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《工廠及工業經營 ( 氣體焊接及火焰切割 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Gas Welding and Flame Cutting)


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第 59AI 章 Cap. 59AI

《工廠及工業經營 ( 氣體焊接及火焰切割 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Gas Welding

and Flame Cutting) Regulation
( 第 59 章,附屬法例 AI) (Cap. 59 sub. leg. AI)
目錄 Contents

條次 頁次 Section Page
1. ( 已失時效而略去 ) 1 1. (Omitted as spent) 2
2. 釋義 1 2. Interpretation 2
3. 東主確保氣體焊接及火焰切割工作是由有 3 3. Duty of proprietor to ensure that gas welding 4
足夠能力的人進行的責任 and flame cutting work is performed by
competent persons
4. 東主提供訓練課程的責任 3 4. Duty of proprietor to provide training course 4
5. 參加訓練課程的責任 5 5. Duty of person to attend training course 6
6. 出示證書 5 6. Production of certificate 6
7. 罪行及罰則 5 7. Offences and penalties 6

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 氣體焊接及火焰切割 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Gas Welding and Flame Cutting)

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第 59AI 章 第1條 Section 1 Cap. 59AI

《工廠及工業經營 ( 氣體焊接及火焰切割 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Gas Welding

and Flame Cutting) Regulation
( 第 59 章第 7 條 ) (Cap. 59, section 7)
( 略去制定語式條文 ——2021 年第 3 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Enacting provision omitted—E.R. 3 of 2021)

[2001 年 11 月 30 日 ] [30 November 2001]

( 格式變更 ——2021 年第 3 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) (Format changes—E.R. 3 of 2021)

1. ( 已失時效而略去 ——2021 年第 3 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) 1. (Omitted as spent—E.R. 3 of 2021)

2. 釋義 2. Interpretation
在本規例中,除文意另有所指外 —— In this Regulation, unless the context otherwise requires—
吹管 (blowpipe) 指符合以下說明的燃燒裝置︰分別輸入的燃氣 blowpipe (吹管) means the burner device in which separate
及氧化氣體在該裝置內按適當比例混合,以產生所需的 supplies of fuel gas and oxidant gas are mixed in appropriate
火焰供焊接或切割工作之用; proportions to produce the required flame for welding or
氣體焊接及火焰切割 (gas welding and flame cutting) 指在工業 cutting work;
經營內以燃氣及氧化氣體於吹管內混合而產生的火焰進 certificate (證書) means a certificate issued to a person by the
行的焊接或切割工作; organizer of a training course which evidences that, by virtue
訓練課程 (training course) 指符合以下條件的訓練課程 —— of his attendance at the training course designed for that
purpose, he is trained and competent to perform gas welding
(a) 獲處長認可; and flame cutting work;
(b) 為教授在進行氣體焊接及火焰切割工作時須遵守的 gas welding and flame cutting (氣體焊接及火焰切割) means
必要安全措施而舉辦的;及 welding or cutting work carried on in industrial undertakings
(c) 目的是確保受訓人士有足夠訓練並有足夠能力進行 with a flame produced by mixing a fuel gas and an oxidant
氣體焊接及火焰切割工作; gas in a blowpipe;
證書 (certificate) 指由訓練課程的主辦者發給某人的證書,證 training course (訓練課程) means a training course that is—
明該人曾憑藉參加目的在於提供訓練和使人有足夠能力 (a) recognized by the Commissioner;

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 氣體焊接及火焰切割 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Gas Welding and Flame Cutting)

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第 59AI 章 第3條 Section 3 Cap. 59AI

進行氣體焊接及火焰切割工作的訓練課程,而經過訓練 (b) conducted for the purpose of instructing a person the

並有足夠能力進行該類工作。 necessary safety precautions to be observed in gas
(2021 年第 3 號編輯修訂紀錄 ) welding and flame cutting work; and
(c) designed to ensure that a person is adequately trained
and competent to perform gas welding and flame cutting

3. 東主確保氣體焊接及火焰切割工作是由有足夠能力的人進行 3. Duty of proprietor to ensure that gas welding and flame cutting
的責任 work is performed by competent persons
(1) 東主須確保氣體焊接及火焰切割工作只由 —— (1) A proprietor shall ensure that gas welding and flame cutting
(a) 年滿 18 歲及持有有效證書的人進行;或 work is only performed by—
(b) 正在接受氣體焊接及火焰切割工作訓練的人,在一 (a) a person who has attained the age of 18 years and holds
位年滿 18 歲及持有有效證書的人的監督下進行。 a valid certificate; or
(2) 就本條而言,訓練 (training) 指根據訓練課程提供的訓練 (b) a person who is undergoing training in performing gas
或由東主提供的其他種類的訓練。 welding and flame cutting work and the performance of
such work is under the supervision of a person who has
attained the age of 18 years and holds a valid certificate.
(2) For the purpose of this section, training (訓練) means any
training provided under a training course or other kinds of
training provided by the proprietor.

4. 東主提供訓練課程的責任 4. Duty of proprietor to provide training course

(1) 除第 (3) 款另有規定外,東主須確保每名由其指派 ( 不論 (1) Subject to subsection (3), a proprietor shall ensure the
直接或間接指派 ) 進行氣體焊接及火焰切割工作的僱員 provision of a training course to each of his employees who is
均獲提供訓練課程。 instructed (whether directly or indirectly) by him to perform
(2) 如僱員在參加訓練課程後未能取得證書,有關東主須確 gas welding and flame cutting work.
保向該僱員提供另一次訓練課程。 (2) In case the employee fails to obtain a certificate after
(3) 如僱員持有有效證書,則東主無須就該僱員遵守第 (1) 款。 attending the training course, the proprietor shall ensure the
provision of an additional training course for the employee.

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 氣體焊接及火焰切割 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Gas Welding and Flame Cutting)

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第 59AI 章 第5條 Section 5 Cap. 59AI

(3) A proprietor is not obliged to comply with subsection (1)

in relation to an employee if the employee holds a valid

5. 參加訓練課程的責任 5. Duty of person to attend training course

除非第 4(1) 條提述的僱員持有有效證書,否則該僱員必須參 An employee referred to in section 4(1) is required to attend such
加由東主提供的訓練課程。 training course as may be provided by the proprietor unless he
holds a valid certificate.

6. 出示證書 6. Production of certificate

(1) 第 3(1)(a) 條提述的進行氣體焊接及火焰切割工作的人在 (1) A person who performs gas welding and flame cutting work
職業安全主任要求出示有效證書時,須向該主任出示其 referred to in section 3(1)(a) shall, on being so required by an
有效證書以供查閱。 occupational safety officer, produce his valid certificate to the
(2) 任何人在根據第 (1) 款被要求出示有效證書時,如不能出 officer for inspection.
示該證書,則須在有關主任規定的合理時間地點,出示 (2) A person who is unable to produce his valid certificate for
該證書讓該主任查閱。 inspection when required to do so under subsection (1), shall
produce it for inspection by the officer within such reasonable
time and at such reasonable place as required by the officer.

7. 罪行及罰則 7. Offences and penalties

(1) 東主無合理辯解而違反第 3(1) 條,即屬犯罪,可處第 5 (1) A proprietor who without reasonable excuse contravenes
級罰款。 section 3(1) commits an offence and is liable to a fine at level
(2) 東主無合理辯解而違反第 4(1) 條,即屬犯罪,可處第 5 5.
級罰款。 (2) A proprietor who without reasonable excuse contravenes
(3) 第 4(1) 條提述的僱員無合理辯解而違反第 5 條,即屬犯 section 4(1) commits an offence and is liable to a fine at level
罪,可處第 3 級罰款。 5.
(3) An employee referred to in section 4(1) who without
reasonable excuse contravenes section 5 commits an offence
and is liable to a fine at level 3.

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《工廠及工業經營 ( 氣體焊接及火焰切割 ) 規例》 Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Gas Welding and Flame Cutting)

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第 59AI 章 第7條 Section 7 Cap. 59AI

(4) 進行氣體焊接及火焰切割工作的人無合理辯解而違反第 6 (4) Any person who performs gas welding and flame cutting
條,即屬犯罪,可處第 3 級罰款。 work and who without reasonable excuse contravenes section
6 commits an offence and is liable to a fine at level 3.

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