Voter Integrity Is The New Voting System

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A Debacle for Decades will
Now be Upgraded

merican citizens have taken to the

A streets to demand total election
integrity and they are heralding one
technology pioneer as the man for the job,
Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. “I am joined by a
modern-day Benjamin Franklin. Jovan Hutton
Pulitzer is a world-renowned entrepreneur,
inventor, and most importantly, a PATRIOT.

Voter Integrity Is the New Voting

System Upgrade

Jovan holds HUNDREDS of patents on

technology used by billions of people around
New York, NY Why Has So Much Time Has the world.
Passed? He is also the chief authority on kinematic
he whole world is watching as the artifact scanning. He can detect a myriad
T United States of America undertakes ack then, when the election fraud was of different forms of fraud on any piece of
the most comprehensive election audits in
the history of the country. Before the 2020
B documented, the Colliers were both
shunned and blackballed by the media of the
paper. This includes ELECTION BALLOTS.
Meet the most feared expert in the world that
general election it seems very few American day. Ironically, in an eerily similar fashion as every corrupt politician is trying to stop. Our
citizens paid attention to the significant social media and news media these days. country’s future hangs in the balance” was
issues surrounding America voting machines None of the media would allow the brothers the opening line from Professor David K.
and systems, yet when for the first time in on the media airways and print to show Clements recent podcast.
history the counting of ballots on the their audited results. Even with documented
evening of the Presidential election stopped sources, testimonials, affidavits and physical Most American voters became acquainted
– citizens took notice and are now starting audits, the entire fiasco of the election fraud with the reclusive technology pioneer
to look very closely. was called a myth or outright fabrication. when he was asked to speak at a Senate
Sub-Committee hearing for Election Integrity
From November 2020 through March of 2021 “Votescam asserts the unthinkable. It is a in Georgia. A recent article from the Vision
most social media platforms blocked any strange and frightening true detective story. Times stated, “Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, an
user postings daring to talk about election It contains fact, film, documents, and visions inventor and Board Member of the Gold
fraud or voter fraud. This social media move seldom seen by the public. It is troubling look Institute for International Strategists, says
to censor free speech across supposedly at the corruption of the American vote that any type of machine-readable code is the
free platforms has most Americans enraged. most Americans cannot bear to believe is basis of his portfolio of 200 patents listed
This rage has now turned into a brand-new even partly true. on his Stanford Curriculum Vitae. Pulitzer
social movement of its own. Election says almost every manufacturer in the world
Integrity. The authors assert, and back it up with daring licenses his patents, except for ‘Huawei out
reporting, that your vote and mine may now of China. They don’t license it. They just use
From 1970 through 1989 (then again in be a meaningless bit of energy directed by it.’ His technology is on 12 billion devices
1990-1992) a radical book on voter and preprogrammed computers—which can be globally. Pulitzer made it clear that his
election fraud came out titled VOTESCAM: fixed to select certain pre-ordained candidates concerns with the election were non-partisan:
The Stealing of America by James M and and leave no footprints or paper trail. ‘We want to know if these ballots are authentic
Kenneth P Collier. In their book, the brothers or counterfeit. We want to make sure every
pointed out numerous voting machine In short, computers are covertly stealing your vote is verified. This is not about President
problems, most identical to the ones being vote.” Donald J. Trump or President-Elect Joe Biden.
talked about and litigated currently as a This is about: are we still a country where
result of the 2020 general election. -Barnard L. Collier, New York City, 1992 your vote matters? One person one vote.”

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