel Hall, Harley Street. Willie leaves
to her husband, Arthur, who often wondered how he a large family circle for whom prayer would be valued.
would ever manage without her. Please remember
Arthur, who suffered another stroke a few weeks ago Mrs Annie Irwin, aged 101, was called Home on 5th
and has been in hospital since; also unsaved loved ones June. Brought up in the Clogher Valley, County Tyrone,
for whom she was greatly burdened. Her funeral was she went to the Sunday School at Lungs Gospel Hall
conducted by J Rogers, P Kaestner and R Reynolds, her where she heard the way of salvation. In February 1941,
brother-in-law. at the age of 20, she was saved at meetings in the area.
In 1944, with her husband Willie whom she married
Mr Ritchie Deans, aged 89, was called Home on when she was 19, they moved to the Drumbo area to
15th January. Born into a Christian home, Ritchie was work on a large dairy farm. Annie was blessed with good

health, and she worked hard even after retiring age. Phebe, it could be said of her that she was “a servant
She was in the assembly at Ballymagarrick for many of the church” (Rom 16.1), and this was clearly evident
years, and was faithful at all the meetings up until the to all. Evelyn was marked by Christian dignity and an
last few years. A lover of the Gospel, Annie gave loyal in-depth care and compassion for all, “especially unto
support when it was being preached in the district. them who are of the household of faith” (Gal 6.10).
She was also given to hospitality, and enjoyed having Her occupation as a Nursing Sister brought her into
people in her home. After a long life she has entered contact with many that she was able to help and care
into her eternal rest. Her funeral was conducted by for, both in hospital and in her own home, which was
Sydney Glenn, John Rogers, Jackson Patterson, Joe open to all. Her home was not large, but it carried a
Rogers, George Irvine and Roland Pickering. fragrance of the Lord’s presence. Many can testify to
this, from students studying in the local university to
Mrs Evelyn Magill (née Hull) was called into the various servants of the Lord. Her care was not just
presence of her Lord on 19th May, aged 89. She was local, but extended to such places as Nova Scotia,
saved in December 1948 at Gospel Meetings held Brazil and Venezuela, which she visited on a number
outside Newry by the late Wilson Radcliffe and the of occasions in order to assist and care for others.
late Joshua Hewitt. For a number of years, Evelyn was Evelyn’s well-attended funeral service from Plantation
a member of the Newry and Whitehouse assemblies. Gospel Hall, Lisburn was conducted by D Gilliland, B
On her marriage to Bob Magill in 1972, she was received Currie, A Thompson and T Wilson. The Scripture is
into the Dunmurry assembly where she was a much true of her, “... they may rest from their labours; and
valued and exemplary member for over 50 years. Like their works do follow them” (Rev 14.13).

Please note: All material relating to forthcoming meetings, holiday homes and personalia for the October 2022
issue of Believer's Magazine must be submitted by 5th September 2022. Please send to

SCOTLAND Ayr: Gospel Hall, Prestwick Road at 7.00pm. Ministry
and Bible Reading (Luke 22.54-71). A de Ville.
Dunfermline: Hospital Hill Gospel Hall. Annual Confer- OCTOBER 22
ence in The Vine Conference Centre, 131 Garvock Hill, Aberdeen: Riverside Christian Assembly Hall, 20
Dunfermline KY11 4JU at 4.00pm. (Please note the Twin Spires, Mugiemoss Road, Aberdeen AB21 9BG.
change of venue.) Speakers expected: J Dunlop, C Ministry at 7.30pm. S Arbuthnot.
Hutchison, A Sinclair. A buffet supper will be served in
the Gospel Hall after the Conference. NOVEMBER 19
Inverurie: Gospel Hall. Annual Conference to be Ayr: Gospel Hall, Prestwick Road at 7.00pm. Ministry
held in the Town Hall at 3.00pm and 6.00pm. D and Bible Reading (Luke 23.1-25). C Munro.
Mowat, G Edwards.
SEPTEMBER 3 Aberdeen: Riverside Christian Assembly Hall, 20
Kinross: Gospel Hall. Annual Conference in Orwell Twin Spires, Mugiemoss Road, Aberdeen AB21
Kirk, 29 South Street, Milnathort KY13 9XA at 3.00pm. 9BG. Bible Teaching Weekend. D Rudge. Friday 25th
(Please note the change of venue.) K Oh, D Radcliffe, at 7.30pm. Saturday 26th at 10.00am, 11.15am and
J Thompson. 7.30pm. Lord’s Day 27th at 4.00pm.

Ayr: Gospel Hall, Prestwick Road at 7.00pm. Ministry Ayr: Gospel Hall, Prestwick Road at 7.00pm. Ministry
and Bible Reading (Luke 22.39-53). C Hutchison. and Bible Reading (Luke 23.26-49). A Summers.


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