Essay Pandemic

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the 2020 pandemic brought with it many changes and new habits for society, some voluntary
and others that had to be made mandatory to take care of our health. the virus at a certain
moment was too dangerous, and everybody didn't know about it, so everybody was scared
and we started to believe everything that came out in the news, some things were real and
others not so much, but we couldn't know it. Many things have happened until today that
have changed the world, the way of learning and living, and even the ways of taking care of
oneself. since 2020 we got used to wearing masks to go out in the streets, because anyone
could have the famous covid, either older or younger people. it was the year in which all the
families started to take care of themselves, and my family too. now it is more complicated to
go out without the fear of getting infected, my family takes care of themselves a lot. lately,
covid infections have decreased, so people are again trying to get used to not wearing masks in
public spaces, trying to recover normal habits. Now the pandemic has diminished a little,
however, between months we can see how suddenly covid cases increase or a new variant
appears, so we must not forget about our health. it is very important that every day we take
care of ourselves in order to take care of those around us, it is the new normal, to think not
only of our own well being, but also of the well being of all those who live with us.

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