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Annals of Nuclear Energy 142 (2020) 107407

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Response function generation for transmutation of Technetium-99 via

high energy proton and neutron interactions in MCNP
Jason A. Hearne
Texas A&M University, Department of Nuclear Engineering, AIEN, 423 Spence St, College Station, TX 77840, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study provides a discretized transmutation rate response function that is consistent with the physics
Received 20 August 2019 models used in MCNPX in order to circumvent a problem with reaction tallies not scoring in the model
Received in revised form 13 February 2020 physics regime. This is used for the estimation of the transmutation rate of 99Tc in an accelerator driven
Accepted 21 February 2020
system containing protons and spallation neutrons with energies up to 1500 MeV. To compute the inter-
Available online 28 February 2020
action response function, a modeling construct consisting of a very small 99Tc target with a mono-
directional neutron or proton source is used. The small size of the target allows attenuation and columbic
energy loss to be ignored for the response function generation process. The transmutation rate responses
Fission products
for a total of 180 neutron energy bins ranging from 8.8 MeV to 1500 MeV and 120 proton energy bins
Cross sections ranging from 1 MeV to 1500 MeV are computed.
High energy protons Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Response function

1. Introduction The transmutation analysis focuses on modeling the transmuta-

tion of 99Tc using MCNPX and progressively refines the system
In a computational study of the transmutation of long-lived fis- involved. Initially an infinite medium of pure 99Tc is modeled, fol-
sion products using an accelerator (Hearne and Tsvetkov, 2019), it lowed by a finite Tc target and then a target containing a mixture
became necessary to generate a response function for the transmu- of 99Tc and natural lead with a graphite reflector region. The target
tation rate of 99Tc subject to high-energy proton and neutron fluxes geometry was varied to improve the transmutation rate and energy
for use in a tally in MCNPX (Pelowitz, 2011). This response function efficiency, with a general geometric design involving a cylinder
behaves very similarly to an interaction cross section, as it relates with a beam hole in one face so that backscattered particles from
an energy dependent particle flux in a medium to the resulting the incident proton beam will also be caught. The general geometric
reaction rate. A response function must be used to estimate the design can be seen in Fig. 1. In the pure targets, the number of trans-
transmutation rate in more complex targets because MCNPX does mutations occurring can be calculated by taking it to be the same as
not score interaction tallies in the model physics regime. The inter- the number of protons and neutrons lost to nuclear interactions,
mediate to high-energy neutron and proton cross sections for some because every interaction results in a transmuted particle. When
nuclides have been measured experimentally (Sisterson et al., the lead spallation target and graphite reflector are added to the
2005; Kim et al., 1999), and the cross sections for some low energy model, this can no longer be done, so tallies must be used.
interactions with 99Tc have been measured (Watanabe and Reeder, MCNP has built in tallies to tally the number of interactions by
1970; Kobayashi et al., 2004), but no measured data for intermedi- type and thus the number of transmutations occurring in nuclides
ate to high energy (>20 MeV) interactions with 99Tc exists. Interac- present in the system. These tallies use the FM tally multiplier card
tion probabilities above the cross section table energy cutoff must to output the results as a reaction rate rather than a flux. In 99Tc,
therefore be calculated using physics models (Hendricks, 2003). In any nuclear interaction other than scattering will transmute the
the physics regime of interest here, MCNP models interactions nucleus into a shorter-lived nuclide. Neutron capture, (n,2n), pro-
using a combination of the nuclear optical model, the Cascade Exci- ton capture, spallation by neutrons or protons, etc. will all result
tation Model (CEM) and the Los Alamos version of the Quark Gluon in the removal of an atom of 99Tc and thus a reduction in the
String Model (LAQGSM) (Prael et al. 0000; Mashnik et al., 2018; amount of long lived waste. The 102 capture tally will tally
Mashnik and Kerby, 2014). (n, gamma) reactions for the nuclide specified in the range for
which MCNP has tabulated cross section data. For particles with
energies above the tabulated data range, MCNP uses models to
compute cross sections on the fly to estimate loss rates to various
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0306-4549/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 J.A. Hearne / Annals of Nuclear Energy 142 (2020) 107407

Fig. 1. General Tc transmutation target design.

interactions. MCNP’s built in interaction tallies do not score any Another issue is that the available TENDL library does not extend
interactions in the model cross section regimes, effectively ignor- beyond 200 MeV for interactions with 99Tc nuclei, though the
ing interactions with particles with energies above the tabulated agreement below this cutoff for non-scattering proton interactions
data cutoff. Ignoring these interactions can introduce large errors is fairly good, as seen in Fig. 2. Therefore, a self-consistent response
in a system in which an accelerator is used to produce high energy function for the reaction rate in 99Tc based upon the models used
protons that transmute 99Tc nuclides both directly and through the in MCNP for high-energy particle transport up to the maximum
interactions of the resulting spallation neutrons when the neutron considered energy of 1500 MeV must be used. The purpose of this
and proton energy ranges reach into the hundreds of MeV. The tab- response function is to be used in a tally to be able to estimate the
ulated interaction data regime in MCNPX for neutrons incident on number of transmuting neutron and proton interactions with 99Tc
Tc cuts off at 20 MeV. Therefore, transmutation causing interac- that occur in a system containing multiple materials.
tion tallies for any proton interaction and any neutron interaction
above 20 MeV will not successfully account for all of the interac- 2. Response function bin generation in MCNPX
tions that are occurring within the modeled system.
A custom tally with a response function for specific energy bins In order to tally the interactions occurring between technetium
can be used to estimate the number of transmutation causing nuclei and particles with energies above MCNP’s tabulated cross
interactions. A set of cross section data could be obtained from a section data, a response function must be generated. The response
separate model based library, such as the TALYS Evaluated Nuclear function relates the neutron or proton flux within a region contain-
Data Library (TENDL) (Koning et al., 2012; Koning and Rochman, ing 99Tc to the rate of transmutation of 99Tc nuclei. The response
2012) to use as a response function, but there are some issues. function is a discretized set of energy bins; each energy bin gives
One issue with using cross section data from another library for the transmutation rate per unit of neutron or proton flux with
the tallies is that it is not always consistent with the models and energies within that bin, thus it behaves vary similarly to a macro-
cross sections used in MCNP to transport the particles. Using a tally scopic cross section. To generate the response function for an
that is based upon data from another library could result in a dif- energy bin, a short and very thin cylindrical technetium target
ference in the rate at which particles are lost to interactions caus- was modeled with a monodirectional point source of particles axi-
ing transmutations and the rate at which transmutations are being ally incident on the face of the cylinder. A separate MCNP deck was
tallied. With the high importance of neutron absorption reso- run for each energy bin, with particles being born with an energy
nances for Tc transmutation, this could result in large errors. randomly selected from the energy bin. The target was small

Nonscaering interacon

cross secon (b)

0.4 MCNP
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Incident proton energy (MeV)

Fig. 2. Cross section for any transmuting interaction vs. Energy using TALYS and the response function generated in MCNP.
J.A. Hearne / Annals of Nuclear Energy 142 (2020) 107407 3

enough that attenuation, coulombic energy loss of protons, and library using the same method used for the high-energy portion of
scattering buildup are negligible. If these assumptions hold, the the library would require a prohibitively large number of bins to
response value for that energy bin is given by Eq. (1), avoid large errors between the number of particles lost to interac-
tions in technetium and the number of interactions tallied. This
rðEÞ ¼ ð1Þ custom tally therefore cannot be used to accurately tally the neu-
nps  N:z0 tron absorption in the resolved resonance region. The agreement is
better above 9 MeV, where absorption interactions other than cap-
here r(E) is the value of the response function for the energy bin
ture begin to dominate.
and particle type, nintr is the number of transmutation causing
MCNP’s built in neutron capture tally can be used to tally the (n,
interactions of interest occurring in the model, nps is the number
gamma) neutron captures, which fall off to near zero before the
of incident particles on the target, N is the atomic density of the tar-
energy exceeds the built in tally energy maximum of 20 MeV. A
get material in atoms/cm3, and z is the length of the target in cm
custom-made tally can then be used to account for all other non-
through which the incident beam passes. This simulation and corre-
scattering nuclear interactions, which only begin to occur above
sponding calculation is performed for each bin for both protons and
about 9 MeV. The response function will therefore only count
neutrons to produce the complete, discretized response function.
transmutation-causing interactions other than capture. The proton
The response function value for a bin represents the average cross
interactions are all tallied using custom bins. Fine energy bins for
section for interactions other than capture or scattering within
low energy protons are not required, as protons with less than a
the energy bin because the particles interacting have a flat distribu-
few MeV cannot effectively overcome the coulomb barrier to inter-
tion of energies through the bin.
act directly with nuclei without undergoing very improbable quan-
A smaller target requires more particles to be run to attain good
tum tunneling. Thus, for estimating the transmutation of rate, the
statistics, so to reduce computation time, a larger target that is still
(n,gamma) neutron capture reactions are counted with MCNP’s
small enough for minimal attenuation is optimal. Different sizes of
built in tally, and other interactions are successfully tallied using
targets are used at different energies, so that enough particles
the computed non-scattering, non-capture response function, leav-
interact without reaching the level where attenuation and energy
ing no major source of particle interactions uncounted. Using the
loss effects must be accounted for. When selecting the response
response function to calculate the transmutation rate is demon-
function generating target thickness, the goal is that less than
strated in Eq. (2):
10% but more than 0.1% of the particles incident on the target
interact in the target. Any target in this thickness range was
particles X
accepted to allow for the more streamlined production of the input Transmutation rate ¼ Uðp; EÞrðp; EÞ  N  V; ð2Þ
decks. Additionally, to cut out interactions from particles that are p E
at energies outside of the bin range, the energy cutoff for the par-
ticles of interest in a specific run was set to the bottom of the bin where Rparticles
p is a sum over all particle types considered (protons
range for which the response function is being generated. and neutrons), RbinsE is the sum over all energy bins tallied for par-
An attempt was made to use a response function for neutron ticle type p, U(p,E) is the flux of particle p within energy bin E, r(p,
capture, but there was difficulty accurately modeling the reso- E) is the response function value for particle p and energy bin E, N is
nance absorption region using finite custom bins, due to the fine the atom density of 99Tc within the material tallied and V is the vol-
details of the resonance capture region. The lack of sufficient reso- ume of the material.
nance resolution in the resonance region can be seen in Fig. 3. The Iterations of energy bin and input deck designs were performed
issue is that accurately resolving resonances in a custom generated to obtain the final response function bins and data used. The final

Total absorpon cross secon (b)

Custom from MCNP



1E-12 1E-10 1E-08 0.000001 0.0001 0.01 1 100
Incident Neutron energy (MeV)
Fig. 3. Total neutron absorption cross section vs. energy using TALYS library and using the response function generation method in MCNP.
4 J.A. Hearne / Annals of Nuclear Energy 142 (2020) 107407

Fig. 4. Target used for validating Tc response function.

data used in the transmutation analysis (Hearne and Tsvetkov, response function method was validated against the particle loss
2019) can be found in Appendix A. method of transmutation counting with a difference of less than
1%. This enables the response function to be used to calculate of
3. Response function verification the number of Tc atoms transmuted in a heterogeneous system
in a way that is consistent with the other method used in
To verify the internal consistency of data collected, it was used (Hearne and Tsvetkov, 2019).
to estimate the number of transmutations in a pure 99Tc target, so
that the custom cross sections and tallies could be compared to the 5. Disclaimer
neutrons lost to interactions method of counting transmutations in
the target. A cylindrical target with a depth of 100 cm and a radius This paper was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an
of 30 cm made of pure technetium-99 at a density of 11 g/cm3, agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States
with a hole for the incident beam with a depth of 20 cm and a Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees,
radius of 12 cm is used for validation. A schematic of the target makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal lia-
can be seen in Fig. 4. MCNPX uses models to account for proton bility or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or useful-
and neutron creation via spallation, particle loss to nuclear interac- ness of any information disclosed. The views and opinions of
tions and proton energy loss through columbic interactions. authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those
Incident proton energies of 600 MeV and 1200 MeV with 10,000 of the United States Government or any agency thereof.
source particles gives total interaction estimates of 111,067 and
278,427 when using the tallies. The totals obtained by counting CRediT authorship contribution statement
the number of particles lost to each interaction type are 111,997
and 279,428. The tally method yields results that are 0.81% and Jason A. Hearne: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software,
0.36% lower in these two trials. Errors less than 1% are deemed Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing - original draft, Writing -
to be acceptable, as they are comparable to the uncertainties of review & editing, Visualization.
the Monte Carlo simulations used to obtain the data. The close
Declaration of Competing Interest
agreement in the pure target therefore verifies the use of the
response function with custom tallies in more complex targets
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
containing multiple different nuclides as a method consistent with
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
the particle loss counting method. This method estimates the
to influence the work reported in this paper.
transmutation rate of 99Tc nuclei based upon the proton and neu-
tron fluxes present in the material and the density of 99Tc present. Acknowledgements
Effects of self-shielding and energy loss to the other materials are
accounted for via their effects on the flux in the MCNP model. This paper is based upon work partially supported by the U.S.
Department of Energy Nuclear Energy University Program Award
4. Conclusion Number 11-3054 under DOE contract DE-AC07-05ID14517.
The author acknowledges Dr. Pavel Tsvetkov for advising and
The response function for 99Tc transmutation by particles in the managing the funding of the project and Dr. Charles Stratton for
energy ranges involved in the supported study was generated. The help with MCNP deck pre and post processing automation.
J.A. Hearne / Annals of Nuclear Energy 142 (2020) 107407 5

Appendix A

Response function data tables

This response function is a representation of the model-based estimate of the total neutron cross sections for interactions other than
capture or scattering.
The energy listed for each bin is the upper energy limit for the bin. The lower limit is the energy listed for the previous bin, or zero for
the first bin.
E (MeV) sigma (b) E (MeV) sigma (b) E (MeV) sigma (b) E (MeV) sigma (b)
8.8 0 12.3 1.031544 23 1.735436 58 1.413462
8.9 0 12.4 1.05836 24 1.713668 59 1.408341
9 0 12.5 1.085295 25 1.701393 60 1.403463
9.1 0.001525 12.6 1.109612 26 1.688956 80 1.363939
9.2 0.015808 12.7 1.131142 27 1.676812 100 1.291311
9.3 0.032615 12.8 1.152528 28 1.665035 120 1.213328
9.4 0.049779 12.9 1.174108 29 1.653165 140 1.146689
9.5 0.066842 13 1.195591 30 1.641436 160 1.072798
9.6 0.094179 13.1 1.21514 31 1.62976 180 1.035614
9.7 0.13187 13.2 1.23286 32 1.61841 200 1.030469
9.8 0.169517 13.3 1.250324 33 1.607008 220 1.0275
9.9 0.207286 13.4 1.267927 34 1.595701 240 1.026294
10 0.244917 13.5 1.285569 35 1.585048 260 1.026796
10.1 0.28342 13.6 1.301691 36 1.57519 280 1.027965
10.2 0.323181 13.7 1.316336 37 1.565238 300 1.029823
10.3 0.363112 13.8 1.330958 38 1.555524 320 1.03228
10.4 0.40302 13.9 1.345383 39 1.546118 340 1.034752
10.5 0.443045 14 1.360126 40 1.536875 360 1.037437
10.6 0.481363 14.1 1.373212 41 1.528218 380 1.040962
10.7 0.518508 14.2 1.384705 42 1.519739 400 1.044231
10.8 0.555675 14.3 1.396268 43 1.511692 420 1.044384
10.9 0.592619 14.4 1.407792 44 1.503701 440 1.047284
11 0.629587 14.5 1.419389 45 1.495968 460 1.050584
11.1 0.629736 14.6 1.431122 46 1.488587 480 1.052984
11.2 0.665625 14.7 1.442624 47 1.481467 500 1.054284
11.3 0.700398 14.8 1.454185 48 1.474373 520 1.059384
11.4 0.735082 14.9 1.46566 49 1.467385 540 1.062584
11.5 0.770016 15 1.477399 50 1.460615 560 1.067984
11.6 0.805131 16 1.516287 51 1.454092 580 1.073084
11.7 0.836889 17 1.552919 52 1.447857 600 1.074084
11.8 0.865018 18 1.604381 53 1.441664 620 1.078284
11.9 0.922138 19 1.624208 54 1.435203 640 1.082284
12 0.950636 20 1.638906 55 1.429496 660 1.084584
12.1 0.978301 21 1.742518 56 1.424112 680 1.089084
12.2 1.005074 22 1.735436 57 1.418717 700 1.093684

(continued on next page)

6 J.A. Hearne / Annals of Nuclear Energy 142 (2020) 107407

Appendix A (continued)

Total neutron interaction cross sections other than capture or scattering continued
E (MeV) sigma (b) E (MeV) sigma (b)
720 1.095584 1420 1.114943
740 1.098184 1440 1.114754
760 1.100184 1460 1.114514
780 1.101184 1480 1.114239
800 1.103684 1500 1.11403
820 1.107184
840 1.109384
860 1.112484
880 1.113684
900 1.114284
920 1.115384
940 1.119784
960 1.121284
980 1.122084
1000 1.122984
1020 1.125484
1040 1.125684
1060 1.125884
1080 1.126484
1100 1.128184
1120 1.128884
1140 1.128484
1160 1.130084
1180 1.130384
1200 1.130784
1220 1.115001
1240 1.115157
1260 1.115351
1280 1.115453
1300 1.115493
1320 1.115509
1340 1.115438
1360 1.115352
1380 1.115303
1400 1.115149
J.A. Hearne / Annals of Nuclear Energy 142 (2020) 107407 7

Response function value for transmutation by protons

The energy listed for each bin is the upper energy limit for the bin. The lower limit is the energy listed for the previous bin, or zero for
the first bin
E (MeV) sigma (b) E (MeV) sigma (b) E (MeV) sigma (b) E (MeV) sigma (b)
1 4.12E-11 90 1.127252 720 1.0531 1420 1.071894
2 3.77E-06 100 1.102454 740 1.0568 1440 1.07194
3 0.000476 110 1.080989 760 1.0591 1460 1.072229
4 0.007667 120 1.062202 780 1.0616 1480 1.072365
5 0.046823 130 1.046013 800 1.0651 1500 1.072516
6 0.153017 140 1.031677 820 1.0668
7 0.306835 150 1.018649 840 1.0686
8 0.453447 160 1.00729 860 1.0718
9 0.576031 180 0.987361 880 1.0739
10 0.67444 200 0.970346 900 1.0755
11 0.756036 220 1.0099 920 1.0776
12 0.828099 240 1.0122 940 1.08
13 0.890711 260 1.0154 960 1.0815
14 0.942091 280 1.0128 980 1.0835
15 0.983099 300 1.0155 1000 1.0836
16 1.017158 320 1.0191 1020 1.0846
17 1.046772 340 1.0212 1040 1.0867
18 1.073177 360 1.0263 1060 1.0875
19 1.09772 380 1.031 1080 1.0898
20 1.120498 400 1.0334 1100 1.0904
22 1.163876 420 0.9886 1120 1.0906
24 1.201201 440 0.9966 1140 1.0913
26 1.229436 460 1.0017 1160 1.0927
28 1.248396 480 1.0043 1180 1.0926
30 1.260454 500 1.0104 1200 1.0934
35 1.28253 520 1.0165 1220 1.067636
40 1.286651 540 1.0204 1240 1.068341
45 1.278523 560 1.0256 1260 1.068958
50 1.261939 580 1.0291 1280 1.06949
55 1.241049 600 1.0328 1300 1.069942
60 1.22594 620 1.0365 1320 1.07048
65 1.205704 640 1.0386 1340 1.07083
70 1.189514 660 1.0423 1360 1.071179
75 1.170808 680 1.0448 1380 1.071479
80 1.156483 700 1.0478 1400 1.07173

Appendix B. Supplementary data Koning, A., Rochman, D., Marck, S.v.d., Kopecky, J., Sublet, J.C., Pomp, S., Sjostrand,
H., Forrest, R., Bauge, E., Henriksson, H., TENDL-2012: TALYS-based evaluated
nuclear data library, [Online]. Available:
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at Koning, A., Rochman, D., 2012. Modern nuclear data evaluation with the TALYS code system. Nucl. Data Sheets 113 (12), 2841–2934.
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