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RandomForest classifier newClassifier2019

Cross Validation
Number of classes = 5
class 0.0: AAHH
accuracy = 0.9918 precision = 1.0000 correlation = 0.9699 errorRate = 0.0082
TruePositives = 19.0000 FalsePositives = 0.0000 TrueNegatives = 102.0000
FalseNegatives = 1.0000
class 1.0: SUELO DESNUDO
accuracy = 0.9590 precision = 0.8750 correlation = 0.8737 errorRate = 0.0410
TruePositives = 21.0000 FalsePositives = 3.0000 TrueNegatives = 96.0000
FalseNegatives = 2.0000
class 2.0: SUELO SECO
accuracy = 0.9918 precision = 0.9853 correlation = 0.9836 errorRate = 0.0082
TruePositives = 67.0000 FalsePositives = 1.0000 TrueNegatives = 54.0000
FalseNegatives = 0.0000
class 3.0: VEGETACION
accuracy = 0.9672 precision = 1.0000 correlation = 0.6950 errorRate = 0.0328
TruePositives = 4.0000 FalsePositives = 0.0000 TrueNegatives = 114.0000
FalseNegatives = 4.0000
class 4.0: ZONA URBANA
accuracy = 0.9754 precision = 0.5714 correlation = 0.7463 errorRate = 0.0246
TruePositives = 4.0000 FalsePositives = 3.0000 TrueNegatives = 115.0000
FalseNegatives = 0.0000

Using Testing dataset, % correct predictions = 94.2623

Total samples = 246
RMSE = 0.6206818038571328
Bias = 0.024590163934426368

class 0.0: AAHH 40 (16.2602%)
class 1.0: SUELO DESNUDO 46 (18.6992%)
class 2.0: SUELO SECO 134 (54.4715%)
class 3.0: VEGETACION 17 (6.9106%)
class 4.0: ZONA URBANA 9 (3.6585%)

Testing feature importance score:

Each feature is perturbed 3 times and the % correct predictions are averaged
The importance score is the original % correct prediction - average
rank 1 feature 1 : B1 score: tp=0.0464 accuracy=0.0186
precision=0.0511 correlation=0.0621 errorRate=-0.0186 cost=-0.0663 GainRatio =
rank 2 feature 2 : B2 score: tp=0.0328 accuracy=0.0131
precision=0.0362 correlation=0.0493 errorRate=-0.0131 cost=-0.0445 GainRatio =
rank 3 feature 4 : B4 score: tp=0.0137 accuracy=0.0055
precision=0.0105 correlation=0.0381 errorRate=-0.0055 cost=-0.0145 GainRatio =
rank 4 feature 12 : B12 score: tp=0.0082 accuracy=0.0033
precision=0.0064 correlation=0.0221 errorRate=-0.0033 cost=-0.0087 GainRatio =
rank 5 feature 3 : B3 score: tp=0.0055 accuracy=0.0022
precision=0.0155 correlation=0.0128 errorRate=-0.0022 cost=-0.0196 GainRatio =
rank 6 feature 10 : B9 score: tp=0.0000 accuracy=0.0000
precision=0.0000 correlation=-0.0000 errorRate=0.0000 cost=0.0000 GainRatio =
rank 7 feature 6 : B6 score: tp=-0.0027 accuracy=-
0.0011 precision=-0.0024 correlation=-0.0068 errorRate=0.0011 cost=0.0029 GainRatio
= 0.4352
rank 8 feature 11 : B11 score: tp=-0.0055 accuracy=-
0.0022 precision=-0.0047 correlation=-0.0135 errorRate=0.0022 cost=0.0058 GainRatio
= 0.4585
Warning: rank <= featureBandList.length

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