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I Am free!

Talking: See when Jesus died on the cross, our old nature died with Him. The Bible says that we are new creations, so put off the old man, walk in freedom, and follow me and Hook: 2x Say I am free (I am free)/ Say I am free (I am free) Say I am free / the devil has no control over me Say I am free (I am free)/ Say I am free (I am free) Say I am free in the Lord/ I am free in the Lord! 1st verse: 1.Walk in freedom cause Jesus broke the chains off 2.With no escape we were locked up just like Akon 3.The Son of man was torn/ crowned with thorns/ came in a slaves form 4. The serpent bit His heel but He crushed the serpents head like an acorn 5. Just like the Celtics couldnt have won without Paul pierce/ 6. We would have never became Gods son if not the Son was pierced 7. For the wages of sin is death (Father help me out) 8. More than a trillion-dollar debt and Christ bailed me out 9. So whats there to debate about? 10. If you saved better praise and shout, and thank Him now 11. Cause He gave His life/ and paid the price/ to make us right/ 12. To be called the child/ of the Most High/ Its Your way, 13. Not my way/ no way/ but YHWH 14. Cause doing my own thing got me in chains in the 1st place 15. You got to give it all to Him, change your cloths and change your life/ 16. Read Romans 12:2 and let it transform your mind 17. Like you were on death row and someone took the penalty 18. You can go/ just sin no more/ and scream IAM FREE!

HOOK: 2x 2nd verse: 1. Whoever sins becomes a slave to sin 2. You work for free you were set free but you cant come back again 3. Since you were let out of jail take of the old self 4. Put on the new man and get your Bible off the shelf 5. You got to read it and apply it to your life (life) 6. And tell your friends to beat it if their eyes aint on Christ 7. I use to chase dough trying to tip on 4s 4s 8. No sight of my soul thank God Christ died and rose 9. So I am free from the old me/ released from my homies 10. Ask prodigal our main goal is to be sanctified and holy 11. Cause Jesus paid the penalty /died on the cross for you and me 12. Face it we switched places/ He took the death that was set human beings 13. I didnt want to leave my friends but I tried to help them out 14. But how could I lead them to freedom if I am stuck in chains my self? 15. So got to get rid of the world cut it off with the sword of the Lord 16. Ask J.I.T.A. hell tell you we all free in the Lord! HOOK:2x Talking: See God created us to be free from sin and condemnation, so Jesus died in our place but He resurrected, that dont mean we dont sin no more, that means we aint slaves no more, we do this by trusting Jesus as Lord, so we gotta 3rd Verse: 1. Get the scripture deep down in your soul 2. Got to Flip the picture and see yourself through the Lord/ 3. Got to deny your life/ and rely on Christ 4. and let the devil know you aint taking no more 5. Been a sinner all your life so you dont think youre worth it

6. Thats why He died cause none of us are perfect 7. The blood of Christ cleanse better than detergent 8. So your good deeds to the King is worthless 9. Our Identity was taken/ by Satan/ who was making/ creation/ slave men/ our fate than/ Was bad, bad 10. Christ/ paid the price/ on the cross/ died for us all and put our sins on His back like a back pack 11. No condemnation to those in Christ Jesus/ walking the path of the man who freed us 12. Making disciples of all the nations and teaching the world the good news of JESS 13. We free from the enemies camps and 14. We free from the enemies traps and 15. We free from the cares and free from the snares of the world and we wont go back man! 16. He came to brake off the chains/ off of your life and off of your brain 17. Christ didnt die just for your tithes but to proclaim His name if you free than scream HOOK: 2x Say I am free (I am free)/ Say I am free (I am free) Say I am free (I am free)/ the devil has no control over me Say I am free (I am free)/ Say I am free (I am free) Say I am free in the Lord; I am free in the Lord!

Steven Eric Ariel Hernandez September 21, 2009 Steven [Greek] Crowned/ Eric [Latin] King/ Ariel [Hebrew] Lion of God/ Hernandez [Spanish] Spiritual Pilgrim SEA-H= (Crowned King Lion of God Spiritual Pilgrim)
Hebrews 12:26

At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.

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