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Sample Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 7 TEXT Types

Detailed lesson plan for education students.
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Central Mindanao University

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Daphne Anne Carumba

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English
Prepared by: Daphne Anne Carumba
Goals: This lesson aims to teach students identify and differentiate text types. They will
also be tasked to read different texts used as an example and lastly students are
expected to participate during the assessment activity.
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students must have: 1. classified different text types, 2.
identified stories or writings which includes different text types, and 3. applied new
knowledge through answering and participating during assessment.
II. Subject matter
A. Topic : Different text types (narrative, expository, explanation, recount, persuasive)
B. Year level : Grade 7
C. Learning Competency: Perform knowledge-application by answering and participating
in class and embody teamwork and collaboration during class activities.
D. Materials:
Laptop Chalk PowerPoint slides Projector Labelled buckets
E. References
English Expressways II. 2007. (pp 120-121,202,243-244.)
(June 2018). Understanding different types of text. Retrieved from:
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary activities

Good morning class

Who wants to lead the prayer for today? yes Alexander
Now, I’ll be checking your attendance. Say present if you are here okay?
So class, how was your day? Is it good?
What did you do first thing in the morning?
Excellent miss Jenny, we should thank God for this another wonderful day he had given
to us.

B. Building Background

1. Review of the previous lesson

Who among you here is absent from the last meeting?
So, class since Rose is absent last meeting, who can relate to her the lessons that we’ve
discussed? Yes Gina?
Very well said Gina. Now is there anyone who wants to add or expound Gina’s answer?
Dezza? Is there something you’d like to add?
Yes that’s true Dezza. In composition, cause and effect is a method of paragraph or essay
development in which a writer analyzes the reasons for and the consequences of an
action, event, or decision. A cause-and-effect paragraph or essay can be organized in
various ways. For instance, causes and effects can be arranged in either chronological
order or reverse chronological order. Alternatively, points can be presented in terms of
emphasis, from least important to
Good morning Ma’am
Alexander: Ma’am, I will lead the prayer today. (Student prays)
Yes ma’am
Bryan: yes ma’am
Jenny: Ma’am, I thank God for this another day and for the air we breathe
Rose: (Raises her hand) Ma’am, I was absent last meeting because I was at the hospital
taking care of my brother.
Gina: Last meeting we tackled about the cause and effect relationship.
Dezza: A cause-effect relationship is a relationship in which one event (the cause) makes
another event happen (the effect). One cause can have several effects.
Brilliant Stephen! Yes how about Sem?
Very good observation! Now let me introduce to you the 5 different text types.
Our lesson for today is about Different Text Types. The narrative, expository,
explanation, recount and persuasive. In our activity earlier, who among you here can
explain the composition no? The story of Babu and the lion.
Very good Aileen! Yes the story is all about and that is an example of a Narrative text. A
narrative is a writing that tells a story. It has a sequence of events and plot. It also has
characters and setting, as well as a narrator or a person from whose point of view the
story is told. Another example of this is when your friend tells a story, fairy tales, short
stories and novels.
Now who can tell us here what the composition no talks about?
Okay, thank you for that Justine. What you’ve just heard is an expository text.
Expository text is a type of informational text that provides factual information about a
topic using a clear, non-narrative organizational structure with a major topic and
supporting information. This includes topic such as historical, scientific or economic
Let’s move on to composition no, It’s about planting seeds and how it grows. It includes a
seed of a bean being planted on a pot and is watered daily. When the seed is on the
ground it will crack and will slowly grow into a sprout. With enough water and sunlight
the bean will grow healthy. The roots of the plant will grow and burrow into the soil in
order for it to support its upper body and for it to get nutrients underneath. With the
help of the sunlight, the plant can also bear its own fruit. So class, can you tell me what
text type is this? Is it narrative, expository, explanation, recount or persuasive?
Yes very good Glaiza. Indeed it is an
Sem: The fourth one explains about a vacation and the last one is about a woman
convincing her friends.
Aileen: The story is about Babu and the lion. Babu was a slave and was treated badly by
his master, so he went to the forest and found the lion with a thorn on its feet. With a
brave heart, He helped the lion and they became good friends.
Meloveal: Excuse me ma’am, can you give another example of a narrative text?
Justine: Ma’am! It is an article from Reader’s Digest: why anger is bad for your health. It
says that expressed anger is not only bad for relationships but also bad for the health.
Anger creates specific conditions within the body.
Glaiza: It is an explanation text ma’am, because it explains the growth of the bean.
explanation text. An explanation text is a type of non-fiction text that explains a process,
such as how something works or why something happens. Explanation is a text which
tells processes relating to forming of natural, social, scientific and cultural phenomena.
Explanation text is to say 'why' and 'how' of the forming of the phenomena. It is often
found in science, geography and history text books.
Can someone explain composition no?
Thank you Reynante, the fourth composition is a Recount text. A recount is the retelling
or recounting of an event or an experience. It is often based on the direct experience,
the purpose is to tell what happened. Daily news telling in the classroom is a useful
precursor to this particular writing.
Has any of you here encountered the word persuasive?
Yes that’s correct Regine. Now can someone summarize for us the last composition?
That is an example of a Persuasive text. It is a type of non-fiction writing used to
convince others to agree about an issue. Authors also use persuasive writing to change
the minds of their audience about a specific topic.

IV. Generalization
Okay class now we are finished with discussing the Different text types. So who wants
to volunteer and tell us why do we need to know the different text types? Yes Charice?
Yes that’s exactly right Charice. Who wants to share about what they’ve learned today?
Yes Liza?
Reynante: Composition no is about Ali and Ani’s vacation to Paris. They remembered
how beautiful the place is. They talked about the food they ate and the things they
enjoyed while staying there.
Regine: Persuasive means convincing someone ma’am.
Jecel: The last composition is about a woman convincing her friends that her facial
products are better than theirs. She convinces them to change what they are using.
Charice: It is important to study different text types ma’am because a text can come in
any form and be any kind of writing. Letters, adverts, user-guides, emails, postcards,
notes and magazine article are all in different text types. When reading something, it
helps to know what type of text it is. It also helps to know why it has been written.
Liza: There are 5 different text types; narrative, expository, explanation, recount and
persuasive. The narrative text has a sequence and a plot. It has also a setting, an example
of this are fairy tales and novels. Expository text aims to inform its audience and reader.
It is a type of informational text that provides factual information about a topic using
A Detailed Lesson Plan
in English
Prepared by: Daphne Anne
Goals: This lesson aims to teach
students identify and
differentiate text types. They
will also be
tasked to read different texts
used as an example and lastly
students are expected to
during the assessment activity.
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the
students must have:
1. classified different text types,
2. identified stories or writings
which includes different text
types, and
3. applied new knowledge
through answering and
participating during assessment.
II. Subject matter
A. Topic: Different text types
(narrative, expository,
explanation, recount,
B. Year level: Grade 7
C. Learning Competency:
Perform knowledge-application
by answering and participating
class and embody teamwork
and collaboration during class
D. Materials:
PowerPoint slides
Labelled buckets
E. References
English Expressways Ⅱ. 2007.
(pp 120-121,202,243-244.)
(June 2018). Understanding
different types of text.
Retrieved from:

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