Tic Tac Toe Assignment #1: Letter To Shay

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Dear Shay,

I’m writing to you with a simple request for you to return from the smoke. I know that when you
left our last conversation had turned into an argument and that pushed you over the top but trust
me you will regret it. This is our only chance to be able to have a better life in New Pretty Town
as pretties instead of staying ugly forever. Our birthdays are almost here so if you find this letter
before that please consider my words. I only want the best for both of us. I just want you and I to
become pretty together and move into Pretty Town. Life will be so much more fun, we will be
able to party for however long we want and hangout with whoever. No one will be able to stop
us from going hoverboarding or exploring new areas. Trust me one surgery isn’t going to do
anything. All they are going to do is change up your appearance a little bit [which side note who
doesn’t want that]. We all have flaws that we want to fix, isn’t it a good thing that the higher ups
are giving us a chance to become our ideal selves. Like come one Shay how bad can it be. You
know it would be way better to go out exploring freely instead of being fearful of someone
catching you and realizing that you are an ugly. Do you not realize how much more severe the
punishment will be if a pretty gets caught doing something compared to an ugly doing the same
thing. Overall, being pretty just has more benefits. We can both be pretty together, with Peris in
Town. Think of how much fun we could have if we were all together. Please Shay if you are
reading this come back so we can become pretty together and live a happier life together, as best

Yours truly,

Tally Youngblood

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