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Sr. No.

Question Asked Compentencies (Knowledge

1 Technical Round Required

1. Analysing already available information for

Tell us what you know about the ed tech 2. Ability to analyse industry trend
2 industry in India

3 How do you think Sunstone is doing? 1. Ability to analyse competitor behavior

4 Comment on 'Akasa-Airlines' 1. Ability to apply learnt concepts of Strategy

1. Ability to apply learnt concepts of Statistics

2. Ability to approach a complicated questions
How to find the mean length of all 3. Ability to identify data required to solve it
5 fishes in the sea?  4. Analytical Skills
6 What is big data?  1. Subject Knowledge
7 What can you do with outlier?  1. Applicative understanding of Subject

8 Mention one method to find outliers?  1. Applicative understanding of Subject

What is left skewed distribution and
9 right skewed distribution?  1. Applicative understanding of Subject

What is the relationship between mean

10 and median in normal distribution?  1. Applicative understanding of Subject
11 Do you have prior experience in SQL? 1.Hands-on-Expereince

1. Ability to solve complex problem

2. Ability to analyse given data
3. Ability to apply complex concepts of statistics to
12  Problem on Market Share solve business problems
Behavioural Interview Round
Why do you think you would be a good fit
1 for the company? 1. Skills and requirements mentioned in JD
What work experience do you have that
2 prepares you for this position?   1. Product development and research orientated

How similar/different was that role as 1. Experience in gathering and interpreting

3 compared to this one?  qualitative product data and consumer feedback

Tell me a time when you had to deal with a

4 difficult customer, and how you handled it 1. Problem-solving capabilities
What would you do if you did not know
5 how to help a customer? 1. Honesty and clarity in approaching issues

What would you do if a customer said you 1. Honest and non-manipulative attitude while
6 were taking too long to handle an issue?   answering
Have you handled a difficult situation with 1. Leadership qualities
7 a co-worker? How?   2. Team player

How do you keep the engineering team

8 motivated?   1. Leadership qualities

How do you deal with low-performing

9 employees?   1. Leadership qualities
1. Self - awareness
10 What do most people criticize about you?  2. Willingness to improve
1. Self - awareness
11 What is your weakness and strengths?  2. Willingness to improve
entencies (Knowledge-Skills-Attitude/Ability) STAR Approach
Identified Gap Followed

Ability to transform information

1. Only able to present information and to insights is missing.
not insights No
1. Moderate analysis of company , simply
presented facts No

1. Not able to apply the concepts No

Below average subject
knowledge and marketing
concepts with average problem
solving skills
1. Failed at applying concepts of
statistics 2. Failed to approach the
problem structurally 3. Analytical skills
are below average No
Average Subject Knowledge No
Average Subject Knowledge No

Average Subject Knowledge No

Below average knowledge of
Average Subject Knowledge No

Average Subject Knowledge No

No Hands on experience No Knowledge of SQL No

Only able to solve it partially. Lacks the

knowledge of subject. Shallow analysis of
problem and not aware with Below average knowledge of
terminilogies used in the indsutry to application of statistics in
define the customer segment business problem analysis No

Moderate amount of skills and If hired, skills training will be

requirements met required to bridge the gap No
Have prior knowledge of product
development and research NA No

Have prior knowledge of interpreting

product data NA No

Not a very convincing answer, could not Better problem solving abilities
portray problem solving abilities clearly required Yes
Honest in nature NA No

Honest in nature NA No

Could not give any example No

Possess leadership qualities, knows how

to build informal relationships with team NA No

Possess leadership qualities, knows how

to build informal relationships with team NA No
Self awareness is present, but
willingness to improve is passive More open to changes is needed No

Self awareness is present NA No

Weightage (1- Score Awarded (1-
5) 10) Weighted Score

2.5 5 12.5

2.5 4 10

4 4.5 18

5 5.5 27.5
4 3.5 14
4 6 24

4 5.5 22

4 0 0

4 2 8
5 0 0

5 4.5 22.5

5 4.5 22.5

4 6 24

3 6 18

4 3 12
5 6 30

4 6 24

4 0 0

5 5.5 27.5

5 5.5 27.5

3 4 12

4 5 20

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