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The Easter of the World

Why did Jesus of Nazareth have to die so young? Surely, he must have had a dozen good way to
circumvent his crucifixion. Why didn’t he do this? when Jesus was handed over to the religious
tyrants, even his disciples thought that all had happened for nothing. However, during those
tumultuous times, there was something far more precious that was developing. Even though he
may not have known how the future was going to unfold, Jesus chose to listen to the still small voice
speaking to him from the recesses of his soul. And most important, he chose to act upon this Divine
guidance. This is what brought Jesus to the threshold of participating fully in God’s Mystery and
heralding the greatest transformation that the world has ever known. From death to life, from
darkness to light, the Easter story unfolded for the world to witness.

Consider that the Nazarene’s journey through his ordeals is mirrored in our life, as well. Our own
Easter story begins when we are called to enter into liminal space, where we don’t know what is
going to happen. It is a space of trusting, of connecting to Divine Flow. In passing through this
transitional space of darkness, we come to a threshold that opens to the light. That is when we
experience our own Easter, the resurrection of the light of our Soul. And now, on this Easter
morning, let us emerge from the darkness and bask in the presence of God as we rejoice that we are
alive with new possibilities.

From Isaiah 45:3, “I will give you the treasures of darkness.”

But as everyone knows, spending time in liminal space can be a trying experience. We may even
shake in our boots and momentarily succumb to fear. Yet, there is another force that keeps pulling
us toward the light. As you recall in the Easter story when the women discovered that the rock had
been rolled away from the tomb, the angel turned and said to them, “Do not be afraid.” That simple
message carries such strength as we keep reminding ourselves that during times of upheaval, we
are being called to pass through liminal space in order to roll away our own stone.

And now, let us consider that the Easter story has yet another dimension: a global perspective. We
are now embarking upon the resurrection of the world as the Shift of the Ages is upon us. It is
during this transition that the entire world is existing in liminal space. It is a time of waiting and
trusting. It is a time when new life is incubating.

According to Dr. Clymer, this global shift began in the late 1800’s and was further heralded by the
conjunction of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, and Uranus in February of 1962. On that
date, all the traditional 7 planets in astrology from Sun to Saturn were in Aquarius, an alignment
that does not repeat for several thousand years.

But as we know, the transition into this New Age does not happen instantly. The old must crumble
before the Easter of the world can take place. Dr. Clymer shared that there will be many more years
from this conjunction before we can genuinely witness the true effects of the Golden Age.

This Great Shift has been foretold by many Master Teachers who were early arrivals of this Golden
Age, including our beloved Nazarene. These ancient prophecies have indicated the coming of a
much-needed shift that involves an awakening to elevated states of consciousness. We recall the
Law of Hermes: "As above so below.” Let us feel privileged to be witnessing such a transformation.
From I Corinthians 15:51-52, “Behold, I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be
changed: in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound
and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” Truly, this is happening. Now.
Little by little. And in some instances, by leaps and bounds.

We can all attest to the fact that our own life is strongly influenced by the universal changes that are
taking place. In particular, I would like to focus on the magnetic shifts that are occurring with the
sun and the earth. Why is this so important? We know that the human brain contains millions of
tiny magnetic particles; and these particles directly connect us to the earth’s magnetic field. Since
these magnetic fields are vastly changing at this time, we are also affected in our nervous system,
immune system, and in our very consciousness. This includes our perceptions of space, time,
dreams, and reality.

Because our bodies have an extremely dense nature, they cannot adapt so quickly to these energetic
changes. Many of us are already feeling these shifts that show up as uncomfortable sensations
which accompany aspects of life such as relationships, lifestyle, perceptions of our place in the
world, traditions, and even our relationship to God. We might also feel these shifts in the form of a
knowing or a feeling that something of huge proportions is taking place.

The world is hungry for a new vision; and it is during this prelude to the Easter of our world, that all
authority will be challenged. We are now experiencing the breakdown of everything we know. Just
as in the Easter narrative, it’s like an earthquake of the greatest magnitude is shaking our very
foundation. As we have seen in history, crisis precedes transformation. With the shifting of political,
business, social, moral, environmental, and family structures, a world-wide transition is taking
place as old barriers dissolve – truly a spiritual renaissance!

It is most appropriate to read D. H. Lawrence’s poem.


When we get out of the glass bottles of our ego,

And when we escape like squirrels
Turning the cages of our personality,
And get into the forests again,
We shall shiver with cold and fright.

But things will happen to us

So that we don’t know ourselves.
Cool, unlying life will rush in,
And passion will make our bodies taut with power.
We shall stamp our feet with new power and old things will fall down.
We shall laugh, and institutions will curl up like burnt paper.

This global transformation begins with the inner. As we intentionally shift within ourselves, we are
also the catalyst for the shift outside of us. When we consciously express the higher attributes of
wisdom, compassion, and global connection, we also create a world that will abound in these
characteristics – a world for the highest good of humankind and the environment.

Reflecting on this global transformation, let us remember that during this time as we are traversing
through liminal space, many significant changes are taking place: within us, with the physical earth,
and with all facets of humanity. The most important aspect of this change is for us to live our life
dedicated to our personal well-being, balance, health, stability, and harmony with the Divine.

Global transformation is taking place, one step at a time; and gradually, humanity will reach new
heights of awareness. While we are living in this liminal space of all possibilities, let us take note
that the cleansing and re-balancing of people, institutions, and the earth are all part of the
transformation into the Golden Age.

Every choice we make can be the catalyst for a giant leap in our personal evolution and in the
evolution of humankind. Never has such progress been possible in such a short period of time.
Truly, this is the Easter of the world – its resurrection from darkness into the Light.

Rev. Arlene Rose Curley

Easter, April 17, 2022

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