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Oral Examination


TarbiyatulMu`allimin/at al-Islamiyah
Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School

‫المواد الممتحنة‬
Second Semester

1. Good morning, how are you doing?
2. How long have you been in pesantren?
3. Could you tell me how is the procedure to get permission?
4. Should the students go out with her/ his parents? Why?
5. What do you think at it, what is the purpose of during that?
6. How many students stay with you in the room?
7. Where are they from?
8. Do you often get any problem with them! What it is?
9. How do you solve your problems?
10. Tell me when and where were you born?
11. What is your father’s job?
12. What is your mother’s job?
13. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
14. Do they study with your parents?
15. Where do you live?
16. How is the condition of your neighbourhood?
17. What activities do you take part in extracurricular?
18. Why do you take it is it gives you advantags?
19. What major do you take in senior high school?
20. What is the most subject do you learn?
21. What is the most difficult subject for you?
22. Who ask you to study in pesantren?
23. Does your father/ mother agree with that?
24. What sports are you interested in?
25. When do you do it? Does it give you advantages?
26. What do you do in your leisure time?
27. Who comes to visit you in pesantren?
28. Are you keen on playing music?
29. What section do you want to conduct in students’ organization?
30. Why are you interested in it?

1. Unit 6, page 48 IN BUSINESS
2. Unit 7, page 58 NATURE OR NURTURE ?
4. Unit 8, page 72 A BIOGRAPHY (MUHAMMAD ALI)
6. Unit 8, page 75 GETTING AWAY FROM IT ALL
8. Unit 10, page 84 RISING STARS


Fraser Doherty
Fraser Doherty from Edinburgh, Scotland to grandmother's jam
and at the age of 14 he decided to learn all of her recipes. However,
Fraser was soon his own flavours and they were so tasty that he was
making a thousand jars of jam a week to sell in his neighbourhood.
Fraser soon realized that jam-making could be alucrativa
business and he wanted to move to a factory so he spoke to various jam
manufacturers. Unfortunately, although they liked his recipes they told
him he was too young. They a asked him how much capital he had for
the project. His answer was, 'nothing'. Obviously, this didn't make his
idea a very attractive proposition. However, Fraser persisted and he
finally found a factory in the north of England that was willing to take a
risk on his jams. It was a risk that has paid off.
Fraser's jams are now on the shelves of some of Britain's most
important supermarket chains and they have made him into a rich
young man. However, he donates a lot of money to charity, especially to
organizations that work with some of his biggest clients, elderly people.
1. Who is Fraser Doherty?

2. Where does he come from?
Yasmine El-Safy
Even though the teenage magazine market is enorme what do you do if
you think that the mainstream media doesn't deal with the topics that
interest you? As American-Egyptian girl was concerned, there was only
one answer: write, edit and produce your own magazine.
YasmineEl-Safy from California published the first edition of MG
magazine in 2005, when she was almost 14. The magazine is aimed at
girls between the ages of 12 and 18 and offers subscribers a wide range
of articles from stributors from as far away as Britain and Kuwait.
Athough Yasmine loves writing, she says that most of her time is now
taken up with running the business side of the magazine. In a recent
interview she said she was a writer, photographer, graphic designer,
publisher and sales person! She also explained that her mother had had
an important role in the magazine's success, always giving her good
business advice. Yasmine has discovered that running your own business
is extremely hard work, but at least she can now find a magazine that
she thinks is worth reading.

Suhas Gopinath
As a young teenager Suhas Gopinath from Bangalore in India
dreamed of being a vet, but when his father returned home with a
computer and a modem, he started planning for a different future. By
the age of 12 he had already built his own website and a few years later
he launched his own computer consultancy. Suhas' firm helps clients
with web design, online shopping and internet security.
The company is constantly growing and as a result Suhas always
looking to recruit new staff, but if you're over25 don’t apply for a job.
Suhas, who was at one time the Lus youngest CEO (chief executive
officer), told a local wspaper that he wanted to work with young

colleagues. He so added he wasn't too worried about an applicant's
qualifications and claimed that enthusiasm was more important than
exam results.
So far, Suhas' recipe of youth and eagerness seems to orking for him as
his company now has 11 branches around the world and he was voted
Young Global Leader by World Economic Forum in 2008.

Who enjoys doing exams? Very few school students seen to,
but they would all agree that a student who does well in exams and
tests is a student who is intelligent. But where does intelligence come
A. The 19th century scientist Francis Galton was one of the first
to study human intelligence seriously. Galton wanted to discover if it
was hereditary or if it was a product of people's environments. In other
words, were people born intelligent or could intelligence be improved
through education? Following years of research, Galton concluded that
most of our brain power comes from our genes and that our
surroundings don't have much effect on how clever we are.

B. Galton's theory that intelligence was hereditary
dominatedpsychology throughout the 20th century. In fact, studies in
the 1960s of identical twins succeeded in reinforcing Galton's views. The
twins in the study had been separated at birth and adopted by different
families, so they had never lived together. In some cases, they didn't
even know about each other. Researchers interviewed the twins when
they had reached adulthood and discovered that they had all achieved
remarkably similar positive results in their studies. This seemed to be
clear proof that intelligence was passed on from generation to

generation. However, one professor of psychology, Richard E Nisbett,
was not convinced.
C. For years Nisbett had adhered to the belief that most of our
cerebral skills, or lack of them, were inherited. However, hesoon realized
that there was a flaw in the study on the twins. There was no
information about the families who had adopted them. Through his own
research he discovered that the adoptive families all had middle-class
backgrounds. In other words, they were families who were able to
provide children with a good education. Nisbett discovered that all the
sets of twins had been brought up in almost identical environments and
had each received a good education. Couldn't this be the reason for the
similarity in results between them? Nisbett believed that this was the

D. Further studies by a university professor in New Zealand,
JamesFlynn, confirmed the idea that the environment greatly affects
how clever we are. Flynn had studied lots of IQ (Intelligence Quotient)
tests that were carried out around the world during the 20th century.
These tests are used to measure a person's intelligence and someone
managing a score of 100 is said to have an average level. Flynn noticed
that people who had regular access to education and a good diet had
been able to increase their average IQ by thirty points.

E. Nisbett and Flynn have shown that although our ancestors
genes have a lot to do with intellect, it also depends on the
opportunities we get to develop our brains. But of course parents have a
big influence on that too. Parents can help their children to realize their
potential by speaking to them frequently, by reading to them and by
encouraging them to be aware of the world around them. It's no use

being born with innate intelligence if nobody encourages you to make
the best of it.
Unit 8, page 66, (DIVING IN WITH BOTH FEET)
Who hasn't daydreamed of holding up a trophy or receiving a
medal in front of thousands of cheering fans? The idea of becoming a
sports star appeals to millions of people but everyone knows that only a
few have the talent to achieve it. So when someone does manage to do
it, they win the admiration of all sports fans. However, as Olympic diver
Thomas Daley discovered, there are two sides to sporting success.
Thomas Daley started diving at the age of seven and from the
beginning it was clear that he was going to be a diving prodigy. He also
had the quality that turns talented people into winners - determination.
When he was eight he drew a picture of himself diving into a swimming
pool with the words 'Olympic Champion' written underneath and he
then set about working hard to make his dream come true. By the time
he was 10 he had become the youngest ever under-18 diving champion
of Britain and he won every competition that he entered. As a result of
this amazing winning streak, his coach actually sent him to compete
against older boys in Europe so he could experience losing. However,
the plan backfired and Thomas stood on the winners' podium at the end
of all the competitions he competed in. Such an excellent record was
soon noticed by the British Olympic team and in 2008 he was selected to
represent Great Britain at the Beijing Olympics.

Thomas will always remember the year 2008. At the age of 13,
he became one of the youngest Britons ever to reach the final stages of
the Olympic Games. He finished seventh in the 10 metre diving final,
anexceptional performance for someone participating in their first
games. Consequently, Thomas became an overnight media star in

Britain. Fortunately, his down-to-earth parents protected him from all
the media attention, and soon after the Olympic Games they
encouraged him to return to his normal routine of training and going to
school. However, it was at school that he discovered that there was a
price to pay for being in the limelight.
His first day back at college in Plymouth was covered by the
media and TV reports showed his classmates saying how proud they felt
of him. Thomas himself even explained that he was glad to be back in a
normal environment. However, once the TV cameras left the
playground, jealousy, provoked by Thomas's success, appeared in some
pupils and the Olympic star suddenly became a victim of bullying. At first
the bullying started with people calling him names but Thomas thought
that it would soon go away. However, the situation worsened and some
pupils started throwing things at him and emptying out his pencil case in
front of the rest of the class. When the bullying escalated to threats of
physical violence his parents decided that they had to move Thomas to
another school.

Although Thomas realized his success had caused his problems at
school, he never once wished he hadn't been to the Olympics. In fact, he
decided to help combat bullying by becoming a celebrity supporter of
the charity Childline. Childline provides help and advice to children who
are suffering from bullying and Thomas's experience as a victim and his
fame helped bring the problem to the attention of the media.
Furthermore, Thomas demonstrated that his sporting talent hadn't been
affected by what had happened at his old school when he became the
world's number one at the World Diving Championships in Rome in
2009. Thomas's victory and his work for Childline made it clear that the
bullies had definitely lost.

Unit 9-10, page 76,
Reading is a skill that we have been practising for at least 5,000
years, and in today's world of digital information it is one that we need
more than ever. Technological advances in communication mean we are
dealing with more written material than ever before. But what we read
has changed dramatically over the centuries.
One of the earliest known works of literature is The Epic of
Gilgamesh, engraved on stone by the Sumerians from southern Iraq
nearly 5,000 years ago. The work is an epic poem which deals with the
themes of heroism, friendship and the quest for eternal life. Public The
Epic of Gilgamesh poetry recitals were popular events at the time and
it's not surprising that the first written texts such as The Epic of
Gilgamesh were versions of the poems that could be heard in squares
and theatres. In fact, The Iliad and The Odyssey by the Greek poet
Homer are full of repeated phrases that had enabled the poets to
memorize such long poems. However, as the poets quickly discovered,
because the written word recorded everything, such devices became
unnecessary, so they soon started experimenting with written language.

Many of the forms of literature that we recognize today were
developed by the Greeks. Plato's writing made philosophy available to
the reading public and Aristotle wrote Poetics, a work of literary
criticism that is still studied byscreenwriters in Hollywood today. In fact,
the Greeks produced so many styles and formsof literature that the
Romans limited themselves to copying them and spreading the Greeks’
across the Roman Empire,
With the fall of Rome, Europe degenerated into Dark Ages, a
period of cultural stagnation, while the Islami Empire flourished. Under
the caliph Harun al-Rashid, the Bayt al-Hikma (the House of Wisdom)

was set up. The House of Wisdom was a kind of university and library
that helped turn the empire's new capital, Baghdad, into the mos
important cultural centre in the world. Arab scholars built on the
knowledge they had accumulated to start their own investigations and
make their own discoveries. They also collected, preserved and
translated all the Greek textsthey could, and despite the destruction
caused by wars and natural disasters, we still have many of these texts
thanks to theHouse of Wisdom and other Arab centres of learning.

As the Islamic Golden Age faded, culture in Europe underwent a
revival. It was the time of the Renaissance There was a renewed interes!
in the works of the Greeksand the development of new forms of writing
such as the essay. However, literature was still mami in the hands of the
aristocracy an upper-classes, the only social groups that were literate
and had the time to read and write. Poetry became a popular pastime
for the wealthy. But all this was to dramatically change thanks to an
invention of great importance: the printing press.
In 1455 the printing press was presented to the world by Johann
Gutenberg. It had an immediate impact. The cost of publishing books
dropped dramatically and book prices therefore fell. Literature was no
longer only available to a privileged few, and the fact that more people
had access to books also influenced what writers wrote about.
Collections of popular legends and folk tales were published w texts
written in prose started to appear in print. It was de beginning of a
revolution that was to make reading an essential skill for everybody.

Reading through the ages

Page 76

1. What do you Know about reading skill?

~ 10 ~
Reading is a skill that we have been practising for at least 5000’s
2. Who wrote “the epic of gilgamesh’ engraved on stone?
Writen by the sumerians from southen Iraq nerly 5000 years ago
3. Who wrotw a book that is still studied by screenwriter in
Hollywood today?
He is Aristoteles, wrote Poetics a work of literary criticism
4. What Plato’s writing Form?
Plato’s writing made philosophy available to the reading public
5. Who was the choliph leader who set up the “bayt al
Hikma”/house of wisdom, when the islamic empire flourished?
when the islamic empire flourished the caliph Harun Al Rasyid
Was set up the house of wisdom/bayt al hikma
6. Who develoved the printing press to the world?
Printing press was presented to the word by Johan Gutenberg
7. Who copied the works of the greeks?
The Arab scholars who studied at house of wisdom was copied
the works of the greeks

It’s Written All Over Your Face

~ 11 ~
Page 84
1. Can You fell when some someone is lying or telling the truth?
Yes I can
How can you feel it? By looking at their face
2. Who decided to test the “Facial Expressions”?
The psychologist, Paul Ekman from California University
3. How did Ekman test this story?
By travelling the word with fhotos of men and women displaying
different emotions
4. What is the Important Discovery from Ekman?
He found that it is impossible for people to always hide her true
5. What is the inside Paul Ekman’s 500 page dokcument?
The cataloeted of each expressions was associated with a human
emotion/it contains descriptions and illustratios of all the different
human emotions that the face can show.


~ 12 ~
( 1 ) Make a sentence of The past continuous tells:
a. The continuous action in the past.
b. The habitual action in the past.
c. The interrupted action
d. The two actions happening in the past at the same time.

( 2 )Put the verbs between brackets into the past continuous tense then
state theirExpression !
1. The sun (shine), when they went out.
2. I (always, do) the exercise aftershubuh.
3. Mr. Budi (repair) the watch this time yesterday.
4. We (wait) at the bus stop when Mr. Ali drove up in his new car.
5. I (Memorize) the lesson while others were sleeping.
6. He (wash) the clothes this time yesterday.
7. It (rain) when I got up.
8. The boys scout (march) when the rain began to fall.
9. I (read) this book at 8 o’clock last night.
10. She (always, do) the housework in the morning.

( 3 ) Use either the simple past tense or the past continuous tense!
1. They (make) the cake when the night (go out).
2. Mr. Rasyid (take) a bath when the phone (ring).
3. She (knit) a sweater when her father (come) in.
4. We (talk) when a stranger (knock) at the door.
5. They (have) dinner while I (read) a newspaper.
6. When I (open) the door, Isa (type) the letter.
7. The student (do) the Grammar test when the headmaster (come)
into the classroom.
8. I (light) the fire at 8 o’clock and it (burn) brightly when my group
of scout (come) at 8.15 o’clock.
9. Yesterday Harun (come) late. When he (come) into the
classroom, the teacher (call) the roll.
10. He (take) a nap when his uncle (ring) him up.

~ 13 ~
( 1 ) Give the example of The past perfect tense tells:
a. The activity happened before another activity or time in the past.
b. The past time that was not completed (usually) used with before).

( 2 ) Put the verb in the brackets into the past perfect tense, Then change
the sentences into the negative and the interrogative!
1. The teacher (explain) the difficult words before he explained the
whole lesson.
2. I (finished) my work by the time my teacher asked me to show.
3. I (type) the letter before the light went out.
4. It (began) to rain by the time he was ready to go.
5. My mother (cook) when my father came home.
6. I (have) breakfast before I went to school.
7. I (be) in hospital for a week before the operation.
8. He (be) a soldier for 20 years before he died.
9. The postman (deliver) the mile before we came home.
10. It (be) the most difficult time during the last month.

( 3 ). Tell the expression of past perfect tense from the following

1. When I came to the hall, the party had already begun.
2. Before I had finished mybreakfast he called me.
3. My sister had left the house when when I arrived.
4. Before I had completed my speech, my boss interrupted me.


( 1 )Make a sentences of The past perfect continuous tense tells:

~ 14 ~
a. The continuous past action completed before another activity or
time in the past.
b. The duration of the continuous past action.

( 2 )Put the verb in the brackets into past perfect continuous tense, Then
change the sentences into the negative and the interrogative!
1. It (rain) during the match yesterday.
2. Ida (do) her homework when I walked into her room.
3. Diah (sit) on the chair alone until I asked her to go with me.
4. Mr. Anto (work) in that factory for six years before he quitted.
5. The workmen (build) that house for over two month before the
end of 2010.
6. I (wait) for my sister for ten minutes when she came at six
7. I (study) in that school for two years when he began studying
8. He (sleep) for about two hours when I came in.
9. I (work) all day when my father visited me.
10. The baby (cry) all night when I got sick.

( 3 )Find out the expression of the past perfect continuous tense in the
following sentences!
1. I had been working in the government office for 9 years before I
2. Nina had been sleeping for three hours when the thief entered.


( 1 ) Give me a sentence of The simple future tense tells:

a. the simple statement of the future fact.

b. the sudden decision.

~ 15 ~
( 2 ) Change the following sentences of simple future into negative and
interrogative !
1. Tomorrow it will rain in the north-west.
2. My friend will be 12 next Monday.
3. Hey John! Wait a minute. I will have a word with you.
4. She will contact her boss next week.
5. I think you will get this job.
6. They will arrive at about 6 pm.
7. The teacher will explain this exercise.
8. He will drop the bottle of water.
9. Lots of accidents will happen in that weather.
10. She will scream if you show her the spider.

( 3 ) Mention the expression of the following simple future!

1. I will complete my work tomorrow.
2. My brother will be 18 years old at the end of this month.
3. Mr. Noor will stay at home tomorrow morning.
4. We will postpone the meeting until next week.
5. He will visit me next week.
6. The boys will arrive in half an hours time.
7. A: Don’t ring now. She is cooking.
B: All right, I will ring at 9 o’clock.
8. Son : Dad, my bike is broken. Can you fix it for me?
Father: Oke,son. I’ll fix it tomorrow morning.
9. Shinta: Hei, your bus has just passed you.
Dewi : Oh god, I think I’ll take an Ojek.
10. A: I invite you to come to my house tonight.
B: Thanks, I’ll come at seven.

~ 16 ~
( 1 ) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of future continuous
tense !
1. Peggy (………) to the party on come
2. We (………) him tomorrow. to meet
3. This time next week he (……..) to South Africa. to fly
4. At 6 o'clock on Friday they (………) the new song. to sing
5. It (………) when I reach Bangkok. to rain
6. Tomorrow at nine I (……….) a test. to write
7. Andy (………) a video when I arrive tonight. to watch
8. You (……….) pizza soon. to eat
9. She (………) when you telephone her. to sleep
10. They (………) in Budapest just about now. to arrive

( 2 )Give me a sentence of The Future continuous tense tells:

a. The continuous action in the future time.
b. The action that already planned or decided at unspecified.
( 3 ) Find out the expressions of the following future continuous tense!
1. I will be typing the proposal at ten o’clock tonight.
2. He wil be staying at home at seven o’clock tonight.
3. Hadi waiting for his brother at the bus-station
tomorrow evening.
4. We will be doing the exercise later.
5. Mr. Hidayat will be traveling this time tomorrow.
6. Hasan will be sleeping at ten o’clock tonight.
7. Mahmud will be washing his clothes any time.
8. Mr. Mahfudz will be arriving soon.
9. Mr. Muhammad will be giving his class an Arabic test
on Monday.
10. We (study) for the examination next month.

~ 17 ~
1. What is the only expression of future perfect tense?
2. Give me a sentence as an example of what you said?

Change the words in bracket using the form of future perfect tense !
1. Anne ( repair) her bike next week.
2. We ( do) the washing by 8 o'clock.
3. She ( visit ) Paris by the end of next year.
4. I ( finish ) this by 6 o'clock.
5. Sam ( leave )by next week.
6. She ( discuss) this with her mother tonight.
7. The police ( arrest ) the driver.
8. They ( write ) their essay by tomorrow.
9. Paolo ( manage ) the teams.
10. If we can do that - then we ( fulfill )our mission.


1. What is the expression of future perfect continuous tense ?
2. Give the example to show answer!
3. Change the words in brackets using the appropriate form of future
perfect continuous tense !
1. We (live) in Jakarta for 4 years by next April.
2. Mr.Luqman (teach) in our school for 6 years in two months time.
3. The child (sleep) for 6 hours by 4 o’clock.
4. He (stay) with his uncle for 15 years in 2000.
5. He (sit) by the roadside.

1. Give me a sentence shows The passive voice wich used to tell:
a. That we don’t know who did/does the action.
b. That it is not important to know who did/does the action.
c. That we want to emphasize the object of active voice..2

~ 18 ~
2. Change the following sentences into passive voice !
1. Julia rescued three cats.
2. The students handed in the reports.
3. Maria crashed into the blue car.
4. Alex learned the poem.
5. Steven has forgotten the book.
6. The mechanic has not repaired the DVD recorder.
7. They play handball.
8. Sue puts the rucksack on the floor.
9. The girls had lost the match.
10. The teacher is not going to open the window.

Passive sentences in the Simple Past

Retell the given sentences in Passive voice !
1. She bought four apples.
2. We won the match.
3. The man stole the blue car.
4. The police arrested the thieves.
5. Jack swam the 200 metres.
6. The dog bit the old lady.
7. Tom and Max ate five hamburgers.
8. Oliver taught the children.
9. Victoria rode the brown horse.
10. Grandmother told good stories.

Passive - Sentences in the Simple Present

Retell the given sentences in Passive voice !
1. Mr Jones watches the film.
2. The people speak English.

~ 19 ~
3. He reads comics.
4. We play volleyball.
5. They sing the song.
6. I take photos.
7. She does the housework.
8. The policemen help the children.
9. He writes text message
10. Mother waters the flowers.

Passive - various tenses

Put in the correct form of the verb in Passive into the gaps. Use the verb
and the tense given in brackets !
1. The words by the teacher today. (to explain - Simple Present)
2. We a letter the day before yesterday. (to send - Simple Past)
3. This car . It's too old. (not/to steal - will-future)
4. This street because of snow. (already/to close - Present Perfect)
5. A new restaurant next week. (to open - will-future)
6. He to the party yesterday. (to invite - Simple Past)
7. The blue box . (can/not/to see - Simple Present)
8. I the book by my friend last Sunday. (to give - Simple Past)
9. The dishes by my little brother. (not/to wash - Present Perfect)
10. I by Robert. (not/to ask - will-future)

Reported speech - statements with expressions of time

Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Always change the tense,
although it is sometimes not necessary !

1) Emily: "Our teacher will go to Leipzig tomorrow."

~ 20 ~
Emily said that ……………………
2) Helen: "I was writing a letter yesterday."
Helen told me that ……………….
3) Robert: "My father flew to Dallas last year."
Robert told me that ……………….
4) Lisa: "Tim went to the stadium an hour ago."
Lisa said that ………………………
5) Patricia: "My mother will celebrate her birthday next weekend."
Patricia said that ………………….
6) Michael: "I am going to read a book this week."
Michael said to me that …………..
7) Jason and Victoria: "We will do our best in the exams tomorrow."
Jason and Victoria told me that ……………
8) Andrew: "We didn't eat fish two days ago."
Andrew remarked that …………………….
9) Alice: "I spent all my pocket money on Monday."
Alice complained that ……………………
10) David: "John had already gone at six."
David said that…………………….

Reported questions
Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Always change the tense,
although it is sometimes not necessary !

1) Christopher: "Do you want to dance?"

Christopher asked me ………………………….
2) Betty: "When did you come?"
Betty wanted to know …………………………
3) Mark: "Has John arrived?"
Mark asked me ………………………………..
4) Ronald: "Where does Maria park her car?"
Ronald asked me ………………………………..

~ 21 ~
5) Elisabeth: "Did you watch the latest film?"
Elisabeth asked me ……………………….
6) Mandy: "Can I help you?"
Mandy wanted to know …………………..
7) Andrew: "Will Mandy have lunch with Sue?"
Andrew asked me …………………………
8) Justin: "What are you doing?"
Justin asked me …………………………..
9) Frank: "How much pocket money does Lisa get?"
Frank wanted to know …………………….
10) Anne: "Must I do the shopping?"
Anne asked …………………………

Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Always change the tense,
although it is sometimes not necessary !
1) Andrew: "Clean the blue bike!"
Andrew told me ………………..
2) Jessica: "Write a text message!"
Jessica told me ………………….
3) Nelly: "Help Peter's sister!"
Nelly told me ……………………
4) Fred: "Wash your hands!"
Fred told me ……………………
5) Anna: "Open the window!"
Anna told me ……………………
6) Tom: "Come at 8!"
Tom told me …………………….
7) Teacher: "Do your homework!"
The teacher told me …………………
8) Doris: "Dance with me!"
Doris told me…………….
9) Sabine: "Meet Sandy at the station!"

~ 22 ~
Sabine told me ………………………
10) Victoria: "Check your e-mails!"
Victoria told me……………………..

No Indonesia English

1 Sayasedangmenontonteleivispa I was watching television at eight

dapukuldelapantadimalam o’clock last night
2 Linda Linda was doing her homework at
sedangmengerjakanpekerjaanr 5 p.m. yesterday
umahnyapadapukul 5 sore
3 Ketikasayapulangtadimalam, When I came home last night,
ayah sedangmenontontelevisi father was watching television
4 Sayaakanberangkatke London I will leave for London next month
5 Sayaakanmenjemputmusebelu I’ll pick you up before eight
6 Sayaberlangganan The Jakarta I subscribe to The Jakarta Post
7 Denganberlangganan The By subscribing to The Jakarta Post
Jakarta Post I can improve my English
8 Berlaripadawaktupagiadalahola Running in the morning is a cheap
hraga yang murah sport
9 Sayakeberatanmembantu I object to helping that man
orang itu
10 Andaharuspergisekarangkarena You must go now because I want
sayaingintidur to go to bed
11 Jikaandabelajargiat, andaakan If you study hard, you will pass
lulus ujian the examination
12 Andaharusbelajargiat, You have to study hard,

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jikatidakandaakangagal otherwise, you will fail
13 Sayalebihsenagberenagdaripad I like swimming better than hiking
14 Kejujuranadalahkebijak-sanaan Honesty is the best policy
yang terbaik
15 Ibusayasedangmemasakmakan My mother was cooking the food
an di dapurketika ayah in the kitchen when my father
sayapulangdarikantor came from the office
16 Diaakanberada di sininanti sore She will be here this evening
17 Koran ituakandicetakbesokpagi The newspaper will be printed
tomorrow morning
18 Tadimalamsedanghujanketikali It was raining when the electricity
strikpadam turned off last night
19 Diamandisetelahdaritukangcuk He took a shower after he had
ur gone to a barber shop
20 Diasedangmembaca Al-Qur`an She was reciting Al-Qur`an when I
ketikasayadatangkerumahnyat came to her home last night

What do you say in English !
1. Memberikansuara : Vote
2. Bangga : Proud of
3. Dosen : Lecture
4. PembacaBerita : News reader
5. AhliIlmuJiwa : Psychologist
6. Membosankan : Boring
7. Terkenal : Famous
8. Gemuk/ Gendut : Corpulent
9. Choosy : Cerewet
10. Kebingungan : Confusion

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11. Kerendahanhati : Humilitly
12. Pramuka : Scout
13. Arena Kemping : Campsite
14. Bukti : Avidence
15. Terlibat : Involve
16. Tersedia : Available
17. Menganjurkan : Recommended
18. Takdptdiperiksa : Unpreditable
19. Longsor : Landslide
20. Secarabesar-besaran : Massive
21. Mempertimbangkan : Consider
22. Terluka : Injured
23. Mengira : Suppose
24. Barangdagangan : Commodity
25. BaikSekali : Splendid
26. Getaran : Tremble
27. Takbsdipercaya : Unbelievable
28. Menyempurnakan : Accomplish
29. Koper : Suitcase
30. Arragement : Penataan

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