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V 1.01

+ +
1-axis stepper
controller / driver
5.5A RMS/ 24 or 48V DC

+ +

TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

Hamburg, Germany
TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 2

Table of contents
1 Life support policy ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
2 About this document .................................................................................................................................................. 7
3 Features ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 General features of this CANopen implementation .................................................................................. 9
4 Communication ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Reference model ................................................................................................................................................ 10
4.2 NMT state machine ............................................................................................................................................ 11
4.3 Device model ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.4 Object Dictionary ............................................................................................................................................... 14
5 Communication objects ............................................................................................................................................ 15
5.1 Detailed object specifications ........................................................................................................................ 15
5.1.1 Object 1000h: Device type.......................................................................................................................... 15
5.1.2 Object 1001h: Error register ....................................................................................................................... 15
5.1.3 Object 1005h: COB-ID SYNC Message ..................................................................................................... 16
5.1.4 Object 1008h: Manufacturer device name ............................................................................................. 16
5.1.5 Object 1009h: Manufacturer hardware version .................................................................................... 16
5.1.6 Object 1010h: Store parameters ............................................................................................................... 16
5.1.7 Object 1011h: Restore default parameters ............................................................................................ 17
5.1.8 Object 100Ah: Manufacturer software version ..................................................................................... 19
5.1.9 Object 1014h: COB-ID emergency object ............................................................................................... 19
5.1.10 Object 1015h: Inhibit time EMCY ............................................................................................................. 19
5.1.11 Object 1016h: Consumer heartbeat time ............................................................................................... 20
5.1.12 Object 1017h: Producer heartbeat time ................................................................................................. 20
5.1.13 Object 1018h: Identity object.................................................................................................................... 21
5.1.14 Object 1023h: OS command ...................................................................................................................... 21
5.1.15 Object 1029h: Error behavior .................................................................................................................... 22
5.1.16 Objects 1400h-1405h: Receive PDO communication parameter ....................................................... 22
5.1.17 Objects 1600h-1605h: Receive PDO mapping ........................................................................................ 23
5.1.18 Objects 1800h-1805h: Transmit PDO communication parameter .................................................... 24
5.1.19 Objects 1A00h-1A05h: Transmit PDO mapping parameter ................................................................ 25
6 Device profile objects (CiA402) and modes of operation .............................................................................. 26
6.1 Detailed object specifications ........................................................................................................................ 26
6.1.1 Object 605Ah: Quick stop option code .................................................................................................. 26
6.1.2 Object 605Bh: Shutdown option code ................................................................................................... 27
6.1.3 Object 605Ch: Disable operation option code ..................................................................................... 27
6.1.4 Object 605Dh: Halt option code ............................................................................................................... 27
6.1.5 Object 605Eh: Fault reaction option code ............................................................................................. 28
6.1.6 Object 6060h: Modes of operation .......................................................................................................... 28
6.1.7 Object 6061h: Modes of operation display ........................................................................................... 29
6.1.8 Object 606Ah: Sensor selection code ..................................................................................................... 29
6.1.9 Object 60C5h: Max acceleration ................................................................................................................ 29
6.1.10 Object 60C6h: Max deceleration ............................................................................................................... 30
6.1.11 Object 60FDh: Digital inputs ..................................................................................................................... 30
6.1.12 Object 6502h: Supported drive modes ................................................................................................... 30
6.2 Profile position mode ...................................................................................................................................... 31
6.2.1 Detailed object specifications .................................................................................................................. 31 Object 6040h: Controlword .............................................................................................................. 32 Object 6041h: Statusword ................................................................................................................ 33 Object 6062h: Position demand value ......................................................................................... 34 Object 6063h: Position actual internal value ............................................................................. 34 Object 6064h: Position actual value .............................................................................................. 34 Object 6065h: Following error window ....................................................................................... 35 Object 6067h: Position window ..................................................................................................... 35 Object 6068h: Position window time ........................................................................................... 36 Object 607Ah: Target position ........................................................................................................ 36

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 3 Object 607Dh: Software position limit ......................................................................................... 36 Object 607Fh: Maximum profile velocity ..................................................................................... 37 Object 6081h: Profile velocity ......................................................................................................... 37 Object 6083h: Profile acceleration ................................................................................................. 37 Object 6084h: Profile deceleration ................................................................................................ 38 Object 6085h: Quick stop deceleration......................................................................................... 38 Object 6086h: Motion profile type ................................................................................................. 38 Object 608Fh: Position encoder resolution ................................................................................ 39
6.2.2 How to move a motor in pp mode ....................................................................................................... 39
6.3 Homing mode ..................................................................................................................................................... 40
6.3.1 Connecting home switch, left switch, and right switch .................................................................. 41
6.3.2 Connecting a brake ..................................................................................................................................... 42
6.3.3 Homing methods: Homing on negative home switch and index pulse..................................... 42
6.3.4 Detailed object definitions ....................................................................................................................... 43 Object 6040h: Controlword .............................................................................................................. 43 Object 6041h: Statusword ................................................................................................................ 44 Object 607Ch: Home offset .............................................................................................................. 45 Object 6098h: Homing method ...................................................................................................... 45 Object 6099h: Homing speeds ........................................................................................................ 46 Object 609Ah: Homing acceleration .............................................................................................. 46
6.3.5 How to start a homing in hm mode..................................................................................................... 46
6.4 Velocity mode ..................................................................................................................................................... 47
6.4.1 Detailed object definitions ....................................................................................................................... 47 Object 6040h: Controlword .............................................................................................................. 47 Object 6041h: Statusword ................................................................................................................ 48 Object 6042h: vl target velocity ..................................................................................................... 48 Object 6043h: vl velocity demand ................................................................................................. 49 Object 6044h: vl velocity actual value .......................................................................................... 49 Object 6046h: vl velocity min max amount ................................................................................ 49 Object 6048h: vl velocity acceleration .......................................................................................... 50 Object 6049h: vl velocity deceleration ......................................................................................... 50 Object 6062h: Position demand value ......................................................................................... 51 Object 6063h: Position actual internal value ............................................................................. 51 Object 6064h: Position actual value .............................................................................................. 51 Object 6065h: Following error window ....................................................................................... 52 Object 607Dh: Software position limit ......................................................................................... 52 Object 6083h: Profile acceleration ................................................................................................. 53 Object 6084h: Profile deceleration ................................................................................................ 53 Object 6085h: Quick stop deceleration......................................................................................... 53
6.4.2 How to move a motor in vl mode ........................................................................................................ 54
7 Manufacturer specific area ....................................................................................................................................... 55
7.1 Detailed object specifications ........................................................................................................................ 55
7.1.1 Object 2000h: Microstep resolution ........................................................................................................ 55
7.1.2 Object 2001h: Fullstep resolution ............................................................................................................ 55
7.1.3 Object 2002h: Brake delay times .............................................................................................................. 56
7.1.4 Object 2003h: Maximum current .............................................................................................................. 56
7.1.5 Object 2004h: Standby current ................................................................................................................. 56
7.1.6 Object 2005h: Limit switches .................................................................................................................... 57
7.1.7 Object 200Ah: Enable drive delay time .................................................................................................. 57
7.1.8 Object 200Bh: Encoder parameters ......................................................................................................... 57
7.1.9 Object 200Ch: Brake current feed ............................................................................................................ 58
7.1.10 Object 2085h: Ramp divisor....................................................................................................................... 58
7.1.11 Object 2086h: Pulse divisor ....................................................................................................................... 58
7.1.12 Object 2087h: Maximum velocity ............................................................................................................. 59
7.1.13 Object 2088h: Maximum acceleration ..................................................................................................... 59
7.1.14 Object 208Ch: Velocity dimension index ............................................................................................... 59
7.1.15 Object 208Eh: Acceleration dimension index ....................................................................................... 60

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 4

7.1.16 Object 2090h: Step interpolation enable ............................................................................................... 60

7.1.17 Object 2091h: Double step enable .......................................................................................................... 60
7.1.18 Object 2092h: Chopper blank time .......................................................................................................... 61
7.1.19 Object 2093h: Chopper mode ................................................................................................................... 61
7.1.20 Object 2094h: Chopper hysteresis decrement ...................................................................................... 61
7.1.21 Object 2095h: Chopper hysteresis end ................................................................................................... 62
7.1.22 Object 2096h: Chopper hysteresis start ................................................................................................. 62
7.1.23 Object 2097h: Chopper off time ............................................................................................................... 62
7.1.24 Object 2098h: Smart energy current minimum ................................................................................... 63
7.1.25 Object 2099h: Smart energy current down step ................................................................................. 63
7.1.26 Object 209Ah: Smart energy hysteresis ................................................................................................. 63
7.1.27 Object 209Bh: Smart energy current up step ....................................................................................... 64
7.1.28 Object 209Ch: Smart energy hysteresis start ....................................................................................... 64
7.1.29 Object 209Dh: stallGuard2™ filter enable ............................................................................................. 64
7.1.30 Object 209Eh: stallGuard2™ threshold ................................................................................................... 65
7.1.31 Object 209Fh: Slope control high side ................................................................................................... 65
7.1.32 Object 20A0h: Slope control low side .................................................................................................... 65
7.1.33 Object 20A1h: Short protection disable ................................................................................................. 66
7.1.34 Object 20A2h: Short detection timer ...................................................................................................... 66
7.1.35 Object 20A3h: Vsense .................................................................................................................................. 66
7.1.36 Object 20A4h: Stop on stall ....................................................................................................................... 67
7.1.37 Object 20A5h: Smart energy threshold speed ..................................................................................... 67
7.1.38 Object 20A6h: Smart energy slow run current .................................................................................... 67
7.1.39 Object 2100h: Home offset display ......................................................................................................... 67
7.1.40 Object 2101h: Actual stallGuard2™ load value .................................................................................... 68
7.1.41 Object 2102h: Driver error flags ............................................................................................................... 68
7.1.42 Object 2103h: Pulse divisor display ........................................................................................................ 68
7.1.43 Object 2104h: Maximum velocity display .............................................................................................. 69
7.1.44 Object 2105h: Ramp divisor display ........................................................................................................ 69
7.1.45 Object 2106h: Maximum acceleration display ...................................................................................... 69
7.1.46 Object 2107h: Microstep resolution display.......................................................................................... 69
7.1.47 Object 2700h: TMCL™ direct communication ....................................................................................... 70
7.1.48 Object 2701h: Manufacturer specific mode ........................................................................................... 70
7.1.49 Object 2702h: Digital inputs ...................................................................................................................... 70
7.1.50 Object 2703h: Digital outputs ................................................................................................................... 71
7.1.51 Object 2704h: CAN bit rate ........................................................................................................................ 71
7.1.52 Object 2705h: Node ID ................................................................................................................................ 71
7.1.53 Object 2706h: Store ...................................................................................................................................... 72
7.1.54 Object 2707h: CAN bit rate load ............................................................................................................... 72
7.1.55 Object 2708h: Node ID load ...................................................................................................................... 72
7.1.56 Object 2709h: Encoder interface............................................................................................................... 72
7.1.57 Object 270Ah: Encoder interface display ............................................................................................... 73
7.1.58 Object 270Eh: Device analogue inputs ................................................................................................... 73
8 Emergency messages ................................................................................................................................................ 74
9 Revision history .......................................................................................................................................................... 76
9.1 Firmware revision .............................................................................................................................................. 76
9.2 Document revision ............................................................................................................................................ 76
10 References..................................................................................................................................................................... 77

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 5

Table of figures
Figure 4.1: Overview CANopen NMT state machine .................................................................................................. 11
Figure 4.2: Communication architecture ....................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4.3: Device model .................................................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 5.1: Restore procedure.......................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 6.1: Finite state machine ..................................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 6.2: Homing mode function ................................................................................................................................ 40
Figure 6.3: Connectors of the TMCM-1180 .................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 6.4: Homing on negative home switch and index pulse ........................................................................... 42
Figure 6.5: Home offset definition ................................................................................................................................. 45
Figure 7.8: Transfer characteristic of the velocity acceleration ............................................................................. 50
Figure 8.1: Brake output timing ...................................................................................................................................... 56

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 6

1 Life support policy

TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG does not
authorize or warrant any of its products for use in life
support systems, without the specific written consent
of TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG.

Life support systems are equipment intended to

support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform,
when properly used in accordance with instructions
provided, can be reasonably expected to result in
personal injury or death.

© TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG 2011

Information given in this data sheet is believed to be

accurate and reliable. However neither responsibility
is assumed for the consequences of its use nor for
any infringement of patents or other rights of third
parties, which may result from its use.

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 7

2 About this document

This document specifies objects and modes of operation of the TRINAMIC module TMCM-1180 with
CANopen firmware. As this product is a stepper motor controller and driver module the use of the CiA
DSP402 protocol (described in the CiA CANopen drives and motion control device profile, Part 2) is
fundamental. The CANopen firmware is designed to fulfill the DS301 version 4.02 and DS402 version
3.o standards. The CiA conformance has also been tested.

As with most TRINAMIC modules the software running on the microprocessor of the TMCM-1180
consists of two parts, a boot loader and the CANopen firmware itself. Whereas the boot loader is
installed during production and testing at TRINAMIC and remains – normally – untouched throughout
the whole lifetime, the CANopen firmware can easily be updated by the user. It can be loaded into
the module by using the firmware update function of the TMCL-IDE.

It is also still possible to control the drive using TMCL™ commands via a special vendor-specific
object (see paragraph 0). You can turn the drive back into a TMCL™ module by loading the TMCL™
firmware into the drive again.

This manual assumes that the reader is already familiar with the basics of the CANopen protocol
(especially DS301 and DS402). On the following pages you will find a short introduction or rather a
short overview and afterwards the information will be more in detail.

CAN Controller area network
CHGND chassis ground / earth ground
COB Communication object
FSA Finite state automation
FSM Finite state machine
NMT Network management
ID Identifier
LSB Least significant bit
MSB Most significant bit
PDO Process data object
PDS Power drive system
RPDO Receive process data object
SDO Service data object
TPDO Transmit process data object
EMCY Emergency object
rw Read and write
ro Read only
hm Homing mode
pp Profile position mode
pv Profile velocity mode
Table 2.1: Abbreviations

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 8

3 Features
The PD86-1180 is a full mechatronic device consisting of a NEMA 34 (flange size 86mm) stepper motor,
controller/driver electronics and integrated encoder.

Powerful single-axis stepper motor solutions
Encoder feedback for high reliability operation

Electrical data
Supply voltage: +24V DC or +48V DC nominal
Motor current: up to 5.5A RMS (programmable)

PANdrive motor
Two phase bipolar stepper motor with up to 5.5A RMS nom. coil current
Holding torque: 7Nm

Integrated encoder
Integrated sensOstep™ magnetic encoder (max. 256 increments per rotation) e.g. for step-loss
detection under all operating conditions and positioning

Integrated motion controller

Motion profile calculation in real-time (TMC428 motion controller)
On the fly alteration of motor parameters (e.g. position, velocity, acceleration)
High performance ARM7 microcontroller for overall system control and serial communication
protocol handling

Integrated bipolar stepper motor driver

Up to 256 microsteps per full step
High-efficient operation, low power dissipation (MOSFETs with low RDS(ON))
Dynamic current control
Integrated protection
Automatic load dependent motor current adaptation for reduced power consumption and heat
dissipation (coolStep™)

inputs for stop switches (left and right) and home switch
general purpose inputs and 2 general purpose outputs
USB, RS232, RS485 and CAN (2.0B up to 1Mbit/s) communication interfaces

Safety features
Shutdown input. The driver will be disabled in hardware as long as this pin is left open or
shorted to ground
Separate supply voltage inputs for driver and digital logic – driver supply voltage may be
switched off externally while supply for digital logic and therefore digital logic remains active

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 9

3.1 General features of this CANopen implementation

The general features of this CANopen implementation are:

Communication according to standard CiA-301 V4.1

CAN bit rate: 1000kBit/s
CAN ID: 11 bit
Node ID: 1… 127, settable by vendor specific objects
NMT services: NMT slave
SDO communication:
 1 server
 expedited transfer
 segmented transfer
 no block transfer

PDO communication:
 Producer
 Consumer
 RPDOs:
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
- Transmission modes: asynchronous
- Dynamic mapping with max. 3 mapping entries
- Default mappings: according to CiA-402 for PDO 1, 2, 3 and 6, manufacturer
specific for PDO4

 TPDOs:
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
- Transmission modes: asynchronous, asynchronous with event timer,
- Dynamic mapping with max. 3 mapping entries
- Default mappings: according to CiA-402 for PDO 1, 2, 3 and 6, manufacturer
specific for PDO

SYNC: consumer (TPDO3 and TPDO6 are synchronous PDOs)

Emergency: producer
RTR: not supported

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 10

4 Communication
4.1 Reference model
The application layer comprises a concept to configure and communicate real-time-data as well as the
mechanisms for synchronization between devices. The functionality the application layer offers to an
application is logically divided over different service data objects (SDO) in the application layer. A
service object offers a specific functionality and all the related services.

Applications interact by invoking services of a service object in the application layer. To realize these
services this object exchanges data via the CAN Network with peer service object(s) via a protocol.

The application and the application layer interact with service primitives.

There are four different service primitives:

Request issued by the application to the application layer to request a service

Indication issued by the application layer to the application to report an internal event detected
by the application layer or indicate that a service is requested

Response issued by the application to the application layer to respond to a previous received

Confirmation issued by the application layer to the application to report the result of a previously
issued request

A service type defines the primitives that are exchanged between the application layer and the
cooperating applications for a particular service of a service object.

There are the following service types:

Local service involves only the local service object. The application issues a request to
its local service object that executes the requested service without
communicating with peer service object(s)

Unconfirmed service involves one or more peer service objects. The application issues a request
to its local service object. This request is transferred to the peer service
object(s) that each passes it to their application as an indication. The result
is not confirmed back.

Confirmed service can involve only one peer service object. The application issues a request
to its local service object. This request is transferred to the peer service
object that passes it to the other application as an indication. The other
application issues a response that is transferred to the originating service
object that passes it as a confirmation to the requesting application.

Provider initiated service involves only the local service object. The service object (being the service
provider) detects an event not solicited by a requested service. This event
is then indicated to the application.

Unconfirmed and confirmed services are collectively called remote services.

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 11

4.2 NMT state machine

The finite state machine (FSM) or simply state machine is a model of behavior composed of a finite
number of states, transitions between those states, and actions. It shows which way the logic runs
when certain conditions are met.

Starting and resetting the device is controlled via the state machine. The NMT state machine consists
of the following states:


ID / Boot-up




Figure 4.1: Overview CANopen NMT state machine

After power-on or reset the device enters the Initialization state.

After the device initialization is finished, the device automatically transits to the Pre-operational state
and indicates this state transition by sending the boot-up message. This way the device indicates that
it is ready to work. A device that stays in Pre-operational state may start to transmit SYNC-, time
stamp- or heartbeat message. In contrast to the PDO communication that has to be disabled in this
state, the device can communicate via SDO.

The PDO communication is only possible within the Operational state. During Operational state the
device can use all supported communication objects.

A device that was switched to the Stopped state only reacts on received NMT commands. In addition
the device indicates the current NMT state by support the error control protocol during Stopped state.

The transitions between states are made by issuing a network management (NMT) communication
object to the device. The NMT protocols are used to generate state machine change commands (e.g.
to start and stop the device), detect remote device boot-ups and error conditions.

The Heartbeat message of a CANopen device contains the device status of the NMT state machine and
is sent cyclically by the CANopen device.

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 12

The figure below shows the situation of the state machine in this device profile:

CANopen device profile CiA DSP 402

Modes of operation:
[used in this manual / according
to CiA DSP 402]

Homing mode
Profile position mode
Velocity mode

Device control state machine

CANopen Communication Profile CiA DS301


Figure 4.2: Communication architecture

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 13

4.3 Device model

A device is structured like the following:

Communication This function unit provides the communication objects and the appropriate
functionality to transport data items via the underlying network structure.

Object dictionary The object dictionary is a collection of all the data items which have an
influence on the behavior of the application objects, the communication
objects and the state machine used on this device

Application The application comprises the functionality of the device with respect to the
interaction with the process environment

Communication Object Application

State machine Application
Entry 1
Communication Entry 2

Communication Application
object object

Communication Application
object object

Entry n
Communication Application
object object

Bus system Process

Figure 4.3: Device model

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 14

4.4 Object Dictionary

The most important part of a device profile is the Object Dictionary description. The Object Dictionary
is essentially a grouping of objects accessible via the network in an ordered pre-defined fashion. Each
object within the dictionary is addressed using a 16-bit index.

The overall layout of the standard Object Dictionary is shown below:

Index (hex) Object

0000 Not used
0001 - 001F Static data types
0020 - 003F Complex data types
0040 - 005F Manufacturer specific complex data types
0060 - 007F Device profile specific static data types
0080 - 009F Device profile specific complex data types
00A0 - 0FFF Reserved for further use
1000 - 1FFF Communication profile area*1
2000 - 5FFF Manufacturer specific profile area*2
6000 - 9FFF Standardized device profile area*3
A000 - BFFF Standardized interface profile area
C000 - FFFF Reserved for further use

Table 4.1: Object Dictionary

*1 The communication profile area at indices 1000h through 1FFFh contains the communication
specific parameters for the CAN network. These entries are common to all devices.

*2 The manufacturer segment at indices 2000h through 5FFFh contains manufacturer specific objects.
These objects control the special features of the TRINAMIC motion control device TMCM-1180.

*3 The standardized device profile area at indices 6000h through 9FFFh contains all data objects
common to a class of devices that can be read or written via the network. The device profiles
use entries from 6000h to 9FFFh to describe the device parameters and the device functionality.

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 15

5 Communication objects
5.1 Detailed object specifications
5.1.1 Object 1000h: Device type
This object contains information about the device type. The object 1000 h describes the type of device
and its functionality. It is composed of a 16-bit field which describes the device profile that is used
and a second 16-bit field which gives additional information about optional functionality of the

Index Name Object Code Data Type
1000h Device type Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h r0 no UNSIGNED32 40192h

5.1.2 Object 1001h: Error register

This object is an error register. The module can map internal errors and object 1001 h is part of an
emergency object.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
1001h Error register Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h r0 yes UNSIGNED8 no


Bit M/O Description
0 M Generic error
1 O Current
2 O Voltage
3 O Temperature
4 O Communication error
5 O Device profile specific
6 O Reserved (always 0)
7 O Manufacturer specific

If a bit is set to 1, the specific error has occurred.

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TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 16

5.1.3 Object 1005h: COB-ID SYNC Message

This object defines the COB-ID of the synchronization Object (SYNC). Further, it defines whether the
module generates the SYNC.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
1005h COB-ID SYNC Message Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no UNSIGNED32 80h

5.1.4 Object 1008h: Manufacturer device name

This object contains the manufacturer device name.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
1008h Manufacturer device name Variable Visible string

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h Const. no no TMCM-1180

5.1.5 Object 1009h: Manufacturer hardware version

This object contains the hardware version description.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
1009h Manufacturer hardware version Variable Visible string

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h Const. no no 1.30

5.1.6 Object 1010h: Store parameters

This object supports the saving of parameters in non volatile memory. By read access the device
provides information about its saving capabilities.

This command can only be carried out if the module is in ready to switch on mode.

parameter groups are distinguished:
˗ Sub-index 0 contains the largest sub-index that is supported.
˗ Sub-index 1 refers to all parameters that can be stored on the device.
˗ Sub-Index 3 refers to application related parameters (index 6000h - 9FFFh TRINAMICs specific
application parameters).
˗ Sub-Index 4 stores motor parameters.

In order to avoid storage of parameters by mistake, storage is only executed when a specific
signature is written to the appropriate Sub-Index. The signature is safe.

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TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 17

Storage write access structure

Signature MSB LSB

ISO 8859 ASCII e v a s
hex 65h 76h 61h 73h

On reception of the correct signature in the appropriate sub-index the device stores the parameter and
then confirms the SDO transmission (initiate download response). If the storing failed, the device
responds with an Abort SDO transfer (abort code: 0606 0000 h).
If a wrong signature is written, the device refuses to store and responds with Abort SDO transfer
(abort code: 0800 002xh).
On read access to the appropriate sub-index the device provides information about its storage
functionality with the following format.

Storage read access structure

bits 31-2 1 0
Reserved 1/0 1/0

Bit-number Value Meaning

31-2 0 reserved
1 0 Device does not safe parameters autonomously
1 Device safes parameters autonomously
0 0 Device does not safe parameters on command
1 Device safes parameters on command

Autonomous saving means that a device stores the storable parameters in a non-volatile manner
without user request.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
1010h Store parameters ARRAY UNSIGNED 32

Sub-Index Description Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h Largest sub-index supported ro no 1h-7Fh no
01h Safe all parameters rw no UNSIGNED32 no
03h Safe application parameters rw no UNSIGNED32 no
Safe manufacturer specific motor
04h rw no UNSIGNED32 no
Please mind the figures above which explain the value ranges of the write access and the read access
for the sub-indices.

5.1.7 Object 1011h: Restore default parameters

With this object the default values of parameters according to the communication or device profile
are restored. By read access the device provides information about its capabilities to restore these

This command can only be carried out if the module is in ready to switch on mode.

Several parameter groups are distinguished:

˗ Sub-index 0 contains the largest sub-index that is supported.
˗ Sub-index 1 refers to all parameters that can be restored.

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˗ Sub-Index 3 refers to application related parameters (index 6000h - 9FFFh TRINAMICs specific
application parameters).
˗ Sub-Index 4 restores motor parameters.

In order to avoid the restoring of default parameters by mistake, restoring is only executed when a
specific signature is written to the appropriate sub-index. The signature is load.

Signature MSB LSB

ASCII d a o l
hex 64h 61h 6Fh 6Ch

On reception of the correct signature in the appropriate sub-index the device restores the default
parameters and then confirms the SDO transmission (initiate download response). If the restoring
failed, the device responds with an Abort SDO Transfer (abort code: 0606 0000h). If a wrong signature
is written, the device refuses to restore the defaults and responds with an Abort SDO Transfer (abort
code: 0800 002xh).
The default values are set valid after the device is reset (reset node for sub-index 1h – 7Fh, reset
communication for sub-index 2h) or power cycled.

restore default

reset / power cycle

default values valid

Figure 5.1: Restore procedure

On read access to the appropriate sub-index the device provides information about its default
parameter restoring capability with the following format.

Structure of restore read access

bits 31-1 0
Reserved (0) 0/1

Index Name Object Code Data Type
1011h Restore default parameters ARRAY UNSIGNED 32

Sub-Index Description Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h Largest sub-index supported ro no 1h-7Fh no
01h Restore all default parameters rw no UNSIGNED32 no
03h Restore application default parameters rw no UNSIGNED32 no
Restore manufacturer specific motor
04h rw no UNSIGNED32 no
default parameters

Please mind the figures above which explain the value ranges of the write access and the read access
for the sub-indices.

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5.1.8 Object 100Ah: Manufacturer software version

This object contains the software version description.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
100Ah Manufacturer software version Variable Visible string

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h Const. no no according to software version

5.1.9 Object 1014h: COB-ID emergency object

This object defines the COB-ID of the emergency object (EMCY).

Index Name Object Code Data Type
1014h COB-ID emergency object Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no UNSIGNED32 80h + NODE ID

5.1.10 Object 1015h: Inhibit time EMCY

The inhibit time for the EMCY message can be adjusted via this entry. The time has to be a multiple
of 100µs.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
1015h Inhibit time EMCY Variable UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no UNSIGNED16 0

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5.1.11 Object 1016h: Consumer heartbeat time

The consumer heartbeat time defines the expected heartbeat cycle time and thus has to be higher
than the corresponding producer heartbeat time configured on the module producing this heartbeat.
The monitoring starts after the reception of the first heartbeat.

˗ If the consumer heartbeat time is 0 the corresponding entry is not used.

˗ The time has to be a multiple of 1ms.

bits 31-24 23-16 15-0
value Reserved Node-ID Heartbeat time
encoded as - UNSIGNED8 UNSIGNED16
Table 5.1: Structure of consumer heartbeat time entry

To configure several consumer heartbeat times unequal 0 for the same Node-ID the device aborts the
SDO download with abort code 0604 0043h.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
1016h Consumer heartbeat time ARRAY UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Description Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h Number of entries ro no 0… 127 no
01h Consumer heartbeat time rw no UNSIGNED32 no

5.1.12 Object 1017h: Producer heartbeat time

The producer heartbeat time defines the cycle time of the heartbeat. The producer heartbeat time is 0
if it is not used. The time has to be a multiple of 1ms.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
1017h Producer heartbeat time Variable UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no UNSIGNED16 0

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5.1.13 Object 1018h: Identity object

The object 1018h contains general information about the device.
The Vendor ID (sub-index 01h) contains a unique value allocated to each manufacturer. The
vendor ID of TRINAMIC is 0286h.
The manufacturer-specific Product code (sub-index 2h) identifies a specific device version.
The Manufacturer-specific Revision number (sub-index 3h) consists of a major revision number
and a minor revision number.

Index Name Object Code Data Type Category
1018h Identity object RECORD Identity Optional

Sub-Index Description Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h Number of entries ro no 0… 3 number of entries:3
01h Vendor ID ro no UNSIGNED32 reads 0286h
02h Product code ro no UNSIGNED32 1180
firmware revision number;
03h Revision number ro no UNSIGNED32
reads e.g. 3005h for version 3.5
04h Serial number ro no UNSIGNED32 serial number

5.1.14 Object 1023h: OS command

The OS Command object is used as a command driven interface to programmable devices. The host
system puts the command into the object OS Command, which is of the type Command Par.

Index Name Object Code Data Type Category
1023h OS command RECORD Command Par Optional

Sub-Index Description Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
Number of number of entries: 3 (for direct TMCL™
00h ro no 3
supported entries communication)
Command (TMCL™
01h rw no Octet string no
Status (error code
02h of a TMCL™ ro no UNSIGNED8 no
Reply (reply of a
03h ro no Octet string no
TMCL™ command)

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5.1.15 Object 1029h: Error behavior

If a device failure is detected in operational state, the device can be configured to enter alternatively
the stopped state or remain in the current state in case of a device failure. Device failures include the
following errors:

Communication error
Application error

Index Name Object Code Data Type
1029h Error behavior ARRAY UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Description Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h Number of error classes ro no 2h 2
01h Communication error rw no UNSIGNED8 0 (enter stopped state)
02h Application error rw no UNSIGNED8 1 (remain in current state)

5.1.16 Objects 1400h-1405h: Receive PDO communication parameter

This object contains the communication parameters for the PDOs the device is able to receive. The
sub-index 0h contains the number of valid entries within the communication record. Its value is at
least 2.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
1400h-1405h Receive PDO parameter RECORD PDO CommPar
1400h RPDO 1 RECORD PDO CommPar
1401h RPDO 2 RECORD PDO CommPar
1402h RPDO 3 RECORD PDO CommPar
1403h RPDO 4 RECORD PDO CommPar
1405h RPDO 6 RECORD PDO CommPar

Sub-Index Description Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
Largest sub-index Number of
00h ro no 2
supported entries: 2
Index 1400h: 200h + Node-ID
Index 1401h: 300h + Node-ID
COB-ID used by
01h rw no UNSIGNED32 Index 1402h: 400h + Node-ID
Index 1403h: 500h + Node-ID
Index 1405h: 0
Index 1400h: Ffh
Index 1401h: Ffh
02h Transmission type rw no UNSIGNED8 Index 1402h: Ffh
Index 1403h: Ffh
Index 1405h: Ffh

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5.1.17 Objects 1600h-1605h: Receive PDO mapping

This object contains the mapping for the PDOs the device is able to receive. The sub-index 0h contains
the number of valid entries within the mapping record. This number of entries is also the number of
the application variables which shall be transmitted/received with the corresponding PDO. The sub-
indices from 1h to the number of entries contain the information about the mapped application
variables. These entries describe the PDO contents by their index, sub-index and length. The values are
hexadecimal coded.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
1600h-1605h Receive PDO mapping RECORD PDO Mapping
1600h Mapping for RPDO 1 RECORD PDO Mapping
1601h Mapping for RPDO 2 RECORD PDO Mapping
1602h Mapping for RPDO 3 RECORD PDO Mapping
1603h Mapping for RPDO 4 RECORD PDO Mapping
1605h Mapping for RPDO 6 RECORD PDO Mapping

Sub-Index Description Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
Index 1600h: 1
Number of mapped Index 1601h: 2
1… 3
00h application objects in rw no Index 1602h: 2
0 deactivated
PDO Index 1603h: 2
Index 1605h: 2
Index 1600h: 60400010h
Index 1601h: 60400010h
01h Mapping entry 1 rw no UNSIGNED32 Index 1602h: 60400010h
Index 1603h: 60400010h
Index 1605h: 60400010h
Index 1600h: 0
Index 1601h: 60600008 h
02h Mapping entry 2 rw no UNSIGNED32 Index 1602h: 607A0020h
Index 1603h: 60FF0020h
Index 1605h: 60420010h
Index 1600h: 0
Index 1601h: 0
03h Mapping entry 3 rw no UNSIGNED32 Index 1602h: 0
Index 1603h: 0
Index 1605h: 0

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5.1.18 Objects 1800h-1805h: Transmit PDO communication parameter

These objects contain the communication parameters for the PDOs the device is able to transmit.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
Transmit PDO communication
1800h-1805h RECORD PDO CommPar
TPDO 1 transmit
1800h RECORD PDO CommPar
communication parameter
TPDO 2 transmit0
1801h RECORD PDO CommPar
communication parameter
TPDO 3 transmit
1802h RECORD PDO CommPar
communication parameter
TPDO 4 transmit
1803h RECORD PDO CommPar
communication parameter
TPDO 6 transmit
1805h RECORD PDO CommPar
communication parameter

Sub-Index Description Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
2… 5
00h Largest sub-index supported ro no Number of 5
entries: 5
Index 1800h: 180h + Node-ID
Index 1801h: 280h + Node-ID
01h TPDO 1-4, 6: COB-ID rw no UNSIGNED32 Index 1802h: 380h + Node-ID
Index 1803h: 480h + Node-ID
Index 1805h: 0
Index 1800h: ffh
Index 1801h: ffh
02h Transmission type rw no UNSIGNED8 Index 1802h: 1
Index 1803h: 1
Index 1805h: 1
03h Inhibit time rw no UNSIGNED16 0
04h Compatibility entry ro no UNSIGNED8 0
05h 0 not used
Event timer rw no 0

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5.1.19 Objects 1A00h-1A05h: Transmit PDO mapping parameter

These objects contain the mapping for the PDOs the device is able to transmit.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
Transmit PDO mapping
1A00h-1A05h RECORD PDO mapping
TPDO 1: transmit PDO
1A00h RECORD PDO mapping
mapping parameter
TPDO 2: transmit PDO
1A01h RECORD PDO mapping
mapping parameter
TPDO 3: transmit PDO
1A02h RECORD PDO mapping
mapping parameter
TPDO 4: transmit PDO
1A03h RECORD PDO mapping
mapping parameter
TPDO 6: transmit PDO
1A05h RECORD PDO mapping
mapping parameter

Sub-Index Description Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
Index 1A00h: 1
0 deactivated Index 1A01h: 2
Number of mapped application
00h rw no Number of entries: Index 1A02h: 2
objects in PDO
1… 3 Index 1A03h: 2
Index 1A05h: 2
Index 1A00h: 60410010h
Index 1A01h: 60410010h
01h Mapping entry 1 rw no UNSIGNED32 Index 1A02h: 60410010h
Index 1A03h: 60410010h
Index 1A05h: 60410010h
Index 1A00h: 0
Index 1A01h: 60610008h
02h Mapping entry 2 rw no UNSIGNED32 Index 1A02h: 60640020h
Index 1A03h: 606c0020h
Index 1A05h: 60440010h
Index 1A00h: 0
Index 1A01h: 0
03h Mapping entry 3 rw no UNSIGNED32 Index 1A02h: 0
Index 1A03h: 0
Index 1A05h: 0

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6 Device profile objects (CiA402) and modes of

The PDS behavior depends on the activated mode of operation. The PDS implements several modes
of operation. Since it is not possible to operate the modes in parallel, the user is able to activate the
required function by selecting a mode of operation.

The control device writes to the modes of operation object in order to select the operation mode. The
drive device provides the modes of operation display object to indicate the actual activated operation
mode. Controlword, statusword, and set-points are used mode-specific. This implies the responsibility
of the control device to avoid inconsistencies and erroneous behavior.

The following operation modes can be chosen:

Profile position mode

Homing mode
Velocity mode

Please refer to object 6060h (section 6.1.6) for information about how to choose an operation mode.

6.1 Detailed object specifications

6.1.1 Object 605Ah: Quick stop option code
This object indicates what action is performed when the quick stop function is executed. The slow
down ramp is the deceleration value of the used mode of operations. The following quick stop option
codes are supported in the current version of the CANopen firmware:

Value Definition
1 Slow down on slow down ramp and transit into switch on disabled
2 Slow down on quick stop ramp and transit into switch on disabled
3 Slow down on current limit and transit into switch on disabled
5 Slow down on slow down ramp and stay in quick stop active
6 Slow down on quick stop ramp and stay in quick stop active
7 Slow down on voltage limit an stay in quick stop active

Index Name Object Code Data Type
605Ah Quick stop option code Variable SIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 See value definition above 2

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6.1.2 Object 605Bh: Shutdown option code

This object indicates what action is performed if there is a transition from operation enabled state to
ready to switch on state. The slow down ramp is the deceleration value of the used mode of
operations. The shutdown option code always has the value 0 as only this is supported.

Value Definition
0 Disable drive function (switch-off the drive power stage)

Index Name Object Code Data Type
605Bh Shutdown option code Variable UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h r0 Refer to CiA402-3 See value definition above 0

6.1.3 Object 605Ch: Disable operation option code

This object indicates what action is performed if there is a transition from operation enabled state to
switched on state. The disable operation option code always has the value 1 as only this is

Value Definition
1 Slow down with slow down ramp; disable of the drive function

Index Name Object Code Data Type
605Ch Disable operation option code Variable UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h r0 Refer to CiA402-3 See value definition above 1

6.1.4 Object 605Dh: Halt option code

This object indicates what action is performed when the halt function is executed. The slow down
ramp is the deceleration value of the used mode of operation. The halt option code always has the
value 1 as only this is supported.

Value Definition
1 Slow down on slow down ramp and stay in operation enabled

Index Name Object Code Data Type
605Dh Halt option code Variable UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h r0 Refer to CiA402-3 See value definition above 1

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6.1.5 Object 605Eh: Fault reaction option code

This object indicates what action is performed when fault is detected in the power drive system. The
slow down ramp is the deceleration value of the used mode of operation. The fault reaction option
code always has the value 2 as only this is supported.

Value Definition
2 Slow down on quick stop ramp

Index Name Object Code Data Type
605Eh (motor 0) Fault reaction option code Variable UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h r0 Refer to CiA402-3 See value definition above 2

6.1.6 Object 6060h: Modes of operation

This object indicates the requested operation mode. Supported operating modes are:

Value Definition
0 No mode*
1 Profile position mode
2 Velocity mode
6 Homing mode

* The motor will not run when the operating mode is set to 0. It will be stopped when the motor is running in one of the
supported operating modes and the operating mode is then switched to 0.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6060h Modes of operation Variable SIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 See value definition above 0

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6.1.7 Object 6061h: Modes of operation display

This object shows the operating mode that is set.

Value Definition
0 No mode*
1 Profile position mode
2 Velocity mode
6 Homing mode

* The motor will not run when the operating mode is set to 0. It will be stopped when the motor is running in one of the
supported operating modes and the operating mode is then switched to 0.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6061h Modes of operation display Variable SIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro Refer to CiA402-3 See value definition above 0

6.1.8 Object 606Ah: Sensor selection code

This object provides the source of the velocity sensor actual value. It selects whether an encoder is to
be used or not.

Value Definition
0 Encoder used
-1 No encoder

Index Name Object Code Data Type
606Ah Sensor selection code Variable SIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 See value definition above -1

6.1.9 Object 60C5h: Max acceleration

This object indicates the configured maximal acceleration. It is used to limit the acceleration to an
acceptable value in order to prevent the motor and the moved mechanics from being destroyed. It is
given in internal or user specific units (depending on object 208Ch, paragraph 7.1.14, object 2087h and
object 2088h, paragraph 0 and paragraph 7.1.13)

Index Name Object Code Data Type
60C5h Max acceleration Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 Depends on the units

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6.1.10 Object 60C6h: Max deceleration

This object indicates the configured maximal deceleration. It is used to limit the acceleration to an
acceptable value in order to prevent the motor and the moved mechanics from being destroyed. The
max deceleration is given in internal or user specific units (depending on object 208Ch, paragraph
7.1.14, object 2087h and object 2088h, paragraph 0 and paragraph 7.1.13). Object 60C6h has the same
unit as the max acceleration object 60C5h.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
60C6h Max deceleration Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 Depends on the units

6.1.11 Object 60FDh: Digital inputs

This object contains the states of the digital inputs of the module. Starting from bit 0, every bit
reflects the state of one digital input. The number of valid bits depends on the number of digital
inputs on the module used.

Value Definition
0b Switched off
1b Switched on

Index Name Object Code Data Type
60FDh Digital inputs Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h r0 Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 0000 0000h

6.1.12 Object 6502h: Supported drive modes

This object provides information on the supported drive modes and contains always the value
00000025h which means that the following modes are provided by the drive:

0 = no mode
1 = profile position mode
2 = velocity mode
6 = homing mode

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6502h Supported drive modes Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h r0 Refer to CiA402-3 See above 00000025h

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6.2 Profile position mode

A target position is applied to the trajectory generator. It is generating a position-demand-value for
the position control loop described in the position control function.

6.2.1 Detailed object specifications

The following text offers detailed object specifications. According to this it is necessary to show how
the state machine works in detail:

Controlword 6040h

Power disabled Fault

Start Fault reaction active

automatically automatically
0 14
Not ready to switch on Fault
automatically 15
Switch on disabled
Ready to switch on 10 12

98 13
Switched on
Operation enable
Quick stop active 13

Power enabled

Statusword 6041h

Figure 6.1: Finite state machine

Notes on state transitions:

- Commands directing a change in state are processed completely and the new state achieved
before additional state change commands are processed.

- Transitions 0 and 1 occur automatically at drive power-on or reset. Transition 14 occurs

automatically, too. All other state changes must be directed by the host.

- Drive function disabled indicates that no current is being supplied to the motor.

- Drive function enabled indicates that current is available for the motor and profile position
and profile velocity reference values may be processed.

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TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 32 Object 6040h: Controlword

This object indicates the received command controlling the power drive system finite state
automation (PDS FSA). The CiA-402 state machine can be controlled using this object. Please refer to
Figure 6.1: Finite state machine for detailed information.


15 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 3 2 1 0

nu r oms h fr oms eo qs ev so


LEGEND: nu = not used; r = reserved; oms = operation mode specific; h = halt;

fr = fault reset; eo = enable operation; qs = quick stop; ev = enable voltage; so = switch on


Bit Name Definition
0-to-1: The next positioning will be started after the last
4 New set point
one has completed.
5 Change immediately Not supported
6 Absolute/relative 0 = new position is absolute; 1 = new position is relative
9 Change set point Not supported

Bits of controlword
Command Transitions
Bit 7 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Shutdown 0 x 1 1 0 2, 6, 8
Switch on 0 0 1 1 1 3
Switch on + enable
0 1 1 1 1 3 + 4 (NOTE)
Disable voltage 0 x x 0 x 7, 9, 10, 12
Quick stop 0 x 0 1 x 7, 10, 11
Disable operation 0 0 1 1 1 5
Enable operation 0 1 1 1 1 4, 16
Fault reset x x x x 15

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6040h Controlword Variable UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
See command
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 Device and operation mode specific
coding above

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TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 33 Object 6041h: Statusword

This object provides the status of the PDS FSA. It reflects the status of the CiA402 state machine.
Please refer to Figure 6.1: Finite state machine for detailed information. The object is structured as
defined below.

For more information about the coding refer to the CANopen Drives and motion control device profile,
part 2 please.


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

ms oms ila tr rm ms w sod qs ve f oe so rtso

LEGEND: ms = manufacturer specific; oms = operation mode specific; ila = internal limit active;
tr = target reached; rm = remote; w = warning; sod = switch on disabled; qs = quick stop;
ve = voltage enabled; f = fault; oe = operation enabled; so = switched on;
rtso = ready to switch on


Bit Name Definition
10 Target reached Set when the motor is within the target position window
12 Set point acknowledge 0 = set point processed; 1 = set point still in process
13 Following error Not supported

Statusword PDS FSA state
xxxx xxxx x0xx 0000b Not ready to switch on
xxxx xxxx x1xx 0000b Switch on disabled
xxxx xxxx x01x 0001b Ready to switch on
xxxx xxxx x01x 0011b Switched on
xxxx xxxx x01x 0111b Operation enabled
xxxx xxxx x00x 0111b Quick stop active
xxxx xxxx x0xx 1111b Fault reaction active
xxxx xxxx x0xx 1000b Fault

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6041h Statusword Variable UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
See state coding
00h r0 Refer to CiA402-3 No

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TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 34 Object 6062h: Position demand value

This object provides the demanded position value. The value is given in microsteps. Object 6062h
indicates the actual position that the motor should have. It is not to be confused with the objects
6063h and 6064h.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6062h Position demand value Variable SIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro Refer to CiA402-3 SIGNED32 No Object 6063h: Position actual internal value

This object provides the actual value of the encoder or the motor. Please use the sensor selection
object 606Ah (6.1.8) for selecting the motor or the encoder first. Object 6063h indicates the actual
position of the encoder or the motor, re-scaled to the microstep resolution. The value is given in

Index Name Object Code Data Type
Position actual internal
6063h Variable SIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro Refer to CiA402-3 SIGNED32 No Object 6064h: Position actual value

This object provides the actual value of the position measurement device. It always contains the
same value as object 6063h.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6064h Position actual value Variable SIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro Refer to CiA402-3 SIGNED32 No

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TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 35 Object 6065h: Following error window

This object indicates the configured range of tolerated position values symmetrically to the position
demand value. If the position actual value is out of the following error window, a following error
occurs. A following error may occur when a drive is blocked, unreachable profile velocity occurs, or at
wrong closed-loop coefficients. The value shall be given in microsteps. If the value of the following
error window is 0 or FFFF FFFFh, the following control will be switched off.

When the difference between motor position (object 6062h) and encoder position (object 6063h or
6064h) is greater than the value set here, the motor will be stopped and an emergency message will
be sent. Setting this object to zero will turn off this feature completely. Setting this object to a too
low value will lead to false alarms.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
Following error
6065h Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 0… 8388607 Object 6067h: Position window

This object indicates the configured symmetrical range of accepted positions relative to the target
position. If the actual value of the position encoder is within the position window, this target
position is regarded as having been reached. The value is given in increments. If the value of the
position window is FFFF FFFFh, the position window control is switched off.

If this object is set to zero, the target reached event will be signaled when the demand position
(6062h) has reached the target position (6064h).

When the position window is set to a value greater than zero, the target reached event will be
signaled when the actual encoder position value (6064h) is within the target position – position
window and target position + position window.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6067h Position window Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 0… 8388607

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 36 Object 6068h: Position window time

This object indicates the configured time, during which the actual position within the position
window is measured. The value is given in ms. If this object is set to a value greater than zero and
also the position window (6067h) is set to a value greater than zero the target reached event will not
be signaled until the actual position (6064h) is at least as many milliseconds within the position
window as defined by this object.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6068h Position window time Variable UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED16 0 Object 607Ah: Target position

The target position is the position that the drive should move to in profile position mode using the
current settings of motion control parameters (such as velocity, acceleration, deceleration, motion
profile type etc.). The value of this object is interpreted as absolute or relative depending on the
abs/rel flag in the controlword. It is given in microsteps.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
607Ah Target position Variable SIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 SIGNED32 -2147483647… +2147483647 Object 607Dh: Software position limit

This object indicates the configured maximal and minimal software position limits. These parameters
define the absolute position limits for the position demand value and the position actual value. Every
new target position is checked against these limits. The limit positions are always relative to the
machine home position. Before being compared with the target position, they are corrected internally
by the home offset as follows:

Corrected min position limit = min position limit – home offset

Corrected max position limit = max position limit – home offset

The limit positions are given in microsteps (same as target position). Two limits for moving the motor
in positioning mode can be set here. It will then not be possible to leave this window.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
607Dh Software position limit Array SIGNED32

Sub-Index Description Entry category Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
01h Min position limit Mandatory rw Refer to CiA402-3 SIGNED32 -2147483647
02h Max position limit Mandatory rw Refer to CiA402-3 SIGNED32 -2147483647

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 37 Object 607Fh: Maximum profile velocity

This object indicates the configured maximal allowed velocity in either direction during a profiled
motion. It is the maximum velocity that can be used for positioning. The value is given in internal or
user specific units (depending on object 208Ch, paragraph 7.1.14).

Index Name Object Code Data Type
607Fh Maximum profile velocity Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 2047 Object 6081h: Profile velocity

This object indicates the configured velocity normally attained at the end of the acceleration ramp
during a profiled motion and is valid for both directions of motion. The profile velocity is the
maximum velocity used when driving to a new position. It is given in internal or user specific units
(depending on object 208Ch, paragraph 7.1.14)

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6081h Profile velocity Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 1000 Object 6083h: Profile acceleration

This object indicates the configured acceleration. Object 6083h sets the maximum acceleration to be
used in profile positioning mode.

Please choose the units for object 6083h with object 208Eh, described in paragraph 7.1.15. Object 208Eh
reads 0 when internal units are selected or 179 when user units (PPS/s) are selected.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6083h Profile acceleration Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 1000

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 38 Object 6084h: Profile deceleration

This object indicates the configured deceleration. It sets the maximum deceleration used in profile
positioning mode.

Please choose the units for object 6084h with object 208Eh, described in paragraph 7.1.15. Object 208Eh
reads 0 when internal units are selected or 179 when user units (PPS/s) are selected.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6084h Profile deceleration Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 1000 Object 6085h: Quick stop deceleration

This object indicates the configured deceleration used to stop the motor when the quick stop function
is activated and the quick stop code object 605Ah is set to 2 [or 6]. The value is given in the same
unit as profile acceleration object 6083h. Object 6085h defines the deceleration that is to be used
during a quick stop operation.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6085h Quick stop deceleration Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 1000 Object 6086h: Motion profile type

This object indicates the configured type of motion profile used to perform a profiled motion. Set
this object to 0 for trapezoid ramps and to 1 for S-shaped ramps.

Value Definition
0 Linear ramp, trapezoidal profile

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6086h Motion profile type Variable UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 0 0

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 39 Object 608Fh: Position encoder resolution

This object defines the resolution of the encoder. The position encoder resolution is calculated by the
following formula:

All values are dimensionless.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
608Fh Encoder resolution Array UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Description Entry category Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
Highest sub index Refer to CiA402
00h Mandatory c 02h 2
Encoder Mandatory Refer to CiA402
01h rw UNSIGNED32 1
02h Motor revolutions Mandatory ro Refer to CiA402 UNSIGNED32 2

6.2.2 How to move a motor in pp mode

Here is a little example that shows how to get a motor running in pp mode. In this little example we
assume that the module has been reset (and then switched to start) by NMT commands before.
Please note, that the values are decimal.

If you do not have any limit switches connected, first disable the limit switch inputs by
writing 3 to object 2005h.
Select pp mode by writing 1 to object 6060h.
Write 6 to object 6040h to switch to READY_TO_SWITCH_ON state.
Write 7 to object 6040h to switch to SWITCHED_ON state.
Write 15 to object 6040h to switch to OPERATION_ENABLED state.
Write the desired target position (e.g. 500000) to object 607Ah.
Mark the new target position as active by writing 31 to object 6040h. The motor starts moving
Reset the activation by writing 15 to object 6040h (this can be done while the motor is still

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 40

6.3 Homing mode

This clause describes the method by which a drive seeks the home position (reference point). There
are various methods of achieving this using limit switches at the ends of travel or a home switch in
mid-travel. Some methods also use the index (zero) pulse train from an incremental encoder. The user
may specify the speeds, acceleration and the method of homing.

There is no output data except for those bits in the statusword, which return the status or result of
the homing process and the demand to the position control loops.

There are four sources of the homing signal available: These are positive and negative limit switches,
the home switch and the index pulse from an encoder.

Figure 6.2 shows the defined input objects as well as the output objects. The user can specify the
speeds, acceleration and method of homing. There is a further object home offset, which allows
displacing zero in the coordinate system for the home position.

Controlword 6040h

Homing method 6098h Statusword 6041h

Homing speeds 6099h Homing Position demand internal value 60FCh

method or
Position demand value 6062h
Homing acceleration 609Ah

Home offset 607Ch

Figure 6.2: Homing mode function

By choosing a homing method, the following behavior is determined: the homing signal (positive
limit switch, negative limit switch, and home switch), the direction of actuation and where
appropriate, the position of the index pulse. The home position and the zero position are offset by
the home offset.

For the operation of positioning drives, an exact knowledge of the absolute position is normally
required. Since for cost reasons, drives often do not have an absolute encoder, a homing operation is
necessary. There are several application specific methods. The homing method is used for selection.

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 41

6.3.1 Connecting home switch, left switch, and right switch

First of all it is necessary to connect the switches. A 2mm pitch 6 pin JST B6B-PH-K connector is used
for connecting general purpose inputs, home and stop switches to the unit.

Mating connector housing: PHR-6

Mating connector contacts: SPH-002T-P0.5S

switches Output

1 1

Figure 6.3: Connectors of the TMCM-1180


Pin Label Description
1 IN_0 General purpose input, +24V compatible
2 IN_1 General purpose input, +24V compatible
Left stop switch input, +24V compatible,
programmable internal pull-up (1k to +5V)
1 6
Right stop switch input, +24V compatible,
programmable internal pull-up (1k to +5V)
Home switch input, +24V compatible,
programmable internal pull-up (1k to +5V)
6 GND Module ground (system and signal ground)

Table 6.1: Input / Stop / Home switch connector

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 42

6.3.2 Connecting a brake

The module provides the opportunity to connect a brake. Please take OUT_1 for it. A 2mm pitch 4 pin
JST B4B-PH-K connector is used.

Mating connector housing: PHR-4

Mating connector contacts: SPH-002T-P0.5S

Pin Label Description
Module digital logic power supply – connected to
1 +ULogic
pin 2 of power supply connector
/Shutdown input – has to be connected to power
supply (e.g. pin 1 of this connector) in order to
1 4 2 /Shutdown
enable driver. Connecting this input to ground or
leaving it unconnected will disable driver stage
Open collector output with integrated freewheeling
3 OUT_0
diode, +24V compatible
4 OUT_1 Connect brake here

6.3.3 Homing methods: Homing on negative home switch and index

There are several different methods of homing. This paragraph describes homing on negative home
switch and index pulse.

Using the two methods as shown in Figure 6.4, the initial position is situated so that the direction of
movement is dependent on the state of the home switch. The home position is at the index pulse to
either to the left or the right of the point where the home switch changes state. If the initial position
is situated so that the direction of movement is reverse during homing, the point at which the
reversal takes place is anywhere after a change of state of the home switch.

Index pulse
Home switch

Figure 6.4: Homing on negative home switch and index pulse

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 43

6.3.4 Detailed object definitions Object 6040h: Controlword
This object indicates the received command controlling the power drive system finite state
automation (PDS FSA). The CiA-402 state machine can be controlled using this object. Please refer to
Figure 6.1: Finite state machine for detailed information.


15 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0

see Halt see Reserved (0) Homing operation start see



Bit Name Definition
4 Homing operation start Set to 1 to start homing; setting to 0 stops homing
8 Halt Not supported

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6040h Controlword Variable UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 See command coding above Device and operation mode specific

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 44 Object 6041h: Statusword

This object provides the status of the PDS FSA. It reflects the status of the CiA402 state machine.
Please refer to Figure 6.1: Finite state machine for detailed information. The object is structured as
defined below.

For more information about the coding refer to the CANopen Drives and motion control device profile,
part 2 please.


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0

see Homing error Homing attained see Target reached see



Bit Name Definition
Set when the zero position has been found or homing
10 Target reached
has been stopped by setting controlword bit 4 to zero
12 Homing attained Set when the zero position has been found
13 Homing error Not supported


Bit 13 Bit 12 Bit 10 Definition
0 0 0 Homing procedure is in progress
0 0 1 Homing procedure is interrupted or not reached
0 1 0 Homing is attained, but target is not reached
0 1 1 Homing procedure is completed successfully
1 0 0 Homing error occurred, velocity is not 0
1 0 1 Homing error occurred, velocity is 0
1 1 x reserved

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6041h Statusword Variable UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h r0 Refer to CiA402-3 See state coding above No

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 45 Object 607Ch: Home offset

This object indicates the configured difference between the zero position for the application and the
machine home position/home switch (found during homing). While homing, the machine home
position is found and once the homing is completed, the zero position is offset from the home
position by adding the home offset to the home position. The effect of setting the home position to
a non-zero value depends on the selected homing method. The value of this object is given in
microsteps. Negative values indicate the opposite direction.

Zero position Home switch

Home offset

Figure 6.5: Home offset definition

Index Name Object Code Data Type
607Ch Home offset Variable SIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 SIGNED32 -2147483647… +2147483647 Object 6098h: Homing method

The homing method to be used in homing mode can be selected here. Homing methods supported
by the current firmware are:

Value Definition
0 No homing. This is the default value, but there is actually no homing method 0.
3 Search the positive edge of the home switch, than search the next encoder index pulse.
5 Search the negative edge of the home switch, than search the next encoder index pulse.
19 Search the positive edge of the home switch.
21 Search the negative edge of the home switch.
33 Search next index pulse in negative direction.
34 Search next index pulse in positive direction.
The actual position is used as the home position. All position values (objects 6062 h, 6063h, and 6064h) are set
to zero, but the motor will not move.

Other homing methods are not supported by the current firmware, but will be added in later
firmware releases.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6098h Homing method Variable SIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 0, 3, 5, 19, 21, 33, 34, 35 0

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 46 Object 6099h: Homing speeds

This object indicates the configured speeds used during homing procedure. The values are given in
units, which can be selected with object 208Ch, described in paragraph 7.1.14. Using object 6099h a
fast and a slow homing speed can be set. In most homing modes, the home switch is searched with
the fast speed first. When the home switch has been found, the motor will be decelerated to the
slow speed (using the homing acceleration, object 609Ah) and then stopped at the exact switch point.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6099h Homing speeds ARRAY UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Description Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
01h Fast homing speed rw Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 Depends on the unit setting
02h Slow homing speed rw Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 Depends on the unit setting Object 609Ah: Homing acceleration

This object indicates the configured acceleration and deceleration to be used during homing
operation. The values for accelerating to the fast homing speed and for decelerating to the slow
homing speed can be set here. The values are given in units, which can be selected with object 208Eh,
described in paragraph 7.1.15.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
609Ah Homing acceleration Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32

6.3.5 How to start a homing in hm mode

Here is a little example that shows how to home the motor in hm mode. In this little example we
assume that the module has been reset (and then switched to start) by NMT commands before. The
home switch must be connected to the home switch input. It can be operated manually.

Select hm mode by writing 6 to object 6060h.

Write 6 to object 6040h to switch to READY_TO_SWITCH_ON state.
Write 7 to object 6040h to switch to SWITCHED_ON state.
Write 15 to object 6040h to switch to OPERATION_ENABLED state.
Select homing method 19 by writing 19 to object 6098h.
Set the homing speeds by writing e.g. 50000 to object 6099 h sub index 1 and e.g. 10000 to
object 6099h sub index 2.
Write 31 to object 6040h to start the homing process.
Press and release the home switch.
When homing has finished, write 15 to object 6040h again.

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 47

6.4 Velocity mode

The velocity mode is used to control the velocity of the drive without a special regard of the position.
It contains limit functions.

The operation of the reference value generator and its input parameters include:
Emergency stop

6.4.1 Detailed object definitions Object 6040h: Controlword
This object indicates the received command controlling the power drive system finite state
automation (PDS FSA). The CiA-402 state machine can be controlled using this object. Please refer to
Figure 6.1: Finite state machine for detailed information.


15 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0

see Halt see reference ramp unlock ramp enable ramp see


There are no mode specific bits supported in vl mode.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6040h Controlword Variable UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 See command coding above Operation mode specific

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 48 Object 6041h: Statusword

This object provides the status of the PDS FSA. It reflects the status of the CiA402 state machine.
Please refer to Figure 6.1: Finite state machine for detailed information. The object is structured as
defined below.

For more information about the coding refer to the CANopen Drives and motion control device profile,
part 2 please.


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0

see reserved (0) see reserved (0) See


There are no mode specific bits supported in vl mode.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6041h Controlword Variable UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
See state coding
00h r0 Refer to CiA402-3 No
above Object 6042h: vl target velocity

This object indicates the required velocity of the system. It is the target velocity when the velocity
mode is active. Use this object to control the velocity of the motor in velocity mode. When this object
is changed the motor will be accelerated or decelerated to the new velocity. The range depends on
the chosen units, which can be internal or user-specific. Please refer to object 208Ch (paragraph 7.1.14)
for more information about that.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6042h vl target velocity Variable SIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 SIGNED32 Depends on the units.

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 49 Object 6043h: vl velocity demand

The object provides the instantaneous velocity generated by the ramp function. It shows the last
target velocity that has been set using object 6042h. The value is given in the same unit as the target
velocity, too. Please refer to object 208Ch (paragraph 7.1.14) for more information about that.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6043h vl velocity demand Variable SIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro Refer to CiA402-3 SIGNED32 0 Object 6044h: vl velocity actual value

This object shows the actual velocity of the motor when the motor is in velocity mode. The value is
given in the same unit as vl target velocity and vl velocity demand. Please refer to object 208Ch
(paragraph 7.1.14) for more information about that.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6044h vl velocity actual value Variable SIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro Refer to CiA402-3 SIGNED32 0 Object 6046h: vl velocity min max amount

This object indicates the configured minimum and maximum amount of velocity in velocity mode.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6046h vl velocity min max amount ARRAY UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Description Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h Highest sub-index supported c Refer to CiA402-3 02 h 2
01h Minimum velocity amount rw/ro Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 0
02h Maximum velocity amount rw/ro Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 2047

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 50 Object 6048h: vl velocity acceleration

This object indicates the configured delta speed and delta time of the slope of the acceleration ramp
as shown in the following figure. Object 6048h provides the acceleration used in velocity mode. This
value is also used for the deceleration. The value of the delta speed is given in internal or in user
units (rpm/s).




Figure 6.6: Transfer characteristic of the velocity acceleration

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6048h vl velocity acceleration Record vl acceleration deceleration

Sub-Index Description Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h Highest sub-index supported c Refer to CiA402-3 02 h 2
01h Delta speed rw Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 1000
02h Delta time ro Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED16 1msec Object 6049h: vl velocity deceleration

This object contains the same value as set in object 6048 h. A separate declaration value is not

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6049h vl velocity deceleration Record vl acceleration deceleration

Sub-Index Description Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h Highest sub-index supported c Refer to CiA402-3 02 h 2
01h Delta speed rw Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 Depends on the units
02h Delta time ro Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED16 10msec

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 51 Object 6062h: Position demand value

This object provides the demanded position value. The value is given in microsteps. Object 6062h
indicates the actual position that the motor should have. It is not to be confused with objects 6063 h
and 6064h.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6062h Position demand value Variable SIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro Refer to CiA402-3 SIGNED32 No Object 6063h: Position actual internal value

This object indicates the actual position of the encoder, re-scaled to the microstep resolution of the
motor. If necessary, the data unit may be transformed from user-defined units to increments. The
value is given in microsteps or encoder steps, depending on object 606Ah (described in paragraph

Index Name Object Code Data Type
Position actual internal
6063h Variable SIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro Refer to CiA402-3 SIGNED32 No Object 6064h: Position actual value

This object provides the actual value of the position measurement device. It always contains the
same value as object 6063h. The value is given in microsteps.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6064h Position actual value Variable SIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro Refer to CiA402-3 SIGNED32 No

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 52 Object 6065h: Following error window

This object indicates the configured range of tolerated position values symmetrically to the position
demand value. If the position actual value is out of the following error window, a following error
occurs. A following error may occur when a drive is blocked, unreachable profile velocity occurs, or at
wrong closed-loop coefficients. The value is given in microsteps. If the value of the following error
window is 0 or FFFF FFFFh, the following control will be switched off.

When the difference between motor position (object 6062 h) and encoder position (object 6063h or
6064h) is greater than the value set here, the motor will be stopped and an emergency message will
be sent. Setting this object to zero will turn off this feature completely. Setting this object to a too
low value will lead to false alarms.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
Following error
6065h Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 0… 8388607 Object 607Dh: Software position limit

This object indicates the configured maximal and minimal software position limits. These parameters
define the absolute position limits for the position demand value and the position actual value. The
position actual vale is always checked against these limits. The limit position is always relative to the
machine home position. Before being compared with the target position, they have to be corrected
internally by the home offset as follows:

Corrected min position limit = min position limit - home offset

Corrected max position limit = max position limit - home offset

This calculation needs only be performed when home offset or software position limit is changed.

The limit positions are given in microsteps (same as target position). Two limits for moving the motor
in positioning mode can be set here. Overstepping the window will lead to an emergency message
and the motor will be stopped.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
607Dh Software position limit Array SIGNED32

Sub-Index Description Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
01h Min position limit rw Refer to CiA402-3 SIGNED32 -2147483647… +2147483647
02h Max position limit rw Refer to CiA402-3 SIGNED32 -2147483647… +2147483647

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 53 Object 6083h: Profile acceleration

This object indicates the configured acceleration. Object 6083h sets the maximum acceleration to be
used in profile velocity mode.

Please choose the units for object 6083h with object 208Eh, described in paragraph 7.1.15. Object 208Eh
reads 0 when internal units are selected or 179 when user units (PPS/s) are selected.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6083h Profile acceleration Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 Depends on the units Object 6084h: Profile deceleration

This object indicates the configured deceleration. It sets the maximum deceleration used in profile
velocity mode.

Please choose the units for object 6083h with object 208Eh, described in paragraph 7.1.15. Object 208Eh
reads 0 when internal units are selected or 179 when user units (PPS/s) are selected.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
6084h Profile deceleration Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 Depends on the units Object 6085h: Quick stop deceleration

This object indicates the configured deceleration used to stop the motor when the quick stop function
is activated and the quick stop code object 605Ah is set to 2 or 6. The quick stop deceleration is also
used if the fault reaction code object 605Eh is 2 and the halt option code object 605Dh is 2. Object
6085h defines the deceleration that is to be used during a quick stop operation.

The value is given in the same physical unit as profile acceleration object 6083h. You can choose the
units for object 6083h with object 208Eh, described in paragraph 7.1.15. Object 208Eh reads 0 when
internal units are selected or 179 when user units (PPS/s) are selected.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
Quick stop
6085h Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw Refer to CiA402-3 UNSIGNED32 Depends on the units

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6.4.2 How to move a motor in vl mode

Here is a little example that shows how to get a motor running in vl mode. In this little example we
assume that the module has been reset (and then switched to start) by NMT commands before.

If you do not have any limit switches connected, first disable the limit switch inputs by
writing 3 to object 2005h.
Select vl mode by writing 2 to object 6060h.
Write 6 to object 6040h to switch to READY_TO_SWITCH_ON state.
Write 7 to object 6040h to switch to SWITCHED_ON state.
Write 15 to object 6040h to switch to OPERATION_ENABLED state.
Write the desired target speed (e.g. 500) to object 6042h. The motor now accelerates to that
Stop the motor by writing 0 to object 6042h.

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7 Manufacturer specific area

The manufacturer segment contains manufacturer specific objects. These objects control the special
features of the TRINAMIC motion control device TMCM-1180.

7.1 Detailed object specifications

7.1.1 Object 2000h: Microstep resolution
This object sets the microstep resolution of the drive. A value of 6 means 64 microsteps (26). It is only
writeable in the SWITCHED_ON_DISABLED state, but always readable.

Value Description
0 1 step
1 2 microsteps
2 4 microsteps
3 8 microsteps
4 16 microsteps
5 32 microsteps
6 64 microsteps
7 128 microsteps
8 256 microsteps

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2000h Microstep resolution Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0… 8 6

7.1.2 Object 2001h: Fullstep resolution

This object shows the fullstep resolution of the motor shipped with a PANdrive™. It is normally 200
(1.8° motor).

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2001h Fullstep resolution Variable UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro no 200 200

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7.1.3 Object 2002h: Brake delay times

With this object the delay times for applying and releasing an (optional) brake can be defined. Please
see also object 200Ah for an additional delay between enabling the power stage and releasing the
brake. Both times are given in ms.


Operation Enable
t1 t2 t3

200Ah 2002h 2002h

sub index sub index
2 1

Figure 7.1: Brake output timing

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2002h Brake delay times ARRAY UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Description Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
Time between applying brake / disabling
01h rw no 0… 65535 0
power stage
Time between releasing brake / switching
02h rw no 0… 65535 0
the state machine to operational

7.1.4 Object 2003h: Maximum current

This object defines the current used when the motor is moving. A value of 255 means 100% of the
maximum current of the drive.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2003h Maximum current Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0… 255 228

7.1.5 Object 2004h: Standby current

This object defines the current used when the motor is standing (two seconds after the last move). A
value of 255 means 100% of the maximum current of the drive.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2004h Standby current Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0… 255 20

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7.1.6 Object 2005h: Limit switches

This object defines which limit switches are to be used. Bit 0 stands for the left and bit 1 stands for
the right limit switch. If a bit is set, the corresponding limit switch will not be used. So this object
has to be set to the value 3 if limit switches are not connected. The object can only be written when
the drive is in the SWITCHED_ON_DISABLED state (but is always readable).

The limit switches can also be inverted using bit 2 and bit 3:
- Bit 2 inverts the left limit switch
- Bit 3 inverts the right limit switch

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2005h Limit switches Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0… 7 0

7.1.7 Object 200Ah: Enable drive delay time

This is an additional delay time (in milliseconds) between enabling the power stage and releasing the
brake. It can be used to prevent the brake from being released too early (before the hold current in
the motor has been reached). Please see also object 2002h.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
Enable drive delay
200Ah Variable UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0… 65535 0

7.1.8 Object 200Bh: Encoder parameters

This object defines the polarity of the encoder null channel. It is only writable in

The following options can be selected:

Bit Description
0 Polarity of channel A on index pulse (0=low, 1=high)
1 Polarity of channel B on index pulse (0=low, 1=high)
2 Polarity of channel N on index pulse (0=low, 1=high)
3 Ignore channel A/B polarity on index pulse

Index Name Object Code Data Type
200Bh Encoder parameters ARRAY UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Description Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
01h Null channel polarity rw no UNSIGNED8 7
02h Direction of rotation rw no 0/1 0

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7.1.9 Object 200Ch: Brake current feed

This object configures how much current has to be fed into the brake to apply and to release it. 0
means 0%, 255 means 100% of the maximum current (this depends on the module). In most cases it
is needed to feed current into the brake to release it. The default configuration is made for this case.
Setting both values to 0 disables the automatic brake control. This object is only writable in

Please note that on the three axis modules only 0 (brake output switched off) and 255 (brake
output switched on) can be used. Set both values to zero if no brake is used. In such a case the
brake output can be used as a normal digital output.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
200Ch Brake current feed ARRAY UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Description Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
01h Apply current rw no UNSIGNED8 0
02h Release current rw no UNSIGNED8 255

7.1.10 Object 2085h: Ramp divisor

Use this object to define the ramp divisor when internal units are selected for velocity and
acceleration. Please see the hardware manual of the drive for more information about this value. This
object can only be written in the SWITCHED_ON_DISABLE state (but is always readable).

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2085h Ramp divisor Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h not writable if user no 0… 13 7
units are selected

7.1.11 Object 2086h: Pulse divisor

Use this object to define the pulse divisor when internal units are to be used for velocity and
acceleration. Please see the the hardware manual of the drive for more information about this value.
This object can only be written in the SWITCHED_ON_DISABLED state (but is always readable).

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2086h Pulse divisor Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h not writable if user no 0… 13 3
units are selected

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7.1.12 Object 2087h: Maximum velocity

The functionality of this object depends on the unit selection (object 208Ch):

- If internal units are selected this object will be set to the fixed value of 2047 and cannot be
- If user units are selected the maximum velocity (RPM) that is to be used must be set here. A
lower value in this object leads to a better accuracy of the unit conversion.

This value can only be changed when the drive is in the SWITCHED_ON_DISABLED state.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2087h Maximum velocity Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
143… 293 (rpm)
00h rw no 2047
resp. 2047 (internal)

7.1.13 Object 2088h: Maximum acceleration

The functionality of this object also depends on the unit selection (object 208Eh):

- If internal units are selected this object will be set to the fixed value of 2047 and cannot be
- If user units are selected the maximum acceleration (RPM/s) that is to be used must be set
here. A lower value in this object leads to a better accuracy of the unit conversion.

This value can only be change when the drive is in the SWITCHED_ON_DISABLED state.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2088h Maximum acceleration Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
2183… 4000 (rpm/s)
00h rw no 2047
resp. 2047 (internal)

7.1.14 Object 208Ch: Velocity dimension index

Writing 0 selects internal units, writing 164 sets PPS units for velocity and PPS/s units for acceleration.
This can only be changed in SWITCHED_ON_DISABLED mode.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
208Ch Velocity dimension index Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0 or 164 0

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7.1.15 Object 208Eh: Acceleration dimension index

This object reads 0 when internal units are selected or 177 when user units (PPS/s) are selected. This
depends on the setting of object 208Ch, paragraph 7.1.14)

Index Name Object Code Data Type
Acceleration dimension
208Eh Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro no 0 or 177 0

7.1.16 Object 2090h: Step interpolation enable

With this object step interpolation can be enabled or disabled. It is supported with a 16 microstep
setting only. In this setting, each step impulse at the input causes the execution of 16 times 1/256
microsteps. This way, a smooth motor movement like in 256 microstep resolution is achieved.

0 – step interpolation OFF

1 – step interpolation ON

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2090h Step interpolation enable Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0/1 0

7.1.17 Object 2091h: Double step enable

Every edge of the cycle releases a step/microstep, if this object is enabled. It does not make sense to
activate it for internal use. Double step enable can be used with Step/Dir interface.

0 – double step OFF

1 – double step ON

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2091h Double step enable Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0/1 0

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7.1.18 Object 2092h: Chopper blank time

This object serves for selecting the comparator blank time. This time needs to safely cover the
switching event and the duration of the ringing on the sense resistor. For low current drivers, a
setting of 1 or 2 is good. For higher current applications a setting of 2 or 3 will be required.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2092h Chopper blank time Variable

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0… 3 2

7.1.19 Object 2093h: Chopper mode

Select the chopper mode with this object:

0 – spread cycle
1 – classic const. off time

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2093h Chopper mode Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0/1 0

7.1.20 Object 2094h: Chopper hysteresis decrement

This object serves for the hysteresis decrement setting. This setting determines the slope of the
hysteresis during on time and during fast decay time.

0 – fast decrement
3 – very slow decrement

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2094h Chopper hysteresis decrement Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0… 3 0

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7.1.21 Object 2095h: Chopper hysteresis end

This object provides the setting of the hysteresis end value after a number of decrements. The
decrement interval time is controlled by object 2094h.

Value Description
-3… -1 negative hysteresis end setting
0 zero hysteresis end setting
1… 12 positive hysteresis end setting

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2095h Chopper hysteresis end Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no -3… 12 2

7.1.22 Object 2096h: Chopper hysteresis start

This object provides the hysteresis start setting. Please remark, that this value is an offset to the
hysteresis end value.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2096h Chopper hysteresis start Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0… 8 3

7.1.23 Object 2097h: Chopper off time

The off time setting controls the minimum chopper frequency. An off time within the range of 5µs to
20µs will fit.

Off time setting for constant tOFF chopper: NCLK= 12 + 32*tOFF (Minimum is 64 clocks)

Setting this parameter to zero completely disables all driver transistors and the motor can free-wheel.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2097h Chopper off time Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0 / 2… 15 5

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7.1.24 Object 2098h: Smart energy current minimum

This object provides the setting of the lower motor current limit for coolStep™ operation by scaling
the CS value.

Minimum motor current:

0 – 1/2 of CS
1 – 1/4 of CS

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2098h Smart energy current minimum Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0/1 1

7.1.25 Object 2099h: Smart energy current down step

This object provides the setting of the number of stallGuard2™ readings above the upper threshold
necessary for each current decrement of the motor current.

Number of stallGuard2™ measurements per decrement:

Scaling: 0… 3 – 32, 8, 2, 1
0 – slow decrement
3 – fast decrement

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2099h Smart energy current down step Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0… 3 0

7.1.26 Object 209Ah: Smart energy hysteresis

This object sets the distance between the lower and the upper threshold for stallGuard2™ reading.
Above the upper threshold the motor current becomes decreased.

(smartEnergy hysteresis value + 1) * 32

Upper stallGuard threshold:

(smartEnergy hysteresis start + smartEnergy hysteresis + 1) * 32

Index Name Object Code Data Type
209Ah Smart energy hysteresis Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0… 15 0

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7.1.27 Object 209Bh: Smart energy current up step

This object sets the current increment step. The current becomes incremented for each measured
stallGuard2™ value below the lower threshold (see smart energy hysteresis start below).

Current increment step size:

Scaling: 0… 3 – 1, 2, 4, 8
0 – slow increment
3 – fast increment / fast reaction to rising load

Index Name Object Code Data Type
209Bh Smart energy current up step Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0… 3 0

7.1.28 Object 209Ch: Smart energy hysteresis start

This object serves to set the lower threshold for the stallGuard2™ value (see smart Energy current up
step above).

Index Name Object Code Data Type
209Ch Smart energy hysteresis start Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0… 15 0

7.1.29 Object 209Dh: stallGuard2™ filter enable

This object is used to set the stallGuard2™ filter for more precision of the measurement. If set,
reduces the measurement frequency to one measurement per four fullsteps.

In most cases it is expedient to set the filtered mode before using coolStep™. Use the standard mode
for step loss detection.

0 – standard mode
1 – filtered mode

Index Name Object Code Data Type
209Dh stallGuard2™ filter enable Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0/1 1

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7.1.30 Object 209Eh: stallGuard2™ threshold

This signed value controls the stallGuard2™ threshold level for stall output and sets the optimum
measurement range for readout. A lower value gives a higher sensitivity. Zero is the starting value. A
higher value makes stallGuard2™ less sensitive and requires more torque to indicate a stall.

Value Description
0 Indifferent value
1… 63 less sensitivity
-1… -64 higher sensitivity

Index Name Object Code Data Type
209Eh stallGuard2™ threshold Variable SIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no -64… 63 5

7.1.31 Object 209Fh: Slope control high side

This object determines the slope of the motor driver outputs.

0 – lowest slope
3 – fastest slope

Index Name Object Code Data Type
209Fh Slope control high side Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0… 3 3

7.1.32 Object 20A0h: Slope control low side

This object determines the slope of the motor driver outputs. Set it identical to slope control high

0 – lowest slope
3 – fastest slope

Index Name Object Code Data Type
20A0h Slope control low side Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0… 3 3

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7.1.33 Object 20A1h: Short protection disable

This object is used to enable or to disable the short to ground protection. Use default value!

0 – Short to GND protection is on

1 – Short to GND protection is disabled

Index Name Object Code Data Type
20A1h Short protection disable Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0/1 0

7.1.34 Object 20A2h: Short detection timer

This object provides the timing of the short detection. Use default value!

Value Timing
0 3.2µs
1 1.6µs
2 1.2µs
3 0.8µs

Index Name Object Code Data Type
20A2h Short detection timer Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0… 3 0

7.1.35 Object 20A3h: Vsense

This object is used for setting the sense resistor voltage based current scaling. Use the default value
and do not change it!

0 – Full scale sense resistor voltage is 1/18 VDD

1 – Full scale sense resistor voltage is 1/36 VDD
(This refers to a current setting of 31 and DAC value 255.)

Index Name Object Code Data Type
20A3h Vsense Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0/1 1

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7.1.36 Object 20A4h: Stop on stall

Motor stops in case of stall.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
20A4h Stop on stall Variable SIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0/1 0

7.1.37 Object 20A5h: Smart energy threshold speed

Above this speed coolStep™ becomes enabled.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
20A5h Smart energy threshold speed Variable UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0… 2147483647 [pps] 0

7.1.38 Object 20A6h: Smart energy slow run current

This object serves for setting the motor current which is used blow the threshold speed.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
20A6h Smart energy slow run current Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value

00h rw no 0… 255 0

7.1.39 Object 2100h: Home offset display

The value is given in microsteps.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2100h Home offset display Variable SIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro no Refer to home offset 0

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7.1.40 Object 2101h: Actual stallGuard2™ load value

This object shows the actual stallGuard2™ load value. It is needed for configuring the stallGuard2™
feature, to find the optimal velocity.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2101h Actual stallGuard2™ load value Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro no 0… 7 0

7.1.41 Object 2102h: Driver error flags

This object shows the hardware error flags of the motor driver IC.


Bit Name Function Remark
7 OT Overtemperature 1 = chip of due to overtemperature
6 OTPW Temperature prewarning 1= prewarning temperature exceeded
5 UV Driver undervoltage 1 = undervoltage on VS
4 OCHS Overcurrent high side 3 PWM cycles with overcurrent within 63 PWM cycles
3 OLB Open load bridge B No PWM switch off for 14 oscillator cycles
2 OLA Open load bridge A No PWM switch off for 14 oscillator cycles
1 OCB Overcurrent bridge B low side 3 PWM cycles with overcurrent within 63 PWM cycles
0 OCA Overcurrent bridge A low side 3 PWM cycles with overcurrent within 63 PWM cycles

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2102h Driver error flags Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro no 0… 255 0

7.1.42 Object 2103h: Pulse divisor display

The pulse divisor display shows the pulse divisor that has been calculated by the drive when user
units are selected or that can be set using object 2086h when internal units are selected.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2103h Pulse divisor display Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro no 0… 13 3

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7.1.43 Object 2104h: Maximum velocity display

This object shows the value of object 2087h.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2104h Maximum velocity display Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro no 0… 2047 2047

7.1.44 Object 2105h: Ramp divisor display

The ramp divisor display shows the ramp divisor that has been calculated by the drive when user
units are selected or that can be set using object 2085h when internal units are selected.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2105h Ramp divisor display Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro no 0… 13 7

7.1.45 Object 2106h: Maximum acceleration display

This object shows the value of object 2088h.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2106h Maximum acceleration display Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro no 0… 2047 2047

7.1.46 Object 2107h: Microstep resolution display

This object shows the microstep resolution (set by object 2000 h when internal units are selected or
calculated when user units are selected).

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2107h Microstep resolution display Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro no 0… 6 6

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7.1.47 Object 2700h: TMCL™ direct communication

After writing the make signature 656b616dh to this object the drive switches to TMCL™ mode. The
drive can then only be controlled via TMCL™ commands written to the OS command object 1023/01h

The drive has to be reset (using the DS-301 reset application command) to return to normal CANopen

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2700h Microstep resolution display Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
Make signature
00h ro no 0

7.1.48 Object 2701h: Manufacturer specific mode

Writing the make signature to this object turns on the manufacturer specific mode. The manufacturer
specific mode can be turned off again by writing the kill signature to this object.

The manufacturer specific mode has the following features:

PDOs do not need to be disabled and re-enabled when the PDO mapping is to be changed
The RTR bit in the COB-ID of PDO definitions is ignored.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2701h Manufacturer specific mode Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no See textbox below* 0

* read: 0 = manufacturer specific mode is inactive

1 = manufacturer specific mode is active

write: 656b616dh = make signature

6c6c696bh = kill signature

7.1.49 Object 2702h: Digital inputs

Bits 16… 23 of this object reflect the states of the digital inputs (general purpose inputs In_0 and

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2702h Digital inputs Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro no 0… 255 0

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7.1.50 Object 2703h: Digital outputs

With this object the digital outputs (general purpose outputs) can be set. Bits 16… 23 of sub index 1
switch outputs OUT_0 and OUT_1 of the module. Bits 16… 23 of sub index 2 determine which outputs
can be switched. The number of available digital outputs depends on the module type.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2703h Digital outputs Array

Sub-Index Description Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
01h Physical outputs rw no UNSIGNED32 0
02h Output mask rw no UNSIGNED32 0

7.1.51 Object 2704h: CAN bit rate

With this object it is possible to change the CAN bit rate. To do this, first write the new value to this
object. Then, store the new setting by writing the save signature to object 2706 h. After that, reset the
module. The new setting becomes active then.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2704h CAN bit rate load Variable UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 20, 50, 125, 250, 500, 1000 250

7.1.52 Object 2705h: Node ID

On modules that do not have address switches the node ID can be selected using this object. On
modules with address switches the node ID is normally selected using the address switches. Only
when the address switches are set to an invalid value (0 or >127) this object overrides the address
switch setting.

To change the node ID, first write the new node ID to this object. Then, store the new setting by
writing the save signature to object 2706h. After that, reset the module. The new setting becomes
active then.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2705h Node ID load Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 1… 127 1

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7.1.53 Object 2706h: Store

Writing the save signature to this object permanently saves changes made on objects 2707 h and

The save signature is 65766173h.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2706h Store Variable UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro no Highest sub-index supported 1
01h rw no Save signature 0

7.1.54 Object 2707h: CAN bit rate load

Shows the selected CAN bit rate.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2707h CAN bit rate Variable UNSIGNED16

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro No 20, 50, 125, 250, 500, 800, 1000 1000

7.1.55 Object 2708h: Node ID load

This object shows the selected node ID.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2708h Node ID Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro no 1… 127 Depends on ID switches

7.1.56 Object 2709h: Encoder interface

This object defines if the encoder interface is used. Only the values 0 (no encoder interface) or 1 (use
encoder interface) are possible. The value is automatically stored in the non volatile memory. After
changing this object, a reset (power cycle, reset pulse or reset application) command is needed.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
2709h Encoder interface Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h rw no 0/1 1

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7.1.57 Object 270Ah: Encoder interface display

This object provides the encoder interface setting that is used at the moment (0 or 1).

Index Name Object Code Data Type
270Ah Encoder interface display Variable UNSIGNED8

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h ro no 0/1 1

7.1.58 Object 270Eh: Device analogue inputs

This object defines which inputs can be used.

Index Name Object Code Data Type
270Eh Device analogue inputs ARRAY UNSIGNED32

Sub-Index Access PDO Mapping Value Range Default Value
00h analogue input 1 rw 0/1 no
01h analogue input 2 rw 0/1 no
02h analogue input 3 rw 0/1 no
03h analogue input 4 rw 0/1 no

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8 Emergency messages
The module sends an emergency message if an error occurs. The message contains information about
the error type. The module can map internal errors and object 1001h (error register) is part of every
emergency object.

Please note, that the additional byte 2 shows which motor is affected.


Add. byte
Error code Description
1 2 3 4 5

Fault reset
0x0000 0 0/1/2 0 0 0
The fault reset command has been executed.
Generic error: open load bridge A
0x1000 1 0/1/2 0 0 0 The motor driver indicates open load on bridge A. It is possible that the motor cable
is broken or that there is an error in the power amplifier itself.
Generic error: open load bridge B
0x1000 2 0/1/2 0 0 0 The motor driver indicates open load on bridge B. It is possible that the motor cable is
broken or that there is an error in the power amplifier itself.
Overcurrent high side
0x2310 0 0/1/2 0 0 0 The motor driver indicates an overcurrent on the high side. This can be caused by a
short circuit in the driver stage.
Overcurrent bridge B
0x2311 0 0/1/2 0 0 0 The motor driver indicates that there is overcurrent on bridge B. This can be caused by
a short circuit in the motor itself or in the motor driver stage.
Overcurrent bridge A
0x2312 0 0/1/2 0 0 0 The motor driver indicates that there is overcurrent on bridge A. This can be caused by
a short circuit in the motor itself or in the motor driver stage.
stallGuard2™ error
0x3230 0 0/1/2 0 0 0
The actual load value exceeds the stallGuard2 limit.

Overtemperature pre-warning
0x4310 1 0/1/2 0 0 0
The temperature in the motor driver exceeds the pre-warning limit.
Overtemperature error
0x4310 2 0/1/2 0 0 0 The motor driver has been switched off because the temperature limit has been
Shutdown switch active
0x5441 0 255 0 0 0 The enable signal is missing (due to the shutdown switch) and the motor driver has
been switched off.
Parameter error
0x6320 0 255 0 0 0 The data in the received PDO is either wrong or cannot be accepted due to the
internal state of the drive.
CAN controller overflow
0x8110 1 255 0 0 0 The receive message buffer of the CAN controller hardware is full and some CAN
messages are lost.
CAN Tx buffer overflow
0x81110 2 255 0 0 0
The software CAN transmit buffer is full and thus some CAN messages are lost.

CAN Rx buffer overflow

0x81110 3 255 0 0 0
The software CAN receive buffer is full and so some CAN messages are lost.
CAN error passive
0x8120 0 255 0 0 0 The CAN controller has detected communication errors and has entered the CAN Error
passive state.
CAN controller recovered from bus-off state
The CAN controller had detected too many errors and had changed into the bus-off
0x8140 0 255 0 0 0
state. The drive has been stopped and disabled. This message is sent after the CAN
controller has recovered from bus-off state and is bus-on again.
Following error
0x8611 0 0/1/2 0 0 0 The deviation between motor position counter and encoder position counter has
exceeded the following error window.
0xff00 0 0/1/2 0 0 0
The supply voltage is too low to drive a motor.

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Positive software limit

0xff01 1 0/1/2 0 0 0
The actual position is outside the range defined by object 0x607d.

Negative software limit

0xff01 2 0/1/2 0 0 0
The actual position is outside the range defined by object 0x607d.

Positive limit switch

0xff01 3 0/1/2 0 0 0
The positive limit switch has been touched outside of the homing function.

Negative limit switch

0xff01 4 0/1/2 0 0 0
The negative limit switch has been touched outside of the homing function.

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9 Revision history
9.1 Firmware revision
Version Date Author Description
3.05 2010-NOV-13 OK First version supporting all features
of the PD-1180

Table 9.1: Firmware revision

9.2 Document revision

Version Date Author Description
1.00 2010-DEC-14 SD Initial version
Objects 1010h and 1011h added;
1.01 2011-AUG-01 SD
object 1016h completed.

Table 9.2: Document revision

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TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180 CANopen Firmware Manual (V1.01 / 2011-AUG-01) 77

10 References
[TMCM-1180 / PD86-1180] TMCM-1180 and PD86-1180 TMCL™ Hardware Manual
[TMC262] TMC262 Datasheet
[QSH8618] QSH8618 Manual

Copyright © 2011, TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG

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