Cầu sông Hàn: (ə'fek∫ənitli)

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For a long time, Da Nang has been affectionately [ə'fek∫ənitli] named "city of light"

by domestic and international tourists with many residential [,rezi'den∫l] areas and
bridges spanning the Han River that shine at night, attracting visitors. So are you
curious why those bridges attract so many tourists? Now follow me to learn about
Cầu sông Hàn
When we come to Danang city, we can’t fail to mention the Han River Bridge. It is
also known as the Han River Swing Bridge, and is an extremely special bridge for the
locals. As well as the first bridge in the new development period ['piəriəd] when the
city was still young connecting the two banks of the Han River. It is both a symbol
['simbəl] for Da Nang city. On September 2, 1998, the bridge started construction and
until March 29, 2003, after nearly 5 years of construction and completion
[kəm'pli:∫n], the Han River turning bridge was officially inaugurated [i'nɔ:gjureitid]
and used on the occasion of the 25th anniversary on Da Nang Liberation Day. This
bridge is the result of the creativity and competition of Vietnamese engineers, and the
bridge is the contribution of effort and money of the locals. Therefore, the Han River
Bridge has great significance in many aspects for the people of Da Nang. And the
unique feature of this bridge is that it can be turned at a 90-degree angle at night to let
boats circulate, but that was before, now at 12 o'clock on Saturday and Sunday nights,
the new bridge is rotated to serve the curious tourist.
Cầu Rồng
After the Han River Bridge, the most mentioned bridge for tourists when visiting Da
Nang is the Dragon Bridge, which was inaugurated [i'nɔ:gjureitid] on March 29, 2013
with a total length of more than 666m. The bridge was built with the image of a
Golden Dragon. It has attracted a lot of attention both at home and abroad, with 2500
LED lights attached to create a beautiful constantly ['kɔnstəntli] changing light effect.
This image of the Golden Dragon also has a symbolic meaning for the increasingly
reaching and high-flying development of Da Nang city to become Da Nang's favorite
tourist destinations. The last special thing about this bridge is on Saturday and Sunday
evenings at 9pm. There will be a fire and water show at Dragon Bridge which attracts
a lot of tourists coming here on weekends. It created a beautiful and attractive new
image for Da Nang city.
Cầu Trần Thị Lý
Started in 2009 and completed in 2013, Tran Thi Ly Bridge has a length of more than
700m connecting the two banks of the Han River. The name of the bridge is named
after revolutionary [,revə'lu:∫nəri] activist ['æktivist] Tran Thi Ly, who had an
indomitable [in'dɔmitəbl] spirit, did not submit to the enemy ['enimi] and
admirable['ædmərəbl] bravery ['breivəri] in the two resistance [ri'zistəns] wars
against the French and the Americans to save the country.
With a European-style design, Tran Thi Ly Bridge is a unique break between the
vibrant ['vaibrənt] and bustling [bʌsting] picture of Da Nang city. The bridge uses a
3-way cable-stayed system with inclined cable-stayed pillars to create a strange bridge
shape combined with a leaning tower up to 145m above sea level and
resembles[ri'zemblz] the image of a sail[seil] stretching from the Han River to the
East Sea to bring the aspiration to rise of the people of Da Nang city. It is this
extremely creative design that has created a unique and unique artistic['æktivist]
architecture for the bridge.
Cầu Nguyễn Văn Trỗi
Nguyen Van Troi Bridge is the first bridge built to connect the two banks of the Han
River. The bridge was built by the US contractor RMK in the 1960s, completed and
put into use in 1965.
The old Nguyen Van Troi bridge was named after Jean de Lattre de Tassigny - a
French general. It was not until 1975 that the new bridge was named after the hero of
the nation's resistance[ri'zistəns] war against the US to save the country - Nguyen Van
Over time and with the appearance of more modern bridges spanning the Han River,
Nguyen Van Troi Bridge in Da Nang no longer serves the city's transportation,
commerce and services. On March 29, 2013, Nguyen Van Troi bridge in Da Nang
officially stopped traffic and changed to a pedestrian [pi'destriən] bridge.
Cầu Thuận Phước
Thuan Phuoc Bridge is located at the end of the Han River, adjacent [ə'dʒeisnt] to Da
Nang Bay. Right at this location is also the place where the Han River empties into Da
Nang Bay. It can be said that this bridge is located in a prime location with the Han
River on one side, the vast sea on the other side and the Son Tra peninsula
[pə'ninsjulə] in front with immense [i'mens] mountain ranges. [reindʒ]
The length of the suspension [sə'spen∫n] bridge with hammocks['hæmək] is 655m
long and the bridge at the two ends of Thuan Phuoc and Son Tra is 600m long. The
bridge is 18m wide with 4 lanes (cars and motorbikes), 2 walkways and 2 paths for
bicycles and rudimentary vehicles.
Sunset at Thuan Phuoc bridge can be described by 2 phrases "lyrical and romantic".
This is also the time when the sea and sky dyes an impressive orange-yellow color, the
sun gradually descends[di'send] the mountain, the scene makes many visitors feel
excited, a little wistful ['wistfl] that is hard to describe. Many tourists, young people,
and couples have chosen to come here at this time to take super unique photos as a
souvenir. [,su:və'niə]
I have finished introducing the famous bridges in Da Nang. So what are you waiting
for, let’s come and visit this beautiful city.

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