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AS. Circular Memorandum No. 3 FROM + Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education TO + School Supervisors If, H, I Principals: Goverment and Goverment Assisted Schools and Registered Private Schools DATE : February 21, 2022 SUBJECT : Normal School Operation for ‘Carnival Period? This Circular Memorandum provides an addendum the Circular Memorandum No.5 of 2021 re: School Year 2021/2022, Official School Holidays: Carnival 2022. The Ministry of Education wishes to remind Principals of all Government, Government Assisted and Private Schools that Camival Monday and Tuesday are not Official Public Holidays of ‘Trinidad and Tobago, but were granted as Officiel School Holidays in the past due to the street parades. The current Public Health Ordinance (Legal Notice No. 14 Public Health (2019 Novel Cormnavirus (2019-nCov)] (No.3) Regulations, 2022) limiting public gatherings and restrictions of certain activities to reduce the spread of the COVID -19 virus to ensure the safety of the population of Trinidad and Tobago, negates the need to render schools closed on Monday 28" February and Tuesday 1% March, 2022. As such, schools are no longer required to be closed on the two days identified and normal timetabled instructions can remain. Principals are reminded that should there be the need to deviate from the approved timetable, approval must be sought and granted by the Chief Education Officer, through the established communication channels. Please be guided accordingly. f Permanent Secetary Ministry of Education co School Supervision and Management Division ce Curriculum Planning and Development Division ce Division of Educational Research and Evaluation cc Student Support Services Division

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