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Std 7th TH (CHAPTER-12)

A. Fill up the blanks:-

1. Constituent Assembly of India
2. 26 November 1949
3. Republic Day
4. Preamble
5. Instrument
B. Match the following:-
1. Government of the people, by the people and for the people
2. Fair and equal distribution of wealth
3. No discrimination on basis of religion
4. Free from foreign interference and control
5. State headed by an elected representative of the people.
C. Choose the correct answer:-
1. Dr . Babasaheb Ambedkar
2. Socialist
3. President
4. government
5. Liberty
D. Answer the following questions briefly:-
1. Name any five members of the Constituent Assembly.

Ans: Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Sardar Vallabhbai Patel,
Babasaheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar, Sarojini Naidu.

2. When was the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly held?

Ans:- It was held on 9 December 1946.

3. What was the function of the Drafting Committee?

Ans:- Its function was compilation of individual accounts and drafting the

4. How long did it take to create the Constitution of India?

Ans :- It took 2 years 11 months 18 days

5. Why is the Constitution regarded as an ‘instrument of social change?

Ans:- It establishes a just social order by elimination of inequality and injustice.

E. Answer the following questions in detail:-

1. What is a constitution? What is the significance of the Preamble to the
Ans :- A constitution is a legal document based on which a country is
governed. It clearly defines the organization powers and functions of
the government and also contains the rights and duties of its citizens.
The Preamble is the introductory statement to the Constitutions. It
conveys the values, vision and objectives of the constitution, The
Preamble to the Constitution of India begin with the words ‘we the
people of India

2.What was the role of the Constituent Assembly in creating the

Constitution of India?
Ans:- The constituent Assembly worked intensely on the constitution for
2years, 11months and 18days and created the lengthiest constitution of
the world. The constitution was adopted on 26th November 1949. It
came into effect nationwide on the 26 January 1950.

3. Explain the characteristics of nature of the state of India, as stated in

the Preamble.
Ans:- The Preamble also states the nature of the state of India as well as
the primary objectives of the constitution. The nature of the state as
specified in the Preamble to the Indian Constitution is a sovereign,
socialist, secular, democratic and republican country.
• Sovereign state
• Socialist state
• Secular state
• Democratic state
• Republic state
4. Explain the objectives of the constitution of India.

• Ans:- Justice:- The ‘Constitution secures social, economic and

political justice to all the citizens of India. Social justice means
abolition of inequality and provision of equal opportunities to all for
developing themselves. It means conferring an equal status to every
individual, irrespective of the caste, creed, religion, race, sex, wealth
and social status.
• Liberty:- People of India have the liberty and freedom of speech,
thought and expression. They are also free to follow their individual
faiths and beliefs.
• Equality:- The Constitution of India recognizes that all citizens of
India are equal in the eyes of law. They will be protected by the laws
of the land. It enforces that the state of India cannot discriminate
between people on the basis of caste, class, religion, sex, status.
• Fraternity:- Fraternity is the feeling of oneness and brotherhood
among different sections of the society. The Indian Constitution
encourages the feelings of love and respect towards all the citizens
of India. It aims at eradication of social barriers between the citizens
and inculcation of mutual trust and harmony to enhance the
development of the country.
5 How do the objectives stated in the Preamble ensure the growth and
development of the nation?
Ans:- The Constitution of India works towards the realization of the
objectives mentioned in the Preamble. To accomplish its goals, the
government of India establishes a just social order by elimination of
inequality and injustice. It is, thus, regarded as an instrument of social
F. Picture study:-
1. Preamble is an introductory statement to the
2. It conveys values, vision and objectives of the
3. “We, the People of India…..” emphasizes that the sources of
constitution is people of India.

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