The Stone 1

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"How have you four not been expelled yet?"

"Because they love us."

THE STONE Cassandra Black and Hope Potter have been best friends since their first
year at Hogwarts. Fast forward a few years - Harry arrives. How will Hope
HARRY POTTER AND THE PHILOSOPHER’S STONE deal with her younger brother being constantly in danger? How will
Cassandra handle her new reality?

Chapter 1: 001 "No, sir. Little tyke fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol. Heh.
Try not to wake him. She's been awake the entire time though. There
Chapter Text

you go," he replies handing over a small boy and a slightly older girl as
November 1st 1981 they stop outside a house.

On a street called Privet Drive Albus Dumbledore stands removing the "Albus, do you really think it's safe, leaving them with these people?
light from the lamps. A cat meows beside him making him look down I've been watching them all day. They're the worst sort of Muggles
to the tabby cat, "I should have known that you would be imaginable. They really are...." McGonagall argues.
here...Professor McGonagall." The cat meows again and transforms
into a human form. "The only family they have," Dumbledore inputs.

"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore. Are the rumours true, Albus?" "These children will be famous. There won't be a child in our world
McGonagall asks. who doesn't know their names, especially the boy," McGonagall
"I'm afraid so, Professor. The good, and the bad."
"Exactly. They're better off growing up away from all that. Until they
"And the children?" are ready."

"Hagrid is bringing them." Hagrid coughs and sniffles before clearing his throat. "There, there,
Hagrid. It's not really goodbye, after all," Dumbledore comforts.
"Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as
this?" Hagrid nods. Dumbledore takes a letter and places it with the children,
who is now at the foot of the door. The young boy has a visible
"Ah, Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life." lightning-bolt shaped scar on his forehead.

The two professors look up to the sound of a motorbike flying down to "Good luck...Harry and Hope Potter."
ground level. Hagrid takes off his goggles and steps off the bike.
"Professor Dumbledore, Sir. Professor McGonagall," he greets.  

"No problems, I trust, Hagrid?" Dumbledore asks. November 2nd 1981

"Mama? Where Dada?" a two year old girl asks. Her mother glances She sighs sadly before replying, "I guess i'm okay." She pours herself a
softly at her daughter wondering what she's going to tell her, she takes glass of fire whiskey after Dumbledore refuses some. "Harry? Hope?"
her daughter in her arms and carries her over to the couch. She sits her she asks curious to know about her god children's well being.
down on her knee as a stray tear slips out of her eye.
"They were dropped off safely with their aunt and uncle," he tells her
"Dada did something bad so he has to go away for a while," she which causes her to grimace in disgust knowing what Petunia and
explains even though she's too young to understand. The small girl Vernon were like.
looks up to her mother with an almost blank expression and nods her
head. "Are you sure that was a wise decision?"

"Astrid," a male voice calls from the doorway. Astrid looks to the door "There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know their names,
to see one of her best friends smiling sadly at her. She stands putting especially Harry's, which is why it's better they grow up away from our
her daughter down to play and heads to her friend. They both walk into world," he replies. Astrid can't help but slightly agree and disagree at
the next room where Astrid is instantly pulled into a hug. She sniffles the same time. Petunia and Vernon are the worst muggles out there but
and lets more tears fall. "Will you be okay?" if she were to take them and raise them like she so desperately wants to
then they wouldn't get a moments peace. She nods hesitantly agreeing
She sighs, will she be okay? Eventually, maybe. "I don't know," she with him.
replies wiping her tears. "Dumbledore said he's coming to see me
tonight." "So, what can I do for you?" Astrid asks politely.

"I'm sure you'll be okay eventually," he states reassuringly. "I have to "I would like to offer you a job. I believe that the students would
go," he adds sadly. benefit from having someone to talk to. Someone who is not a teacher,
just someone who they can go to with problems or if they are in need of
"Good luck Remus," she states as he walks out the door and disappears. a friend. I think you would be perfect for the position," he replies.
Not long after his visit Albus Dumbledore shows up in her living room. Astrid sighs thinking about the offer, she does need a job now anyway.
"Professor," she greets quietly as she pulls a blanket over her now
sleeping daughter, Cassandra. They both walk into the next room as to After a moment she replies, "i'll do it." Dumbledore smiles kindly at
not wake Cassandra. her before pulling out an envelope and putting it on the table.

"How are you?" he asks when they reach the other room. "Before I forget. The ministry asked that I deliver this to you." She
picks the envelope and opens it, inside was a series of documents.
Dumbledore raises his eyebrow as if to ask what was inside. "I'm going

back to using my maiden name and changing Cassandra's last name. this?' she thought, 'he was their best friend'. And now she had been left
The last name 'Black' isn't really liked that much, especially now," she alone with her daughter and only one of her friends.
tells him quietly.
On October 31st 1981, Astrid Black had been left devastated. She had
He hums in agreement, "I look forward to seeing you at the start of the lost two of her best friends and her husband all in one night. Sirius
school year, Ms Evergreen." Astrid smiles at the use of her maiden Black's betrayal had been the lowest blow she had felt, her own
name. "You too, professor." Dumbledore apperates from the room husband had betrayed her, the order, James and Lily and, of course, her
leaving Astrid to sign the documents before sending them away with old friend Peter Pettigrew. His betrayal caused a string of problems for
her owl, Maia. her in the aftermath. Her own father wouldn't dare even look at her
anymore, her brother too. People hated her for being married to him.
Soon her peaceful silence is interrupted by someone knocking at the Some even thought she knew what he was going to do. She had to get
door. "Now what?" she complains. She heads to the door, keeping her through this, for her daughter's sake.
wand close by out of habit, and opens the door to see her brother.
"Magnus? What are you doing here?" she asks surprised by his visit.
Chapter Text
Chapter 2: 002
"Dad wants Mums necklace back," he states emotionless.
September 1st 1991
She scoffs in return, "and let me guess. He's too ashamed to be seen
with the traitors wife?" Before he can reply Astrid pulls the necklace Almost ten years after Sirius Black's betrayal his daughter, Cassandra
from her neck and drops it harshly into the brothers hand. "Now leave. Evergreen, is walking happily through King's Cross station with six
Both you and Dad can stay away from me and Cassandra, I don't want other people who, over the years, have become her second family.
to see you around here again." She'd met Fred and George Weasley during her first year and they
instantly became best friends. Her mother had known the family from
the war years however she hadn't spoken to them much until Cassandra
For a brief second guilt flashes over his eyes but it's gone not even a
had started going to Hogwarts.
second later. "I warned you, I told you he was no good," he sneers.
Astrid's jaw clenches.
"It's the same year after year. Always packed with muggles, of course,"
Molly Weasley complained as they headed towards platforms 9 and 10.
"Get out!"
"Come on. Platform 9 ¾ this way!"
Magnus rolls his eyes and leaves. As soon as he's gone Astrid slides
"All right, Percy, you first," she said to her older son when they
down the door with tears flowing down her cheeks. 'Why would he do
reached the platform. Percy lined his trolley up with the wall in

between platforms 9 and 10. He ran forward and disappeared through  
the wall. "Fred, you next."
"Where's Lee?" Cassie asked the twins halfway into the journey. The
"He's not Fred, I am!" Cassandra smirked and rolled her eyes playfully twins laugh a little as they stare at her amused.
at the twins antics.
"Have you only just noticed that he's not here?" Fred asked.
"Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother."
"Oh, I'm sorry, George," their mother sighed urging the twins forward.
One of them moves in front of the wall. "I'm only joking. I am Fred," George laughs before answering her original question, "dunno where he
Fred Weasley said as he ran at the wall, disappearing like his brother is. Probably with Angelina." The compartment door slides open and
did. George quickly follows his twin through the wall. Hope slips in before sitting down, "hey."

"Cassie, dear, you next," she nodded and followed her friends through The three smile and greet her, "so I heard Harry's here," Fred
the wall. However, before she ran she glanced behind her and noticed a commented.
young boy watching them in wonder as her friend Hope Potter stood
behind him. Once she reached the other side of the wall she moved to Hope grins, "yep, Hagrid had to come pick us up. They were going to
stand with the twins. It took her a minute but she finally figures out that stop me from coming back this year. Had to explain to Harry why i'd
the boy watching them was Harry Potter. She'd seen a few photos of his never told him and why they let me come to school though."
father, James, and mother. Harry really did look a lot like James.
"What'd you say?" Cassie asked curiously.
"Come on, lets get to the train then," Cassie said when all of the
Weasleys had made it to the platform.
"The truth. Told him that they especially hated me and wanted me gone
so they let me come to school just so they didn't have to see me as
  often," she replied.

  Before anything else can be said the door to the compartment opens
again, "anything off the trolley?"
Cassie nodded pulling out some money, "two chocolate frogs please."
  The woman hands her the chocolate frogs before heading off down to
the next compartment. She throws one of the frogs to the twins before

opening hers. The twins grinned happily as they catch the box. Cassie their friends Lee and Angelina. Meanwhile, Harry Potter and his new
opens the box and eats her frog before checking who she got on the found friend, Ron Weasley, head off towards the boats with the rest of
card. "Who've you got?" the first years.

"Another Dumbledore. You?" George asks. Like most, the first years walk through the castle in complete awe. The
newcomers are all greeted by a woman at the top of the stairs,
Cassie smirked knowing that the twins have been looking to get the "welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, you will pass through
card she has for forever, "Godric Gryffindor." The twins gasp in these doors and join your classmates. But before you can take your
disbelief and annoyance that they still haven't found one yet. Cassie and seats you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor,
Hope laugh before handing the card to the twins, "keep it. I've already Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Now, while you are here, your
got one. Found it over the summer." Both twins cheer in joy since that house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house
was the last card they needed to complete the set. points. Any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the
year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup...."
"Ah. Third year, what are we getting up to this year?" Fred asked
dreamily. Cassie, George and Hope laugh before answering "Trevor!" a boy interrupted, the professor stares down at him making
simultaneously, "probably the same as last year." him back away, "sorry."

"Well, I'm going for the record again this year," Cassie told them, "The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily," she continued before
excitedly. leaving.

"Oh, that's right, you were only three detentions off the record last "It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come
year," Fred commented. Ever since meeting the twins both Cassie's and to Hogwarts," a bleach blonde boy spoke up causing students to
Hope's mischievous behaviour seems to have magnified. Last year whisper around them. "This is Crabbe, and Goyle and I'm
Cassie was three detentions off holding the record for most detentions Malfoy...Draco Malfoy." Ron snickered at his name, "think my name's
in a year. She's been determined to shatter the record since it is her funny, do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair, and a hand me down
mother who currently holds it. Cassie stands, "I'm going to get robe? You must be a Weasley. Soon find that some wizarding families
changed, we should be there soon." are better than others, Potter. Don't want to go making friends with the
wrong sort. I can help you there," Draco sneered extending a hand to
[][][][][] Harry.

By the time the train reaches the station at Hogwarts it's pretty dark. "I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks," Harry
Cassie, Hope, Fred and George step off the train and headed off to find sasses back causing Draco to glare. The professor returns and smacks
him on the shoulder with paper, he retreats with one last glare. She

leads the first years through two large doors and into the Great Hall "Gryffindor."
where many kids were gathered around four long tables.
"Aaron Evergreen."
"All right, will you wait along here, please? Now, before we begin,
Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words," she announced Astrid sighs quietly as the nephew she hasn't seen since he was barely
as she stood next to Astrid Evergreen who is waiting at the front of the one approaches the hat. Even after all these years both her father and
hall. Dumbledore rises from the main table. her brother refused to speak to her. As she places the hat on his head
her eyes meet her daughters. Cassie knew that her mother was hurt by
"I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce. The first years what they did. So was she. She doesn't even remember them but they
please note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students, also hurt her mother so she doesn't like them. It hurts that they never wanted
a reminder, if anyone has any problems you wish to discuss feel free to to know their niece and granddaughter.
talk to Astrid here," he motions to her as she is stood at the front,
"Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you that the 3rd "Gryffindor!"
floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who
does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you." "Harry Potter."

"When I call your name, you will come forward, I shall place the The entire hall fell silent, Astrid watched her godson and best friends
sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses," son walk to the sorting hat. The hat stalls for a few moments before
Astrid takes over, "Hermione Granger." A nervous bushy haired girl yelling out the result, "Gryffindor!"
steps forward and has the hat placed on her head.
Everyone cheers loudly, especially the gryffindor table. Cassie and
"Gryffindor!" Hope laugh as Fred and George cheer, "we got Potter! We got Potter!"
As Harry takes his seat Astrid takes her seat at the main table at the
"Draco Malfoy." front and McGonagall taps on her cup, "your attention, please."

"Slytherin!" "Let the feast....begin," Dumbledore announced as food appears on the

"Susan Bones."
At the gryffindor table Cassie introduces herself to some of the first
"Hufflepuff." years including Harry. As the feast continues Harry asks, "say, Cassie,
who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?"
"Ronald Weasley."

Cassie glanced up to the table, "that's Professor Snape, head of watching from he catches the ball and heads back to the rest of the
Slytherin house." class. "He'd make a pretty good seeker," Astrid commented,
McGonagall nodded in agreement before heading out to the class.
"What's he teach?"
They both quickly appear outside, "Harry Potter? Follow us,"
"Potions. But everyone knows it's the Dark Arts he fancies. He's been McGonagall commanded. Harry follows them as Draco and his friends
after Quirrell's job for years." laugh. They lead Harry to Professor Quirrell's classroom who, inside, is
teaching the class about iguanas. "Wait here," McGonagall told him as
Quickly the ghosts of Hogwarts appeared in the hall, Cassie looks she entered the classroom. She reemerged with a boy, Oliver Wood,
around before looking towards the twins, "where's Peeves?" "Potter, this is Oliver Wood," she introduces.

"Probably causing trouble somewhere," Hope replies also looking for "Wood, we've found you a seeker," Astrid said smiling at them both.
him. Unlike the other students, Peeves actually likes Cassie, Hope and
the twins. He loves their tricks and pranks. Although, he favours Cassie  
and Hope more. Peeves quite liked Cassie's mother and her friends,
including James, not that he ever showed it. Peeves would never admit [][][][][]
it but he quite liked the marauders despite the fact that he often played
tricks on them too.  

Chapter 3: 003 Later Cassie and Hope spot Fred and George split off from Ron and
Harry. They head towards them and catch the end of the conversation,
Chapter Text

"but I've never played Quidditch. What if I make a fool of myself?"

September 12th 1991 Harry asked worried as Hermione catches up.

"I heard a rumour that Cassandra is trying to shatter your record again "You won't make a fool of yourself," she assured him. Hope decides to
this year," Minerva McGonagall told Astrid, amused by the girl. Astrid jump into the conversation, "she's right."
laughs slightly before answering, "well, she was only three off last
"It's in your blood," Cassie continues.
McGonagall smiles amused when something catches her eye out of the
"What do you mean?" Ron asked. Cassie and Hope motions for them to
window. Both her and Astrid watch as Harry flies around on his broom
follow her. They approach a trophy case where Hope points to a plaque
trying to catch Neville's remembrall. Draco Malfoy throws the ball
of past Quidditch players. Among them is her father, James Potter, as
causing Harry to fly after it. Before he hits the window they were

the seeker. "Whoa. Harry, you never told me that your father was a oh," The ball flies down, and Oliver grabs it, wriggling to get it back in
seeker too." the box. "Bludger. Nasty little buggers. But the only ball I want you to
worry about is this...the Golden Snitch," Oliver said as he hands Harry
"I-I didn't know," Harry replied quietly. Cassie smiled looking at the the golden snitch.
plaque. Astrid Evergreen: Chaser. Cassie also took after her mother,
she and Hope are chasers while Fred and George are beaters. "I like this ball," Harry commented.

"I've heard he was pretty good. You'll do fine Harry," Cassie told him "Ah, you like it now. Just wait. It's wicked fast and damn near
before walking away with Hope. impossible to see," Hope commented.

  "What do I do with it?" Harry asked.

September 13th 1991 "You catch it ...before the other team's seeker. You catch this, the game
is over. You catch this, Potter, and we win," Oliver replied as the snitch
The next day Hope stood with Harry and Oliver Wood outside the flies up into the air.
castle. "Quidditch is easy enough to understand. Each team has seven
players, 3 chasers, 2 beaters, 1 keeper and a seeker that's you. There are  
three kinds of balls. This one's called the Quaffle. Now, the chasers,
like me and Cassie, handle the Quaffle and try to put it through one of September 15th 1991
those three hoops. The keeper, that's Oliver, defends the hoops. With us
so far?" Hope explains to her brother. "I'm so bloody bored," Cassie complained as she and the twins sit in
Snape's class.
"I think so. What are those?" he asked, pointing to two balls that had
been chained down. "Miss Evergreen, is there a reason I hear your voice?" Snape snaps in
his usual manner. Everyone in the class turns to look at her, "I was just
"You better take this," Hope told him handing him a small bat while expressing my boredom to my friends." The class giggles at her
Oliver releases one of the balls. It flies off as the three of them watch it answer.
"I'll see you for detention," he simply replies and turns away from her.
"Careful now, it's comin' back," Oliver warns as the ball comes flying "Well at least he'll be helping you with breaking your mums record,"
back. Harry hits the ball with the bat sending it flying through two Hope commented.
swords on a statue. "Eh, not bad, Potter, you'd make a fair beater...Uh-

"You too, Miss Potter," Snape commanded without looking away from the thought of what her father had done. After that day she dreaded the
the board. day Hope found out about it. She was afraid she would hate her. But of
course they were best friends, they wouldn't allow that to happen.
"Shit," Hope commented.
"You two are quiet," Lee remarked looking at Cassie and Hope. The
Chapter 4: 004 two girls shared a glance knowing what the other was thinking about.
Chapter Text

"You complaining? You usually want us to be quiet," Cassie said back

October 31st 1991 teasingly.

October 31st was a bittersweet time for Hope. She had always loved "Yeah, if you want us to talk we could talk about your little crush,"
halloween but for the past two years it had become somewhat of a sad Hope teased with a smirk. Lee's eyes widened, he picked up a small
time for her. Ever since her first year there is a deep sadness that jelly sweet and threw it at her head. The sweet bounced off of her
surrounds halloween for her. She had found out that October 31st was allowing her to catch it and swiftly eat it. Her friends laughed at her
the anniversary of her parents death. For Hope this time was another display but also Lee's embarrassed look.
reminder that she would never know her parents, that they would never
be anything but the very vague memories she has. "And just who do you have a crush on, Lee?" George teased. Lee
glared playfully at Hope, "you said you wouldn't say anything."
Hope sat at the gryffindor table with the twins, Cassie, Lee and
Angelina. They were all enjoying the feast of sweets and chocolate in "I did, but I only said that I wouldn't say a name. Just people knowing
front of them. Some time later into the feast Hope's mind wandered to that you have a crush on someone is enough to embarrass you," she
her best friend, Cassie. Hope had recently been told what exactly replied sweetly. Before the conversation could continue the doors to the
happened to her parents, how they died. Today was hard for Hope but great hall slammed open and Professor Quirrell came running in.
she knew it was also hard for Cassie. She knew that she lost her parents
on this night many years ago but she also knew that Cassie lost her
"Troll in the dungeon! T-trooll in the dungeon!" he screams causing the
father too, just not in the same way.
hall to fall into silence, "thought you ought to know," he finishes before
completely passing out.
Just like Hope, Cassie had been thinking of what happened all those
years ago. She wondered what her father was like before the war,
The hall is completely silent for a moment before everyone panics,
before he was crazy. She remembered that she used to ask her mother
running around screaming. Astrid looks to her daughter from the
what had happened to her father all the time and her mother used to tell
teachers table at the front and almost bursts out laughing when she sees
her that she would find out when she was older. Then one day during
second year her mother told her everything. She remembered crying at

what he daughter is doing. Instead of panicking, her and Hope are both it hits the sink barely missing her causing Harry to cringe. Harry pulls
grabbing as many sweets as they can and stuffing them into their robes. out his wand and runs forward grabbing the troll's club. The club is
lifted causing Harry to go up with it. He eventually lands on the troll's
"SILENCE!" Dumbledore bellows causing everyone to freeze. head. He gets hurled back and forth causing his wand to end up in the
"Everyone will please, not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their houses troll's nose.
back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons." The
house prefects begin leading their houses out of the hall while the "Ew," Ron commented.
teachers quickly follow Dumbledore to the dungeons.
Eventually Harry gets down to the ground, "do something," Harry
Percy Weasley leads his house back towards the dormitories. Harry and demanded pleadingly while ducking a swipe of the club.
Ron follow closely through the corridors, "how could a troll get in?"
Harry asks puzzled. "What?" Ron questions with wide eyes.

"Not by itself. Trolls are really stupid. Probably people playing jokes," "Anything! Hurry up!"
Ron replied when suddenly Harry pulls him aside, "what?"
Ron grabs his wand. Under the sink, Hermione waves her hand around,
"Hermione! She doesn't know!" he replied, panicked. The two run off "swish and flick," she commanded.
down the corridors. They start running down the hall when a grunting
noise stops them. Harry pulls Ron into a doorway where they watch as "Wingardium Leviosa!" Ron yelled, the club is lifted out of the troll's
a large troll stomps into a room. "He's going into the girl's bathroom!" hand and hovers above its head causing it to look up confused. The
Harry exclaims realising that Hermione was supposedly in there. club crashes back down onto the troll's head causing it to sway and
come crashing down completely.
In the bathroom, Hermione emerges from one of the stalls wiping her
eyes. Something out of the corner of her eye causes her to stop in her "Is it....dead?" Hermione questions as she cautiously approaches.
tracks. She glances up to see a troll standing above her. Scared, she
backs up into the stall she came from. The troll raises its club and
"I don't think so. Just knocked out," Harry replies pulling his wand out
smashes the top of the stalls causing Hermione to scream just as Harry
of the troll's nose. "Ew. troll bogies," he comments when he sees the
and Ron come bursting in. "Hermione, move!" Harry yells while
end of the wand. Suddenly, Snape, Astrid, McGonagall and Quirrell
Hermione screams for help.
come into the bathroom.
"Hey, pea brain!" Ron yells in order to distract it. The two boys throw
wood at the troll when one piece hits it on the head. Hermione escapes
from the stall to the sinks. The troll spots her and goes to smash her but

"Oh my goodness! Explain yourselves, both of you!" McGonagall As November rolls around everyone is preparing for the first quidditch
commands the two boys. They both look to each other trying to think of game of the season; Gryffindor Vs. Slytherin. Harry had been having
something. private practices with Wood and his sister, he was good but he was still
a ball of nerves when the first game rolls around. He couldn't eat, he
"It was my fault, Professor McGonagall," Hermione admits causing the felt sick just thinking about it as he sat in the great hall with Ron and
others to gape at her shocked. Hermione. "Take a bit of toast, mate, go on," Ron encourages when he
notices Harry is not eating.
"Ms. Granger?"
"Ron's right, Harry. You're gonna need your strength today," Hermione
"I went looking for the troll. I'd read about them and thought I could added.
handle it. But I was wrong. If Harry and Ron hadn't come and found
me...I'd probably be dead," she explains. Astrid quickly hides her smile "I'm not hungry."
as she recognises that she's covering for them.
Suddenly Snape appeared behind him, "good luck today, Potter. Then
"Be that as it was an extremely foolish thing to do. I would again, now that you've proven yourself against a troll, a little game of
have expected more rational behaviour on your part, Ms. Granger. 5 Quidditch should be easy work for you...even if it is against Slytherin."
points will be taken from Gryffindor for your serious lack of judgment. The trio roll their eyes being used to Snape now. Snape walks away
As for you two gentlemen I just hope you realize how fortunate you limping towards the front table while they continue their conversation.
are. Not many students could take on a full grown mountain troll and Harry shares his theory about Snape and Fluffy, the three headed dog.
live to tell the tale. 5 points...will be awarded to each of you. For sheer
dumb luck," McGonagall replied before exiting the bathroom with Meanwhile, Hope, Cassie and the twins are heading to the great hall
Snape. buzzing with excitement about the first match of the season. "We have
to win. Minnie will kill us if we don't," Cassie said laughing as they
"Perhaps you ought to go...M-might wake up...heh," Quirrell told them. walk.
The trio leave the bathrooms with Astrid behind them.
"How come you and Hope are the only ones that can get away with
"You three should get back," Astrid told them with a smile before calling McGonagall 'Minnie'?" George asked.
walking off down the corridor.
"Well, I grew up around her and the other teachers. She used to babysit
Chapter 5: 005 me when mum was busy," Cassie explained. When Astrid began
Chapter Text

working at the school McGonagall grew quite attached to small child

who often followed her around. Cassie smiles lightly at the memory of
November 9th 1991

her watching Minnie do magic, conjuring small animals that would "That's not just any broomstick, Harry. It's a Nimbus 2000!" Ron
dance around the room and fade away. informs him shocked. "But who....?" Harry's question is cut off when
he notices Astrid up at the head table, stroking Hedwig. She smiles at
"That explains you. What about Hope?" Fred continues causing Cassie Harry when he nods in thanks. Hope looks up and smiles fondly at her
and Hope to share a look between them. No one knew why except godmother before leaving her brother and heading to her friends.
those two. During second year on halloween Hope had a small
breakdown thinking of her parents. Minnie had sat with her almost all By eleven o'clock the whole school was seemingly in the tall stands
night while she cried, she had comforted her when she needed it the surrounding the quidditch pitch. Meanwhile in the changing rooms the
most. Hope had soon started calling her Minnie, for some reason it team changed into their scarlet uniform. Wood cleared his throat for
comforted her and made her feel better. silence, "ok, men."

Hope shrugs, "guess she just likes me." "And women," Hope and Cassie reminded him with an eyeroll.

The twins share a look, they knew that the two girls knew the real "And women," he agrees, "this is it."
reason but they didn't push it knowing they would have told them if
they wanted to. "The big one," Fred added.

As they enter the great hall Hope spots her brother and his friends "The one we've all been waiting for," George continued.
sitting further down the table. She leaves her friends for a moment to
see her brother, "how are you feeling about the upcoming game?" "We know all of his speeches by heart," Hope informs her brother
slightly amused.
"Terrified," he states.
"Shut up, you four," Wood reprimands, "this is the best team
Hope smiles softly, "you'll be fine." Gryffindor's had in years. We're going to win. I know it."

Before anyone can say anything an owl screeches. The four of them The gryffindor team march towards the starting gate and stop behind
soon notice that it's Hedwig, Harry's owl. She swoops down dropping a the closed double door. "Scared, Harry?" Wood asked.
large parcel in front of Harry. "Bit early for mail, isn't it?" Hermione
comments. "A little bit."

"Open it," Hope encourages him. Ron helps Harry rip the paper off to "That's all right. I felt the same way before my first game," Wood
reveal a broomstick. "It's a broomstick!" Harry states in awe. reassured him.

"What happened?" "Sorry Professor."

"Er, I don't really remember. I took a bludger to the head 2 minutes in. "And she's really belting along up there, a neat pass to Cassandra
Woke up in the hospital a week later," wood replied, not so Evergreen - a long time friend of Hope's - over to Angelina Johnson
reassuringly causing Harry to gulp as they mount their brooms. They and - no, Slytherin have taken the quaffle and off he goes - Flint flying
fly out onto the enormous pitch where they hear Lee Jordan like an eagle up there - he's going to sc.... No, stopped by an excellent
commentating from a tower. move by gryffindor keeper Wood and gryffindor takes the quaffle -
that's chaser Angelina Johnson of gryffindor there, nice dive around
"Hello, and welcome to Hogwarts' first game of the season! Today's Flint, off up the field and - OUCH - that must have hurt, hit in the back
game Slytherin versus Gryffindor!" of the head by a bludger - quaffle taken by Slytherin - that's Adrian
Pucey speeding off towards the goalposts, but blocked by a second
The players position themselves in a circle as Madam Hooch steps out bludger - sent his way by Fred or George Weasley, can't tell which -
below them. nice play by the Gryffindor beater, anyway, and Hope Potter back in
possession of the quaffle, a clear field ahead and off she goes - she's
really flying - dodges a speeding bludger - the goalposts are ahead -
"The players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the
come on, now, Hope - keeper Bletchley dives - misses -
field to begin the game."
"Now, I want a nice clean game...from all of you," Hooch said sternly,
A mixture of cheers and moans filled the air. Further up in the air Harry
specifically looking to the Slytherin team. She kicks the trunk, and the
sat watching for the snitch to appear. The game gets under way again.
bludgers zoom out.
"Slytherin in possession," Lee Jordan was saying. "Chaser Pucey ducks
"The bludgers are up...followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember, the
two bludgers, two weasleys and chaser Cassandra and speeds towards
snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the Snitch ends the
the - wait a minute - was that the snitch?"
A murmur ran through the crowd as Adrian Pucey dropped the quaffle,
"The quaffle is released....and the game begins."
too busy looking over his shoulder at the flash of gold that had just
passed his ear. Harry saw it. He rushed towards it as did Slytherin
"And the quaffle is immediately taken by Hope Potter of Gryffindor - seeker Terence Higgs. They raced towards it, Harry was faster.
what an excellent chaser that girl is, and quite attractive too...." Hope
smiles when she hears him.
A roar of rage cried out when Flint knocked Harry's broom out of
control "foul!" Gryffindor screamed. Madam Hooch spoke angrily to
"JORDAN." Flint and then ordered a free shot for Gryffindor.

In the stands Lee Jordan was finding it hard not to take sides, "so - after "Gryffindor win!" Hooch reports causing cheers to erupt from the
that obvious and disgusting bit of cheating...." Gryffindor stand. Astrid and McGonagall smile happily at the outcome
both having been cheering on Gryffindor not Slytherin.
"Jordan!" McGonagall growled.
Chapter 6: 006
"I mean, that open and revolting foul...."
Chapter Text

November 13th 1991

"Jordan, I'm warning you...."
"All right, all right. Flint nearly kills the gryffindor seeker which could
happen to anyone, I'm sure, so a penalty to gryffindor, taken by
Cassandra, who pulls it away, no trouble, and we continue play, "Miss Potter!" a voice yelled from behind her causing her to mutter a
gryffindor still in possession." quick 'shit' under her breath. She reluctantly turns to the familiar voice
Harry's broom was out of control, violently zigzagging through the air.
Soon his broom returns to normal. Harry rams the Slytherin Seeker, "Yes Professor Snape?" she questions with a sweet smile. He narrows
then is butted out. He returns, smashing the Seeker again as the Snitch his eyes annoyed before glaring at her.
dives. The boys follow, but they approach the ground quickly. The
Slytherin Seeker backs out, and Harry pulls up his broom as he follows "Is there a reason you are not in your dorm?"
the Snitch, feet above the ground. Harry stands up, and steps forward,
trying to grab the ball. He goes too far, and topples off the broom with "Well Professor, I couldn't sleep so I thought I would go for a walk, see
a yelp, tumbling on the ground. He gets up and lurches. The crowd if I run into my favourite Professor and quickly head back to bed," she
gasps. replied smirking as she silently counts down from 20 in her head.
Snape watches her unimpressed. 20 seconds later a small explosion
"Looks like he's gonna be sick," Hagrid comments up in the stands. from the toilets near the Slytherin common room causes him to turn
Suddenly Harry lurches and coughs up the snitch. towards the noise. Seeing the opportunity Hope does what and sane
person would and runs.
"He's got the snitch! Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the
snitch!" Lee Jordan reports happily. Outside the Gryffindor common room the twins and Cassie wait for
Hope to arrive, "you think she was caught?" George wonders.

"Probably. If she's not back yet she's most likely been caught. Check "Yep," the two girls reply in unison. The twins can't help but laugh as
the map," Fred replies. Cassie pulls out the marauder's map that the Emma storms back into the common room with two of her friends
four had stole from Filch their first year. trying to calm her down. "Something funny?" Emma fumes at the twins
causing Cassie and Hope to try holding in a smile.
"Shit," she mutters when she notices Snape following Hope quickly
through the castle. The twins look at the map and quickly do the same "No, of course not," Fred replies smirking.
just as Hope runs up to them and pushes them back into the common
room before Snape can turn the corner and see them. "Was this you two?" she asked angrily as she motions to her hair.

Once inside they all burst out laughing, blowing up the main toilets "No," he replies.
near the Slytherin common room was worth the detentions they would
most likely receive. "Of course not, why would we...." George continues.

  "Do this? Honest, it wasn't us...." Fred adds.

November 16th 1991 "Not this time," they continue in unison. Emma huffs angrily before
storming away back up to her room. The four of them automatically
On Saturday evening the Gryffindor common room is mainly quiet burst out laughing.
while groups of friends talk quietly. Cassandra moves to the couch
flopping down and resting her legs on George who raises an amused  
eyebrow, "do you mind?"
"No, of course I don't," she replies sarcastically. Hope and Fred chuckle
from the chairs opposite them while George smiles shaking his head.
Suddenly a scream flows down from the girls rooms causing Hope and
Cassie to reach over and high five each other. Fellow third year Emma
Stoddart runs down stairs and out of the common room while she "Thank you, Astrid," a girl calls to said woman as she leaves her office,
panics over her mysteriously red dyed hair. Astrid sighed amused by what the girl wanted to talk about. She closes
her office door and heads to sit down but a knock at the door stops her.
Once she sees who was at the door she freezes slightly before snapping
"Was that you two?" Fred asks not really needing an answer.
back to reality. "What can I do for you?" she asks the boy that
resembled her brother politely as she moves to allow him into her

" the quidditch game I heard Cassandra's last name and then I The four friends laughed and pushed each other down the corridors as
heard you were her mother and I was wondering if you're....well my the headed towards the great hall. They couldn't wait for the holidays to
dad once told me he had a sister he didn't talk to and I was wondering if start, no one could. It would be the first christmas holiday the four of
you're...." Aaron rambles nervously. Astrid sighed sadly, she knew he them had spent together. The Weasley's were visiting Charlie in
would come to her eventually. Romania, leaving Fred, George, Percy and Ron at Hogwarts. Hope
wasn't going home this year, she only ever went home for Harry but he
"If I'm his sister?" she cuts him off softly. He nods slightly, "I am. But was here now so she didn't have to. Cassie always spent her
Aaron don't say anything to your father or grandfather. We don't get Christmases at Hogwarts, her and her mother didn't have any other
along very well, not anymore." family members to see anymore.

"Why?" "Ever since you mentioned Nicholas Flamel we've been trying to find
out who he is," they overheard Harry say. Cassie and Hope glance to
"That's a long story and not one you need to concern yourself with," Harry, Ron and Hermione talking to Hagrid.
she replies kindly. He sighs sadly before looking back up at her, "do
you think you'll ever talk to them again?" "You what?" Hagrid exclaims shocked. "Listen here - I've told yeh -
drop it. It's nothing to you what that dog's guardin'"
"I don't know."
The two girls glance at each other as the twins goof around, they know
exactly what Fluffy's guarding. They aren't meant to know. Cassie
Chapter Text
Chapter 7: 007 overheard her mother talking about it with Dumbledore and then told
December 14th 1991
Hope sighs quietly, she knows her brother and his friends won't let it
"That was definitely worth the detentions," Cassie laughed as her, Hope go. They'll keep looking and get into trouble.
and the twins walked back through the castle. They had been caught
bewitching snowballs to follow Quirrell around, bouncing off the back "Hope? Why is you brother and our brother so interested in Nicholas
of his turban. Flamel?" George asks wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Hope
sighs sharing a look with Cassie, "they want to know what's been
"Did you see his face?" George laughed. "It was hilarious," Fred guarded on the third floor. Hagrid must have let Nicholas Flamel's
finished. name slip to them."

"You two know what it is, don't you?" Fred asks after noticing the two
girls share a look and knowing that if anyone knew it would be them.

Hope looks around for anyone that could overhear them, she pulls them goddaughter. To Hope, Astrid had become a much wanted mother
off to the side where no one could hear them. figure in her life, a figure that she never had before.

"Nicholas Flamel is an alchemist. He's the only known maker of the "I need something off the four of you, something I know you have,"
Philosopher's stone," Cassie tells them. Finally, realisation dawns on Astrid states looking at all four of them. She had spotted what she
the twins. "And that's what's on the third floor," both twins state needed as she approached them, it was sticking out of her daughter's
understanding what Cassie was telling them. coat pocket. "What is it?" Hope asks. Astrid smiles as she reaches for
Cassie's coat pocket and pulls out the paper making sure no one was
"Yeah. And for some reason those three really want to know what it is," around. "How'd you know I had it?" Cassie asks with a smile. Astrid
Hope replies. simply taps her nose as a way of saying 'I have my ways'. The twins
watch on surprised that Astrid had known about it.
"I am curious to know where you found it. It had been lost my last year
December 23rd 1991 here," Astrid comments.

Once the holidays roll around there's only very few students left behind "Filch's office," both Hope and Cassie reply. "Ah, of course he had it,"
since everyone else had went home. Angelina and Lee had went home Astrid comments pulling out her wand. "I solemnly swear I am up to no
leaving Hope and Cassie with the twins who had an unusual amount of good."
energy to burn. "You two are more hyper than usual and...." Cassie
starts as she watches the twins jumping around in the corridor. The twins watch on in amazement, they hadn't expected her to know
"....That's saying something," Hope finishes, they had picked up the about the Marauders map. They didn't even know who the Marauders
habit of finishing each other's sentences from the twins. were, Cassie and Hope hadn't told them yet. They want the twins to
figure it out themselves, purely for their entertainment. Astrid smiles as
"Because it's almost christmas," both twins reply excitedly causing the she watches Snape enter his office. Seconds later a bang echoed
two girls to laugh. through the corridors followed by an angry scream and the laughter of
the students that didn't go home for the holidays. "Mischief managed."
"Well, I see you two are excited," Astrid states walking up to them.
Cassie smiles, "hi Mum." Suddenly Snape storms over the crossroads of the four corridors in
front of them. All four burst out laughing when they see him. His hair
was dyed pink and his skin had a blue tinge to it. Cassie looks to her
"Hi Astrid," Hope greets. Astrid smiles at the two girls, when the two
mother, "was that you?"
became friends Astrid was excited to have the chance to know her

Astrid smirks, "of course not. Why would I ever do that?" She hands friendly," Harry comments setting the coin aside. He didn't want it, he
Hope the map before walking off leaving the group of four in fits of wouldn't use it.
Ron, however, was fascinated by it.
"Keep it," Harry tells him. Hope smiles and passes Harry a neatly
December 25th 1991 wrapped present from her. Harry smiles and rips off the paper. Inside
was a picture in a frame of Harry, Hope, Cassie, Hermione, Ron and
Christmas day. Fred and George were the first awake closely followed the twins. They had taken it near the beginning of the year. Harry
by Hope and Cassie. Under the tree in the common room presents were smiles softly and thanks his sister. He'd never really had friends or
piled on the floor. Knowing what they were like most of the presents people who care about him.
were something that had the potential to be used in one of their pranks.
Of course each of them had received their annual Weasley style The next present made Ron groan slightly. "I think I know who that
jumpers from Molly. Astrid would be giving them their presents later. one's from," Ron states, pointing at the lumpy present. "My Mum. I
After about an hour the twins and Cassie decided to go out into the told her you didn't expect any presents and - oh, no," he groans, "she's
snow while Hope waited for her brother to wake up. made you a Weasley jumper."

Ron was the first out of the two to wake, he was almost jumping with Hope laughs, "don't worry. I always get one too." Just then the two
excitement when he saw the presents. "Merry Christmas, Hope," he boys notice she's wearing a dark purple jumper with a H knitted into it.
greets when he notices her curled up on the couch. "Merry Christmas,
Ron." The last present was unwrapped and something fluid and silvery grey
went slithering to the floor. Hope smiles knowing exactly what it was
Seconds later Harry comes down, he looks to his pile of presents on the and who sent it. "I know what that is. They're really rare," Ron gasped.
floor amazed. Ron probably didn't understand why he was so amazed. "It's an invisibility cloak," he states.
It was more than he'd ever gotten for christmas. "Merry Christmas,"
Harry states hugging his sister. "Go on. Try it on," Hope encourages with a smile. Harry drapes the
cloak on and looks down in amazement seeing that his body had
Harry picked up the top parcel. It was wrapped in thick brown paper disappeared. "Might want to hide that. If Fred and George spot that
and scrawled across it was 'To Harry, From Hagrid'. Inside was a they'll never leave you alone," she comments knowing that the cloak
roughly cut wooden flute. The second present was small. Harry and could cause a lot of trouble in the twins' hands. Harry sets it aside just
Hope share a look knowing exactly who it was off. The note read, 'We as he pick up a note that had fallen out.
received your message and enclose your christmas present. From Uncle
Vernon and Aunt Petunia.' A fifty pence was taped to the note. "That's

'Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was At about 11:30, after everyone went to bed, Hope sneaks off to the
returned to you. Use it well. A very Merry Christmas to you.' kitchen for a late night snack. On her way back to the common room
she spots her brother running down the corridor, his feet poking out of
There was no signature. his invisibility cloak. The sound of Snape, Quirrell and Filch snaps her
into action. She heads to where she saw her brother go and ducks under
Before anyone could say anything the door was flung open and Fred, the cloak, effectively almost giving Harry a heart attack. She motions
George and Cassie bounded in. "Merry Christmas." for him to be quiet as they watch the three teachers dart off.

"Hey, look - Harry's got a Weasley jumper too!" Harry pulls Hope off into a seemingly empty room. They pull off the
cloak. Harry heads towards the large mirror in the center of the room,
Hope follows behind him. "Mum? Dad?" Harry whispers. Hope smiles
The twins were wearing blue jumpers. Each had a large yellow 'F' or 'G'
softly knowing what the mirror of the erised does.
on it. Cassie was wearing a navy blue jumper with a white 'C' on it.
When Hope looks in the mirror she sees both her parents smiling back.
"Harry's is better than ours though," Fred whines playfully, holding up
Her mother stands by her side with her hand on her shoulder while her
Harry's jumper. "So's Cassie and Hope's. She obviously makes more of
father stands behind Harry. To her left Astrid and Cassie stand and
an effort if you're not family."
beside them the twins.
"Why aren't you wearing your's, Ron?" George demands. "Come on,
Hope closes her eyes silently wishing her parents were still alive. She
get it on, they're lovely and warm."
stares into her father's eyes, eyes that are so much like her own. Her
eyes then briefly flick to her mother.
Cassie and Hope watch as Ron groans forcing his maroon jumper on
before Percy arrives to see what the noise was about. They watch on
"Come on, we should go," Hope whispers to her brother as she guides
amused as the twins try and force a jumper over Percy's head. They
him out of the room and back to the common room. They both walk
then frog-marched him out of the common room, holding his arms to
back in silence so they don't get caught.
prevent him from removing his jumper and escaping to the prefects
Once they reach the common room Harry stops and looks up at his
sister, "did you see them too?"
Chapter Text
Chapter 8: 008
Hope sighs, "I did. Get some sleep Harry." She smiles softly before
December 25th 1991 heading up to her bed.


December 29th 1991 "I heard that Aaron had figured out who you were after the Quidditch
match and confronted you about it," Minerva states curiously at she and
"So ever since you two found the mirror of the erised Harry's been Astrid sit in her office.
going back so he can see your Mum and Dad?" Cassie asks Hope as
they both sit on their beds alone in their rooms. "He did. I told him to not say anything to Magnus or my father. The
last thing I need is them two getting on to me about it," Astrid replies
"'Yeah he has, until Dumbledore caught him and moved the mirror," after taking a sip of her tea.
Hope replies.
Minerva sighs sadly in reply, she has never thought it fair that they
"It's kinda sad, he doesn't have anyone who can be a parental figure in refused to talk to her over what had happened all those years ago. "How
his life except you," Cassie replies sadly. "I mean, at least you have my long has it been since you talked to them?"
"About ten years," she replies with a sigh. "I passed them once at
"I know. I wish I could tell him about Astrid." Diagon Alley a few years back. They barely even spared a glance."

"Yeah Mum wishes she could too." Cassie agrees. "But Dumbledore "They'll come around one day. They'll realise that treating you like this
thinks it's best that he not know just yet," she adds. The two girls fall is not fair," Minerva states reassuringly.
into silence for a minute.
Astrid had wanted to tell Harry who she was the second he arrived at
Hogwarts but Dumbledore wouldn't allow her to. They have no other Minerva smiles the girl that was once so much trouble in the past. She
choice but to trust that Dumbledore knows what he is doing. had watched this girl grow through her teen years and Minerva couldn't
be more proud of who she had become. The old professor would never
  admit it out loud but the Marauders had always been some of her
favorite students.
The group of five had always been there to make her smile when she
[][][][][] needed something to cheer her up in the past. Sirius Black's betrayal
had been quite the shock for the professor, she had seen Sirius and
James as two inseparable brothers. Sirius Black had her stumped really.

She had no idea why he would betray some of his best friends leaving At the end of the night Minerva had to escort a very drunk Astrid to her
behind a wife and a daughter. It made no sense to her. cosy living quarters without anyone else noticing.

A sad smile the old professors lips as she thought of Cassandra. She As it turned out it wasn't the easiest task getting back to Astrid's room
had been there when the girl was born and one of the first people to even with help, though it was quite entertaining when they had the get
hold her. She never imagined that a few years later the young girl up the stairs. It was bad enough that the stairs moved anyway but to
would be losing her father. have moving stairs when she could barely see straight was something
else for Astrid. Minerva wasn't much help as she had resorted to
She had been the same with Hope. Minerva's heart had dropped when laughing instead of helping.
she heard about James and Lily, she had worried herself sick thinking
about Harry and Hope and how they would grow up without any But finally, after about an hour, Astrid had made it safely to her bed.
parents. Seeing Hope walk through the doors to the great hall all those
years later had made the professor's heart lift slightly. The heavy Chapter 9: 009
weight that hung over her heart all those years was suddenly lifted Chapter Text

when she saw that both Harry and Hope were okay after all that time.
March 24th 1992
December 31st 1991
A blaring foghorn is what Cassie woke up to in the morning, courtesy
New year parties had raged all throughout the castle all night and into of her best friend, Hope. The two best friends walked quickly to the
early morning. The students that hadn't gone home for the holidays great hall to meet the twins, Angelina and Lee. "Happy Birthday!"
celebrated the start of a new year by throwing parties in their common Hope, the Twins, Angelina and Lee exclaim as Hope and Cassie sat
rooms. Even the teachers had their own little get together, though theirs down.
involved much more alcohol than the student parties.
"Thank you," Cassie replies smiling. At the teacher tables Dumbledore
Astrid knew. She knew that drinking so much fire whiskey was a bad smiles flicking his wrist in the direction of the Gryffindor tables. In
idea but her drunk self decided to ignore any boundaries and drink the front of the group of friends a chocolate cake with red and yellow
bottle like it was a bottle of water. She'd regret it in the morning when sprinkles and icing appears. Cassie looks up to see Dumbledore smiling
she woke up with a raging hangover but at this point in time, she didn't at her, she smiles back politely and then glances to her mother.
Astrid smiles at Cassie as she looks to her, they'll be seeing each other

"So what are we doing tonight?" Fred asks with a grin. shaped pendant and red crystal in the middle. "It's beautiful," Cassie
comments. Astrid smiles taking the necklace out of the box and putting
"Probably something that will land you four in detention," Lee it around Cassie's neck.
Astrid smiles sadly, "your father gave me that necklace back in fifth
"True," all four chorus together. Their other friends laugh knowing that year. I know what he did was horrible but I want you to remember that
whatever they do will provide them with a lot of entertainment. he wasn't always the way he turned out. He was once a good person."

  Cassie smiles sadly at her mother, her father has always been somewhat
of a sore point for her mother. Cassie stands up and hugs her mother,
  "thank you."




"Hey Mum," Cassie calls out as she enters her mother's office and sits  
down. Astrid smiles,
"Happy Birthday."
"Come on Cassie. We have a prank to set up," George exclaims
"Thanks Mum." throwing his arm over Cassie's shoulder. Cassie grins as they walk
down the corridor in the dungeons. "So what exactly do you have
planned?" Cassie asks, Hope and the twins decided that they were
"So, I have two presents for you. The first is this," Astrid states pulling
going to surprise her with what they were doing.
out a medium sized trophy with an inscribed plaque. Cassie laughed as
she read it out, "Cassandra Evergreen. For beating the record for the
most amount of detentions in a year and the year's not even over yet." George smiles mischievously, "you'll see when we get there."

"And the second one it this," Astrid states handing her daughter a small
black box. Cassie opens the box to find a necklace with a silver coin-

The two friends head down the corridor where they find Hope and Fred  
waiting in front of a storage cupboard. "So, what are we doing?" Cassie
asks. Later the four sit in their own common room still laughing. "So how
long are you on detentions?" Lee asks as he and Angelina sit with their
Her three friends exchange grins before Hope opens the door to the friends. As they made their escape they were caught by Snape who
cupboard, Cassie looks in and laughs. Inside were ten small piglets. gave them all detentions.
"We are going to give the Slytherins a surprise," Fred states.
"A month," Cassie replies as she calms herself down. "But it was
"Okay, question how are we doing this?" Cassie asks. definitely worth it," Hope adds.

"Well that's where you come in. We need someone to open the door to "How have you four not been expelled yet?" Angelina asks playfully.
the slytherin common room," Hope states knowing that if anyone
knows the password it would be Cassie. "Because they love us," all four of them reply simultaneously causing
them to burst out laughing. Lee and Angelina share amused looks
Cassie smirks and motions for them to follow her. Hope and the twins before they join in laughing.
follow her down the corridor with the ten piglets in tow. When they
reach the door Cassie stands in front of it while the other three stand "This has got to have been one of the best birthday's i've had so far,"
near the side it will open getting ready to shove the piglets through. Cassie comments causing her friends to smile. "Thank you. All of you,
Cassie sighs, "Pureblood." for making this day for me."

The door opens and the four friends release the piglets into the common Chapter 10: 010
room. Once they were all through Hope slams the door closed. Seconds Chapter Text

later screams flow out from the common room sending the four into
bursts of uncontrolled laughter. April 1st 1992

  "Cassie?" a voice called out as the young girl is shook in an attempt to

wake her. Cassie simply groaned and pulled her blanket over her head.
  Suddenly a shrill whistle echoed in her ear causing her to shoot up out
of bed. She looks over to see Hope looking down at her smirking.
"What the fuck...." Cassie mumbles before Hope cuts her off.

"Happy April Fools," Hope said with an excited grin. Cassie grins and office first followed by Hope and then Cassie who pushes the door so it
hops up out of her bed, she quickly changes out of her pyjamas. Both is only cracked open slightly. Each of them head to different areas of
girls run excitedly out of their dorm and into the common room, the room, their wands out and recite the spell.
ignoring all of the weary glances sent their way. It's April Fools day.
Everybody will be watching their back today, especially around those "This is bloody fantastic," George commented resisting the urge to
two and the twins. laugh. Cassie smirks amused, "come on, we have to go otherwise we'll
get caught."
When they reach the common room they spot the twins with their backs
turned towards them. After sharing a quick glance with each other the As the four exit the office and close the door, footsteps echo in the
two girls run and jump onto the twins backs, Cassie on George's and corridor. They quickly hid behind a wall making sure they were out of
Hope on Fred's. "Happy Birthday!" the girls exclaim. sight.

"We have so much to do," Cassie states, worrying anyone else who Professor Snape stalks quickly down the corridor heading for his office.
heard. He pauses at the door as if sensing something wasn't quite right. His
blood boils angrily when he opens the door. His whole office was pink.
  His eyes narrow at the sound of someone stifling their laughter, he
turns to see the laughing quartet behind him. They instantly stop
[][][][][] laughing and run, the smirk never leaving their faces.

  The angry professor chases the group of students through the castle.
Halfway down the first floor corridor Cassie and Hope had started a
It's late in the afternoon when the four troublemakers are sneaking rendition of 'I Will Survive' by Gloria Gaynor. The two girls were
down the corridor heading to the dungeons. They had spent the day singing loudly as the two boys laughed at their antics.
terrorising the students and teachers with endless pranks and jokes.
Now they were setting up their last prank of the day. "Come on," "Oh no, not I, I will survive. Oh, as long as I know how to love, I know
Cassie whispered seeing a clear corridor as she peeked around the I'll stay alive. I've got all my life to live," Cassie and Hope sing as they
corner. Hope and the twins follow quietly making sure to be on the run past Astrid and McGonagall.
lookout for other people.
The two adults watch on amused as the group disappear out of sight.
Quickly they reach their destination. Snape's office. Hope pulls out her McGonagall sighs shaking her head, "you know, I vaguely remember
wand and aims it at the door lock, "Alohomora," she muttered. The you and James doing something similar back then," McGonagall
door pops open causing all four to exchange smirks. The twins enter the comments. Astrid smirks remembering the day, she and James were

running through the castle singing annoyingly as Remus, Sirius and May 9th 1992
Peter trailed behind laughing.
"Where are you three going?" Hope asked when she spots her brother
  and his friends running towards Hagrid's hut. Her and Cassie had just
left Astrid and were heading back to the castle. The trio freeze and look
April 17th 1992 back to the older girls.

On the warm Friday afternoon Astrid and McGonagall are strolling "To see Hagrid," Harry replied sheepishly. The two girls share a brief
through the courtyard when they catch part of a conversation between look knowing that they were up to something, they nod before replying,
Cassie, Hope and the twins. "Can Thestrals see each other?" Fred asked "we'll come with you."
causing the two adults to stop and think.
The trio share a look but nod knowing they weren't getting out of it.
"Huh, I don't know," Hope replied with the same curiosity. The five of them head further down the path towards Hagrid's hut that
stood at the edge of the forbidden forest. As they approached all five
"They can't, can they? Wait, so if the parents lose their first baby, the noticed that all of the curtains had been closed which was unusual as it
get the ability to see the next ones. And the babies think that the food wasn't even that dark yet. Cassie steps to the front and knocks on the
just appears out of nowhere...." Fred wondered. wooden door. "Who is it?" Hagrid called as he opens the door. He
quickly ushers them in and shuts the door.
"For the love of Godric. You two are bloody daft," George replied after
he and Cassie share a look. There's a few moments of silence, "holy It was hot inside, too hot. "Bloody hell," Hope muttered hating the heat.
shit. Can they see each other?" she blurts out wide eyed after a minute.
"So, yeh wanted to ask me somethin'?" Hagrid asked as he serves some
"I know right," Hope commented. tea, the question mostly directed towards Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Meanwhile Astrid and Minerva stare at each other trying to figure out "Yes," Harry replied. There was no point beating around the bush. "We
the answer themselves. They share a look when the spot Dumbledore were wondering if you could tell us what's guarding the Philosopher's
across the courtyard. "Albus," they both yell as they walk to him Stone apart from Fluffy."
knowing that he had a better chance of knowing than anyone else.
Cassie, Hope and Hagrid frowned. The two girls look to one another
wondering what exactly they were up to. Hagrid glances at the two girls
Chapter Text
Chapter 11: 011 knowing that they most likely knew something before replying to
Harry's question.

"O' course I can't tell you," he told them. "Number one, I don't know The trio glance at each other, all thinking the same thing. If Snape had
myself. Number two, yeh know too much already, so I wouldn't tell yeh been in on protecting the stone then he must know how the other
if I could. That stone's here for a good reason. It was almost stolen teachers protected it. He probably knew everything - except, it seems,
outta Gringotts - I suppose yeh've worked that one out an' all? Beats me Quirrell's spell and how to get past Fluffy.
how you even know about Fluffy."
"You're the only one who knows how to get past Fluffy, aren't you,
"Oh, come on, Hagrid, you might not want to tell us, but you do know, Hagrid?" Harry asked anxiously. "And you wouldn't tell anyone, would
you know everything that goes on around here," Hermione added in a you? Not even the teachers?"
warm, flattering tone. Hagrid's mouth twitched into a smile. "We only
wondered who had done the guarding, really," she continues. "We "Not a soul knows except me, Astrid an' Dumbledore," Hagrid replied
wondered who Dumbledore had trusted enough to help him, apart from proudly.
"Well that's something," Harry muttered quietly.
Hagrid's heart swelled at her last words before giving in.
"Hagrid can we have a window open? I'm boiling," Cassie asked finally
"Well, I don't suppose it could hurt to tell yeh that....let's see....he speaking up.
borrowed Fluffy from me....then some of the teachers did
enchantments....Professor Sprout - Professor Flitwick - Professor "Can't, Cassie, sorry," Hagrid replied as Hope notices him glance at the
McGonagall- Astrid of course -" he ticked them off on his fingers, fire causing her to look too.
"Professor Quirrell - and Dumbledore himself did something. Hang on
i've forgotten someone. Oh, yeah, Professor Snape."
"Is that...." Hope starts when she gets a closer look in the fire. "Where
did you get it Hagrid?" Ron asks once he realises what it is.
"Won it in a bet, last night. Tell yeh, think he was glad to get rid of it to
"Yeah - yer not still on about that are yeh?" Hagrid said. Cassie and be honest."
Hope share a look knowing that it wasn't Snape trying to steal the
stone, they just didn't know who.
"What are you going to do with it once it's hatched though," Cassie
asked turning her attention back to the man in question.
"Yeah. Snape helped protect the stone, he's not about to try and steal
it," Hope commented even though she knows that they most likely
"Been doing some reading," he said pulling out a book. "I know how to
won't change their minds.
take care of it. It's a rare type - a Norwegian Ridgeback."

"Hagrid you live in a wooden house," Hope told him bluntly. But  
Hagrid wasn't listening.
May 15th 1992
The next morning Cassie and Hope were sitting in the great hall eating
"My brain hurts," George complained as he, Fred, Cassie and Hope sit breakfast while the twins were off doing God knows what. As they
in the Gryffindor common room. "I hate revising." were sitting an owl dropped a note in front of them, a note that simply
had the words, 'it's hatching' scrawled out on it. The two didn't have a
"Me too. But we have to otherwise we won't pass our end of year lesson this morning so they decided to head straight to Hagrid's hut.
exams," Cassie commented not looking up from the book in front of
her. Cassie and Hope waited around for a while. In the meantime, Harry,
Ron and Hermione showed up. Hagrid rushed them inside clearly
"I'll never remember this," Fred complained, groaning, causing the two excited. Not long later the egg began cracking and soon a small scaly
girls to roll their eyes. dragon was hopping around the table. "Hagrid, how fast to Norwegian
Ridgebacks grow, exactly?" Hermione asked as Hagrid plays around
"Okay, that's it, I'm done. I can't do this any longer," Hope said closing with the Dragon he had named Norbert.
her book and then rubbing her eyes. Cassie groans slamming her book
closed. Before Hagrid answers he pales as he stares at the window. "What's the
matter?" Hope asked.
"I confess, I just spent about 30 minutes staring at the same page,"
Cassie confessed, fed up with revision. She sighed before laying back "Someone was lookin' through the gap in the curtains - it's a kid - he
so her head was in George's lap causing him to look down at her raising runnin' back up ter the school."
an eyebrow. "Comfortable?" he asked sarcastically.
Harry jumps out of his seat, looking out of the window, just in time to
"Very." catch a boy with bleach blonde hair running away. Malfoy.

  Chapter Text
Chapter 12: 012

May 18th 1992 "No - Charlie - your brother. He's studying dragons in Romania. We
could send him Norbert. Charlie can take care of him them put him
Something about the smile lurking on Malfoy's face during the next back into the wild," Cassie replied with an eye roll.
week made Harry, Ron and Hermione very nervous. It even got to
Cassie and Hope. The five of them spent their time trying to reason In the end, Hagrid agreed. That same night they sent an owl to Charlie
with Hagrid. asking for help.

"Just let him go," Harry urges. "Set him free."  

"I can't. He's too little. He'll die," Hagrid replied.  

The dragon had grown three times in length in such a small period of May 22nd 1992
time. They knew they had to do something fast. Hagrid could get in a
lot of trouble if he was caught with a dragon. The clock in the Gryffindor common room chimed midnight when the
portrait opened and Ron appeared, seemingly, out of nowhere. He had
"He really knows me now, watch. Norbert! Norbert! Where's been down at Hagrid's hut helping him feed Norbert who was now
Mummy?" eating rats by the crate.

"He's lost his marbles," Ron muttered quietly. "It bit me," Ron exclaimed. "I'm not going to be able to hold a quill for
a week...."
"Hagrid," Hope speaks out loudly, "give it a fortnight and Norbert's
going to be as long as your house. Malfoy could go to Dumbledore at Cassie and Hope rolled their eyes before standing. "We'll be right back.
any moment." Just need to go see my Mum," Cassie said as the two girls move
towards the portrait. Without hearing a reply they left the common
Hagrid bites his lip. "I....I know I can't keep him forever, but I can't just room in search of Astrid.
dump him, I can't."
About ten minutes later the two girls had found Astrid near her office.
Cassie suddenly turned to Ron, "Charlie." The older women rushed them in side knowing that if another teacher
saw them she would have to give them a detention. "What can I do for
"You're losing it too," Ron retorts. "I'm Ron, remember?" you girls?" Astrid asked the two children.

"Nothing really. We just haven't seen you much this week," Hope The two girls laugh at her confession, it's no secret to them that Astrid
replied. still can't stand Snape, even after all these years. She mostly hates his
incapability to let go of the past, he still holds a grudge against her and
"Yeah, sorry about that. With the exams approaching I haven't had her friends and so he takes it out on their children, Cassie, Hope and
much free time. Too busy helping people deal with their stress." Harry.

"Yeah, we figured as much which is why we decided to come to you  

now," Cassie replied with a smile. Astrid hums in reply as she puts a
few papers in her desk draw.  

"Has Hagrid figured out what he's going to do with Norbert yet?" May 26th 1992
Astrid asked knowing that Norbert had to go soon otherwise Hagrid
would get in trouble. "It's too late to change the plan now," Hope told Hermione and Harry.
"We haven't got time to send Charlie another owl and this could be our
"We sent a letter to Charlie Weasley in Romania. Still waiting for a only chance to get rid of Norbert. We'll have to risk it."
reply but we'll probably end up sending Norbert there where he can be
released back into the wild," Hope replied. "And we have got the invisibility cloak, Malfoy doesn't know about
that," Harry added. Ron had ended up in the infirmary with the bite
"Good. Not entirely sure where someone got the egg to begin with still. from Norbert. Malfoy had come just to laugh at him but had told
Norwegian Ridgebacks are pretty rare." Madame Pomfrey he needed to borrow Ron's book. A book with the
letter from Charlie in.
The two younger girls shrug, "said he won it in a bet with a stranger
down at the pub," Cassie told her mother, also still wondering where Later that night the three of them headed down to Hagrid's hut. They
exactly the egg came from. were running late since they had to wait for Cassie to distract Peeves
who was blocking their way to the Entrance Hall by playing a game of
"Harry, Ron and Hermione still haven't let the Snape thing go," Hope tennis against the wall.
said looking up. "They still think he's trying to steal the stone."
Hagrid had packed Norbert into a large crate. "He's got lots o' rats and
"Honestly, a part of me wishes that he was," Astrid confesses. "If he some brandy fer the journey," Hagrid said in a muffled voice. "And I've
was, he'd be dismissed from the school and I wouldn't have see his packed his teddy bear in case he gets lonely."
greasy head again."
"Bye - bye, Norbert," Hagrid sobbed. "Mummy will never forget you."

The trio struggled to push the crate up all of the stairs while staying really bother taking points from us anymore, there's no point, we'd be
under the invisibility cloak. Sudden movement ahead of them caused out of points all together if she did."
them to stop and shrink back, almost forgetting that they were invisible.
"True," Cassie commented. "So your detention's tonight, right."
Hope watched amused as Professor McGonagall had Malfoy by the ear.
"Detention," she yelled. "And twenty points from Slytherin. Wandering "Yep."
around the school in the middle of the night, how dare you...."
"Ah, you know what that means. Detention with Hagrid in the
"You don't understand, Professor, Harry Potter's coming - he's got a forbidden forest. I heard he was going out there tonight to do some
dragon...." jobs," Fred commented.

In the end McGonagall dragged Malfoy off to see Snape and the trio "Speaking of, I should go, I said I'd meet Harry, Hermione and
continued on, all the way up to the top of the highest tower. Finally Neville."
they could throw off the cloak as they reached the top.
Hope skips off knowing that detention in the Forbidden Forest wasn't
About ten minutes later Charlie's friends showed up to take Norbert. that bad. She didn't really mind going out there. "Come on you three,"
They rigged him in a harness so they could suspend him between the she called out when she spots Harry, Hermione and Neville.
four of them. Soon the four of them left with Norbert.
"How are you so cheery?" Hermione asked noticing the bright smile.
The three headed back down the tower. "Well, well, well," Filch
whispered as he loomed in the darkness, "we are in trouble." "It's not that bad, really. It can be quite fun if you want it to be," Hope
replied causing the other three to look at her as if she was crazy. The
They'd left the invisibility cloak on top of the tower. four of them met Filch at the Entrance Hall where Malfoy was waiting.
They'd almost forgotten that he had a detention too.
Chapter 13: 013
"Follow me," Filch states as they start walking. "I bet you'll think twice
Chapter Text

about breaking a school rule again, won't you, eh?" he continues,

May 30th 1992 leering at them. "Oh yes....hard work and pain are the best teachers if
you ask's just a pity they let the old punishments die out....hang
"One hundred and fifty points lost," Hope said as she finishes telling you by you wrists from the ceiling for a few days, i've got the chains
Cassie and the Twins what had happened a few days ago. "She doesn't still in my office, keep them well oiled in case they're ever

needed....Right off we go, and don't think of running off, now, it'll be [][][][][]
worse if you do."
Hope could see the fear on their faces as they walked across the dark
grounds. "There are so many unwanted images running through my In the forest, the group walks along a path to a tree. Hagrid stops, bends
head," she commented thinking about what Filch does in his spare time. down and dips his fingers in a silver puddle. He pulls out his fingers
and rubs them together.
"Is that you, Filch? Hurry up, I want ter get started." Hope could see the
relief on her brothers face when he heard Hagrid's voice. She wrapped "Hagrid, what's that?" Harry asked.
her arm around her little brother's shoulders and smiled down at him as
they walked closer. "What we're here for. See that? That's unicorn's blood, that is. I found
one dead a few weeks ago. Now, this one's been injured bad by
"I suppose you think you'll be enjoying yourself with that oaf? Well, something. So, it's our job to find the poor beast. Neville, Hermione,
think again, boy - it's into the Forest you're going and i'm much you'll come with me. Hope go with those two," Hagrid said wanting
mistaken if you'll come out in one piece," Filch said scaring the four someone with more experience with magic with the two.
younger students. Hope smiled reassuringly down at her brother, her
arm still around his shoulders. "Okay. Then I get Fang!" Draco manages to bite out, scared.

Filch's comment stopped Malfoy dead in his tracks. "The Forest?" he "Fine. Just so you know, he's a bloody coward," Hagrid replied as they
repeated. "We can't go in there at night - there's all sorts of things in spit up. Hope leads the two younger students while Fang follows
there - werewolves, I heard." behind.

Neville clutched the nearest robe sleeve, which happened to be Hope's, "You wait till my father hears about this. This is servant's stuff," Draco
and made a choking sound. whined causing Hope to roll her eyes.

"That's your outlook, isn't it?" Filch stares gleefully. "Should've thought "If I didn't know better, Draco, I'd say you were scared," Harry retorted.
of them werewolves before you got in trouble, shouldn't you?"
"Scared, Potter?!" Draco scoffed, a howl ripples through the trees,
Hagrid came striding towards them, out of the dark with Fang at his Draco paled. "Did you hear that? Come on, Fang. Scared."
heel and a crossbow over his shoulder.
The group approaches a flat ground with gnarled roots all over. Hope
  stops as Fang growls looking ahead.

"What is it?" Harry asked, Hope puts her hand up watching ahead. Up "Do you know what is hidden in the school at this very moment?"
ahead, a cloaked figure is crouched over a dead unicorn, drinking its Firenze asked causing Hope to look up to the sky in frustration not
blood. The figure raises its head, silver blood dripping from its mouth. getting a straight answer. Mars is unusually bright tonight, she notes.
Harry gasped and grabbed his scar in pain. She's always had quite the eye for astronomy.

A look of pure fear crosses Draco's face, he screams running away with "The Philosopher's Stone," Harry replied. Suddenly, a dog barks. Harry
Fang following him leaving Harry and Hope alone. The figure slides and Hope look around and sees Hagrid, Hermione, Neville and Draco
over the unicorn and rises. It advances towards Harry and Hope, who appear.
back up. Suddenly, there is the sound of hoofbeats. A figure leaps over
the two and lands near the cloaked figure. A silver centaur, Firenze. It "Harry! Hope!" Hermione called out.
rears, and the cloaked figure retreats, flying away.
"Hello there, Firenze. I see you've met our young Mr. Potter. You
"Hope," he greets casually, knowing the girl from previous detentions. alright there, Harry, Hope?" Hagrid asks, the two nod.
"Harry Potter, you must leave. You are known to many creatures here.
The forest is not safe at this time. Especially for you." "Harry and Hope Potter, this is where I leave you. You're safe now.
Good luck," Firenze said before he galloped off.
"But what was that thing you saved us from?" Harry asks.
Chapter 14: 014
"A monstrous creature. It is a terrible crime to slay a unicorn. Drinking Chapter Text

the blood of a unicorn will keep you alive even if you are an inch from
death. But at a terrible price. You have slain something so pure that the May 31st 1992
moment the blood touches your lips, you will have a half-life. A cursed
life," Firenze said cryptically. "So Firenze saved you and Harry and then gave you a cryptic warning
saying something was coming," Astrid summarised as Hope finished
"But who would choose such a life?" telling her everything that happened.

"Can you think of no one?" Firenze replied. Hope realises what he is "Basically. Also, Mars was unusually bright last night too," Hope
hinting at and gulps, hoping she is wrong. added randomly. Astrid hums, "the Centaurs are always reading the
stars, they must have seen something in them."
"Do you mean to say...that that thing that killed the unicorn...that was
drinking its blood...that was Voldemort?" Harry asked nervously. Hope "What if they're right? What is he is back?" Hope asked shrinking back
glances at Firenze briefly knowing he won't give a straight answer. slightly in fear at the thought of him coming back. Astrid lets out a

breath moving around her desk, sitting on the edged and taking Hope's Astrid groans, "as much as I would like it to be him just to get rid of
face in her hands. him, I don't. I'd put money on Quirrell being involved though. I'm
pretty sure you would too."
"Then we'll figure this out together," Astrid reassured her before
leaning forward kissing her head. She glanced at the clock noting the "Severus and I have been suspicious of Professor Quirrell though we
time, "you should get to your lesson," she told the girl gently. Hope are not sure to what capacity he is involved," the old Professor replied.
nods, they both stand, before she leaves Hope hugs Astrid who kisses
the top of her head. "This is only the beginning, isn't it? It's only going to get worse from
here," Astrid sighed.
Once Hope leaves Astrid lets out a loud sigh knowing that this was
only the beginning. She leaves her office, locking the door, and heads "Unfortunately."
for Dumbledore's office.
June 4th 1992
Not even a week after Astrid and Dumbledore's conversation, Astrid
  calls Hope and Cassie to her office. Astrid looks up from the papers on
her desk when someone enters the room. "What's up, Mum?" Cassie
"Firenze believes someone is going to try and steal the stone, meaning asked as the two girls sit down in front of the desk.
the other Centaurs do too," Astrid commented as she sits in
Dumbledore's office relaying everything Hope had told her. "I've been speaking to Dumbledore, he agrees that something is going
to happen very soon," Astrid told them. "We need your help."
"It would seem so," he replied thoughtfully. "And what do you think?"
"What do you need?" Hope asked curiously.
"I think there's a real possibility that someone will," Astrid replied
honestly. "Harry, Ron and Hermione seem to think it's Snape." "We need the two of you to stick by Harry and his friends. We're not
saying to stick by them 24/7 but keep an eye on them when you can,"
Dumbledore smiles remembering the feud that went on between the Astrid said. "We also think someone is going to attempt to steal the
Marauders and Snape when they were younger. "Do you believe stone soon and Harry is directly in the middle."
Professor Snape is trying to steal the stone?"

"Makes sense. He's knows that it involves Snape and Quirrell but they "Someone's already been here. they've put a spell on the harp," Hope
think that Snape is the one trying to steal it," Cassie commented. said announcing her presence. The trio jump, clearly shocked.

"What do you think?" "Snape," Harry muttered.

"We think that Snape is involved but Quirrell is up to something," "Uh. It's got horrible breath!" Ron exclaimed in disgust. "We have to
Hope replied. "That's what we think too," Astrid informs them. move its paw," Harry asked.

"Okay, you can go now. Just keep an eye on them," Astrid smiled "What?!"
kindly. "I'll talk to you later."
"Come on!" Harry encouraged as they grab the paw, which is blocking
The two girls leave the office. Astrid sighs sadly knowing that they are the door. "Okay. Push!" They strain and move it. Hope rolls her eyes
having to grow up too fast now. She knows that a war is approaching. and pops open the door. "I'll go first. Don't follow until I give you a
She never wanted them to have to experience what she did but it looks sign. If something bad happens, get yourselves out...Does it seem a
like she has no choice now, something big is coming, something dark. bit...quiet?

Chapter 15: 015 "The harp stopped playing," Hope told them looking up at Fluffy as
drool from one head comes down on Ron's shoulder.
Chapter Text

June 14th 1992 "Ew! Yuck! Ugh."

Hope and Cassie had spent the last few weeks watching Harry and his "Jump! Go!" Hope told them, they all jump through the trapdoor.
friends, making sure they didn't get into much trouble. And they didn't.
Until now. Hope had followed the trio as they made their way towards
"Whoa. Lucky this plant-thing is here, really," Ron commented.
the room that held Fluffy. They were under the invisibility cloak but it
didn't matter, she knew where they were going. "Alohomora,"
Hermione muttered, the door creaks open allowing them to slip in "Whoa!" Harry exclaims as the plant begins to move towards them. It
followed by Hope, who they hadn't realised was there. ties them up tightly causing Hope to mutter, "shit."

"Wait a minute...he's....Sleeping," Ron muttered shocked when they see "Stop moving, both of you," Hope told them as her and Hermione stop
Fluffy sleeping. struggling.

"This is Devil's Snare. You have to relax. If you don't, it will only kill "What's this all about?" Hermione wonders. Ron walks over to the lock
you faster," Hermione continues. and tries to open it with a spell. The door doesn't budge.

"Kill us faster?! Oh, now I can relax!" Ron panics. "Ugh! What're we going to do? There must be 1000 keys up there!"
Hermione complained.
Hermione and Hope share a look rolling their eyes as the plant pulls
them down causing Ron and Harry to panic even more. Harry is the "We're looking for a big old fashioned one. Probably rusty like the
first to relax and is pulled down to where Hope and Hermione are. handle," Hope concludes as she inspects the door.

"He's not relaxing, is he?" Hermione points out. "Apparently not," "There! I see it! The one with the broken wing!" Harry points out and
Harry replies. gazes at the suspended broom.

"Uh! I remember reading something in Herbology. Um Devil's Snare, "What's wrong, Harry?" Hermione asked.
Devil's Scare, it's deadly fun...but will sulk in the sun! That's it! Devil's
Snare hates sunlight!" Hermione realises causing Hope to pull out her "It's too simple."
"Oh, go on, Harry! If Snape can catch it on that old broomstick, you
"Lumos Solem." A beam of light shoots out. The Snare shrieks and can! You're the youngest seeker in a century!" Ron commented
recoils allowing Ron to fall below. encouragingly

Ron stands up, "whew. Lucky we didn't panic!" Harry nods and grabs the broom. All the keys suddenly go one
direction, right at Harry. He climbs on, swiping at them.
"Lucky Hermione pays attention in Herbology," Harry retorts. A sound
off to the side distracts them. "What is that?" Hermione asks. "This complicates things a bit!" Ron commented. Harry pushes off into
the air. He flies off, after the key. The others follow him. He finally
"I don't know. Sounds like wings," Hope commented walking forward grabs the key.
towards the noise. They enter into a room filled with golden "birds."
"Catch the key!"
"Curious. I've never seen birds like these," Hermione comments.
He zooms by and throws the key to Hope, who catches it and heads for
"They're not birds, they're keys. And I'll bet one of them fits that door," the lock while Harry distracts the other keys. She puts the key in the
Harry guesses. They come upon a broomstick, suspended in the air. lock.

"Hurry up!" A pawn on the other side moves forward. Ron studies the game
establishing his move.
The door opens, and Hermione, Hope and Ron rush through, followed
by Harry. They shut the door just as the keys slam up against it. They "Ron, you don't suppose this is going to be like...real wizard's chess, do
enter a dark room, with broken pieces all around it. you?" Hermione asked in fear.

"I don't like this. I don't like this at all," Hermione states scared causing "You there! D-5!" Ron commands, a black pawn moves forward,
Hope to put a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. diagonal to the white pawn. The white pawn raises its swords and
smashes the black one. "Yes, Hermione, I think this is going to be
"Where are we? A graveyard," Harry guesses. exactly like wizard's chess!"

This is no graveyard," Ron sighs. "It's a chessboard." The game continues on for what feels like hours. Pieces smash each
other, mini explosions echo through the room
They walks out onto the marble board, flames light, illuminating the
board showing the giant chess pieces. "Castle to E-4!"

"There's the door," Harry points out, they all move towards it. All "Pawn to C-3!"
except Hope, she stops knowing is won't be that easy. They walk across
the board, towards the door. Suddenly, as they reach a line of pawns, The Queen turns, and smashes a piece. The Queen turns again. Ron,
the pawns bring up their swords. Hope and Harry study the game.

"Now what do we do?" Hermione asks cluelessly. "Wait a minute," Harry called out noticing what the next move will be.

"It's obvious, isn't it? We've got to play our way across the room. "You understand right, Harry," Ron asks.
Alright. Harry, you take the Bishop's square. Hermione, you'll be the
Queen's side castle. As for me, I'll be a knight," Ron commands. They Hope nods understanding what is about to happen. "Once he make his
all take their places except Hope who stands to the side observing. move, the Queen will take him...then you'll be free to check the King."

"What happens now?" Hermione asked once they were all in place. "No, Ron! No!" Harry yelled in a panic.

"Well, white moves first, and then...we play." "What is it?" Hermione asked, confused as to what's happening.

"He's going to sacrifice himself!" Harry told her. Harry and Hope walk down a long staircase to an empty room with
pillars around it. The Mirror of Erised is in the middle of the room, and
"No, Ron, you can't! There must be another way!" a man is standing before it. Quirrell. Harry yelps and grabs his scar
causing Hope to glance at him.
"There isn't. It's the only move left," Hope commented.
“You? No. It can't be...Snape. He was the one….” Harry speaks.
Ron turns to face Hermione, "do you want to stop Snape or not? Harry,
it's you that has to go on. I know it. Not me, not Hermione, you and “Yes. He does seem the type, doesn't he? Next to me, who would
Hope. H-3." suspect, "p-p-poor s-stuttering Professor Quirrell?"

Ron's horse moves forward, slides and stops. "Check." “B-but, that day, during the Quidditch Match, Snape tried to kill me,”
Harry states confused.
The Queen turns and advances. Ron breathes faster, clutching the steel
reins. The Queen stops and smashes Ron's Knight causing him to go “No, dear boy. I tried to kill you! And trust me, if Snape's cloak hadn't
flying off the horse and landing on the floor, unconscious. caught fire and broke my eye contact, I would have succeeded. Even
with Snape muttering his little counter-curse.”
"RON!" Harry calls out as Hermione starts walking to him. "NO! Don't
move! Don't forget, we're still playing." Hermione moves back. Harry “Snape was trying me?”
walks diagonally in front of the King. "Checkmate."
“Shocking isn’t it?” Hope muttered.
The King's sword falls onto the ground, Harry breathes out and then the
three run to Ron. They bend beside him. "Take care of Ron. Then, go to “I knew you were a danger right from the off. Especially after
the owlery. Send a message to Dumbledore. Ron's right...we have to go Halloween.”
on," Hope tells the girl, not willing to leave her brother.
“Th-then you let the troll in.”
"Be careful," she tells them sadly. Hope and Harry nodded, standing
and walking away. “Very good Potter, yes. Snape, unfortunately, wasn't fooled. While
everyone else was running to the dungeon, he went to the 3rd floor to
Chapter 16: 016 head me off. He, of course, never trusted me again. He rarely left me
alone.” Quirrell turns back to the mirror and Harry's scar hurts. “But he
Chapter Text

doesn't understand. I'm never alone. Never. Now...what does this mirror
June 14th 1992

do? I see what I desire. I see myself holding the stone. But how do I get “Yes. You see what I have become? See what I must do to survive?
it?” Live off another. A mere parasite. Unicorn blood can sustain me, but it
cannot give me a body of my own. But there is something that can.
“Come here, Potter, now!” Something, that conveniently enough, lies in your pocket!”

Hope grabs her brother’s shoulder walking forward with him not Hope shove Harry back, he turns and runs, Hope following after him.
wanting him to go alone.
“Stop them!” Voldemort called out. Quirrell snaps his fingers and fire
“Tell me. What do you see?” erupts all around the room. “Don't be a fool! Why suffer a horrific
death when you can join me and live?!”
Harry looks in the mirror. He sees himself beside Hope. His mirror self
brings his hand into his pocket and takes out a red stone. The mirror “Never!”
self winks and puts the stone back. Very subtly, Harry reaches to his
pocket. There is a lump. He gasps. “What is it?! What do you see?!” Voldemort laughs, “Bravery. Your parents had it too. Tell me, children,
would you like to see your mother and father again? Together, we can
Hope subtly glances at Harry hoping he can come up with a believable bring them back. All I ask for is something in return.”
lie. “I-I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore. I've won the house cup.”
Hope and Harry share a look knowing exactly what they need to do, he
  takes the stone from his pocket. “That's it, Harry. There is no good and
evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it. Together, we'll
“Tell the truth! What do you see?!” do extraordinary things. Just give me the stone!”

“Master, you are not strong enough.” Hope smirks, “you’re lying.”

Quirrell unwraps his turban and on the side opposite his face, another “Kill them!”
face is planted. Voldemort He stretches out and faces Harry and Hope
via the mirror. Hope gulps slightly afraid, she knows she has to do Quirrell soars into the air and smashes into Harry, one hand on Harry’s
everything she can to protect her brother. “Harry and Hope Potter. We throat. Hope watches helplessly as they fall to the steps. The stone falls
meet again.” out of Harry's reach as Quirrell chokes him. Suddenly, Harry puts his
hand on Quirrell's, trying to get him off. Smoke furls from under his
“Voldemort.” Hope bites out. hand. Quirrell screams and backs up. His hand is crumbling into a
mountain of black ash. “What is this magic?”

“Fool! Get the stone!” Voldemort commanded. "Yes, yes, well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin. However, recent
events must be taken into account. And I have a few last minute points
Quirrell walks forward, but Harry puts both hands on his face and Hope to award. To Miss Hermione Granger, for the use of cool intellect when
kicks the stone away from him. Quirrell backs up, then his face, which others were in great peril, 50 points. Second, to Mr. Ronald Weasley,
is horrendously burned, crumbles as he walks forward. His whole body for the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many
is ash. He falls to the floor. Harry looks at his own hands and hurries years...50 points. And third, to Mr. Harry Potter and Miss Hope Potter,
over to the stone. He picks it up and sighs, when he hears something for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house 60
and notices Hope staring behind him. Turning, Harry saw a dust cloud points."
with Voldemort's face. The cloud rushes forward, right through Harry
as Hope pushes both herself and Harry away. "We're tied with Slytherin," Cassie mutters.

Voldemort flies away. Harry falls to the ground, unconscious. Hope "And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your
falls down beside him, checking to see if he was okay. enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award 10
points to Neville Longbottom."
Chapter 17: 017
Cheering erupts around the hall once more. Cassie and Hope celebrate
Chapter Text

with the Twins, Angelina and Lee. Cassie looks up to her mother who
June 19th 1992 is glancing at a glaring Snape with a smirk.

In the great hall all of the students are seated, green Slytherin banners "Assuming that my calculations are correct, I believe that a change of
with snakes on them are hung all around them. Dumbledore, at the head direction is in order." Dumbledore claps. The green banners change to
table, nods to McGonagall. She dings her glass and the chatter stops. Gryffindor red and yellow. "Gryffindor wins the House Cup!"
Dumbledore rises.
Everyone cheers again, all of the students stand and throw their hats
"Another year gone. And now, as I understand it, the house cup needs into the air, except Draco, who smashes his down onto the table. They
awarding, and the points stand thus. In fourth place, Gryffindor with all rub each other's hair and jump around, cheering and laughing.
312 points. Third place, Hufflepuff, with 352 points. In second place, Especially the twins who are practically screaming.
Ravenclaw with 426 points. And in first place, with 472 points,
Slytherin House."  

Cheering erupts around the hall, mostly from the Slytherin table. June 20th 1992

They were home. Most students would be glad to get home for the
summer but not Harry and Hope. They had to deal with their uncle,
aunt and cousin now. It was hell for them.

"They can't be that bad," Fred comments. Hope doesn't really talk about
the extent of the abuse she suffers with Petunia and Vernon, not even to
her best friends. While Harry doesn't have it any good either, Hope
catches the brunt of it. Mostly because she takes any punishment she
can for her brother.

"Oh, the can be. They're horrible," Hope replied as they make their way
through the platform wall. On the other side she finds Harry waiting for
her, up ahead she spots the Dursleys waiting looking very unimpressed.
"Come on Harry. We have to go," she urges knowing that is will be
worse if they make them wait.

Hope hugs the twins not wanting to let go or leave. She really detested
the Dursleys. Just about as much as they hated her.

"Ready to face this?" Hope asked her brother as they walk away from
the Weasleys and towards their personal hell.

"Nope. But what else can we do?"

"Good point. I'd honestly rather face You-Know-Who again then go

back to them," Hope answers truthfully.

"Me too."



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