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If management books are boring you, take you leadership lessons from comic books instead.

You might be surprised by the wisdom you find when reading the stories of your favorite

Be responsive: If you had to send a superhero several emails just to get on his/her calendar,
he/she wouldn't be much of a superhero. Don't hide in your office.

Superheroes care about all people. If a building is collapsing towards a crowd below, the hero
won't stop to ask, "Are you in my group?”

Be highly creative in your efforts to save the day. The same solution won't work every time.
There's always a bigger problem, or a fiercer villain. Get used to outdoing yourself.

Have a sense of urgency: There always seems to be limited time to save the world. Or solve a
business matter.

Rebound. Be prepared to get punched and get things thrown at you. Get up and get back in
the game.

Be relentlessly optimistic. Even as you recognize the challenges ahead, your basic mindset has
to be a hardcore belief in yourself and your allies.

The odds will always be against you, but you don't care. That just makes life interesting. Laugh
at the odds.

Don't stop trying until the job is done: Your job is not to try. It is to succeed.

Know your weaknesses. Think: kryptonite. If you ignore your Achilles heel, it might kill your

When you win - and you will win - be cool about it. You don't see superheroes doing self-
congratulatory dances.

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