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PM R 10 (2018) S144-S150

Innovations Influencing Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

New Treatment Approaches on the Horizon

for Spastic Hemiparesis
Nathaniel H. Mayer, MD


This article presents 2 recent articles that propose novel interventions for treating spastic hemiparesis by changing biological
infrastructure. In 18 patients with unilateral spastic arm paralysis due to chronic cerebral injury greater than 5 years’ duration,
Zheng et al transferred the C7 nerve from the nonparalyzed side to the side of the arm that was paralyzed. Over a follow-up
period of 12 months, they found greater improvement in function and a reduction of spasticity compared to rehabilitation
alone. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, they also found evidence for physiological connectivity between the ipsi-
lateral cerebral hemisphere and the paralyzed hand. In the second article, Raghavan et al examine the concept of stiffness, a
common symptom in patients with spastic hemiparesis, as a physical change in the infrastructure of muscle. Raghavan’s non-
neural hyaluronan hypothesis postulates that an accumulation of hyaluronan within spastic muscles promotes the development
of muscle stiffness in patients with an upper motor neuron syndrome (UMNS). In a case series of 20 patients with spastic hemi-
paresis, Raghavan et al report that upper limb intramuscular injections of hyaluronidase increased passive and active joint
movement and reduced muscle stiffness. Interventions that change biological infrastructure in UMNS is a paradigm on the horizon
that bears watching.

Introduction approaches, applied externally to damaged biological

systems, offer limited help. This article extracts high-
For a long time, managing impaired voluntary move- lights from 2 recently published approaches that diverge
ment associated with an upper motor neuron syndrome from the current paradigm. These articles examine in-
(UMNS) has relied on therapeutic exercise, electrical terventions aimed at solving the problematic aspects of
stimulation, orthotics, and more recent rehabilitation spastic hemiparesis by interventions that change biolog-
engineering approaches such as robotics. Managing ical infrastructure. The author of this article has
involuntary phenomena (eg, stretch-sensitive spasticity, reviewed and paraphrases much content from the 2 ar-
cocontraction, dystonia, and nonestretch sensitive flexor ticles because he wished to convey the novelty of their
reflex afferent activity) has relied, for the most part, on paradigms that emphasize interventions that change
pharmacologic treatments such as oral, intrathecal, and biological infrastructure.
intramuscular therapies as well as therapeutic exercise,
orthotics and, to a lesser extent, surgery. A reigning Part 1: Changing Peripheral Nerve Infrastructure
paradigm underneath most of these approaches has been
the belief that plastic changes can be wrought in nervous Zheng et al recently published an article on C7 nerve
and musculoskeletal systems to bring about clinical transfer in patients with chronic UMNS [1]. Long-term
change. In a broad sense, these various approaches are disability is commonly caused by UMNS pathology
meant to “feed” a nervous system that, expectantly, will affecting the cerebral hemispheres such as cerebral
use the “food” to heal itself. Nevertheless, we are palsy, stroke, and traumatic brain injury [2], with hand
dealing with damage to biological infrastructure and, in use being particularly affected by UMNS [3]. It is well
the view of this author, most current treatment known that the corticospinal tract decussates in the

1934-1482/$ - see front matter ª 2018 by the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
N.H. Mayer / PM R 10 (2018) S144-S150 S145

medulla, so that a lesion affecting one side of the body control, the other half underwent C7 nerve transfer
is typically located in the central nervous system on the from the unaffected side to the affected side. Blinded,
other side (above the medullary pyramids). It has been nonstratified randomization was performed and was not
noted that during recovery, the cerebral hemispheres, known to members of the staff until assignment for
both ipsilesionally and contralesionally, appear to un- intervention was made.
dergo neural reorganization. (The term contralesional The major intervention of the trial was a surgical
refers to the cerebral hemisphere on the same side of transfer of the C7 nerve on the unaffected side to the
paralysis; eg, a right hemiparesis implies that the right same nerve on the affected hemiparetic side. The authors
hemisphere is contralesional, the lesion being in the left indicate that a surgical incision was made at the superior
ipsilesional hemisphere. The terms ipsi- and contralat- aspect of the sternum and the donor C7 nerve on the
eral are also used clinically, referring to anatomical unaffected side was mobilized. The donor C7 nerve,
structures on a side of the body, for example, a sectioned as distally as possible but before it combined
contralateral right hemiparesis might imply a lesion in with other nerves, was then routed through a path pre-
the left hemisphere and so would an ipsilateral hand pared between the spinal column and the esophagus. The
paralysis imply a contralateral lesion.] There is litera- recipient C7 nerve on the affected side was sectioned and
ture to suggest that the ipsilateral (contralesional) mobilized proximally as much as possible and the donor
hemisphere may be involved in recovery of hand func- C7 nerve from the unaffected side was then anastomosed
tion after stroke with UMNS [4-8]. However, direct with the C7 recipient. No surgery was performed on the
connections between the ipsilateral (contralesional) control group but both groups received similar rehabili-
hemisphere and the paralyzed hand may be sparse in tation therapies 4 times a week for 12 months at a single
humans, consequently placing limits on compensatory facility. Treating physical therapists were aware of
motor behavior [9,10]. treatment assignments. Therapy included similar active
Zheng et al conducted a randomized, controlled, 12- exercise, passive range of motion, occupational therapy,
month longitudinal trial involving a group of 36 patients functional training, physical therapy, acupuncture, mas-
with cerebral injury. Half the group underwent grafting sage, and the use of orthoses. The only between-group
of the C7 spinal nerve on the unaffected side of the difference was the use of an immobilizing cast during
body. The C7 spinal nerve accounts for approximately the postoperative period for patients undergoing surgical
20% of the fibers of the brachial plexus. The authors intervention.
hypothesized that the paretic hand might operationally The primary outcome measure was change in total
link to the contralesional hemisphere after transfer of score on the Fugl-Meyer upper extremity scale from
the C7 spinal nerve from the unaffected to the affected baseline to a 12-month endpoint. Secondary outcomes
side. This approach had been used elsewhere with included changes in active range of motion and the
brachial plexus injuries where nerve grafting depended Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) for elbow, forearm, wrist,
on development of a unitary anatomic and physiologic thumb, and digits 2 through 5. A positive outcome was
connectivity of a peripheral nerve anastomosis. Some- considered a significant improvement in at least 1 of the 5
what in contrast, a nerve graft in the case of a cerebral joints tested over baseline scores. Functional tasks
lesion would seem to depend on 2 connections. In order included activities such as dressing, tying shoes, wringing
for an affected arm to work after C7 nerve transfer, out a towel, and operating a mobile phone. Other sec-
physiologic connection of the anastomosed nerve to the ondary outcomes included evoked motor responses ob-
peripheral nerve innervating the UMNS limb had to be tained by electrical stimulation at the Erb point on the
established. In addition, a second physiologic connec- unaffected side from extensor carpi radialis (ECR) on the
tion had to form between the grafted peripheral nerve affected side. In addition, TMS over each hemisphere was
and the contralesional cerebral hemisphere ipsilateral performed with recording of the motor response of ECR
to the upper limb affected by UMNS. on the affected side. Functional magnetic resonance im-
Study participants with spastic hemiparesis had aging measurements were obtained with the patient at
stopped improving after a minimum of 5 years of phys- rest and during active extension of the wrist on the
ical therapy. Among the inclusion criteria, muscle power affected side. Adverse events were documented and
and touch sensation were reduced but not absent. changes in muscle strength, tactile sensation threshold,
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the con- and 2-point discrimination of arm and hand on the side of
tralesional hemisphere had to result in activation of the the donor C7 nerve were monitored over the 12-month
unaffected extensor carpi radialis whereas participants period.
with TMS applied to the ipsilesional hemisphere causing Descriptive characteristics related to patients was as
activation of the affected extensor carpi radialis were follows: study participants with age range between 12
excluded. Participants with systemic disease such as and 45 had spastic hemiparesis due to stroke, traumatic
diabetes or cardiopulmonary disease, developmental brain injury, cerebral palsy or encephalitis. There were
delay, severe fixed contracture, joint deformity, or poor no significant differences between the groups in Fugl-
cognition were excluded. Half the group served as a Meyer or Ashworth scores at baseline, with the
S146 New Horizons for Spastic Hemiparesis

exception that 8 patients in the control group had weak activation started to appear in the contralesional
congenital hemiplegia compared with 5 in the surgery hemisphere 8 months postoperatively and increased in
group. The mean interval from the original neurologic amplitude at 10 and 12 months, a response not seen in
injury to time of entry into the trial was 15 (9) years in the control group.
the surgery group and 15 (8) years for the control Adverse events included limb or shoulder pain in 13
group. Duration of previous rehabilitation was similar participants in the surgery group, and 8 in the control
(10  4, 10  3, respectively) as was the interval be- group. Twelve participants in the surgery group re-
tween the most recent rehabilitation treatment and ported a foreign body sensation during swallowing, and
randomization. It was noted at baseline that all patients 15 participants in the surgery group reported fatigue.
were unable to perform reach and grasp motions with On the side of the donor nerve, 16 participants reported
their affected hand and were unable to dress, tie shoes, hand numbness, 15 reported reduced strength of elbow
wring out a towel, or operate a mobile phone with the extension, 16 reported reduced wrist extension, and 16
affected arm and hand. had lessened sensation. Power of the arm on the side of
Findings of the study indicated the following: For the the donor nerve became normal in 13 participants and,
primary outcome measure, mean changes in total Fugl- within 3 months of surgery, numbness was no longer
Meyer score from baseline to 12 months were 17.7 present in 15. Sensory or motor deficits on the side of
(5.6) in the surgery group versus 2.6 (2.0) in the the donor nerve were not found in any participant at
control group. These results represented a statistically month 6. In the unaffected limb, except for reduced
significant improvement in Fugl-Meyer scores for the sensation in the index finger, no significant differences
surgery group (difference, 15.1; 95% confidence inter- in sensorimotor functions were noted between baseline
val, 12.2-17.9; P < .001). Fugl-Meyer scores increased and postoperative month 12.
significantly at months 10 and 12 in the surgery group.
Though the numbers were small, a post hoc analysis Commentary
demonstrated that an etiology of hemiparesis did not
account for improvement in Fugl-Meyer scores. This study reports the effects of C7 nerve grafting from
With respect to the secondary outcome measures, the normally functioning arm to the C7 nerve of the
changes in MAS from baseline to the 12-month endpoint paretic arm with an UMNS due to a chronic cerebral
were significant across all joints for the surgical inter- lesion. An important aspect of the project was to see
vention group. Statistically significant increases in whether the unimpaired cerebral hemisphere might be
active range of motion were also found for elbow, engaged. Zheng et al discuss a number of interesting
forearm, and wrist in the surgical intervention group. points. The paretic arm showed improved strength,
Sixteen of 18 patients in the surgical intervention group function, and reduced spasticity at month 12 in the sur-
were able to use the affected hand at 12 months, per- gery group. The control group, receiving only physical
forming 3 or more of the tasks of dressing, tying shoes, therapy, was significantly less improved. Zheng et al
wringing out a towel, and operating a mobile phone. For describe a postsurgical reduction of MAS scores (consid-
controls, 7 of 18 patients were able to perform 2 tasks, 3 ered by the authors as a measure of spasticity), starting as
could perform 1 task, and 8 could not perform any task. early as the first postoperative day in some patients.
Based on neurophysiological testing, motor-nerve Reminiscent of the effect of a dorsal root rhizotomy, a
action potentials were recorded over the affected ECR reduction of spasticity may have been the result of
by stimulation of the contralateral C7 nerve in 8 pa- sectioning the proximal C7 nerve that contains afferent
tients of the surgery group at month 6, 14 at month 8, input affecting the central excitatory state of cord in-
and all 18 patients at 10 and 12 months. TMS elicited terneurons and alpha motor neurons. A direct effect on
evoked potentials in the affected ECR in both groups sectioned C7 motor fibers would also contribute. One
only during stimulation of the ipsilesional hemisphere at thought that follows is the idea that a reduction in spas-
baseline. At 10 and 12 months postoperatively, however, ticity reported here might account for part of the func-
the affected ECR responded to TMS of the contralesional tional improvement of the affected side. Can we achieve
hemisphere. At postoperative month 12, motor poten- similar functional recovery with neurotoxin or phenol
tials evoked by TMS applied over the ipsilesional hemi- blocks of spastic muscles? One of the keys to the C7
sphere could still be recorded from the affected ECR. transfer approach is the connection between cortex and
However, compared with baseline, amplitudes were the unaffected C7 nerve that was transferred to the
reduced and latencies were prolonged. No response was affected side. By 12 months, there was dramatic
recorded in the affected hand by TMS of the contrale- improvement in volitional motor tasks associated with
sional hemisphere at month 12 or in the control group at contralesional activation. Modifying the periphery with
earlier points. Stimulation of contralateral cervical neurotoxin injections has had documented central effects
nerves or the contralesional hemisphere did not elicit a [11]. A relatively small number of studies have examined
response in the affected limb for control participants. and found changes in cortical physiology related to the
With regard to functional magnetic resonance imaging, effects of botulinum toxin injections in the periphery, but
N.H. Mayer / PM R 10 (2018) S144-S150 S147

there have been no major reports between enhanced transfer leading to reestablishment of a cortical acti-
volitional movement in UMNS and the reported cortical vation pathway for voluntary arm movement might also
changes induced by botulinum toxin [12,13]. reactivate spasticity as well. This is unlikely because the
A second phase of recovery was characterized by C7 nerve transfer comes from the unaffected side and
improvements in muscle strength and motor function, becomes connected to the unaffected hemisphere.
most evident at approximately month 10, possibly Findings of this study are encouraging but they are
reflecting the time course of the regeneration of nerve not yet ready to be generalized to a broader population
fibers through the gap between the distal end of the with an upper motor neuron syndrome. The age range,
transplanted nerve and, more distally, on the side of the 12-45, is on the younger side of the spectrum compared
paretic hand. However, reduction of spasticity may also with stroke populations we see most commonly in
have contributed directly to improvements in hand and Western nations. The causes of cerebral lesions under-
arm function and, indirectly, by facilitating physical lying arm paresis in the present trial were diverse, the
therapy. Nevertheless, most of the clinical improve- patients were men with a younger age range (12-45)
ments coincided with physiologic evidence of connec- than the more commonly seen hemiparetic patients who
tivity between the hemisphere on the side of the donor typically sustain a stroke and have comorbidities that
nerve and the paretic arm. Over the 12 months of the were excluded in this study. Care in selection of po-
trial, arm reaching and the ability to open the hand tential surgical candidates will also be a limiting factor
improved in patients who had undergone surgery, in the application of transfer techniques. Nevertheless,
enabling them to dress, wring out a towel, tie their the approach of nerve transfer from the unaffected to
shoes, and operate a mobile phone with the assistance the affected side in a patient with UMNS is novel and
of the paralyzed hand. However, in their commentary, exciting, especially as it demonstrates that a peripheral
Spinner et al think that 10 to 12 months was too short for nerve transfer combined with rehabilitation therapy
the C7 nerve transfer to regenerate sufficiently to reach may have the potential to activate the unaffected ce-
distal muscles at the expected rate of about 100 /mo. rebral hemisphere. The contralateral nerve transfer
paradigm, originally developed for brachial plexus
The time frame for improvement is the major ques-
avulsion injuries, now offers possibilities for generating
tion: that distal muscles are functionally re-
new information on neuroanatomical and neurophysio-
innervated in such a short time seems unlikely to
logical processes regarding peripheral regeneration and
us. An alternative hypothesis to explain the func-
central neuroplasticity. Research into the infra-
tional improvement is that there was reduction in
structural changes wrought by such information will
spasticity caused by the C7 neurotomy on the para-
help rehabilitation therapies take advantage of lessened
lyzed side: the neurotomy may have led to a reduc-
volitional paresis and lessened involuntary phenomena
tion in limb spasticity . and the effect may have
of the UMNS such as spasticity.
been augmented by rehabilitation. [14]
However, as my colleague Dr Sridhara pointed out Part 2: Changing Muscle Infrastructure
(Channarayapatna R. Sridhara, MD, Director of EMG Lab-
oratory, MossRehab, Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, personal Spasticity is a feature of the UMNS and is characterized
communication), one cannot dismiss the possibility that by resistance to the passive stretch of a muscle group
partial regeneration of the nerve transfer to the level of starting from rest. An examiner passively stretches a
the triceps, a much shorter distance from the site of the muscle group at different rates, starting from rest, in
C7 nerve anastomosis, could have occurred and accoun- order to experience velocity-sensitive resistance. Pa-
ted for the improvement in active elbow extension. tients, on the other hand, commonly complain of a
Active elbow extension would serve to aid upper limb sensation of muscle stiffness, typically pointing to muscle
reaching when performing tasks that were dependent on locations where they experience stiffness. It is unclear to
reaching. In future studies, it might be very helpful to this author whether a patient’s sensation of stiffness is
perform serial electromyographic examinations to look related to involuntary neural phenomena such as spas-
for nascent polyphasic potentials and other signs of ticity and other UMNS phenomena of muscle overactivity.
reinnervation in order to establish evidence of the actu- It is possible that changes in the rheologic properties of
alization and timing of regeneration. UMNS muscle are somehow connected to the symptom of
Surgery-related adverse events occurred on the side stiffness. It is, in fact, a recent hypothesis of Raghavan
of the donor nerve, including weakness of elbow and et al that examines the concept of stiffness as emerging
wrist extension as well as numbness in the thumb, from a physical change in the infrastructure of UMNS
index, and middle fingers and pain after surgery. How- muscle [12]. Raghavan’s hyaluronan hypothesis postulates
ever, the authors report that by month 12, sensorimotor that an accumulation of hyaluronan within muscles pro-
functions of the unaffected limb were not significantly motes the development of muscle stiffness. We will
different from baseline, except for reduced index finger explore the Raghavan non-neural hypothesis of muscle
sensation. One might also wonder whether C7 nerve stiffness in part 2 of this article.
S148 New Horizons for Spastic Hemiparesis

Many of the neural mechanisms underlying involun- muscle groups such as pectoralis major, biceps brachii
tary UMNS muscle overactivity are due to disinhibition of and pronator teres. Fascia that contains undulating
supraspinal influences on spinal cord circuitry [13]. The collagen fiber bundles and elastic fibers can adapt to
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke stretching, but this is possible only within certain limits,
on its “Spasticity Information Page” (https://www. beyond which nerve endings are stretch activated identifies spasticity as a condition in dynamically. This mechanism allows “gate control” of the
which there is “an abnormal increase in muscle tone or normal activation of receptors within the fascia. Stecco’s
stiffness” as experienced by an examining clinician. But work hypothesizes that fascia plays an important role in
no reference is made to a patient’s symptomatic dynamic proprioception. As a membrane, fascia extends
complaint of stiffness or whether symptomatic stiffness throughout the whole body, and numerous muscular ex-
is related to any other involuntary neural phenomenon pansions maintain it with a basal tension. During muscle
of the UMNS. Nevertheless, patients commonly complain contraction, these expansions can potentially transmit
of muscle stiffness, and non-neural peripheral mecha- the effect of stretch to proprioceptors in specific areas of
nisms for stiffness have been offered, though not the fascia.
conclusively shown [15,16]. Raghavan hypothesizes that The hyaluronan molecule in the extracellular matrix
muscle stiffness in UMNS reflects non-neural infra- is an important lubricant that facilitates sliding of
structural changes within muscle and, as such, requires muscle fibers. The sliding capability of collagen layers is
a treatment approach that differs from neural-oriented an important feature of normal limb movement, but
therapies such as antispastic oral agents and intramus- disease processes may alter muscle fiber sliding.
cular neurotoxin therapy. Springer et al has shown that central nervous system
Background of the hyaluronan hypothesis begins with injury causing paralysis and immobility leads to rapid
an understanding of the intercellular collagen network atrophy of muscle fibers with a relative increase in the
that defines the relationship between connective tissue proportion of extracellular matrix, particularly in the
and muscle fibers. All muscle depends on connective perimysium surrounding neurovascular tissues [19,20].
tissue to transmit contractile tension. Each myofiber is Because of increased hyaluronan production after ce-
surrounded by endomysium, a delicate connective tis- rebral injury [21] and in immobilized muscles [22], the
sue covering, merging into perimysium that surrounds serum concentration of hyaluronan can go up. At high
“bundles” of myofibers or fascicles. Perimysium merges concentrations, hyaluronan, as well as fibrillar assem-
with epimysium, connective tissue that covers the blies of hyaluronan, markedly increases viscoelasticity
muscle as a whole. The epimysium is attached to end of the extracellular matrix [23,24], resulting in impair-
points at which the muscle originates or inserts onto a ment of muscle fiber sliding, reduced force transmission
bone. The function of connective tissue in these ar- [25], and leading to muscle shortening. Shortening is
rangements is to provide something for the contracting typical of large myofascial expansions [26] such as
muscle to “pull against” so that work can be done. pectoralis major, biceps brachii, and pronator teres,
The intercellular collagen network is crucial to mus- and their myofascial interconnections lead to common
cle action. If it is not present, or if the collagen is not postural configurations such as the adducted/internally
capable of handling the load of muscle contraction, no rotated shoulder, flexed elbow and pronated forearm. In
muscle force can be transmitted and work cannot be UMNS, chronic posturing is of clinical concern because it
done. can lead to fibrosis and contracture. In fact, Jenkins
Hyaluronan, a glycosaminoglycan, is especially abun- indicated that the accumulation of hyaluronan may
dant around the endomysium, perimysium, and epimy- signal fibrosis [27]. Altered tissue viscoelasticity caused
sium of skeletal muscle [17]. Hyaluronan provides by high concentrations of hyaluronan in the extracel-
lubrication that facilitates myofascial force transmission lular matrix surrounding muscle fibers disturbs the net
within and between muscles [18]. A functional connection balance of forces between agonist and antagonist mus-
between muscles and fascia derives from the work of cles, providing a biomechanical explanation of how non-
Stecco et al [17]. The word fascia comes from the Latin neural factors can contribute to the development of
for “bandage,” implying a wrapping type of tissue. Fascia muscle stiffness and the development of common pat-
has traditionally been thought to be a passive entity that terns of UMNS dysfunction.
envelops muscle. However, the work of Stecco et al has To test the hyaluronan hypothesis, Raghavan con-
shown that fascia is a dynamic tissue with complex ducted an open-label study of 20 patients with spastic
vasculature and innervation. They have indicated an hemiparesis of various etiologies (15 patients with
important role for fascia regarding muscle action. vascular stroke, 2 patients with cerebral palsy, 2 pa-
Layered collagen fibers within fascia facilitate trans- tients with brain tumor, and 1 patient with radiation-
mission of tension according to their lines of force. Such a induced vasculitis). Using Dartfish 7.0 video analysis
structure maintains directional continuity along a partic- software, measurement of passive and active movement
ular myokinetic chain, acting like a transmission belt was obtained from video recordings of 8 different joints.
between 2 adjacent joints and also between synergic Muscle stiffness defined by resistance to passive
N.H. Mayer / PM R 10 (2018) S144-S150 S149

movement was assessed with the MAS. Raghavan et al

point out that the MAS measures resistance to passive
movement but does not take velocity dependence into
account. For this reason, some have recommended that
this scale not be used to measure spasticity [28]. How-
ever, in Raghavan’s case series, the MAS was considered
a useful tool to measure stiffness. Finally, all patients
were placed on a specific home exercise program that is
outlined in the published article.
Patients in the study received multiple intramuscular
injections of human recombinant hyaluronidase mixed
with saline in a 1:1 ratio at a single visit. Hyaluronidase is
an FDA-approved agent that enhances tissue perme-
ability. Its current indication is as an adjuvant to facilitate
the absorption of drugs. It was used off-label in the
Raghavan study. Synergistically acting muscles that
contributed to stiffness along the myofascial chain of the
upper limb were selected for hyaluronidase injection (see
Figure 1). The safety and efficacy of the injections and
the passive and active movement and muscle stiffness at
8 upper limb joints were assessed at 4 time points: before
injection (T0), within 2 weeks after injection (T1), within
4 to 6 weeks after injection (T2), and within 3 to 5 months
after injection (T3). Findings revealed that passive
movement at all joints and active movement at most
joints increased at T1, and persisted at T2 and T3 for most
joints. The MAS also declined significantly over time after
injection. The authors report no significant adverse ef-
fects from the injections.


In their case series of 20 patients with spastic hemi-

paresis, Raghavan et al report that upper limb intramus- Figure 1. Synergistically acting muscles contributing to stiffness along
the myofascial chain were selected for injection with human recom-
cular injections of hyaluronidase increased passive and
binant hyaluronidase. Source: Raghavan et al [15].
active joint movement and reduced muscle stiffness. The
effect of treatment persisted for at least 3 months of
follow-up. These results are consistent with the hypoth- mechanical properties of muscles with UMN overactivity,
esis that accumulation of hyaluronan within muscles pro- specifically aiming at differentiating neurally driven
motes the development of muscle stiffness in individuals spasticity and other forms of UMNS muscle overactivity
with cerebral lesions and spastic paresis. Hyaluronidase from non-neural rheologic stiffness. Additional areas of
injections were found to be safe and well tolerated by the investigation might include the study of hyaluronidase on
study patients. The authors point out that treatment did motor control, preventing muscle contracture and
not produce weakness of movement, a common effect of reducing patient complaints of stiffness that might
spasticity treatments such as focal neurotoxin and phenol improve their quality of life. An issue to ponder is
injections and oral dantrolene sodium [29]. whether the anti-stiffness properties of hyaluronidase
The ability of hyaluronidase to reduce muscle stiffness and the neural inhibition properties of neurotoxins might
without muscle weakness suggests that it may have the be a useful combination therapy. On the surface, this idea
potential to facilitate functional change in the UMNS. A might be appealing, but neurotoxins may promote muscle
blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial will be atrophy (“immobilization”) by blocking muscle contrac-
needed to control for placebo response, effects of con- tion and, consequently, may promote increased hyalur-
founding variables such as number and location of injec- onan in the extracellular matrix, which leads to stiffness.
tion sites, amount and quality of therapy, and investigator Hence, neurotoxins, besides causing weakness of ago-
bias in recording and analyzing movement. The results of nists, might also lead to stiffness and fibrosis. Neverthe-
the present study warrant replication by independent less, combination therapy is still an open empirical
groups. Future studies might also directly investigate the question, the ideal candidate for each type of therapy
roles of hyaluronan and hyaluronidase in altering being currently unspecified.
S150 New Horizons for Spastic Hemiparesis

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N.H.M. Emeritus Professor, Dept PM&R, Temple University School of Medicine &
Dept PM&R, MossRehab, 60 Township Line Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027. Address
correspondence to: N.H.M.; e-mail:
Disclosure: nothing to disclose

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